package lsr.paxos.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import lsr.common.ClientCommand; import lsr.common.ClientCommand.CommandType; import lsr.common.ClientReply; import lsr.common.ClientRequest; import lsr.common.Configuration; import lsr.common.MovingAverage; import lsr.common.PID; import lsr.common.Reply; import lsr.common.RequestId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Class represents TCP connection to replica. It should be used by clients, to * communicates with service on replicas. Only one request can be sent by client * at the same time. After receiving reply, next request can be sent. * * <p> * Example of usage: * <p> * <blockquote> * * <pre> * public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { * Client client = new Client(); * client.connect(); * byte[] request = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2 }; * byte[] reply = client.execute(request); * } * </pre> * * </blockquote> * * If use case is that replica & client are located on the same machine and fail * as one, one can use a constructor taking as parameter the replica ID that the * client is bound to. */ public class Client { // TODO: JK: export tunable client parameters to a configuration file / as // constructor parameter /* * Minimum time to wait before reconnecting after a connection failure * (connection reset or refused). */ private static final int CONNECTION_FAILURE_TIMEOUT = 500; /* Timeout == TO_MULTIPLIER*average */ private static final int TO_MULTIPLIER = 3; /* * Initial time to wait for an answer from the replica before connecting to * another replica. */ private static final int INITIAL_TIMEOUT = 3000 / TO_MULTIPLIER; /* Maximum time to wait for an answer from the replica before reconnect */ public static final int MAX_TIMEOUT = 30000; /* Minimum time to wait for an answer from the replica before reconnect */ public static final int MIN_TIMEOUT = 500; private final MovingAverage average = new MovingAverage(0.2, INITIAL_TIMEOUT); private int timeout; // Constants exchanged with replica to manage client ID's public static final char HAVE_CLIENT_ID = 'F'; public static final char REQUEST_NEW_ID = 'T'; // List of replicas, and information who's the leader private final List<PID> replicas; private static final Random random = new Random(); private final List<Integer> reconnectIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Two variables for numbering requests private long clientId = -1; private int sequenceId = 0; private Socket socket; private DataOutputStream output; private DataInputStream input; private final Integer contactReplicaId; /** * Creates new connection used by client to connect to replicas. * * @param replicas - information about replicas to connect to * @deprecated Use {@link #Client(Configuration)} */ public Client(List<PID> replicas) { this.replicas = replicas; contactReplicaId = null; } /** * Creates new connection used by client to connect to replicas. * * @param config - the configuration with information about replicas to * connect to * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs while reading configuration */ public Client(Configuration config) throws IOException { this.replicas = config.getProcesses(); contactReplicaId = null; } /** * Creates new connection used by client to connect to replicas. * * Unless a redirect is received, uses ONLY the replica whose ID is declared * as contactReplicaId. * * @param config - the configuration with information about replicas to * connect to * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs while reading configuration */ public Client(Configuration config, int contactReplicaId) { this.contactReplicaId = contactReplicaId; this.replicas = config.getProcesses(); } /** * Creates new connection used by client to connect to replicas. * * Loads the configuration from the default configuration file, as defined * in the class {@link Configuration} * * * Unless a redirect is received, uses ONLY the replica whose ID is declared * as contactReplicaId. * * @param config - the configuration with information about replicas to * connect to * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs while reading configuration */ public Client(int contactReplicaId) throws IOException { this.replicas = new Configuration().getProcesses(); this.contactReplicaId = contactReplicaId; } /** * Creates new connection used by client to connect to replicas. * * Loads the configuration from the default configuration file, as defined * in the class {@link Configuration} * * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs while reading configuration */ public Client() throws IOException { this(new Configuration()); } private RequestId nextRequestId() { return new RequestId(clientId, ++sequenceId); } /** * Sends request to replica, to execute service with specified object as * argument. This object should be known to replica, which generate reply. * This method will block until response from replica is received. * * @param bytes - argument for service * @return reply from service * @throws ReplicationException if error occurs while sending request */ public synchronized byte[] execute(byte[] bytes) throws ReplicationException { ClientRequest request = new ClientRequest(nextRequestId(), bytes); ClientCommand command = new ClientCommand(CommandType.REQUEST, request); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(command.byteSize()); command.writeTo(bb); bb.flip(); byte[] requestBA = bb.array(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try { logger.debug("Sending {}", request.getRequestId()); output.write(requestBA); output.flush(); // Blocks only for socket timeout ClientReply clientReply = new ClientReply(input); switch (clientReply.getResult()) { case OK: Reply reply = new Reply(clientReply.getValue()); logger.debug("Reply OK"); assert reply.getRequestId().equals(request.getRequestId()) : "Bad reply. Expected: " + request.getRequestId() + ", got: " + reply.getRequestId(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; average.add(time); // update socket timeout as 3 times average response // time updateTimeout(); return reply.getValue(); case REDIRECT: int currentPrimary = ByteBuffer.wrap(clientReply.getValue()).getInt(); if (currentPrimary < 0 || currentPrimary >= replicas.size()) { // Invalid ID. Ignore redirect and try next replica. logger.error( "Reply: Invalid redirect received: {}. Proceeding with next replica.", currentPrimary); currentPrimary = nextReplica(); } else {"Reply REDIRECT to {}", currentPrimary); } reconnect(currentPrimary); break; case NACK: throw new ReplicationException("Nack received: " + new String(clientReply.getValue())); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown reply type"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { logger.warn("Error waiting for answer: {}, Request: {}", e, request.getRequestId()); cleanClose(); increaseTimeout(); connect(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Error reading socket: " + e.toString() + ". Request: " + request.getRequestId()); waitForReconnect(CONNECTION_FAILURE_TIMEOUT); connect(); } } } /** Modifies socket timeout basing on previous reply times */ private void updateTimeout() throws SocketException { timeout = (int) (TO_MULTIPLIER * average.get()); timeout = Math.min(timeout, MAX_TIMEOUT); timeout = Math.max(timeout, MIN_TIMEOUT); socket.setSoTimeout(timeout); } /** On no response increases the average timeout */ private void increaseTimeout() { average.add(Math.min(timeout * TO_MULTIPLIER, MAX_TIMEOUT)); } /** Returns ID of next replica to connect to */ private int nextReplica() { if (contactReplicaId != null) { return contactReplicaId; } if (reconnectIds.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < replicas.size(); ++i) reconnectIds.add(i); Collections.shuffle(reconnectIds, random); } return reconnectIds.remove(0); } /** * Tries to connect to a replica, cycling through the replicas until a * connection is successfully established. After successful connection, new * client id is granted which will be used for sending all messages. */ public synchronized void connect() { reconnect(-1); } /** * Tries to reconnect to a replica, cycling through the replicas until a * connection is successfully established. * * @param replicaId try to connect to this replica */ private void reconnect(int replicaId) { while (true) { int nr = -1; try { nr = nextReplica(); connectTo(nr); // Success return; } catch (IOException e) { cleanClose(); logger.warn("Connect to {} failed: {}", nr, e.getMessage()); waitForReconnect(CONNECTION_FAILURE_TIMEOUT); } } } private void connectTo(int replicaId) throws IOException { // close previous connection if any cleanClose(); PID replica = replicas.get(replicaId); String host = replica.getHostname(); int port = replica.getClientPort();"Connecting to {}", replica); socket = new Socket(host, port); updateTimeout(); socket.setReuseAddress(true); socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); output = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); input = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); initConnection();"Connected [p{}]. Timeout: {}", replicaId, socket.getSoTimeout()); } /** Sends the contact replica our clientID or gets one from a replica */ private void initConnection() throws IOException { if (clientId == -1) { output.write(REQUEST_NEW_ID); output.flush(); clientId = input.readLong(); logger.debug("New client id: {}", clientId); } else { output.write(HAVE_CLIENT_ID); output.writeLong(clientId); output.flush(); } } private void waitForReconnect(int timeout) { try { // random backoff timeout += random.nextInt(500); logger.warn("Reconnecting in {} ms.", timeout); Thread.sleep(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Interrupted while sleeping: {}", e.getMessage()); // Set the interrupt flag again, it will result in an // InterruptException being thrown again the next time this thread // tries to block. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } private void cleanClose() { try { if (socket != null) { socket.shutdownOutput(); socket.close(); socket = null;"Closing socket"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Not clean socket closing: {}", e); } } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Client.class); }