package lsr.paxos; import static lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor; import java.util.BitSet; import lsr.paxos.messages.Alive; import lsr.paxos.messages.Message; import lsr.paxos.messages.MessageType; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Represents failure detector thread. If the current process is the leader, * then this class is responsible for sending <code>ALIVE</code> message every * amount of time. Otherwise is responsible for suspecting the leader. If there * is no message received from leader, then the leader is suspected to crash, * and <code>Paxos</code> is notified about this event. */ final public class ActiveFailureDetector implements Runnable, FailureDetector { /** How long to wait until suspecting the leader. In milliseconds */ private final int suspectTimeout; /** How long the leader waits until sending heartbeats. In milliseconds */ private final int sendTimeout; private final Network network; private final MessageHandler innerListener; private final Storage storage; private final Thread thread; private int view; /** Follower role: reception time of the last heartbeat from the leader */ private volatile long lastHeartbeatRcvdTS; /** Leader role: time when the last message or heartbeat was sent to all */ private volatile long lastHeartbeatSentTS; private final FailureDetectorListener fdListener; /** * Initializes new instance of <code>FailureDetector</code>. * * @param paxos - the paxos which should be notified about suspecting leader * @param network - used to send and receive messages * @param storage - storage containing all data about paxos */ public ActiveFailureDetector(FailureDetectorListener fdListener, Network network, Storage storage) { this.fdListener = fdListener; = network; = storage; suspectTimeout = processDescriptor.fdSuspectTimeout; sendTimeout = processDescriptor.fdSendTimeout; thread = new Thread(this, "FailureDetector"); thread.setDaemon(true); innerListener = new InnerMessageHandler(); storage.addViewChangeListener(viewCahngeListener); } /** * Starts failure detector. */ public void start(int initialView) { synchronized (this) { view = initialView; thread.start(); } // Any message received from the leader serves also as an ALIVE message. Network.addMessageListener(MessageType.ANY, innerListener); // Sent messages used when in leader role: also count as ALIVE message // so don't reset sending timeout. Network.addMessageListener(MessageType.SENT, innerListener); } /** * Stops failure detector. */ public void stop() { Network.removeMessageListener(MessageType.ANY, innerListener); Network.removeMessageListener(MessageType.SENT, innerListener); } /** * Updates state of failure detector, due to leader change. * * Called whenever the leader changes. * * @param newLeader - process id of the new leader */ protected Storage.ViewChangeListener viewCahngeListener = new Storage.ViewChangeListener() { public void viewChanged(int newView, int newLeader) { synchronized (ActiveFailureDetector.this) { logger.debug("FD has been informed about view {}", newView); view = newView; lastHeartbeatRcvdTS = getTime(); ActiveFailureDetector.this.notify(); } } }; public void run() {"Starting failure detector"); try { // Warning for maintainers: Deadlock danger!! // The code below calls several methods in other classes while // holding the this lock. // If the methods called acquire locks and then try to call into // this failure detector, // there is the danger of deadlock. Therefore, always ensure that // the methods called // below do not themselves obtain locks. synchronized (this) { while (true) { long now = getTime(); // Leader role if (processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) { // Send Alive alive = new Alive(view, storage.getLog().getNextId()); network.sendToOthers(alive); lastHeartbeatSentTS = now; long nextSend = lastHeartbeatSentTS + sendTimeout; while (now < nextSend && processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Sending next Alive in {} ms", nextSend - now); } wait(nextSend - now); // recompute the state. lastHBSentTS might have // changed. now = getTime(); nextSend = lastHeartbeatSentTS + sendTimeout; } // Either no longer the leader or the it is time to send // an hearbeat } else { // follower role lastHeartbeatRcvdTS = now; long suspectTime = lastHeartbeatRcvdTS + suspectTimeout; // Loop until either this process becomes the leader or // until is time to suspect the leader while (now < suspectTime && !processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Suspecting leader ({}) in {} ms", processDescriptor.getLeaderOfView(view), suspectTime - now); } wait(suspectTime - now); now = getTime(); suspectTime = lastHeartbeatRcvdTS + suspectTimeout; } if (!processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) { // Raise the suspicion. A suspect task will be // queued for execution // on the Protocol thread. fdListener.suspect(view); // The view change is done asynchronously as seen // from this thread. // To avoid raising multiple suspicions, this thread // suspends until // the view change completes. When that happens, the // method viewChange() // will be called by the Protocol thread, which will // notify() this // monitor, thereby unlocking this thread. int oldView = view; while (oldView == view) { logger.debug("FD is waiting for view change from {}", oldView); wait(); } logger.debug("FD now knows about new view"); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Intersects any message sent or received, used to reset the timeouts for * sending and receiving ALIVE messages. * * These methods are called by the Network thread. * * @author Nuno Santos (LSR) */ final class InnerMessageHandler implements MessageHandler { public void onMessageReceived(Message message, int sender) { // followers only. if (processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) return; // Use the message as heartbeat if the local process is // a follower and the sender is the leader of the current view if (sender == processDescriptor.getLeaderOfView(view)) { lastHeartbeatRcvdTS = getTime(); } } public void onMessageSent(Message message, BitSet destinations) { // leader only. if (!processDescriptor.isLocalProcessLeader(view)) return; // Ignore Alive messages, the clock was already reset when the // message was sent. if (message.getType() == MessageType.Alive) { return; } // If the message is not sent to all, ignore it as it is not useful // as an hearbeat. Use n-1 because a process does not send to self if (destinations.cardinality() < processDescriptor.numReplicas - 1) { return; } // Check if comment above is true assert !destinations.get(processDescriptor.localId) : message; // This process just sent a message to all. Reset the timeout. lastHeartbeatSentTS = getTime(); } } static long getTime() { // return System.currentTimeMillis(); return System.nanoTime() / 1000000; } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActiveFailureDetector.class); }