package; import java.util.Arrays; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SynchronousConsensusInstace extends ConsensusInstance { private final DiscWriter writer; public SynchronousConsensusInstace(Integer nextId, LogEntryState known, int view, byte[] value, DiscWriter writer) { super(nextId, known, view, value); this.writer = writer; } public SynchronousConsensusInstace(Integer id, DiscWriter writer) { super(id); this.writer = writer; } public SynchronousConsensusInstace(ConsensusInstance instance, DiscWriter writer) { super(instance.getId(), instance.getState(), instance.getView(), instance.getValue()); this.writer = writer; } protected void setValue(int view, byte[] value) { assert this.view <= view : "Cannot set smaller view."; assert value != null : "value cannot be null. View: " + view; assert state != LogEntryState.DECIDED || Arrays.equals(this.value, value) : view + " " + value + " " + this; assert state != LogEntryState.KNOWN || view != this.view || Arrays.equals(this.value, value) : view + " " + value + " " + this; writeViewAndOrValue(view, value); if (state != LogEntryState.DECIDED) { state = LogEntryState.KNOWN; } onValueChange(); } private void writeViewAndOrValue(int view, byte[] value) { if (view == this.view) { if (this.value == null) { writer.changeInstanceValue(id, view, value); this.value = value; } } else { // view > this.view if (Arrays.equals(this.value, value)) { setView(view); } else { writer.changeInstanceValue(id, view, value); this.value = value; this.view = view; } } } public void setView(int view) { assert this.view <= view : "Cannot set smaller view."; assert state != LogEntryState.DECIDED || view == this.view; if (this.view < view) { writer.changeInstanceView(id, view); accepts.clear(); this.view = view; } } public void setDecided() { super.setDecided(); writer.decideInstance(id); } @Override public void updateStateFromDecision(int newView, byte[] newValue) { assert newValue != null; if (state == LogEntryState.DECIDED) { logger.error("Updating a decided instance from a catchup message: {}", this); // The value must be the same as the local value. No change. assert Arrays.equals(newValue, value) : "Values don't match. New view: " + newView + ", local: " + this; return; } writeViewAndOrValue(newView, newValue); onValueChange(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj); } public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SynchronousConsensusInstace.class); }