package joshie.harvest.shops.purchasable; import joshie.harvest.api.HFApi; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalStats; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalTest; import joshie.harvest.api.knowledge.Note; import joshie.harvest.api.shops.IPurchasable; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.EntityHelper; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.MCClientHelper; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.TextHelper; import joshie.harvest.knowledge.HFNotes; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityAnimal; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import static net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting.WHITE; public class PurchasableEntity implements IPurchasable { private final String resource; private final ItemStack product; private final Class<? extends Entity> eClass; private final long cost; private Note note; private boolean loaded; private boolean carry; /** * If lead is true, entity spawns with a lead, otherwise, entity spawns mounting the player **/ public PurchasableEntity(Class<? extends Entity> clazz, long cost, ItemStack render) { this.product = render; this.eClass = clazz; this.cost = cost; this.resource = ((cost >= 0) ? "buy:" : "sell:") + clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } public PurchasableEntity setNote(Note note) { this.note = note; return this; } @Override public boolean canDo(@Nonnull World world, @Nonnull EntityPlayer player, int amount) { return amount == 1; } @Override public long getCost() { return cost; } @Override public ItemStack getDisplayStack() { return product; } @Override public void addTooltip(List<String> list) { list.add(WHITE + product.getDisplayName()); //Calculate if this is carriable animal if (!loaded) { loaded = true; EntityAnimal animal = createEntity(MCClientHelper.getWorld()); AnimalStats stats = EntityHelper.getStats(animal); if (stats != null && stats.performTest(AnimalTest.CAN_CARRY)) carry = true; } if (carry) { list.add(TextHelper.translate("check.head")); } else list.add(TextHelper.translate("check.lead")); } public EntityAnimal createEntity(World world) { EntityAnimal entity = null; try { if (eClass != null) { entity = (EntityAnimal) eClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{World.class}).newInstance(world); } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return entity; } @Override public void onPurchased(EntityPlayer aPlayer) { if (!aPlayer.worldObj.isRemote) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP)aPlayer; EntityAnimal theEntity = createEntity(player.worldObj); if (theEntity != null) { theEntity.setPosition(player.posX, player.posY, player.posZ); AnimalStats stats = EntityHelper.getStats(theEntity); if (stats != null) { if (stats.performTest(AnimalTest.CAN_CARRY)) { if (player.getPassengers().size() == 0) theEntity.startRiding(player, true); } else theEntity.setLeashedToEntity(player, true); } //Spawn the entity player.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(theEntity); //Notify the client if (stats != null) { if (stats.performTest(AnimalTest.CAN_CARRY)) { player.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketSetPassengers(player)); } else player.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketEntityAttach(theEntity, theEntity.getLeashedToEntity())); } } } if (note != null) HFApi.player.getTrackingForPlayer(aPlayer).learnNote(note); HFApi.player.getTrackingForPlayer(aPlayer).learnNote(HFNotes.ANIMAL_HAPPINESS); HFApi.player.getTrackingForPlayer(aPlayer).learnNote(HFNotes.ANIMAL_STRESS); } @Override public String getPurchaseableID() { return resource; } }