package GameServerFacade.Interface; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.CorruptConfigurationFileException; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.TechnicalException; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Contract.IEnvironmentPluginDescriptor; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Contract.TEnvironmentDescription; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Service.ICycleStatisticsSaver; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Service.IEnvironmentConfiguration; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.TransportTypes.TMapMetaData; import PluginLoader.Interface.Exceptions.PluginNotReadableException; import ZeroTypes.RemoteInterface.ICycleStatistics; import ServerRunner.Interface.IServerRunner; import ZeroTypes.Settings.SettingException; import; import java.util.List; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Jason * Date: 13.05.12 * Time: 17:16 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public interface IServerFacade extends ICycleStatistics, ICycleStatisticsSaver, IServerRunner { /** * Searches recursively for environment plugins in the given directory. * * @return empty if no environment plugins were found * @throws TechnicalException if technical errors prevent the component from loading the plugin described * @throws PluginNotReadableException if the plugin is not readable, for example if no TEnvironmentDescription is provided * @throws ZeroTypes.Settings.SettingException @throws SettingException if the environmentPluginsfolder is not correctly set in the app settings. */ public List<TEnvironmentDescription> listAvailableEnvironments() throws TechnicalException, PluginNotReadableException, SettingException; /** * Loads the specified environment plugin. * @pre listAvailableEnvironments must have been used before * @param environment the environment plugin to load * @return != null * @throws TechnicalException if technical errors prevent the component from loading the plugin specified * @throws PluginNotReadableException if the plugin is not readable, for example if no TEnvironmentDescription is provided */ public void loadEnvironmentPlugin(TEnvironmentDescription environment) throws TechnicalException, PluginNotReadableException; /** * Saves the given map to a file in the maps directory. * if a map with that name already exists, it will be overwritten. * * @pre loadEnvironmentPlugin must have been called previously * @param configuration the configuration to save * @throws EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.TechnicalException */ public void saveConfiguration(IEnvironmentConfiguration configuration, TEnvironmentDescription environment) throws TechnicalException, PluginNotReadableException; /** * Gets all available maps from the maps directory. * * @pre loadEnvironmentPlugin must have been called previously * @return empty, if no maps found. */ public List<IEnvironmentConfiguration> getAvailableConfigurations(TEnvironmentDescription environment) throws CorruptConfigurationFileException, TechnicalException, PluginNotReadableException; }