package lsr.paxos.messages; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; /** * Represents the <code>Propose</code> message sent by leader to vote on next * consensus instance. As every message it contains the view number of sender * process and additionally the id of new consensus instance and its value as * byte array. */ public class Propose extends Message { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final byte[] value; private final int instanceId; /** * Creates new <code>Propose</code> message to propose specified instance ID * and value. * * @param view - sender view number * @param instanceId - the ID of instance to propose * @param value - the value of the instance */ public Propose(int view, int instanceId, byte[] value) { super(view); assert value != null; this.instanceId = instanceId; this.value = value; assert this.value != null; } /** * Creates new <code>Propose</code> message from consensus instance. The ID * and the value is taken from this object. * * @param instance - the consensus instance to propose */ public Propose(ConsensusInstance instance) { super(instance.getView()); instanceId = instance.getId(); value = instance.getValue(); assert value != null; } /** * Creates new <code>Propose</code> message from serialized input stream. * * @param input - the input stream with serialized message * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs while deserializing */ public Propose(DataInputStream input) throws IOException { super(input); instanceId = input.readInt(); value = new byte[input.readInt()]; input.readFully(value); } /** * Returns the ID of proposed instance. * * @return the ID of proposed instance */ public int getInstanceId() { return instanceId; } /** * Returns value of proposed instance. * * @return value of proposed instance */ public byte[] getValue() { return value; } public MessageType getType() { return MessageType.Propose; } public int byteSize() { return super.byteSize() + 4 + 4 + value.length; } public String toString() { return "Propose(" + super.toString() + ", i:" + getInstanceId() + ")"; } protected void write(ByteBuffer bb) { bb.putInt(instanceId); bb.putInt(value.length); bb.put(value); } }