package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import lsr.common.ClientRequest; import lsr.common.CrashModel; import lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor; import lsr.paxos.messages.ForwardClientBatch; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchID; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchManager; /** * Singleton class. Why? As it would be utterly wrong to have two such objects. */ public class ClientBatchStore { public static ClientBatchStore instance = __init(); private static ClientBatchStore __init() { if (CrashModel.FullSS.equals(ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor.crashModel)) return new SynchronousClientBatchStore(); else return new ClientBatchStore(); } protected ClientBatchStore() { assert ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor.indirectConsensus; // nop is rare, better put it on the map than check at each search batches.put(ClientBatchID.NOP, new ClientRequest[0]); } protected final HashMap<ClientBatchID, ClientRequest[]> batches = new HashMap<ClientBatchID, ClientRequest[]>(); protected final HashSet<ClientBatchID> batchesWaitedFor = new HashSet<ClientBatchID>(); // TODO: garbage collect not instanced batches on followers protected final HashSet<ClientBatchID> instancelessBatches = new HashSet<ClientBatchID>(); protected ClientBatchManager clientBatchManager = null; public synchronized ClientRequest[] getBatch(ClientBatchID batchId) { return batches.get(batchId); } /** * Maps batch ID -> instance and returns if the value is already available */ public synchronized void associateWithInstance(ClientBatchID batchId) { if (batches.containsKey(batchId)) { instancelessBatches.remove(batchId); return; } batchesWaitedFor.add(batchId); } public synchronized void setBatch(final ClientBatchID batchId, ClientRequest[] value) { batches.put(batchId, value); if (!batchesWaitedFor.remove(batchId)) instancelessBatches.add(batchId); } public synchronized void setBatch(ForwardClientBatch fReq) { setBatch(fReq.rid, fReq.requests); } public synchronized boolean isAnyInstanceWaiting(ClientBatchID batchId) { return batchesWaitedFor.contains(batchId); } public ClientBatchManager getClientBatchManager() { return clientBatchManager; } /** * Delivers batch manager for easy access to it */ public void setClientBatchManager(ClientBatchManager clientBatchManager) { assert clientBatchManager != null; assert this.clientBatchManager == null; this.clientBatchManager = clientBatchManager; } /** * Get batch ID's of available batches that are not yet associated with any * instance * * Returns cloned object. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized HashSet<ClientBatchID> getInstancelessBatches() { return (HashSet<ClientBatchID>) instancelessBatches.clone(); } public synchronized boolean hasAllBatches(Collection<ClientBatchID> cbids) { for (ClientBatchID cbid : cbids) { if (!batches.containsKey(cbid)) return false; } return true; } public synchronized void removeBatches(Collection<ClientBatchID> cbids) { for (ClientBatchID cbid : cbids) batches.remove(cbid); // after updating to a snapshot it may happen batchesWaitedFor.removeAll(cbids); instancelessBatches.removeAll(cbids); if (clientBatchManager != null) { clientBatchManager.removeBatches(cbids); } } }