package; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.Game; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.util.O; import net.sourceforge.jeval.EvaluationException; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** A collection of current character stats. Most of the stats are obtained via * getters that parse the stats from the definition * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class MemberStats { public static enum BaseStat { AGILITY, STRENGTH, VITALITY, WISDOM; public String getFunc(String hero) { O.notNull(hero); switch (this) { case STRENGTH: return Game.db().hero(hero).strFunc; case AGILITY: return Game.db().hero(hero).agiFunc; case VITALITY: return Game.db().hero(hero).vitFunc; case WISDOM: return Game.db().hero(hero).wisFunc; default: return "0"; } } } private ObjectMap<BaseStat, Integer> baseStats; private int expNeeded; private String hero; public int hp, level, ep, maxEp, exp; private int maxHp; /** For deserialization */ public MemberStats() { } public MemberStats(String hero) { this.hero = hero; level = Game.db().hero(hero).startingLevel; ep = 10; exp = 0; baseStats = new ObjectMap<MemberStats.BaseStat, Integer>(); expNeeded = parse(Game.db().config().expNeededFunc); maxHp = parse(Game.db().config().maxHpFunc); hp = maxHp; } /** Increments the member's level, updating exp and needed exp */ public void awardExp(long amount) { exp += amount; while (exp >= expNeeded) { level++; exp -= expNeeded; if (exp < 0) { exp = 0; } expNeeded = parse(Game.db().config().expNeededFunc); Game.log(Game.db().hero(hero).name + " reached level " + level + " | " + exp + "/" + expNeeded); } } /** @return exp needed. The expression is parsed on-call to calculate, so it's * probably a good idea to cache the result if it needs to be called * often. */ public int getExpNeeded() { expNeeded = parse(Game.db().config().expNeededFunc); return expNeeded; } /** @return the character's max hp. The expression is parsed on-call to * calculate, so it's probably a good idea to cache the result if it * needs to be called often. */ public int getMaxHp() { maxHp = parse(Game.db().config().maxHpFunc); return maxHp; } /** @return The {@link PartyMember}'s strength. The expression is parsed * on-call to calculate, so it's probably a good idea to cache the * result if it needs to be called often. */ public int getStat(BaseStat stat) { O.notNull(baseStats); int statVal = parse(stat.getFunc(hero)); baseStats.put(stat, statVal); return statVal; } private int parse(String expression) { try { expression = replaceVariables(expression); return (int) Game.eval().getNumberResult(expression); } catch (EvaluationException | NullPointerException e) { Game.error("Could not parse expression: " + expression); return 0; } } private String replaceVariables(String expression) { if (!baseStats.containsKey(BaseStat.AGILITY)) { baseStats.clear(); baseStats.put(BaseStat.STRENGTH, 0); baseStats.put(BaseStat.AGILITY, 0); baseStats.put(BaseStat.WISDOM, 0); baseStats.put(BaseStat.VITALITY, 0); for (BaseStat key : baseStats.keys()) { baseStats.put(key, parse(key.getFunc(hero))); } } int agility = baseStats.get(BaseStat.AGILITY); int vitality = baseStats.get(BaseStat.VITALITY); int wisdom = baseStats.get(BaseStat.WISDOM); int strength = baseStats.get(BaseStat.WISDOM); return expression.replace("lvl", String.valueOf(level)).replace("agi", String.valueOf(agility)).replace("vit", String.valueOf(vitality)).replace("wis", String.valueOf(wisdom)).replace("str", String.valueOf(strength)); } }