package joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.handlers; import; import joshie.harvest.api.HFApi; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalFoodType; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Season; import joshie.harvest.api.crops.Crop; import joshie.harvest.api.crops.StateHandlerBlock; import joshie.harvest.crops.handlers.rules.SpecialRulesYear; import joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.CraftTweaker; import joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.base.BaseCrop; import joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.base.BaseOnce; import joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.wrappers.MultiDropHandler; import minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI; import minetweaker.api.item.IItemStack; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumPlantType; import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenClass; import stanhebben.zenscript.annotations.ZenMethod; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import static joshie.harvest.core.lib.HFModInfo.MODID; import static joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.CraftTweaker.asBlock; import static joshie.harvest.plugins.crafttweaker.CraftTweaker.asStack; @ZenClass("mods.harvestfestival.Crops") public class Crops { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void addCrop(String name) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(name, name)); } @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void addCrop(String name, String localised) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new Add(name, localised)); } private static class Add extends BaseOnce { private final ResourceLocation resource; private final String localised; public Add(String name, String localised) { this.resource = new ResourceLocation(MODID, name); this.localised = localised; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Added " + resource + " as a harvest festival crop"; } @Override public boolean isApplied() { return false; } @Override public void applyOnce() { new Crop(resource) { @Override public String getLocalizedName(boolean isItem) { return localised; } @Override public String getSeedsName() { String seeds = I18n.translateToLocal("harvestfestival.crop.seeds"); String format = I18n.translateToLocal("harvestfestival.crop.seeds.format"); return String.format(format, getLocalizedName(true), seeds); } }.setSkipRender(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setDrop(String name, IItemStack drop) { ItemStack stack = asStack(drop); if (stack == null) CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the drop for %s as the stack item was null", name)); else MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetDrop(name, stack)); } private static class SetDrop extends BaseCrop { private final ItemStack drop; public SetDrop(String name, ItemStack drop) { super(name); this.drop = drop; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting drop for " + resource + " to " + drop.getDisplayName(); } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setItem(drop); HFApi.crops.registerCropProvider(crop.getCropStack(1), crop); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setDrops(String name, IItemStack[] drops, int[] amounts, int[] chances) { if (drops.length != amounts.length || drops.length != chances.length) { CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the drop for %s as the drops, amounts and chances weren't the same length", name)); } else { ItemStack[] theDrops = new ItemStack[drops.length]; for (int i = 0; i < drops.length; i++) { theDrops[i] = asStack(drops[i]); if (theDrops[i] == null) { CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the drop for %s as the stack item was null", name)); return; } } MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetDrops(name, theDrops, amounts, chances)); } } private static class SetDrops extends BaseCrop { private final ItemStack[] drops; private final int[] amounts; private final int[] chances; public SetDrops(String name, ItemStack[] drops, int[] amounts, int[] chances) { super(name); this.drops = drops; this.amounts = amounts; this.chances = chances; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting drops for " + resource + " to " + Arrays.toString(drops); } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setItem(drops[0]); HFApi.crops.registerCropProvider(crop.getCropStack(1), crop); crop.setDropHandler(new MultiDropHandler(drops, amounts, chances)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused, deprecation") public static void setStages(String name, int[] stages, IItemStack[] blocks, int[] meta) { if (stages.length != meta.length || blocks.length != meta.length) CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the stages for %s as the array lengths didn't match", name)); else { IBlockState[] states = new IBlockState[stages.length]; for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { Block theBlock = asBlock(blocks[i]); if (theBlock == null) { CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the stages for %s as one of the items was not a block", name)); return; //Don't continue any further } states[i] = theBlock.getStateFromMeta(meta[i]); } MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetStages(name, null, stages, states)); } } @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused, deprecation") public static void setStages(String name, IItemStack block, int[] stages, int[] meta) { Block theBlock = asBlock(block); if (theBlock == null) CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the stages for %s as the stack item was null or not a block", name)); else if (stages.length != meta.length) CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the stages for %s as the meta values didn't match the stage values", name)); else { IBlockState[] states = new IBlockState[stages.length]; for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) states[i] = theBlock.getStateFromMeta(meta[i]); MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetStages(name, null, stages, states)); } } @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused, deprecation") public static void setStages(String name, IItemStack block, int[] stages) { Block theBlock = asBlock(block); if (theBlock == null) CraftTweaker.logError(String.format("Could not set the stages for %s as the stack item was null or not a block", name)); else MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetStages(name, theBlock, stages, null)); } @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setStages(String name, int[] stages) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetStages(name, stages)); } private static class SetStages extends BaseCrop { private final Block block; private final int[] stages; private final IBlockState[] states; public SetStages(String name, Block block, int[] stages, IBlockState[] states) { super(name); this.block = block; this.stages = stages; this.states = states; } public SetStages(String name, int[] stages) { super(name); this.block = null; this.stages = stages; this.states = null; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting stages for " + resource + " to " + stages; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { if (states != null) { crop.setStages(stages[stages.length - 1]); crop.setStateHandler(new StateHandlerBlockWithStates(stages, states)); } else if (block == null) { crop.setStages(stages); } else crop.setStages(block, stages); } } private static class StateHandlerBlockWithStates extends StateHandlerBlock { private final IBlockState[] states; StateHandlerBlockWithStates(int[] values, IBlockState[] states) { super(null, values); this.states = states; } @Override public ImmutableList<IBlockState> getValidStates() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(states); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public IBlockState getState(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, PlantSection section, Crop crop, int stage, boolean withered) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (stage <= values[i]) return states[i]; } return states[states.length - 1]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setSeasons(String name, String[] seasons) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetSeason(name, seasons)); } private static class SetSeason extends BaseCrop { private final Season[] seasons; public SetSeason(String name, String[] strings) { super(name); seasons = new Season[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < seasons.length; i++) { seasons[i] = Season.valueOf(strings[i].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting seasons for " + resource + " to " + seasons; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setSeasons(seasons); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setValue(String name, long cost, long sell) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetValue(name, cost, sell)); } private static class SetValue extends BaseCrop { private final long cost; private final long sell; public SetValue(String name, long cost, long sell) { super(name); this.cost = cost; this.sell = sell; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting cost for " + resource + " to " + cost + " and sell value to " + sell; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setValue(cost, sell); HFApi.shipping.registerSellable(crop.getCropStack(1), sell); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setSeedColor(String name, String hex) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetColor(name, hex)); } private static class SetColor extends BaseCrop { private final String hex; public SetColor(String name, String hex) { super(name); this.hex = hex.replace("#", ""); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting color for " + resource + " to " + hex; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setSeedColours(Integer.parseInt(hex, 16)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setRegrow(String name, int stage) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetRegrow(name, stage)); } private static class SetRegrow extends BaseCrop { private final int regrow; public SetRegrow(String name, int stage) { super(name); this.regrow = stage; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting regrow for " + resource + " to " + regrow; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setRegrow(regrow); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setFoodType(String name, String type) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetFoodType(name, type)); } private static class SetFoodType extends BaseCrop { private final AnimalFoodType foodType; public SetFoodType(String name, String type) { super(name); foodType = AnimalFoodType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting food type for " + resource + " to " + foodType; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setAnimalFoodType(foodType); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setYearUnlocked(String name, int year) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetUnlocked(name, year)); } private static class SetUnlocked extends BaseCrop { private final int year; public SetUnlocked(String name, int year) { super(name); this.year = year; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting years passed unlocked for " + resource + " to " + year; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setPurchaseRules(new SpecialRulesYear(year)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod //If you use a value that is -1 or lower, it removes the requirement @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setRequiresSickle(String name, int minCut) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetSickle(name, minCut)); } private static class SetSickle extends BaseCrop { private final int minCut; public SetSickle(String name, int minCut) { super(name); this.minCut = minCut; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting sickle requirements for " + resource + " to " + minCut; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setRequiresSickle(minCut); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setPlantType(String name, String type) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetPlantType(name, type)); } private static class SetPlantType extends BaseCrop { private final EnumPlantType plantType; public SetPlantType(String name, String type) { super(name); plantType = EnumPlantType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting plant type for " + resource + " to " + plantType; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { crop.setPlantType(plantType); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @ZenMethod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setWaterRequirements(String name, boolean value) { MineTweakerAPI.apply(new SetWaterRequirements(name, value)); } private static class SetWaterRequirements extends BaseCrop { private final boolean value; public SetWaterRequirements(String name, boolean value) { super(name); this.value = value; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Setting water requirement for " + resource + " to " + value; } @Override protected void applyToCrop(Crop crop) { if (value) crop.setWaterRequirements(); else crop.setNoWaterRequirements(); } } }