package joshie.harvest.player.relationships; import; import; import joshie.harvest.api.calendar.CalendarDate; import joshie.harvest.api.npc.NPC; import joshie.harvest.api.npc.RelationStatus; import joshie.harvest.api.player.IRelations; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.NBTHelper; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.TextHelper; import joshie.harvest.npcs.NPCHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import java.util.*; public abstract class RelationshipData implements IRelations { public boolean gift(EntityPlayer player, NPC key, int amount) { return false; } protected final HashMap<NPC, Integer> relationships = new HashMap<>(); protected final Multimap<NPC, RelationStatus> status = HashMultimap.create(); public void clear(NPC key) { relationships.remove(key); } @Override public boolean isStatusMet(NPC npc, RelationStatus key) { Collection<RelationStatus> statuses = status.get(npc); return statuses.contains(key); } public void newDay(CalendarDate yesterday, CalendarDate today) { Set<NPC> keys = new HashSet<>(status.keySet()); for (NPC npc: keys) { for (RelationStatus stat: RelationStatus.values()) { if ((stat.isSeasonal() && yesterday.getSeason() != today.getSeason()) || !stat.isPermenant()) { status.get(npc).remove(stat); } } } } @Override public int getRelationship(NPC key) { if (relationships.containsKey(key)) { return relationships.get(key); } //If we don't have a relationship yet, return 0 relationships.put(key, 0); return 0; } //If we have the npc friendship requirement and we propose then we become married, if //We don't they shall hate us! //TODO: Reenable in 1.0 when I readd marriage /* public boolean propose(EntityPlayer player, UUID key) { Collection<RelationStatus> statuses = status.get(key); if (!statuses.contains(RelationStatus.MARRIED)) { int value = getRelationship(key); if (value >= HFNPCs.MARRIAGE_REQUIREMENT) { statuses.add(RelationStatus.MARRIED); player.addStat(HFAchievements.marriage); affectRelationship(key, 1000); return true; } else { affectRelationship(key, -500); } } return false; } public boolean isEllegibleToMarry() { for (UUID key : relationships.keySet()) { int value = getRelationship(key); if (value >= HFNPCs.MARRIAGE_REQUIREMENT) { return true; } } return false; }*/ public String getLover() { return TextHelper.translate("nolover"); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { //Reading Relations NBTTagList relationList = nbt.getTagList("Relationships", 10); for (int i = 0; i < relationList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound tag = relationList.getCompoundTagAt(i); //TODO: Remove in 0.7+ if (tag.hasKey("UUID")) { UUID key = UUID.fromString(tag.getString("UUID")); int value = tag.getInteger("Value"); NPC npc = NPCHelper.getNPCFromUUID(key); if (npc != null) { relationships.put(npc, value); } } else if (tag.hasKey("NPC")) { NPC npc = NPC.REGISTRY.get(new ResourceLocation(tag.getString("NPC"))); int value = tag.getInteger("Value"); relationships.put(npc, value); } } NBTTagList statusList = nbt.getTagList("Statuses", 10); for (int i = 0; i < statusList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound tag = statusList.getCompoundTagAt(i); //TODO: Remove in 0.7+ if (tag.hasKey("UUID")) { UUID key = UUID.fromString(tag.getString("UUID")); NPC npc = NPCHelper.getNPCFromUUID(key); if (npc != null) { Collection<RelationStatus> collection = status.get(npc); NBTTagList statuses = tag.getTagList("Status", 8); for (int j = 0; j < statuses.tagCount(); j++) { collection.add(RelationStatus.valueOf(statuses.getStringTagAt(j))); } } } else if (tag.hasKey("NPC")) { NPC npc = NPC.REGISTRY.get(new ResourceLocation(tag.getString("NPC"))); Collection<RelationStatus> collection = status.get(npc); NBTTagList statuses = tag.getTagList("Status", 8); for (int j = 0; j < statuses.tagCount(); j++) { collection.add(RelationStatus.valueOf(statuses.getStringTagAt(j))); } } } //TODO: Remove in 0.7 if (nbt.hasKey("TalkedTo") || nbt.hasKey("Gifted") || nbt.hasKey("MarriedTo")) { Set<UUID> talked = NBTHelper.readUUIDSet(nbt, "TalkedTo"); Set<UUID> gifted = NBTHelper.readUUIDSet(nbt, "Gifted"); Set<UUID> marriedTo = NBTHelper.readUUIDSet(nbt, "MarriedTo"); for (UUID uuid: talked) { NPC npc = NPCHelper.getNPCFromUUID(uuid); if (npc != null) { status.get(npc).add(RelationStatus.TALKED); } } for (UUID uuid: gifted) { NPC npc = NPCHelper.getNPCFromUUID(uuid); if (npc != null) { status.get(npc).add(RelationStatus.GIFTED); } } for (UUID uuid: marriedTo) { NPC npc = NPCHelper.getNPCFromUUID(uuid); if (npc != null) { status.get(npc).add(RelationStatus.MARRIED); } } } } public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { //Saving Relationships NBTTagList relationList = new NBTTagList(); for (Map.Entry<NPC, Integer> entry : relationships.entrySet()) { if (entry == null || entry.getKey() == null) continue; NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setString("NPC", entry.getKey().getResource().toString()); tag.setInteger("Value", entry.getValue()); relationList.appendTag(tag); } nbt.setTag("Relationships", relationList); //Save the Statuses NBTTagList statusList = new NBTTagList(); for (NPC npc: status.keySet()) { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setString("NPC", npc.getResource().toString()); NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList(); for (RelationStatus stat: status.get(npc)) { list.appendTag(new NBTTagString(; } tag.setTag("Status", list); statusList.appendTag(tag); } nbt.setTag("Statuses", statusList); return nbt; } }