package; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.Definition; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** Defines behavior for players that reach the edge of maps. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class TeleportDefinition extends Definition { /** The cardinal directions which players may teleport from * @author Andrew Keturi */ public static enum TeleportDirection { EAST, NORTH, SOUTH, WEST; /** @return the opposite {@link TeleportDirection} */ public TeleportDirection opposite() { switch (this) { case NORTH: return SOUTH; case EAST: return WEST; case SOUTH: return NORTH; case WEST: return EAST; } throw (new IllegalArgumentException("No opposite for " + this)); } } /** A map of a direction to a particular game map {@link String} */ public ObjectMap<String, String> adjacentMaps = new ObjectMap<>(); @Override public String getName() { return "teleports"; } @Override public String getTag() { return null; } }