package joshie.harvest.npcs.gui; import joshie.harvest.core.HFTrackers; import joshie.harvest.core.base.gui.ContainerBase; import joshie.harvest.core.handlers.GuiHandler; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.TextHelper; import; import joshie.harvest.npcs.HFNPCs; import joshie.harvest.npcs.NPCHelper; import joshie.harvest.npcs.entity.EntityNPC; import joshie.harvest.npcs.packet.PacketGift; import joshie.harvest.npcs.packet.PacketInfo; import joshie.harvest.player.stats.Stats; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** Renders a chat script **/ public class GuiNPCChat extends GuiNPCBase { private static final int MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE = 4; private String[][] script; //This is an array of [page][line], with line ALWAYS beign a length of MAX_LINES ^ private int page; //Current page displayed private int line; //Current lines displayed private double character; //A ticker, Determines what character we should be displaying private boolean finished; //Whether the text has finished displaying private boolean isScriptInit = false; private boolean info = false; private String format(String string) { if (string == null) return "FORGOT SOME TEXT DUMBASS"; Stats stats = HFTrackers.getClientPlayerTracker().getStats(); String npcLover = npc.getLover() != null ? npc.getLover().getNPC().getLocalizedName() : TextHelper.translate("nolover"); String playerLover = HFTrackers.getClientPlayerTracker().getRelationships().getLover(); return String.format(string, stats.getGold(), playerLover, npcLover, player.getDisplayNameString(), npc.getNPC().getLocalizedName()); } public GuiNPCChat(ContainerBase container, EntityPlayer player, EntityNPC npc) { super(container, player, npc, -1); isScriptInit = false; = false; } public GuiNPCChat(EntityPlayer player, EntityNPC npc, int nextGui, boolean info, boolean disableQuests) { super(new ContainerNPCChat(player, npc, nextGui, disableQuests), player, npc, nextGui); isScriptInit = false; = info; } private boolean buildScript() { List<String> formatted = fontRendererObj.listFormattedStringToWidth(format(getScript()), 171); String[] original = formatted.toArray(new String[formatted.size()]); int size = original.length / MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE; boolean isRemainder = original.length % MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE == 0; if (!isRemainder) { size++; } int start = 0; script = new String[size][MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int length = ((start + MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE) > original.length) ? original.length : (start + MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE); String[] subtext = Arrays.copyOfRange(original, start, length); System.arraycopy(subtext, 0, script[i], 0, subtext.length); start = start + MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE; } return true; } @Override public void drawOverlay(int x, int y) { if (!isScriptInit) { isScriptInit = buildScript(); } //Cancel the drawing if the script is null if (script == null) { endChat(); } //Set the text to finished if we've reached the last line if (!finished) { if (line >= 2) { finished = true; } } //Draws all the current 'completed' strings to the gui for (int i = 0; i < line; i++) { String text = script[page][i]; if (text != null) { fontRendererObj.drawString(TextFormatting.BOLD + text, 20, 157 + (i * 10), 0xFFFFFF); } } //If the page we are trying to parse, has a string for the line we're trying to display if (line < MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE) {//If the current line, is less than the length of the lines, And we have less pages than max if (script[page][line] != null) { //Convert the next line in to a char array char[] todisplay = script[page][line].toCharArray(); if (todisplay.length > 0) { if (("" + todisplay[0]).equals("@")) { character = todisplay.length; } if (character < todisplay.length) { //If the current position of the char array, is less than it's maximum character += 0.2D; //Increase the tick, slowly } } //Create a new set of chars, this is what we will display char[] fordisplay = new char[(int) Math.ceil(character)]; for (int i = 0; i < fordisplay.length; i++) { if (i < todisplay.length) { fordisplay[i] = todisplay[i]; //Copy all the characters over to the new array } } //Draw the characters as we go. fontRendererObj.drawString(TextFormatting.BOLD + new String(fordisplay), 20, 157 + (line * 10), 0xFFFFFF); //Now if we have completed the entire array, let's reset the position and increase the line if (fordisplay.length >= todisplay.length) { character = 0; line++; } } else finished = true; } } @Override protected void keyTyped(char character, int key) throws IOException { super.keyTyped(character, key); if (key == 28 || key == 57 || character == 'q') { nextChat(); } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseButton) throws IOException { if ((npc.getNPC() == HFNPCs.GODDESS || isHoldingItem()) && hoveringGift()) { PacketGift.handleGifting(player, npc); PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketGift(npc)); } else if (displayInfo() && hoveringInfo() && npc.getNPC().getInfoButton() != null) PacketHandler.sendToServer(new PacketInfo(npc)); else if (mouseButton == 0) nextChat(); else if (mouseButton == 1) previousChat(); } void previousChat() { if (!finished) { finished = true; line = MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE; } else if (page > 0) { finished = false; //Reset the page being finished //line = 0; //Reset the line we are currently reading page--; //Reset the page we are currently reading } } void nextChat() { if (!finished) { finished = true; line = MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE; } else if (page < (script.length - 1)) { finished = false; //Reset the page being finished line = 0; //Reset the line we are currently reading page++; //Reset the page we are currently reading } else { endChat(); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getScript() { //Shops if (NPCHelper.isShopOpen(npc, player.worldObj, player) && nextGui == GuiHandler.SHOP_OPTIONS) { return npc.getNPC().getShop(player.worldObj, pos, player).getWelcome(npc.getNPC()); } //Info Greeting String infoGreeting = !info || npc.getNPC().getInfoButton() == null ? null : npc.getNPC().getInfoButton().getLocalizedText(player, npc, npc.getNPC()); if (infoGreeting != null) return infoGreeting; //Scripts String script = quest != null ? quest.getLocalizedScript(player, npc) : null; return script == null ? npc.getNPC().getGreeting(player, npc) : script; } }