package; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.CalendarDate; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Season; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Weather; import joshie.harvest.calendar.CalendarAPI; import joshie.harvest.calendar.CalendarHelper; import joshie.harvest.calendar.HFCalendar; import joshie.harvest.calendar.packet.PacketSyncCalendar; import joshie.harvest.calendar.packet.PacketSyncForecast; import joshie.harvest.calendar.packet.PacketSyncStrength; import joshie.harvest.core.HFTrackers; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import java.util.Random; import static joshie.harvest.api.calendar.CalendarDate.DAYS_PER_SEASON; import static joshie.harvest.api.calendar.Season.*; public class CalendarServer extends Calendar { private final CalendarDate DATE = new CalendarDate(0, SPRING, 1); private static final Random rand = new Random(); private CalendarSavedData data; public CalendarServer() {} public void setWorld(CalendarSavedData data, World world) { = data; super.setWorld(world); recalculateAndUpdate(world); } @Override public CalendarDate getDate() { return DATE; } public void newDay(World world) { recalculateAndUpdate(world); //Update the date Weather[] newForecast = new Weather[7]; System.arraycopy(forecast, 1, newForecast, 0, 6); forecast = newForecast; updateForecast(); } private Season getNextSeason(Season season) { if (season == SPRING) return SUMMER; else if (season == SUMMER) return AUTUMN; else if (season == AUTUMN) return WINTER; else return SPRING; } public void syncToPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncCalendar(DATE), player); PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncForecast(forecast), player); PacketHandler.sendToClient(new PacketSyncStrength(rainStrength, stormStrength), player); } public void recalculate(World world) { CalendarHelper.setDate(world, DATE); HFTrackers.markCalendarDirty(); } public void recalculateAndUpdate(World world) { recalculate(world); //Recalc first PacketHandler.sendToEveryone(new PacketSyncCalendar(DATE)); //Sync the new date } /* ############# Weather ################*/ public void setTodaysWeather(Weather weather) { forecast[0] = weather; updateWeatherStrength(); HFTrackers.markCalendarDirty(); PacketHandler.sendToEveryone(new PacketSyncForecast(forecast)); } private Weather getRandomWeather(int day, Season season) { if (day >= DAYS_PER_SEASON) { season = getNextSeason(season); } Weather weather = CalendarAPI.INSTANCE.getDataForSeason(season).getWeather(rand); return isWeatherEnabled(weather) ? weather : Weather.SUNNY; } private boolean isWeatherEnabled(Weather weather) { switch (weather) { case SUNNY: return HFCalendar.ENABLE_SUNNY; case RAIN: return HFCalendar.ENABLE_RAIN; case TYPHOON: return HFCalendar.ENABLE_TYPHOON; case SNOW: return HFCalendar.ENABLE_SNOW; case BLIZZARD: return HFCalendar.ENABLE_BLIZZARD; default: return false; } } private void updateForecast() { //If they're null set them for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (forecast[i] == null) { forecast[i] = getRandomWeather(getDate().getDay() + i, getDate().getSeason()); } } updateWeatherStrength(); HFTrackers.markCalendarDirty(); PacketHandler.sendToEveryone(new PacketSyncForecast(forecast)); } /* ############# Saving ################*/ public void markDirty() { data.markDirty(); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { if (nbt.hasKey("Date")) { CalendarDate date = CalendarDate.fromNBT(nbt.getCompoundTag("Date")); DATE.setDate(date.getWeekday(), date.getDay(), date.getSeason(), date.getYear()); } rainStrength = nbt.getInteger("RainStrength"); stormStrength = nbt.getInteger("StormStrength"); //TODO: Remove in 0.7+ if (nbt.hasKey("Rain")) rainStrength = (int) nbt.getFloat("Rain") * 100; //TODO: Remove in 0.7+ if (nbt.hasKey("Storm")) stormStrength = (int) nbt.getFloat("Storm") * 100; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { forecast[i] = Weather.values()[nbt.getByte("Day" + i)]; if (forecast[i] == null) { forecast[i] = Weather.SUNNY; } } } public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { nbt.setTag("Date", DATE.toNBT()); nbt.setInteger("RainStrength", rainStrength); nbt.setInteger("StormStrength", stormStrength); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Weather weather = forecast[i]; if (weather == null) weather = Weather.SUNNY; nbt.setByte("Day" + i, (byte) weather.ordinal()); } return nbt; } }