package EnvironmentPluginAPI.Service; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Contract.IEnvironmentState; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * If an environment is interested in saving replays of cycles, it can provide an implementation of this interface. * <br/><br/> * MARLA will then use this interface to automatically generate statistics for this environment, which can be viewed * via the Overseer application. The statistics and replays will be accessible even after ending the program. * <br/><br/> * If the environment provides a visualization, it will receive this replays. * <br/><br/> * NOTICE: Iterator has to ensure that the states of the environment are iterated in the order they originally occurred. * @param <E> The actual implementation of IEnvironmentState in your Environment * @param <C> The actual implementation of IEnvironmentConfiguration * @see IEnvironmentState * @see IEnvironmentConfiguration */ public interface ICycleReplay<E extends IEnvironmentState, C extends IEnvironmentConfiguration> extends Iterable<E>, Serializable { /** * A random UUID to identify this replay. * @return != null */ UUID getReplayId(); /** * The initial configuration, that the environment had when it started. * @return */ public C getConfiguration(); /** * The time when the cycle, that this replay describes, took place. * @return != null */ Date getReplayDate(); /** * A list of all agent system names that were part of the cycle. * @return a non empty list != null */ List<String> getAgentSystems(); /** * The name of the agent system that reached the environment's goal (if one exists). * TODO: Since there is a high likeliness of an environment where multiple agent systems can reach a goal, this should be a list. * @return may be null, if none did */ String getAgentSystemsWithGoalReached(); /** * The count of all actions that were performed by all agent systems during this cycle. * @return */ int getNumberOfTurns(); /** * True, if this replay has the same uuid as o and describes exactly the same environment states. * @param o * @return */ @Override boolean equals(Object o); /** * The hashCode for this object for correct use in collections.<br/><br/> * * It must fulfill the mathematical properties:<br/> * a.equals(b) == true -> a.hashCode == b.hashCode * @return */ @Override int hashCode(); }