package net.alcuria.umbracraft.util; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.entities.Entity; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; /** Utility functions for {@link String} objects. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class StringUtils { /** Makes the name of the definition a little nicer. * @param name the class definition name * @return the name without "Definition" and some added whitespace */ public static CharSequence formatName(String name) { if (name.contains("Definition")) { name = name.replaceAll("Definition", ""); } return splitCamelCase(name); } /** Checks whether or not a string is empty. * @param string a string to check * @return <code>true</code> if the string is both non-null and contains * non-space characters. Strings like "" and " " return * <code>false</code>, whereas Strings like " A " will still return * <code>true</code>. */ public static boolean isNotEmpty(String string) { return string != null && string.trim().length() > 0; } /** @param str a string * @return <code>true</code> if the {@link String} is a number */ public static boolean isNumber(String str) { return isNotEmpty(str) && str.matches("^[+-]?\\d+$"); } /** Given an id in the form {argN} where N is an index into the args array, * this returns the arg at that index. * @param id the zero-based index * @param arguments the {@link Entity} object's arguments * @return the argument at that index */ public static String replaceArgs(String id, Array<String> arguments) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{arg[0-9]\\}"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(id); while (matcher.find()) { String match =; String number = match.replace("{arg", "").replace("}", ""); if (StringUtils.isNumber(number)) { int idx = Integer.valueOf(number); if (idx >= 0 && idx < arguments.size) { id = id.replace(match, arguments.get(idx)); } else { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("No argument at index: " + idx + ". size: " + arguments.size); } } else { throw new NumberFormatException("String is not a number: " + id); } } return id; } /** Splits a string that's in camel-case. * @param s a {@link String} * @return */ public static String splitCamelCase(String s) { return s.replaceAll(String.format("%s|%s|%s", "(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])", "(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])", "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])"), " "); } /** Truncates a string, appending ellipses if it's too long. */ public static String truncate(String string, int length) { if (string == null) { return ""; } return string.length() < length ? string : string.substring(0, length) + "..."; } }