package; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** Various game stats we want to save * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class GameStatsManager { /** A type of stat to track * @author Andrew Keturi */ public enum GameStat { TIME_PLAYED } private ObjectMap<String, Long> map = new ObjectMap<String, Long>(); /** Updates this {@link GameStatsManager} object with the fields present in * the passed in stats objet. * @param stats the {@link GameStatsManager} we want to copy */ public void copy(GameStatsManager stats) { if (stats != null && != null) { map =; } } /** Gets a stat from the manager. Zero is returned if the stat is not * present. * @param stat the {@link GameStat} * @return the value of this stat */ public long get(GameStat stat) { if (!map.containsKey(stat.toString())) { return 0L; } return map.get(stat.toString()); } /** Increments a stat value * @param stat the {@link GameStat} * @param value the value to increment by */ public void increment(GameStat stat, long value) { if (!map.containsKey(stat.toString())) { set(stat, value); } else { map.put(stat.toString(), map.get(stat.toString()) + value); } } /** Sets a stat to a value * @param stat the {@link GameStat} * @param value the new value for this stat */ public void set(GameStat stat, long value) { map.put(stat.toString(), value); } }