package joshie.harvest.api.crops; import joshie.harvest.api.HFApi; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalFoodType; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Season; import; import joshie.harvest.api.core.HFRegistry; import joshie.harvest.api.core.ISpecialRules; import joshie.harvest.api.crops.IStateHandler.PlantSection; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumPlantType; import net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; //TODO: Remove forge registry in 0.7+ //Do not call setRegistryName or anything //This is only extending the old forge registry for 0.5 > 0.6 compatability reason public class Crop extends HFRegistry<Crop> implements IPlantable { public static final Map<ResourceLocation, Crop> REGISTRY = new HashMap<>(); private static final GrowthHandler SEASONAL = new GrowthHandler() {}; private static final DropHandler DROPS = new DropHandler(); private static final ISpecialRules RULES = (w, p, a) -> true; public static final Crop NULL_CROP = new Crop(); //CropData private IStateHandler stateHandler; private GrowthHandler growthHandler; private DropHandler dropHandler; private ISpecialRules rules; private AnimalFoodType foodType; private EnumPlantType type; private Ingredient ingredient; private boolean needsWatering; private boolean alternativeName; private boolean requiresSickle; private ItemStack item; private Season[] seasons; private long cost; private long sell; private int stages; private int regrow; private int maxHarvests; private int bagColor; private int doubleStage; private int minCut; private boolean skipRender; private Crop() { this(new ResourceLocation("harvestfestival", "null_crop")); } public Crop(ResourceLocation key) { super(key); this.seasons = new Season[] { Season.SPRING }; this.stages = 3; this.foodType = AnimalFoodType.VEGETABLE; this.bagColor = 0xFFFFFF; this.stateHandler = new StateHandlerDefault(this); this.dropHandler = Crop.DROPS; this.rules = Crop.RULES; this.growthHandler = SEASONAL; this.needsWatering = true; this.doubleStage = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.type = EnumPlantType.Crop; this.maxHarvests = 1; } /** Set how much this tree costs to buy and sell * @param cost the cost * @param sell the sell value**/ public Crop setValue(long cost, long sell) { this.cost = cost; this.sell = sell; return this; } /** Set the colour of the seeds * @param color the color */ public Crop setSeedColours(int color) { this.bagColor = color; return this; } /** Set the seasons this tree grows in **/ public Crop setSeasons(Season... seasons) { this.seasons = seasons; return this; } /** Set the growth lengths for this tree * @param stages the number of stages **/ public Crop setStages(int stages) { this.stages = stages; return this; } /** * Set the stage at which crops regrow to **/ public Crop setRegrow(int regrow) { this.regrow = regrow; return this; } /** * Set the maximum amount of harvests this crop can have **/ public Crop setMaxHarvests(int maxHarvests) { this.maxHarvests = maxHarvests; return this; } /** * If the crop/seeds should have different names set this to true **/ public Crop setHasAlternativeName() { this.alternativeName = true; return this; } /** Set the item for this crop * @param item the item to set this as**/ public Crop setItem(ItemStack item) { this.item = item; if (this.item != null && this.item.getItem() instanceof ItemFood) { ItemFood food = (ItemFood)this.item.getItem(); setIngredient(food.getHealAmount(item), food.getSaturationModifier(item)); } return this; } /** Overloaded mehtod for setItem * @param item the item **/ public Crop setItem(Item item) { setItem(new ItemStack(item)); return this; } /** * Set the state handler for this crop **/ public Crop setStateHandler(IStateHandler handler) { this.stateHandler = handler; return this; } /** * Creates a state handler based on the passed in values */ public Crop setStages(int... stages) { this.stages = stages[stages.length - 1]; this.stateHandler = new StateHandlerBasic(stages); return this; } /** * Creates a state handler for this block, based on the passed in values */ public Crop setStages(Block block, int... stages) { this.stages = stages[stages.length - 1]; this.stateHandler = new StateHandlerBlock(block, stages); return this; } /** * Make this crop require a sickle to be harvested * Sets the minimum cut * Used when a crop requires the sickle, * The crop will only be destroyable/harvestable * if it's below this stage */ public Crop setRequiresSickle(int minCut) { if (minCut <= - 1) { this.requiresSickle = false; this.minCut = 0; } else { this.requiresSickle = true; this.minCut = minCut; } return this; } /** * Set what this plant counts as for feeding animals * @param foodType the type of food **/ public Crop setAnimalFoodType(AnimalFoodType foodType) { this.foodType = foodType; return this; } /** * Set the plant type * @param plantType the plant type of this crop **/ public Crop setPlantType(EnumPlantType plantType) { this.type = plantType; return this; } /** * Set the ingredient stats for this crop **/ public Crop setIngredient(int hunger, float saturation) { String name = getResource().getResourcePath(); if (Ingredient.INGREDIENTS.containsKey(name)) { this.ingredient = Ingredient.INGREDIENTS.get(name); } else this.ingredient = new Ingredient(name, hunger, saturation); return this; } /** * Make this crop need zero water to grow **/ public Crop setNoWaterRequirements() { this.needsWatering = false; return this; } /** * Make this crop need water to grow **/ public Crop setWaterRequirements() { this.needsWatering = true; return this; } /** * Set the growth handler, to determine when this plant can grow/where * @param handler the growth handler **/ public Crop setGrowthHandler(GrowthHandler handler) { this.growthHandler = handler; return this; } /** * Set the stage at which this plant becomes two tall * @param doubleStage the stage this plant becomes double **/ public Crop setBecomesDouble(int doubleStage) { this.doubleStage = doubleStage; return this; } /** * Set the drop handler for this crop * @param handler the drop handler **/ public Crop setDropHandler(DropHandler handler) { this.dropHandler = handler; return this; } /** * Set the purchase rules for this crop * @param rules the rules to set * **/ public Crop setPurchaseRules(ISpecialRules rules) { this.rules = rules; return this; } /** * This crop doesn't need to load it's renders, * It's blocks will be tinted as well **/ public Crop setSkipRender() { this.skipRender = true; return this; } @Override public final Map<ResourceLocation, Crop> getRegistry() { return REGISTRY; } /** * This is the season this crop survives in * * @return the season that is valid for this crop */ public Season[] getSeasons() { return seasons; } /** * This is how much the seed costs in the store. * If the seed isn't purchasable return 0 * * @return the cost in gold */ public long getSeedCost() { return cost; } /** * This is how much this crop well sell for at level 1. * If this crop cannot be sold return 0 * * @return the sell value in gold */ public long getSellValue() { return sell; } /** * Return how many stages this crop has. * A return value of 0, means the crop is instantly grown. * * @return the stage */ public int getStages() { return stages; } /** * Return the stage that the plant returns to when it's harvested. * A return value of 0, means the crop is destroyed. * * @return the stage */ public int getRegrowStage() { return regrow; } /** * This is the maximum amount of times this crop can be harvested * Once it's reached, the crop will be destroyed instead * * @return the max harvests */ public int getMaxHarvests() { return maxHarvests; } /** Used when a crop requires the sickle, * The crop will only be destroyable/harvestable * if it's below this stage */ public int getMinimumCut() { return minCut; } /** * Return true if this crop required a sickle * **/ public boolean requiresSickle() { return requiresSickle; } /** * Return true if this crop requires water * **/ public boolean requiresWater() { return needsWatering; } /** * Return true if this crop is turning double crop at this stage * @param stage the stage of the crop * **/ public boolean isTurningToDouble(int stage) { return stage == doubleStage; } /** * Return true if this crop is a double crop at this stage * @param stage the stage of the crop * **/ public boolean isCurrentlyDouble(int stage) { return stage >= doubleStage; } /** * Return the growth handler for this crop * **/ public GrowthHandler getGrowthHandler() { return growthHandler; } /** * Return the colour of the seed bag **/ public int getColor() { return bagColor; } /** * The type of animal food this is **/ public AnimalFoodType getFoodType() { return foodType; } /** * The ingredient this crop represents **/ public Ingredient getIngredient() { return ingredient; } /** * This crop as a seed stack **/ public ItemStack getSeedStack(int amount) { return HFApi.crops.getSeedStack(this, amount); } /** * This crop as a stack **/ public ItemStack getCropStack(int amount) { if (item != null) { ItemStack copy = item.copy(); copy.stackSize = amount; return copy; } else return new ItemStack(Items.BRICK); } /** * What this crop drops **/ public DropHandler getDropHandler() { return dropHandler; } /** * What this crop rules for purchase are **/ public ISpecialRules getRules() { return rules; } /** * The state handler for crop **/ public IStateHandler getStateHandler() { return stateHandler; } /** * If the stack is this crop **/ public boolean matches(ItemStack stack) { return HFApi.crops.getCropFromStack(stack) == this; } /** * The planty type of this crop **/ public EnumPlantType getPlantType() { return type; } /** Whether to skip the render loading of this crop **/ public boolean skipLoadingRender() { return skipRender; } /** * Gets the localized crop name for this crop * * @param isItem the item * @return crop name */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String getLocalizedName(boolean isItem) { String suffix = alternativeName ? ((isItem) ? ".item" : ".block") : ""; return I18n.translateToLocal((getResource().getResourceDomain() + ".crop." + StringUtils.replace(getResource().getResourcePath(), "_", ".") + suffix)); } /** * Gets the localized seed name for this crop * * @return seed name */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public String getSeedsName() { String name = alternativeName ? I18n.translateToLocalFormatted((getResource().getResourceDomain() + ".crop." + StringUtils.replace(getResource().getResourcePath(), "_", ".") + ".block")) : item == null ? "NULL" : item.getDisplayName(); String seeds = I18n.translateToLocal("harvestfestival.crop.seeds"); String format = I18n.translateToLocal("harvestfestival.crop.seeds.format"); return String.format(format, name, seeds); } @Override public EnumPlantType getPlantType(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return getPlantType(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public IBlockState getPlant(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { return getStateHandler().getState(world, pos, PlantSection.BOTTOM, this, 1, false); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return o == this || o instanceof Crop && getResource().equals(((Crop) o).getResource()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getResource().hashCode(); } }