package AgentProvider.Implementation.Agents; import AgentSystemPluginAPI.Contract.IStateActionGenerator; import AgentSystemPluginAPI.Contract.StateAction; import AgentSystemPluginAPI.Services.IAgent; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.TechnicalException; import ZeroTypes.Exceptions.ErrorMessages; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** * The abstract implementation of an epsilon-greedy agent. * <p/> * Note, that the agent's learning parameters are all 0.0f by default. */ abstract class EpsilonGreedyAgent implements IAgent { //agent settings private float epsilon; private float lambda; private float gamma; private float alpha; private String name; //epsilon greedy implementation protected final IDictionary qValues; private IStateActionGenerator stateActionGenerator; //technical private final IAgentSettingUpdatedListener settingUpdatedListener; //caching private Random random = new Random(); public EpsilonGreedyAgent(String name, IDictionary qValues, IStateActionGenerator stateActionGenerator,IAgentSettingUpdatedListener settingUpdatedListener) { = name; this.stateActionGenerator = stateActionGenerator; this.settingUpdatedListener = settingUpdatedListener; this.qValues = qValues; } protected StateAction getBestAction(StateAction state) throws TechnicalException { float value = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float tmp = 0; StateAction result = null; for (StateAction action : stateActionGenerator.getAllPossibleActions(state)) { tmp = qValues.getValue(action); if(tmp >= value) { value = tmp; result = action; } } return result; } protected StateAction getEpsilonInfluencedAction(StateAction state) throws TechnicalException { StateAction result; // get all possible actions and test their validity Set<StateAction> possibleActions = stateActionGenerator.getAllPossibleActions(state); for(StateAction sa : possibleActions) { if(sa == null || sa.getCompressedRepresentation() == null) { throw new RuntimeException(ErrorMessages.get("erroneousStateActionGenerator")); } } // If there are alternatives: // normally choose the best one, but by chance choose one with a worse expected reward // else take the single one. if(possibleActions.size() > 1 && epsilon >= random.nextFloat()) { possibleActions.remove(getBestAction(state)); StateAction[] stateActions = new StateAction[possibleActions.size()]; int i = 0; for(StateAction action : possibleActions) { stateActions[i] = new StateAction(state.getStateDescription(), action.getActionDescription()); i++; } result = stateActions[random.nextInt(stateActions.length)]; } else { result = getBestAction(state); } return result; } public abstract StateAction step(float rewardForLastStep, StateAction newState) throws TechnicalException; private void fireSettingChangedEvent(AgentSettingName name) { switch (name) { case ALPHA: settingUpdatedListener.onAgentSettingUpdated(this, AgentSettingName.ALPHA, alpha); break; case EPSILON: settingUpdatedListener.onAgentSettingUpdated(this, AgentSettingName.EPSILON, epsilon); break; case GAMMA: settingUpdatedListener.onAgentSettingUpdated(this, AgentSettingName.GAMMA, gamma); break; case LAMBDA: settingUpdatedListener.onAgentSettingUpdated(this, AgentSettingName.LAMBDA, lambda); break; } } public void setAlpha(float alpha) { this.alpha = alpha; fireSettingChangedEvent(AgentSettingName.ALPHA); } public float getAlpha() { return alpha; } public void setEpsilon(float epsilon) { this.epsilon = epsilon; fireSettingChangedEvent(AgentSettingName.EPSILON); } public float getEpsilon() { return epsilon; } public void setGamma(float gamma) { this.gamma = gamma; fireSettingChangedEvent(AgentSettingName.GAMMA); } public float getGamma() { return gamma; } public void setLambda(float lambda) { this.lambda = lambda; fireSettingChangedEvent(AgentSettingName.LAMBDA); } public float getLambda() { return lambda; } public String getName() { return name; } }