package Factory.GameLogic; import Factory.GameLogic.Enums.Direction; import Factory.GameLogic.Enums.Faction; import Factory.GameLogic.GameActors.*; import Factory.GameLogic.TransportTypes.TPosition; import java.util.List; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: TwiG * Date: 22.05.12 * Time: 12:49 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class RuleBook implements { // -------------------------- OTHER METHODS -------------------------- public boolean validateEndTurn(Game game) { //there is currently no rule involving endTurn Actions return true; } public boolean validateMoveUnit(Faction mover, Unit unit, Direction direction, Game game) { TPosition positionOfUnit = game.getPositionForUnit(unit); //check if Unit is controlled by the mover if (!(mover == unit.getFaction())) { return false; } if (game.getTurn() == unit.getExhaustedForTurn()) { return false; } //check if Unit moves over the Boarder if (positionOfUnit.getY() == 0) { if (direction == Direction.UP || direction == Direction.UP_LEFT || direction == Direction.UP_RIGHT) { return false; } } if (positionOfUnit.getY() >= game.getMapMetaData().getEdgeLength() - 1) { if (direction == Direction.DOWN || direction == Direction.DOWN_LEFT || direction == Direction.DOWN_RIGHT) { return false; } } if (positionOfUnit.getX() == 0) { if (direction == Direction.LEFT || direction == Direction.DOWN_LEFT || direction == Direction.UP_LEFT) { return false; } } if (positionOfUnit.getX() >= game.getMapMetaData().getEdgeLength() - 1) { if (direction == Direction.RIGHT || direction == Direction.UP_RIGHT || direction == Direction.DOWN_RIGHT) { return false; } } //check if the Unit moves on a Unit of the same Faction AbstractField fieldUnitIsStandingOn = game.getFieldForPosition(positionOfUnit); AbstractField fieldUnitIsGoingTo = game.getNeighborFieldForPosition(positionOfUnit, direction); if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo.isOccupied()) { if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo.getOccupant().getFaction() == unit.getFaction()) { return false; } } //check if the Unit is allowed to take that move if (fieldUnitIsStandingOn instanceof NormalField || fieldUnitIsGoingTo instanceof InfluenceField) { if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo instanceof FactoryField) { return false; } } return true; } public Player validateWinner(Game game) { Player potentialWinner = game.getActivePlayer(); Faction potentialWinningFaction = potentialWinner.getFaction(); List<Factory> factoryList = game.getFactories(); AbstractField[][] board = game.getBoard(); //only the active player can win //check if there is a unit the active player does not control for (AbstractField[] fields : board) { for (AbstractField field : fields) { if (field.isOccupied()) { if (field.getOccupant().getFaction() != potentialWinningFaction) { return null; } } } } // THIS WINNING CONDITION HAS BEEN REMOVED. THE ACTIVE PLAYER NOW ONLY NEEDS TO KILL ALL ENEMY UNITS. //check if there is a factory that is under control of an opponent //for (Factory factory : factoryList) { // if (factory.getController() != potentialWinningFaction && factory.getController() != Faction.NEUTRAL) // return null; //} return game.getActivePlayer(); } }