package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.goko.core.common.exception.GkException; import org.goko.core.common.exception.GkTechnicalException; import org.goko.core.common.measure.Units; import org.goko.core.common.measure.quantity.Length; import org.goko.core.common.measure.quantity.Speed; import org.goko.core.common.utils.AbstractIdBean; import org.goko.core.math.Tuple6b; import; public class GridHeightMap extends AbstractIdBean implements IHeightMap { /** The spatial repartition of positions */ private int[][] vertices; /** The indexed list of position */ private List<Tuple6b> offsets; /** The start point of this map */ private Tuple6b start; /** The end point of this map */ private Tuple6b end; /** Number of divisions on the X axis*/ private int xDivisionCount; /** Number of divisions on the Y axis*/ private int yDivisionCount; /** The clearance height */ private Length clearanceHeight; /** The probe start height */ private Length probeStartHeight; /** The probe lower height */ private Length probeLowerHeight; /** The probe feed rate */ private Speed probeFeedrate; /** The move feed rate */ private Speed moveFeedrate; /** Boolean indicating that the map has been probed */ private boolean isProbed; /** * Constructor * @param vertices the grid of offsets indexes * @param offsets the list of indexes */ public GridHeightMap(int[][] vertices, List<Tuple6b> offsets) { super(); this.vertices = vertices; this.offsets = offsets; this.xDivisionCount = vertices.length - 1; this.yDivisionCount = vertices[0].length - 1; this.start = offsets.get( vertices[0][0]); this.end = offsets.get( vertices[xDivisionCount - 1][yDivisionCount - 1]); } /** (inheritDoc) * @see, org.goko.core.common.measure.quantity.type.BigDecimalQuantity) */ @Override public Length getHeight(Length x, Length y) throws GkException { Tuple6b clippedPosition = new Tuple6b(x, y, Length.ZERO); if(x.greaterThan(start.getX()) && x.lowerThan(end.getX()) && y.greaterThan(start.getY()) && y.lowerThan(end.getY())){ // Clamp the target position in the map area clippedPosition = clippedPosition.max(start); clippedPosition = clippedPosition.min(end); int cellXIndex = getCellXIndex(x); int cellYIndex = getCellYIndex(y); // Get the corner position around the target point Tuple6b pA = offsets.get( vertices[cellXIndex ][cellYIndex ]); Tuple6b pB = offsets.get( vertices[cellXIndex ][cellYIndex+1]); Tuple6b pC = offsets.get( vertices[cellXIndex+1][cellYIndex ]); Tuple6b pD = offsets.get( vertices[cellXIndex+1][cellYIndex+1]); return findOffsetBilinear(clippedPosition, pA, pB, pC, pD); } return null; } /** (inheritDoc) * @see, org.goko.core.math.Tuple6b) */ @Override public List<Tuple6b> splitSegment(final Tuple6b pStart, final Tuple6b pEnd) throws GkException { List<Tuple6b> lstSubSegment = new ArrayList<Tuple6b>(); List<Tuple6b> lstSubSegmentX = new ArrayList<Tuple6b>(); // The given segment is a purely vertical segment, we won't split it if( pEnd.getX().equals(pStart.getX()) && pEnd.getY().equals(pStart.getY())){ lstSubSegment.add(pStart); lstSubSegment.add(pEnd); return lstSubSegment; } BigDecimal slope = BigDecimal.ZERO; if( !pEnd.getX().equals(pStart.getX()) ){ slope = (pEnd.getY().subtract(pStart.getY())).divide(pEnd.getX().subtract(pStart.getX())); } Tuple6b start = new Tuple6b(pStart); Tuple6b end = new Tuple6b(pEnd); start.setZ(Length.ZERO); end.setZ(Length.ZERO); { // Let's divide the segment along the X axis (in this case, segmenting line are along Y axis List<Length> lstIntersectionXCoordinate = getIntersectingDivisionsX(start, end); lstSubSegmentX.add(start); if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lstIntersectionXCoordinate)){ for (Length xCoord : lstIntersectionXCoordinate) { Length computedY = start.getY().add( xCoord.subtract(start.getX()).multiply(slope) ); Tuple6b pt = new Tuple6b(Units.MILLIMETRE, xCoord, computedY, Length.ZERO); lstSubSegmentX.add(pt); } } lstSubSegmentX.add(end); } { // Now we can divise along the Y axis int iterationMax = lstSubSegmentX.size() - 1; for (int j = 0; j < iterationMax; j++) { Tuple6b tmpStart = lstSubSegmentX.get(j); Tuple6b tmpEnd = lstSubSegmentX.get(j+1); List<Length> lstIntersectionYCoordinate = getIntersectingDivisionsY(tmpStart, tmpEnd); lstSubSegment.add(tmpStart); if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lstIntersectionYCoordinate)){ for (Length yCoord : lstIntersectionYCoordinate) { Length computedX = tmpStart.getX(); if(!slope.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)){ computedX = yCoord.subtract(tmpStart.getY()).divide(slope).add( tmpStart.getX() ); } Tuple6b pt = new Tuple6b(Units.MILLIMETRE, computedX, yCoord, Length.ZERO); lstSubSegment.add(pt); } } } lstSubSegment.add(end); } return lstSubSegment; } /** * Returns the ordered list of position along the X axis which intersects the given segment. The points are ordered from start to end * @param start the start point of the segment * @param end the end point of the segment * @return a list of Quantity */ private List<Length> getIntersectingDivisionsX(Tuple6b start, Tuple6b end){ List<Length> lstXPosition = new ArrayList<>(); // Start < End if(start.getX().lowerThanOrEqualTo(end.getX())){ for(int i = 0; i < xDivisionCount ; i++){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[i][0]); if(gridPoint.getX().greaterThan(start.getX()) && gridPoint.getX().lowerThan(end.getX())){ lstXPosition.add( gridPoint.getX() ); }else if(gridPoint.getX().greaterThanOrEqualTo(end.getX())){ break; } } }else{ // Start > End for(int i = xDivisionCount - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[i][0]); if(gridPoint.getX().greaterThan(end.getX()) && gridPoint.getX().lowerThan(start.getX())){ lstXPosition.add( gridPoint.getX() ); }else if(gridPoint.getX().lowerThanOrEqualTo(start.getX())){ break; } } } return lstXPosition; } /** * Returns the ordered list of position along the Y axis which intersects the given segment. The points are ordered from start to end * @param start the start point of the segment * @param end the end point of the segment * @return a list of Quantity */ private List<Length> getIntersectingDivisionsY(Tuple6b start, Tuple6b end){ List<Length> lstYPosition = new ArrayList<>(); // Start < End if(start.getY().lowerThanOrEqualTo(end.getY())){ for(int i = 0; i < yDivisionCount ; i++){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[0][i]); if(gridPoint.getY().greaterThan(start.getY()) && gridPoint.getY().lowerThan(end.getY())){ lstYPosition.add( gridPoint.getY() ); }else if(gridPoint.getY().greaterThanOrEqualTo(end.getY())){ break; } } }else{ // End < Start for(int i = yDivisionCount - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[0][i]); if(gridPoint.getY().greaterThan(end.getY()) && gridPoint.getY().lowerThan(start.getY())){ lstYPosition.add( gridPoint.getY() ); }else if(gridPoint.getY().lowerThanOrEqualTo(start.getY())){ break; } } } return lstYPosition; } /** * Returns the index row containing the X value of the given position * @param position the row position * @return integer */ private int getCellXIndex(Length x){ int cellIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= xDivisionCount ; i++){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[i][0]); if(gridPoint.getX().greaterThanOrEqualTo(x) ){ break; } cellIndex = i; } return cellIndex; } /** * Returns the index column containing the Y value of the given position * @param position the column position * @return integer */ private int getCellYIndex(Length y){ int cellIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= yDivisionCount; i++){ Tuple6b gridPoint = offsets.get(vertices[0][i]); if(gridPoint.getY().greaterThanOrEqualTo(y) ){ break; } cellIndex = i; } return cellIndex; } /** * Find the interpolated height of the given position using a bilinear interpolation of the height probed at the 4 corners * @param position the calculation position * @param v1 probed position of corner 1 * @param v2 probed position of corner 2 * @param v3 probed position of corner 3 * @param v4 probed position of corner 4 * @return the probed height */ private Length findOffsetBilinear(Tuple6b position,Tuple6b v1,Tuple6b v2,Tuple6b v3,Tuple6b v4){ Length x1 = position.getY().subtract(v1.getY()).abs(); Length dx1 = v2.getY().subtract(v1.getY()).abs(); Length a1z = v2.getZ().multiply(x1.divide(dx1)).add(v1.getZ().multiply( BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x1.divide(dx1)) )); Length x2 = position.getY().subtract(v3.getY()).abs(); Length dx2 = v4.getY().subtract(v3.getY()).abs(); Length a2z = v4.getZ().multiply(x2.divide(dx2)).add(v3.getZ().multiply( BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x2.divide(dx2) ))); Length y1 = position.getX().subtract(v1.getX()).abs(); Length dy1 = v3.getX().subtract(v1.getX()).abs(); Length zFinal = a2z.multiply(y1.divide(dy1)).add(a1z.multiply( BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(y1.divide(dy1) ))); return zFinal; } /** * @return the offsets */ public List<Tuple6b> getOffsets() { return offsets; } public Tuple6b getPoint(int x, int y){ if(vertices != null && vertices.length > x){ if(vertices[x] != null && vertices[x].length > y){ int index = vertices[x][y]; return offsets.get(index); } } return null; } public void build() throws GkException{ if(xDivisionCount <= 0 || yDivisionCount <= 0){ throw new GkTechnicalException("X/Y division count should be positive"); } Length dx = end.getX().subtract(start.getX()).divide(xDivisionCount); Length dy = end.getY().subtract(start.getY()).divide(yDivisionCount); offsets = new ArrayList<Tuple6b>(); vertices = new int[xDivisionCount + 1][yDivisionCount + 1]; for(int x = 0 ; x <= xDivisionCount; x++){ Length xCoord = start.getX().add(dx.multiply(x)); for(int y = 0 ; y <= yDivisionCount; y++){ vertices[x][y] = offsets.size(); offsets.add(new Tuple6b(xCoord, start.getY().add(dy.multiply(y)), Length.ZERO)); } } } /** * @param offsets the offsets to set */ public void setOffsets(List<Tuple6b> offsets) { this.offsets = offsets; } /** * @return the start */ public Tuple6b getStart() { return start; } /** * @param start the start to set */ public void setStart(Tuple6b start) { this.start = start; } /** * @return the end */ public Tuple6b getEnd() { return end; } /** * @param end the end to set */ public void setEnd(Tuple6b end) { this.end = end; } /** * @return the xDivisionCount */ public int getxDivisionCount() { return xDivisionCount; } /** * @param xDivisionCount the xDivisionCount to set */ public void setxDivisionCount(int xDivisionCount) { this.xDivisionCount = xDivisionCount; } /** * @return the yDivisionCount */ public int getyDivisionCount() { return yDivisionCount; } /** * @param yDivisionCount the yDivisionCount to set */ public void setyDivisionCount(int yDivisionCount) { this.yDivisionCount = yDivisionCount; } /** * @return */ public Length getStepSizeX() { return end.getX().subtract(start.getX()).divide(xDivisionCount); } /** * @return */ public Length getStepSizeY() { return end.getY().subtract(start.getY()).divide(yDivisionCount); } /** * @return the clearanceHeight */ public Length getClearanceHeight() { return clearanceHeight; } /** * @param clearanceHeight the clearanceHeight to set */ public void setClearanceHeight(Length clearanceHeight) { this.clearanceHeight = clearanceHeight; } /** * @return the probeStartHeight */ public Length getProbeStartHeight() { return probeStartHeight; } /** * @param probeStartHeight the probeStartHeight to set */ public void setProbeStartHeight(Length probeStartHeight) { this.probeStartHeight = probeStartHeight; } /** * @return the probeLowerHeight */ public Length getProbeLowerHeight() { return probeLowerHeight; } /** * @param probeLowerHeight the probeLowerHeight to set */ public void setProbeLowerHeight(Length probeLowerHeight) { this.probeLowerHeight = probeLowerHeight; } /** * @return the probeFeedrate */ public Speed getProbeFeedrate() { return probeFeedrate; } /** * @param probeFeedrate the probeFeedrate to set */ public void setProbeFeedrate(Speed probeFeedrate) { this.probeFeedrate = probeFeedrate; } /** (inheritDoc) * @see */ @Override public boolean isProbed() { return isProbed; } /** * @param isProbed the isProbed to set */ public void setProbed(boolean isProbed) { this.isProbed = isProbed; } /** * @return the moveFeedrate */ public Speed getMoveFeedrate() { return moveFeedrate; } /** * @param moveFeedrate the moveFeedrate to set */ public void setMoveFeedrate(Speed moveFeedrate) { this.moveFeedrate = moveFeedrate; } }