package joshie.harvest.api.trees; import joshie.harvest.api.HFApi; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Season; import joshie.harvest.api.crops.GrowthHandler; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; public class GrowthHandlerTree extends GrowthHandler<Tree> { /** Trees are returning true here so that they will never die **/ @Override public boolean canGrow(World world, BlockPos pos, Tree tree) { return true; } protected boolean canGrow(World world, BlockPos pos) { return true; } @Override public int grow(World world, BlockPos pos, Tree tree, int stage) { if(HFApi.calendar.getSeasonAtCoordinates(world, pos) == Season.WINTER) return stage; //Tree won't grow in winter if (canGrow(world, pos)) { //If we he haven't reached maturity, continue growing if (stage < tree.getStages()) { stage++; } //When we reach juvenile, plant the extra block if (stage == tree.getStagesToJuvenile()) { growJuvenile(world, pos); } //When we reach maturity, grow the tree if (stage == tree.getStagesToMaturity()) { growTree(world, pos); } } //If our tree is mature, and we're in season, then we should grow fruit for the tree if (stage >= tree.getStages() && isCorrectSeason(world, pos, tree)) { growFruit(world, pos); //Grow the fruit, then reset the tree to the stage where we start counting again return tree.getRegrowStage(); //Reset the tree to the less than maturity } return stage; } @Override public boolean canPlantSeedAt(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState soil, Tree tree, BlockPos original) { return pos.equals(original) && super.canPlantSeedAt(world, pos, soil, tree, original); } @Override public boolean canHarvest(Tree tree, int stage) { return false; } /** Grow the juvenile, setting the blocks * @param world the world * @param pos the position of the trunk block**/ protected void growJuvenile(World world, BlockPos pos) {} /** Grow the tree, setting the blocks * @param world the world * @param pos the position of the trunk block**/ protected void growTree(World world, BlockPos pos) {} /** Grow the fruit, setting the blocks * @param world the world * @param pos the position of the trunk block**/ protected void growFruit(World world, BlockPos pos) {} }