package lsr.paxos.replica; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import lsr.common.ClientCommand; import lsr.common.ClientCommand.CommandType; import lsr.common.ClientReply; import lsr.common.ClientReply.Result; import lsr.common.ClientRequest; import lsr.common.MovingAverage; import lsr.common.RequestId; import lsr.common.SingleThreadDispatcher; import lsr.paxos.client.Client; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class InternalClient { private static final int FIRST_AVERAGE = 500; private MovingAverage averageRequestTime = new MovingAverage(0.3, FIRST_AVERAGE); private final SingleThreadDispatcher internalClientDispatcher; private final ClientRequestManager clientRequestManager; private final Deque<RequestId> freeIds = new ArrayDeque<RequestId>(); public InternalClient(SingleThreadDispatcher replicaDispatcher, ClientRequestManager clientRequestManager) { internalClientDispatcher = new SingleThreadDispatcher("InternalClientDispatcher"); this.clientRequestManager = clientRequestManager; } /** * @throws InterruptedException in case the replica has been interrupted * while waiting to put the request on propose queue */ public void executeNonFifo(final byte[] request) { internalClientDispatcher.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { executeNonFifoInternal(request); } }); } public void executeNonFifoInternal(byte[] request) { internalClientDispatcher.checkInDispatcher(); RequestId reqId = freeIds.poll(); if (reqId == null) reqId = new RequestId(, 0); ClientRequest cr = new ClientRequest(reqId, request); ClientCommand cc = new ClientCommand(CommandType.REQUEST, cr); InternalClientProxy icp = new InternalClientProxy(reqId); RequestRepeater rr = new RequestRepeater(cc, icp); long timeout = (long) (3 * averageRequestTime.get()); timeout = Math.min(timeout, Client.MAX_TIMEOUT); timeout = Math.max(timeout, Client.MIN_TIMEOUT); icp.setRepeater(rr, internalClientDispatcher.schedule(rr, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); logger.debug("InternalClient proposes: {}", reqId); clientRequestManager.dispatchOnClientRequest(cc, icp); } protected class InternalClientProxy implements ClientProxy { private final long cliId; private final int seqNo; private RequestRepeater repeater; private ScheduledFuture<?> sf; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private boolean finished = false; public InternalClientProxy(RequestId reqId) { cliId = reqId.getClientId(); seqNo = reqId.getSeqNumber(); } /** Called upon generating the answer for previous request */ public void send(ClientReply clientReply) { assert Result.OK.equals(clientReply.getResult()); internalClientDispatcher.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestDelivered(); } }); } public void requestDelivered() { internalClientDispatcher.checkInDispatcher(); if (finished) /* * If the request is ordered multiple times, it is scheduled to * send the request twice to the client (?). Here it matters, as * free ID can be returned only once to the pool. */ return; finished = true; logger.debug("InternalClient completed {}:{}", cliId, seqNo); averageRequestTime.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); freeIds.add(new RequestId(cliId, seqNo + 1)); internalClientDispatcher.remove(repeater); sf.cancel(false); } public void setRepeater(RequestRepeater repeater, ScheduledFuture<?> sf) { this.repeater = repeater; this.sf = sf; } } protected class RequestRepeater implements Runnable { private final ClientCommand cc; private final InternalClientProxy icp; public RequestRepeater(ClientCommand cc, InternalClientProxy icp) { = cc; this.icp = icp; } public void run() { internalClientDispatcher.checkInDispatcher(); if (!shouldRepeat()) return; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("InternalClient re-proposes: {}", cc.getRequest().getRequestId()); long timeout = (long) (3 * averageRequestTime.get()); timeout = Math.min(timeout, Client.MAX_TIMEOUT); timeout = Math.max(timeout, Client.MIN_TIMEOUT); icp.sf = internalClientDispatcher.schedule(this, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); clientRequestManager.dispatchOnClientRequest(cc, icp); } private boolean shouldRepeat() { // FIXME: (JK) check if the request deciding is in progress /* * The problem is that tracing each request is not easy, */ return true; } } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InternalClient.class); }