package lsr.paxos; import static lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import lsr.common.ClientRequest; import lsr.common.MovingAverage; import lsr.common.RequestType; import lsr.common.SingleThreadDispatcher; import lsr.paxos.core.Paxos; import lsr.paxos.core.ProposerImpl; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchID; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientRequestBatcher; import lsr.paxos.replica.DecideCallback; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Deprecated public class PassiveBatcher implements Runnable, Batcher { private final static int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10 * 1024; private final BlockingQueue<RequestType> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<RequestType>( MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); private ClientBatchID SENTINEL = ClientBatchID.NOP; private static final RequestType WAKE_UP = new RequestType() { @Override public void writeTo(ByteBuffer bb) { } @Override public int byteSize() { return 0; } }; private final ProposerImpl proposer; private Thread batcherThread; /** see {@link ClientRequestBatcher#PRELONGED_BATCHING_TIME} */ public static final int PRELONGED_BATCHING_TIME = ClientRequestBatcher.PRELONGED_BATCHING_TIME; private DecideCallback decideCallback = null; /* * Whether the service is suspended (replica not leader) or active (replica * is leader) */ private volatile boolean suspended = true; private final SingleThreadDispatcher paxosDispatcher; public PassiveBatcher(Paxos paxos) { this.proposer = (ProposerImpl) paxos.getProposer(); this.paxosDispatcher = paxos.getDispatcher(); } public void start() { batcherThread = new Thread(this, "Batcher"); batcherThread.setDaemon(true); batcherThread.start(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see lsr.paxos.Batcher#enqueueClientRequest(lsr.common.RequestType) */ @Override public void enqueueClientRequest(RequestType request) { /* * This block is not atomic, so it may happen that suspended is false * when the test below is done, but becomes true before this thread has * time to put the request in the queue. So some requests might stay in * the queue between view changes and be re-proposed later. The request * will be ignored, so it does not violate safety. And it should be * rare. Avoiding this possibility would require a lock between * suspended and put, which would slow down considerably the good case. */ assert !SENTINEL.equals(request) : request + " " + SENTINEL; if (suspended) { logger.warn("Cannot enqueue proposal. Batcher is suspended."); } // This queue should never fill up, the RequestManager.pendingRequests // queues will enforce flow control. Use add() instead of put() to throw // an exception if the queue fills up. try { queue.put(request); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private final static int MAX_QUEUED_PROPOSALS = 30; /** * If more than this amount of batches are ready, wait longer for requests * for new batches */ private static final int MANY_QUEUED_PROPOSALS = 5; private volatile boolean batchRequested = false; private volatile boolean batchUnderConstruction = false; private ArrayBlockingQueue<byte[]> batches = new ArrayBlockingQueue<byte[]>( MAX_QUEUED_PROPOSALS); /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see lsr.paxos.Batcher#requestBatch() */ @Override public byte[] requestBatch() { byte[] batch = batches.poll(); if (batch == null) { batchRequested = true; if (batchUnderConstruction) queue.offer(WAKE_UP); } return batch; } @Override public void run() {"PassiveBatcher starting"); /* * Temporary buffer for the requests that will be put in the next batch * until the batch is ready to be sent. By delaying serialization of all * proposals until the size of the batch is known, it's possible to * create a byte[] for the batch with the exact size, therefore avoiding * the creation of a temporary buffer. */ ArrayList<RequestType> batchReqs = new ArrayList<RequestType>(16); /* * If we have 5 bytes left for requests, and requests average size is * 1024 bytes, there is no point in waiting for a next one. * * assuming 0 bytes results in the worst case in waiting for a next * request or deadline */ MovingAverage averageRequestSize = new MovingAverage(0.2, 0); try { // If a request taken from the queue cannot fit on a batch, save it // in this variable for the next batch. BlockingQueue does not have // a blocking peek and we cannot add the request back to the queue. RequestType overflowRequest = null; // Try to build a batch while (true) { batchReqs.clear(); // The header takes 4 bytes int batchSize = 4; RequestType request; if (overflowRequest == null) { // (possibly) wait for a new request request = queue.take(); if (WAKE_UP.equals(request)) { continue; } else if (SENTINEL.equals(request)) { // No longer being the leader. Abort this batch logger.debug("Discarding end of epoch marker."); continue; } } else { request = overflowRequest; overflowRequest = null; } averageRequestSize.add(request.byteSize()); batchSize += request.byteSize(); batchReqs.add(request); boolean batchTimedOut = processDescriptor.maxBatchDelay == 0; // Deadline for sending this batch long batchDeadline = batchTimedOut ? 0 : (System.currentTimeMillis() + processDescriptor.maxBatchDelay); // long batchDeadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + // processDescriptor.maxBatchDelay; logger.debug("Starting batch."); batchUnderConstruction = true; // Fill the batch while (true) { if (batchSize >= processDescriptor.batchingLevel) { // already full, let's break. logger.debug("Batch full"); break; } if (batchSize + (averageRequestSize.get() / 2) >= processDescriptor.batchingLevel) { // small chance to fit the next request. if (queue.isEmpty()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Predicting that next request won't fit. Left with {} bytes, estimated request size: {}", (batchSize - processDescriptor.batchingLevel), averageRequestSize.get()); } break; } } if (batchTimedOut) { if (!batchRequested) request = queue.take(); else request = queue.poll(); } else { long maxWait = batchDeadline - System.currentTimeMillis(); // wait for additional requests until either the batch // timeout expires or the batcher is suspended at least // once. request = queue.poll(maxWait, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (request == null) { if (decideCallback != null && decideCallback.hasDecidedNotExecutedOverflow() || batches.size() > MANY_QUEUED_PROPOSALS) { batchDeadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + Math.max(processDescriptor.maxBatchDelay, PRELONGED_BATCHING_TIME);; logger.debug("Prelonging batching in ActiveBatcher"); continue; } else { if (!batchTimedOut) { logger.debug("Batch timeout"); } if (batchRequested) break; batchTimedOut = true; } } else if (WAKE_UP.equals(request)) { continue; } else if (SENTINEL.equals(request)) { logger.debug("Discarding end of epoch marker and partial batch."); break; } else { if (batchSize + request.byteSize() > processDescriptor.batchingLevel) { // Can't include it in the current batch, as it // would exceed size limit. // Save it for the next batch. overflowRequest = request; break; } else { averageRequestSize.add(request.byteSize()); batchSize += request.byteSize(); batchReqs.add(request); } } } // Lost leadership, drop the batch. if (SENTINEL.equals(request)) { continue; } batchUnderConstruction = false; // Serialize the batch ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(batchSize); bb.putInt(batchReqs.size()); for (RequestType req : batchReqs) { req.writeTo(bb); } byte[] value = bb.array(); logger.debug("Batch ready. Number of requests: {}, queued reqs: ", batchReqs.size(), queue.size()); batches.put(value); if (batchRequested) { batchRequested = false; proposer.notifyAboutNewBatch(); } logger.debug("Batch dispatched."); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see lsr.paxos.Batcher#suspendBatcher() */ @Override public void suspendBatcher() { assert paxosDispatcher.amIInDispatcher(); if (suspended) { // Can happen when the leader advances view before finishing // preparing. return; }"Suspend batcher. Discarding {} queued requests.", queue.size()); // volatile, but does not ensure that no request are put in the queue // after this line is executed; to discard the requests sentinel is used suspended = true; queue.clear(); try { queue.put(SENTINEL); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("should-never-happen", e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see lsr.paxos.Batcher#resumeBatcher() */ @Override public void resumeBatcher(int nextInstanceId) { assert paxosDispatcher.amIInDispatcher();"Resuming batcher."); suspended = false; } public void setDecideCallback(DecideCallback decideCallback) { this.decideCallback = decideCallback; } @Override public void instanceExecuted(int instanceId, ClientRequest[] requests) { } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PassiveBatcher.class); }