package joshie.harvest.animals.stats; import joshie.harvest.animals.HFAnimals; import joshie.harvest.api.HFApi; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalAction; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalStats; import joshie.harvest.api.animals.AnimalTest; import joshie.harvest.core.helpers.EntityHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static joshie.harvest.calendar.HFCalendar.TICKS_PER_DAY; public class AnimalStatsLivestock extends AnimalStatsHF { private int cleanliness = 0; //How clean this animal is, full byte range //Pregnancy Test private boolean isPregnant; private int daysPregnant; public AnimalStatsLivestock() { this.type = HFAnimals.SHEEP; } @Override protected void preStress() { cleanliness--; } @Override protected void postStress() { if (cleanliness >= 0) { cleanliness = 0; } } @Override protected void updateStats() { super.updateStats(); if (isPregnant) { daysPregnant++; } } @Override protected void updatePregnancy() { if (isPregnant) { daysPregnant++; if (daysPregnant >= HFAnimals.PREGNANCY_TIMER) { isPregnant = false; daysPregnant = 0; giveBirth(); } } //Children should grow! if (animal.isChild()) { animal.addGrowth(1200); } } @Override public boolean performTest(AnimalTest test) { if (test == AnimalTest.CAN_CLEAN) return true; else if (test == AnimalTest.IS_CLEAN) return cleanliness == Byte.MAX_VALUE; else return super.performTest(test); } @Override public boolean performAction(@Nonnull World world, @Nullable ItemStack stack, AnimalAction action) { if (action == AnimalAction.CLEAN) return clean(world); else if (action == AnimalAction.IMPREGNATE) return impregnate(); else return super.performAction(world, stack, action); } private boolean clean(@Nonnull World world) { if (cleanliness < Byte.MAX_VALUE) { if (!world.isRemote) { cleanliness = (byte) Math.min(Byte.MAX_VALUE, cleanliness + 20); if (cleanliness >= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { affectHappiness(type.getRelationshipBonus(AnimalAction.CLEAN)); HFApi.animals.syncAnimalStats(animal); } } return true; } return false; } private boolean impregnate() { if (animal.getAge() < 0) return false; if (isPregnant) return false; daysPregnant = 0; isPregnant = true; affectHappiness(type.getRelationshipBonus(AnimalAction.IMPREGNATE)); HFApi.animals.syncAnimalStats(animal); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") private void giveBirth() { int count = 1; //Chance for litters up to 5 for (int i = 0; i < (HFAnimals.MAX_LITTER_SIZE - 1); i++) { if (rand.nextDouble() * 100 <= HFAnimals.LITTER_EXTRA_CHANCE) { count++; } } //Lay that litter! for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { EntityAgeable baby = animal.createChild(animal); baby.setGrowingAge(-(int)(TICKS_PER_DAY * HFAnimals.AGING_TIMER)); baby.setLocationAndAngles(animal.posX, animal.posY, animal.posZ, 0.0F, 0.0F); AnimalStats stats = EntityHelper.getStats(baby); if (stats != null) { stats.copyHappiness(getOwner(), getHappiness(), 50D); } animal.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(baby); } } @Override public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.deserializeNBT(nbt); cleanliness = nbt.getByte("Cleanliness"); isPregnant = nbt.getBoolean("IsPregnant"); daysPregnant = nbt.getByte("DaysPregnant"); } @Override public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT() { NBTTagCompound tag = super.serializeNBT(); tag.setByte("Cleanliness", (byte)cleanliness); tag.setBoolean("IsPregnant", isPregnant); tag.setByte("DaysPregnant", (byte) daysPregnant); return tag; } }