package Factory.GameLogic.Utility; import Factory.GameLogic.Enums.Direction; import Factory.GameLogic.Enums.Faction; import Factory.GameLogic.TransportTypes.*; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: TwiG * Date: 28.05.12 * Time: 11:02 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public abstract class GameInfos { // -------------------------- STATIC METHODS -------------------------- public static List<TUnit> getUnitsForFaction(TGameState gameState, Faction faction) { List<TUnit> unitList = new LinkedList<TUnit>(); for (TAbstractField[] fields : gameState.getMapFields()) { for (TAbstractField field : fields) { if (field.isOccupied()) { if (field.getOccupant().getControllingFaction() == faction) { unitList.add(field.getOccupant()); } } } } return unitList; } public static TFactory getFactoryForInfluenceField(TGameState gameState, TInfluenceField field) { int IDtoSearch = field.getFactoryID(); for (TFactory factory : gameState.getFactories()) { if (factory.getFactoryID() == IDtoSearch) { return factory; } } //no factory found : ( that is not supposed to happen return null; } public static TFactory getFactoryForFactoryField(TGameState gameState, TFactory field) { int IDtoSearch = field.getFactoryID(); for (TFactory factory : gameState.getFactories()) { if (factory.getFactoryID() == IDtoSearch) { return factory; } } //no factory found : ( that is not supposed to happen return null; } public static boolean validateUnitMovement(TGameState gameState, TUnit unit, Direction direction, TPlayer activePlayer) { if(unit.getControllingFaction() != activePlayer.getFaction()) { return false; } List<Direction> legalDirections = getLegalDirectionForUnit(gameState, unit); if(!legalDirections.contains(direction)) { return false; } return true; } public static List<Direction> getLegalDirectionForUnit(TGameState gameState, TUnit unit) { List<Direction> possibleDirectionList = new ArrayList<Direction>(); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.UP); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.LEFT); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.DOWN); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.RIGHT); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.DOWN_LEFT); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.DOWN_RIGHT); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.UP_LEFT); possibleDirectionList.add(Direction.UP_RIGHT); TPosition positionOfUnit = GameInfos.getPositionForUnit(gameState, unit); //check if Unit is controlled by the mover if (!(gameState.getActivePlayer().getFaction() == unit.getControllingFaction())) { return new ArrayList<Direction>(); } //check if Unit moves over the Boarder if (positionOfUnit.getY() == 0) { possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.UP); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.UP_LEFT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.UP_RIGHT); } if (positionOfUnit.getY() >= gameState.getMapFields().length - 1) { possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.DOWN); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.DOWN_LEFT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.DOWN_RIGHT); } if (positionOfUnit.getX() == 0) { possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.LEFT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.UP_LEFT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.DOWN_LEFT); } if (positionOfUnit.getX() >= gameState.getMapFields().length - 1) { possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.RIGHT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.UP_RIGHT); possibleDirectionList.remove(Direction.DOWN_RIGHT); } //check if the Unit moves on a Unit of the same Faction TAbstractField fieldUnitIsStandingOn = GameInfos.getFieldForPosition(gameState, positionOfUnit); Iterator<Direction> possDirectionIterator = possibleDirectionList.iterator(); while (possDirectionIterator.hasNext()) { Direction direction =; TAbstractField fieldUnitIsGoingTo = GameInfos.getNeighborFieldForPosition(gameState, positionOfUnit, direction); if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo.isOccupied()) { if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo.getOccupant().getControllingFaction() == unit.getControllingFaction()) { possDirectionIterator.remove(); } } } //check if the Unit is allowed to take that move possDirectionIterator = possibleDirectionList.iterator(); while (possDirectionIterator.hasNext()) { Direction direction =; TAbstractField fieldUnitIsGoingTo = GameInfos.getNeighborFieldForPosition(gameState, positionOfUnit, direction); if (fieldUnitIsStandingOn instanceof TInfluenceField || fieldUnitIsStandingOn instanceof TNormalField) { if (fieldUnitIsGoingTo instanceof TFactoryField) possDirectionIterator.remove(); } } return possibleDirectionList; } public static TPosition getPositionForUnit(TGameState gameState, TUnit unit) { TAbstractField[][] board = gameState.getMapFields(); for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < board[i].length; j++) { if (board[j][i].isOccupied()) { if (board[j][i].getOccupant().getUnitId() == unit.getUnitId()) { return new TPosition(i, j); } } } } //No unit was found return null; } public static TAbstractField getFieldForPosition(TGameState gameState, TPosition position) { TAbstractField[][] board = gameState.getMapFields(); return board[position.getY()][position.getX()]; } public static TAbstractField getNeighborFieldForPosition(TGameState gameState, TPosition position, Direction direction) { TAbstractField[][] board = gameState.getMapFields(); int x = position.getX(); int y = position.getY(); switch (direction) { case UP: return board[y - 1][x]; case DOWN: return board[y + 1][x]; case LEFT: return board[y][x - 1]; case RIGHT: return board[y][x + 1]; case UP_LEFT: return board[y - 1][x - 1]; case UP_RIGHT: return board[y - 1][x + 1]; case DOWN_LEFT: return board[y + 1][x - 1]; case DOWN_RIGHT: return board[y + 1][x + 1]; } return null; } public static boolean checkIfActivePlayerHasWon(TGameState gameState) { HashMap<Faction, List<TUnit>> unitsForFaction = getUnitsForAllFactions(gameState); if(!unitsForFaction.containsKey(gameState.getActivePlayer().getFaction())) { return false; } if(unitsForFaction.keySet().size() > 1) { return false; } return true; } public static HashMap<Faction, List<TUnit>> getUnitsForAllFactions(TGameState gameState) { HashMap<Faction, List<TUnit>> unitList = new HashMap<Faction, List<TUnit>>(); for (TAbstractField[] fields : gameState.getMapFields()) { for (TAbstractField field : fields) { if (field.isOccupied()) { if (unitList.containsKey(field.getOccupant().getControllingFaction())) { unitList.get(field.getOccupant().getControllingFaction()).add(field.getOccupant()); } else { List<TUnit> tmpList = new LinkedList<TUnit>(); tmpList.add(field.getOccupant()); unitList.put(field.getOccupant().getControllingFaction(), tmpList); } } } } return unitList; } }