package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.StackHelper; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import java.util.*; import; import static; import static joshie.harvest.core.registry.ShippingRegistry.SELL_VALUE; public class RecipeBuilder { public static final String FOOD_LEVEL = "FoodLevel"; public static final String SATURATION_LEVEL = "FoodSaturation"; private List<IngredientStack> required; private List<IngredientStack> optional; private int hunger = 0; private float saturation; private int stackSize; private long cost; public List<ItemStack> build(Recipe recipe, List<IngredientStack> ingredients) { //We can and will end up with recipes in the required and optional list required = toRequired.toList(recipe, ingredients); optional = toOptional.toList(recipe, ingredients); stackSize = 1; //Always create one recipe at least //We first always make one required item, and add all the optionals to it, as we already know we CAN make one item Set<Ingredient> removed = new HashSet<>(); Set<IngredientStack> toRemove = new HashSet<>(); recipe.getRequired().stream().filter(stack -> !removed.contains(stack.getIngredient())).forEachOrdered(stack -> { removed.add(stack.getIngredient()); toRemove.add(stack); }); toRemove.forEach(this::removeFromList); //The next step is calculate the additional hunger, and saturation from the optional list calculateHungerSaturationAndRemoveOptionals(recipe, new ArrayList<>(optional)); //Now that we pretty much only have the spare items left in the required list //We need to work out how many items total we can make, as well as calculating any extra //To add to the last item in our stack calculateStackSizeBasedOnRequiredListAndRemainingItems(recipe.getRequired()); calculateActualHungerAndSaturationValues(recipe); calculateCostsBasedOnEverything(recipe); //We now know exactly what the stack size will be, as well as exactly how many items we have left! //We know this, as it will be the items remaining in the required //If we have stuff to calculate then do so, otherwise return everything as is if (required.size() == 0 || !recipe.supportsNBTData()) return build(recipe.getStack(), recipe.supportsNBTData()); else { //Now we need to work out the additional stats for the last bit of food List<ItemStack> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (stackSize > 1) ret.add(setFoodStats(StackHelper.toStack(recipe.getStack(), stackSize - 1), hunger, saturation, cost)); //Added the basic recipes, now we need to work out the final oddball stack to add float multiplier = 1F; for (int i = 1; i <= required.size(); i++) { multiplier += 0.5F / i; } //Now that we calulcated the multiplier let's adjust the values hunger = (int)Math.floor((double)hunger * multiplier); saturation = saturation * multiplier; ret.add(setFoodStats(recipe.getStack(), hunger, saturation, cost)); return ret; } } private List<ItemStack> build(ItemStack basicStack, boolean supportsNBTData) { if (!supportsNBTData) return Lists.newArrayList(StackHelper.toStack(basicStack, basicStack.stackSize * stackSize)); else return Lists.newArrayList(setFoodStats(StackHelper.toStack(basicStack, stackSize), hunger, saturation, cost)); } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public static ItemStack setFoodStats(ItemStack stack, int hunger, float saturation, long cost) { if (!stack.hasTagCompound()) stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound()); NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound(); tag.setInteger(FOOD_LEVEL, hunger); tag.setFloat(SATURATION_LEVEL, saturation); tag.setLong(SELL_VALUE, cost); return stack; } private void calculateCostsBasedOnEverything(Recipe recipe) { long sell = 0L; for (IngredientStack stack: recipe.getRequired()) { if (stack.getIngredient() == HFIngredients.BREAD) sell += 50L; else { long internal = stack.getIngredient().getSellValue(); if (internal == 0) { for (Ingredient ingredient : stack.getIngredient().getEquivalents()) { if (internal == 0 || (ingredient.getSellValue() != 0 && ingredient.getSellValue() < internal)) { internal = ingredient.getSellValue(); } } sell += internal; } else sell += stack.getIngredient().getSellValue(); } } this.cost = (long)(sell * COOKING_SELL_MODIFIER); } private void calculateActualHungerAndSaturationValues(Recipe recipe) { //Add the leftover required ingredients if (required.size() > 0) { TObjectIntMap<Ingredient> added = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); for (IngredientStack stack: required) { Ingredient main = stack.getIngredient(); //If we haven't already added this ingredient, use the full value if (!added.containsKey(main)) { hunger += (main.getHunger() / 2); saturation += (main.getSaturation() / 2); added.put(main, 0); } else { //If we have already used this ingredient, let's get how many times we have int used = added.adjustOrPutValue(main, 1, 1); hunger += (((double)main.getHunger())/ (4 * used)); saturation += ((main.getSaturation())/ (4 * used)); //We're added less and less each time to hunger and saturation for each ingredient } } } this.hunger = recipe.getHunger() + (int)((double)this.hunger / stackSize); this.saturation = recipe.getSaturation() + (this.saturation / stackSize); } private void calculateStackSizeBasedOnRequiredListAndRemainingItems(List<IngredientStack> required) { int totalRecipesMade = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (areAllRequiredInRecipeAndRemove(required)) { totalRecipesMade++; } else break; } this.stackSize += totalRecipesMade; } private void removeFromList(IngredientStack required) { //Search through the required set, and remove the first entry we find that matches int removed = 0; Iterator<IngredientStack> it = this.required.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { if (required.isSame( { it.remove(); removed++; if (removed >= required.getStackSize()) { break; } } } } private boolean areAllRequiredInRecipeAndRemove(List<IngredientStack> requiredSet) { //We have looped through the set, so we should now go through and remove from the required again for (IngredientStack required: requiredSet) { if (!required.isSame(this.required)) return false; } //Removed and cleared up the set so we carry on requiredSet.forEach(this::removeFromList); return true; } private void calculateHungerSaturationAndRemoveOptionals(Recipe recipe, List<IngredientStack> optionals) { float hunger = 0; float saturation = 0F; TObjectIntMap<Ingredient> added = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); for (IngredientStack stack: optionals) { Ingredient main = stack.getIngredient(); //If we haven't already added this ingredient, use the full value if (!added.containsKey(main) || stack.isSame(required)) { hunger += main.getHunger(); saturation += main.getSaturation(); added.put(main, 0); } else { //If we have already used this ingredient, let's get how many times we have int used = added.adjustOrPutValue(main, 1, 1); hunger += (((double)main.getHunger())/ (4 * used)); saturation += ((main.getSaturation())/ (4 * used)); //We're added less and less each time to hunger and saturation for each ingredient } if (added.size() >= recipe.getMaximumOptionalIngredients()) break; } this.optional.clear(); this.hunger = (int) Math.floor(hunger); this.saturation = saturation; } private abstract class ListBuilder { List<IngredientStack> toList(Recipe recipe, List<IngredientStack> ingredients) { List<IngredientStack> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (IngredientStack required: getList(recipe)) { //Search through the required set, and remove the first entry we find that matches list.addAll(; } return list; } protected abstract List<IngredientStack> getList(Recipe recipe); } private final ListBuilder toRequired = new ListBuilder() { @Override protected List<IngredientStack> getList(Recipe recipe) { return recipe.getRequired(); } }; private final ListBuilder toOptional = new ListBuilder() { @Override protected List<IngredientStack> getList(Recipe recipe) { return recipe.getOptional(); } }; }