package AgentProvider.Implementation.Database; import AgentSystemPluginAPI.Contract.StateAction; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.TechnicalException; import ZeroTypes.Exceptions.ErrorMessages; import java.sql.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * This class implements the connection to the database as an unlimited cache. */ public class DatabaseCache extends DatabaseAccessor implements ICache { private String tableName; private final PreparedStatement selectStatement; private ResultSet resultSet; private int size; private Map<StateAction, Float> buffer; private int elemCount; public DatabaseCache(Connection connection, String tableName, int size) throws TechnicalException { super(connection); this.tableName = tableName; this.size = size; buffer = new HashMap<StateAction, Float>(size); elemCount = 0; createTableIfNotExists(tableName, "(key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value FLOAT)"); try { selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select value from " + tableName + " where key = ?"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TechnicalException(ErrorMessages.get("databaseError") + "\nReason}\n" + e); } } @Override public void store(StateAction stateAction, float value) throws TechnicalException { if(elemCount >= size) { flush(); } if(!buffer.containsKey(stateAction)) { elemCount++; } buffer.put(stateAction, value); } @Override public float remove(StateAction stateAction) throws ValueNotFoundException, TechnicalException { Float result; result = buffer.get(stateAction); if (result != null) { buffer.remove(stateAction); return result; } result = readFromDb(stateAction); if (result != null) { return result; } else { throw new ValueNotFoundException(); } } @Override public boolean hasStored(StateAction stateAction) throws TechnicalException { return buffer.containsKey(stateAction) || (readFromDb(stateAction) != null); } @Override public float get(StateAction stateAction) throws ValueNotFoundException, TechnicalException { Float result; result = buffer.get(stateAction); if (result != null) { return result; } result = readFromDb(stateAction); if (result != null) { store(stateAction, result); return result; } else { throw new ValueNotFoundException(); } } private Float readFromDb(StateAction stateAction) throws TechnicalException { // if that fails read data from db and update caches try { selectStatement.setString(1, stateAction.getCompressedRepresentation()); resultSet = selectStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { return resultSet.getFloat("value"); } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TechnicalException(ErrorMessages.get("databaseError") + "\nReason}\n" + e); } } @Override public void flush() throws TechnicalException { try { Statement statement = activeConnection().createStatement(); for (Map.Entry<StateAction, Float> stateActionFloatEntry : buffer.entrySet()) { statement.addBatch(String.format("merge into %s (key, value) key(key) values ('%s', %s)", tableName, stateActionFloatEntry.getKey().getCompressedRepresentation(), stateActionFloatEntry.getValue())); } statement.executeBatch(); elemCount = 0; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TechnicalException(ErrorMessages.get("databaseError") + "\nReason}\n" + e); } } public void clear() throws TechnicalException { try { activeConnection().createStatement().execute("drop table " + tableName); createTableIfNotExists(tableName, "(key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value FLOAT)"); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TechnicalException(ErrorMessages.get("databaseError") + "\nReason}\n" + e); } } }