A Quick guide of Google’s v8 JavaScript Engine

Among the engineers, JavaScript has a reputation of being the terrible language. It is thought of as boorish, inexactly composed and tormented with many cross-program issues. Jumping off ten years later, in 2004, Google launched another application: Google Maps. JavaScript developers have a distinct advantage as the programs are stalled away at such a code which is furrowed away from JavaScript engine.

There are numerous pages and bits which are committed to the clarification and depiction of the JavaScript engines. So, we would like to take a leap on the shiniest toy in the present era of engines, V8. A couple of steps are required to proceed with the JavaScript engines. These engines begin with the lexical analysis which breaks the code into the tokens to distinguish their effect. The tokens are further examined by a parser and obtained by a syntax tree as byte code. At last, the JIT compilers kicks in the syntax tree and executes the code.