package; import static lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Deque; import lsr.paxos.UnBatcher; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchID; import lsr.paxos.replica.ClientBatchManager.FwdBatchRetransmitter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Contains data related with one consensus instance. */ public class ConsensusInstance implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final int id; protected int view; protected byte[] value; protected LogEntryState state; protected transient BitSet accepts = new BitSet(); // For indirect consensus: protected transient boolean decidable = false; protected transient FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr = null; /** * Represents possible states of consensus instance. */ public enum LogEntryState { /** * Represents the empty consensus state. There is no information about * current view nor value. */ UNKNOWN, /** * The consensus in this state received the <code>PROPOSE</code> message * from the leader but hasn't received the majority of the * <code>ACCEPT</code> messages. In this state there is some view and * value specified, but they can be changed later. */ KNOWN, /** * Represents state when {@link lsr.paxos.Learner} received majority of * <code>ACCEPT</code> message. In this state the view and value of * consensus instance cannot be changed. */ DECIDED } /** * Initializes new instance of consensus with all value specified. * * @param id - the id of instance to create * @param state - the state of consensus * @param view - the view of last message in this consensus * @param value - the value accepted or decided in this instance */ public ConsensusInstance(int id, LogEntryState state, int view, byte[] value) { = id; this.state = state; this.view = view; this.value = value; onValueChange(); assertInvariant(); } /** * Initializes new empty instance of consensus. The initial state is set to * <code>UNKNOWN</code>, view to <code>-1</code> and value to * <code>null</code>. * * @param id the id of instance to create */ public ConsensusInstance(int id) { this(id, LogEntryState.UNKNOWN, -1, null); } /** * Initializes new instance of consensus from input stream. The input stream * should contain serialized instance created by <code>toByteArray()</code> * or <code>write(ByteBuffer)</code> method. * * @param input - the input stream containing serialized consensus instance * @throws IOException the stream has been closed and the contained input * stream does not support reading after close, or another I/O * error occurs * @see #toByteArray() * @see #write(ByteBuffer) */ public ConsensusInstance(DataInputStream input) throws IOException { = input.readInt(); this.view = input.readInt(); this.state = LogEntryState.values()[input.readInt()]; int size = input.readInt(); if (size == -1) { value = null; } else { value = new byte[size]; input.readFully(value); } onValueChange(); assertInvariant(); } private void assertInvariant() { // If value is non null, the state must be either Decided or Known. // If value is null, it must be unknown assert value == null ^ state != LogEntryState.UNKNOWN : "Invalid state. Value=" + value + ": " + toString(); } /** * Gets the number of the consensus instance. Different instances should * have different id's. * * @return id of instance */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Changes the view to the newest one. It cannot be changed to value less * than current view, and shouldn't be changed if the consensus is already * in <code>Decided</code> state. * * Clears the accepts if the new view is higher than the current one. * * @param view - the new view value */ public void setView(int view) { assert this.view <= view : "Cannot set smaller view."; assert state != LogEntryState.DECIDED || view == this.view; if (this.view < view) { accepts.clear(); this.view = view; } } /** * Gets the current view of this instance. The view of instance is * represented by the view of last message. If the current state of * consensus is decided, then view should not be changed. * * @return the view number of this instance */ public int getView() { return view; } /** * Sets new value holding by this instance. Each value has view in which it * is valid, so it has to be set here also. * * @param view - the view number in which value is valid * @param value - the value which was accepted by this instance */ protected void setValue(int view, byte[] value) { assert value != null : "value cannot be null. View: " + view; assert state != LogEntryState.DECIDED || Arrays.equals(this.value, value) : view + " " + value + " " + this; assert state != LogEntryState.KNOWN || view != this.view || Arrays.equals(this.value, value) : view + " " + value + " " + this; if (state == LogEntryState.UNKNOWN) { state = LogEntryState.KNOWN; } setView(view); this.value = value; onValueChange(); } /** * Returns the value holding by this consensus. It represents last value * which was accepted by <code>Acceptor</code>. * * @return the current value of this instance */ public byte[] getValue() { return value; } /** * Gets the current state of this instance. When the state is set to * <code>DECIDED</code> no values should be changed. * * @return current state of consensus instance */ public LogEntryState getState() { return state; } /** * Gets the set of replicas from which we get the <code>ACCEPT</code> * message from the current <code>view</code>. * * @return id's of replicas */ public BitSet getAccepts() { return accepts; } /** Returns if the instances is accepted by the majority */ public boolean isMajority() { return accepts.cardinality() >= processDescriptor.majority; } /** * Changes the current state of this instance to <code>DECIDED</code>. This * instance cannot be changed so <code>accepts</code> value will be set to * <code>null</code>. * * @see #getAccepts() */ public void setDecided() { assert value != null; state = LogEntryState.DECIDED; accepts = null; assertInvariant(); } /** * Serializes and writes this consensus instance to specified byte buffer. * Specified byte buffer requires at least <code>byteSize()</code> remaining * size. * * @param byteBuffer - the buffer where serialized consensus instance will * be written * @see #byteSize() */ public void write(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { byteBuffer.putInt(id); byteBuffer.putInt(view); byteBuffer.putInt(state.ordinal()); if (value == null) { byteBuffer.putInt(-1); } else { byteBuffer.putInt(value.length); byteBuffer.put(value); } } /** * Returns size of serialized instance in bytes. This value is equal to * length of array returned by <code>toByteArray()</code> method and number * of bytes written to <code>ByteBuffer</code> using * <code>write(ByteBuffer)</code> method. * * @return size of serialized instance */ public int byteSize() { int size = (value == null ? 0 : value.length) + 4 /* length of array */; size += 3 * 4 /* ID, view and state */; return size; } public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + id; result = prime * result + ((state == null) ? 0 : state.hashCode()); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(value); result = prime * result + view; return result; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ConsensusInstance other = (ConsensusInstance) obj; if (id != { return false; } if (state == null) { if (other.state != null) { return false; } } else if (!state.equals(other.state)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(value, other.value)) { return false; } if (view != other.view) { return false; } return true; } public String toString() { return "(" + id + ", " + state + ", view=" + view + ", value=" + value + ")"; } /** Called when received a higher view Accept */ public void reset() { accepts.clear(); state = LogEntryState.UNKNOWN; value = null; assertInvariant(); } /** * Ignores any update with a view lower than the local one. * * @param newView * @param newValue */ public void updateStateFromKnown(int newView, byte[] newValue) { // Ignore any state update from an older view. if (newView < view) { return; } switch (state) { case DECIDED: /* * This can happen when the new leader re-proposes an instance * that was decided by some processes on a previous view. * * The value must be the same as the local value. */ assert Arrays.equals(newValue, value) : "Values don't match. New view: " + newView + ", local: " + this + ", newValue: " + Arrays.toString(newValue) + ", old: " + Arrays.toString(value); break; case KNOWN: // The message is for a higher view or same view and same value. // State remains in known assert newView != view || Arrays.equals(newValue, value) : "Values don't match. newView: " + newView + ", local: " + this; setValue(newView, newValue); break; case UNKNOWN: setValue(newView, newValue); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown instance state"); } } /** * Update the local state from an already decided instance. This differs * from {@link #updateStateFromKnown(int, byte[])} in that it will accept * messages from lower views. * * Used during catchup or view change, when the replica may receive messages * from lower views that are decided. * * State is set to known, as the instance is decided from other class * * This method does not check if args are valid, as this is unnecessary in * this case. * * @param newView * @param newValue */ public void updateStateFromDecision(int newView, byte[] newValue) { assert newValue != null; if (state == LogEntryState.DECIDED) { logger.error("Updating a decided instance from a catchup message: {}", this); // The value must be the same as the local value. No change. assert Arrays.equals(newValue, value) : "Values don't match. New view: " + newView + ", local: " + this; return; } else { this.view = newView; this.value = newValue; this.state = LogEntryState.KNOWN; onValueChange(); } } protected final void onValueChange() { if (value == null) return; if (processDescriptor.indirectConsensus) { for (ClientBatchID cbid : getClientBatchIds()) { ClientBatchStore.instance.associateWithInstance(cbid); } } } /** * If the instance is ready to be decided, but misses batch values it is * decidable. Catch-Up will not bother for such instances. */ public void setDecidable(boolean decidable) { this.decidable = decidable; } /** * Returns if the instance is decided or ready to be decided. * * FOR CATCH-UP PURPOSES ONLY */ public boolean isDecidable() { return LogEntryState.DECIDED.equals(state) || decidable; } protected transient Deque<ClientBatchID> cbids = null; /** * Returns the batch IDs contained in the request, unpacking the request if * necessary * * DO NOT MODIFY THE RESULT */ public Deque<ClientBatchID> getClientBatchIds() { assert processDescriptor.indirectConsensus; if (cbids == null) cbids = UnBatcher.unpackCBID(value); return cbids; } /** * If it has been necessary to unpack the value earlier, this allows not to * waste the effort of unpacking */ public void setClientBatchIds(Deque<ClientBatchID> cbids) { this.cbids = cbids; } /** If there is a task fetching missing batch values, the task is stopped */ public void stopFwdBatchForwarder() { if (fbr != null) ClientBatchStore.instance.getClientBatchManager().removeTask(fbr); } /** Sets a task for fetching the batch values */ public void setFwdBatchForwarder(FwdBatchRetransmitter fbr) { this.fbr = fbr; } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsensusInstance.class); }