package EnvironmentPluginAPI.Contract; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.CorruptConfigurationFileException; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.IllegalNumberOfClientsException; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Exceptions.TechnicalException; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.Service.IEnvironmentConfiguration; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.TransportTypes.TMARLAClientInstance; import EnvironmentPluginAPI.TransportTypes.TMapMetaData; import; import java.util.List; /** * Every environment hosted in MARLA must implement this interface. Environments provide the ability to react to actions of * AgentSystems and change their states. * * For every new cycle a new IEnvironment will be instantiated. The clients carry out their actions in a order determined * by the IEnvironment. * For every action a client carries out, the environment's state may change. The clients will carry out their actions, until * the IEnvironment terminates the cycle. This will happen, if a predetermined goal or some other termination condition * is met. * <br/><br/> * If the IEnvironment implements no termination-condition, the cycle will (theoretically) go on forever, unless terminated * by the user. * <br/><br/> The type parameters eliminate the need to cast in the plugin implementation, if used. * @param <A> The class that is used in the environment to describe an agent system's action. * @param <I> The class that is used in the environment to describe the current status of the environment. * @param <C> The class that is used in the environment to describe an environment configuration. */ public interface IEnvironment<C extends IEnvironmentConfiguration, I extends IEnvironmentState, A extends IActionDescription> { /** * Starts the environment with the given parameters. * * @param marlaClients a list of all marla networkClients that will take part in the environment session * @param environmentConfiguration (optional) data about the environments start configuration. May be null. * @return an object describing the environment's state when the game starts, != null * @throws TechnicalException if any technical errors occurred, that couldn't be handled */ public IEnvironmentState start(List<TMARLAClientInstance> marlaClients, C environmentConfiguration) throws TechnicalException, IllegalNumberOfClientsException; /** * Denotes if the current environment is still active. If true, the MARLA system will use the value of * getActiveInstance() to ask that client for his next turn. If false, the MARLA system will stop letting the * clients make turns and call end(). * @return see description */ public boolean isStillActive(); /** * Marks, which instance of a MARLA-Client was chosen to take the next turn. * <br/><br/> * The client, that is returned here, will receive this environment state. Its answer, in form of an * IActionDescription, will be the next input for the environment. * * @see EnvironmentPluginAPI.Contract.IActionDescription * @see EnvironmentPluginAPI.TransportTypes.TMARLAClientInstance * @return must be part of this environment, != null */ public TMARLAClientInstance getActiveInstance(); /** * Gets the current state of the map for the running game. * * @return The current state of the game. != null * @see IEnvironmentState */ I getCurrentEnvironmentState() throws TechnicalException; /** * Executes the action described by the actionDescription. The environment will change accordingly, and an updated * environment-state will be returned. * @param actionDescription an object describing the action(s) taken by the marla client * @return The state of the environment after the action has been executed, != null * @see IActionDescription */ IEnvironmentState executeAction(A actionDescription) throws TechnicalException; /** * Called, when MARLA is about to end the current environment session. Can be used for cleanup and/or saving replays. */ public void end() throws TechnicalException; }