package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import lsr.common.CrashModel; import lsr.common.ProcessDescriptor; import lsr.paxos.Snapshot; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Implementation of an incremental log - each event is recorded as a byte * pattern. * * First byte determines type of log record, latter usually contain instance ID, * view and value. * * The writer always start a new file in provided directory. * * @author Tomasz Żurkowski * @author Jan Kończak */ public class FullSSDiscWriter implements DiscWriter { private final String directoryPath; private File directory; private int currentLogStreamNumber; private FileOutputStream logStream; private DataOutputStream viewStream; private FileDescriptor viewStreamFD; private final SynchronousClientBatchStore batchStore; private int snapshotFileNumber = -1; private Snapshot snapshot; /* * Record types * */ /* Sync */ private static final byte CHANGE_VIEW = 0x01; private static final byte CHANGE_VALUE = 0x02; private static final byte SNAPSHOT = 0x03; /* Async */ private static final byte DECIDED = 0x21; public FullSSDiscWriter(String directoryPath) throws FileNotFoundException { assert CrashModel.FullSS.equals(ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor.crashModel); if (directoryPath.endsWith("/")) { throw new RuntimeException("Directory path cannot end with /"); } this.directoryPath = directoryPath; directory = new File(directoryPath); directory.mkdirs(); currentLogStreamNumber = getLastLogNumber(directory.list()) + 1; logStream = new FileOutputStream(this.directoryPath + "/sync." + currentLogStreamNumber + ".log"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(this.directoryPath + "/sync." + currentLogStreamNumber + ".view"); viewStream = new DataOutputStream(fos); try { viewStreamFD = fos.getFD(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Eeeee... When this happens?", e); } if (ProcessDescriptor.processDescriptor.indirectConsensus) batchStore = (SynchronousClientBatchStore) ClientBatchStore.instance; else batchStore = null; } protected int getLastLogNumber(String[] files) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("sync\\.(\\d+)\\.log"); int last = -1; for (String fileName : files) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fileName); if (matcher.find()) { int x = Integer.parseInt(; last = Math.max(x, last); } } return last; } private ByteBuffer changeInstanceViewBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1 + 4 + 4); public void changeInstanceView(int instanceId, int view) { try { changeInstanceViewBuffer.put(CHANGE_VIEW); changeInstanceViewBuffer.putInt(instanceId); changeInstanceViewBuffer.putInt(view); logStream.write(changeInstanceViewBuffer.array()); changeInstanceViewBuffer.rewind(); logStream.flush(); logStream.getFD().sync(); logger.debug("Log stream sync'd (change instance view)"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private ByteBuffer changeInstanceValueBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 1 + /* byte type */ 4 + /* int instance ID */ 4 + /* int view */ 4 /* int length of value */ ); public void changeInstanceValue(int instanceId, int view, byte[] value) { try { changeInstanceValueBuffer.put(CHANGE_VALUE); changeInstanceValueBuffer.putInt(instanceId); changeInstanceValueBuffer.putInt(view); changeInstanceValueBuffer.putInt(value == null ? -1 : value.length); logStream.write(changeInstanceValueBuffer.array()); if (value != null) logStream.write(value); changeInstanceValueBuffer.rewind(); if (batchStore != null) batchStore.sync(); logStream.flush(); logStream.getFD().sync(); logger.debug("Log stream sync'd (change instance value)"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } ByteBuffer decideInstanceBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 1 + /* byte type */ 4/* int instance ID */); public void decideInstance(int instanceId) { try { decideInstanceBuffer.put(DECIDED); decideInstanceBuffer.putInt(instanceId); logStream.write(decideInstanceBuffer.array()); decideInstanceBuffer.rewind(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void changeViewNumber(int view) { try { viewStream.writeInt(view); viewStream.flush(); viewStreamFD.sync(); logger.debug("View stream sync'd"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String snapshotFileName() { return directoryPath + "/snapshot." + snapshotFileNumber; } // byte type(1) + int instance id(4) ByteBuffer newSnapshotBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1 + 4); public void newSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) { try { String oldSnapshotFileName = snapshotFileName(); snapshotFileNumber++; String newSnapshotFileName = snapshotFileName(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newSnapshotFileName, false); DataOutputStream snapshotStream = new DataOutputStream(fos); snapshot.writeTo(snapshotStream); fos.getFD().sync(); snapshotStream.close(); newSnapshotBuffer.put(SNAPSHOT); newSnapshotBuffer.putInt(snapshotFileNumber); logStream.write(newSnapshotBuffer.array()); newSnapshotBuffer.rewind(); rotateLogStream(); if (new File(oldSnapshotFileName).exists()) { if (!new File(oldSnapshotFileName).delete()) { throw new RuntimeException("File removal failed!"); } } this.snapshot = snapshot; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Removes unnecessary log records private void rotateLogStream() throws IOException { logStream.close(); currentLogStreamNumber++; logStream = new FileOutputStream(this.directoryPath + "/sync." + currentLogStreamNumber + ".log"); int step = 2; while (true) { String fn = this.directoryPath + "/sync." + (currentLogStreamNumber - step) + ".log"; File redundant = new File(fn); if (!redundant.exists()) break; if (!redundant.delete()) throw new RuntimeException("File removal failed!"); step++; } } public Snapshot getSnapshot() { return snapshot; }; public void close() throws IOException { logStream.close(); viewStream.close(); } public Collection<ConsensusInstance> load() throws IOException { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("sync\\.(\\d+)\\.log"); List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String fileName : directory.list()) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fileName); if (matcher.find()) { int x = Integer.parseInt(; numbers.add(x); } } Collections.sort(numbers); Map<Integer, ConsensusInstance> instances = new TreeMap<Integer, ConsensusInstance>(); for (Integer number : numbers) { String fileName = "sync." + number + ".log"; loadInstances(new File(directoryPath + "/" + fileName), instances); } if (snapshotFileNumber == -1) { return instances.values(); } DataInputStream snapshotStream = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream(snapshotFileName())); snapshot = new Snapshot(snapshotStream); snapshotStream.close(); return instances.values(); } private void loadInstances(File file, Map<Integer, ConsensusInstance> instances) throws IOException { DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); while (true) { try { int type =; if (type == -1) { break; } int id = stream.readInt(); switch (type) { case CHANGE_VIEW: { int view = stream.readInt(); if (instances.get(id) == null) { instances.put(id, new ConsensusInstance(id)); } ConsensusInstance instance = instances.get(id); instance.setView(view); break; } case CHANGE_VALUE: { int view = stream.readInt(); int length = stream.readInt(); byte[] value; if (length == -1) { value = null; } else { value = new byte[length]; stream.readFully(value); } if (instances.get(id) == null) { instances.put(id, new ConsensusInstance(id)); } ConsensusInstance instance = instances.get(id); instance.updateStateFromKnown(view, value); break; } case DECIDED: { ConsensusInstance instance = instances.get(id); if (instance != null) instance.setDecided(); break; } case SNAPSHOT: { snapshotFileNumber = id; break; } default: assert false : "Unrecognized log record type"; } } catch (EOFException e) { // it is possible that last chunk of data is corrupted logger.warn("The log file with consensus instaces is incomplete or broken: {} {}", file, e.getMessage()); break; } } stream.close(); } public int loadViewNumber() throws IOException { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("sync\\.(\\d+)\\.view"); List<String> files = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fileName : directory.list()) { if (pattern.matcher(fileName).matches()) { files.add(fileName); } } int lastView = 0; // not reading the last file only, as no view change may have happened for (String fileName : files) { int x = loadLastViewNumber(new File(directoryPath + "/" + fileName)); if (lastView < x) { lastView = x; } } return lastView; } private int loadLastViewNumber(File file) throws IOException { DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); int lastView = 0; while (true) { /* * (JK) This purely evil code checks if the crash did not happen * while writing the view to disk. Bare stream.readInt() would not * allow this. I'm leaving the code as is, because it just works. */ int ch1 =; if (ch1 < 0) { break; } int ch2 =; int ch3 =; int ch4 =; if ((ch2 | ch3 | ch4) < 0) { logger.warn("The log file with view numbers is incomplete: {}", file); break; } lastView = ((ch1 << 24) + (ch2 << 16) + (ch3 << 8) + (ch4 << 0)); } stream.close(); return lastView; } private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FullSSDiscWriter.class); }