package net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.components; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.Config; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.Game; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.components.AnimationGroupComponent.Direction; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.entities.Entity; import; import; import; /** A component to handle map collision. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class MapCollisionComponent implements Component { private BitmapFont debug; private final int height, width; private boolean isControlled; private final Map map; // private boolean onGround, onStairs; private MapCollisionState state; public MapCollisionComponent(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; map =; state = MapCollisionState.FALLING_DOWN; } private void checkJump(Direction direction, Entity entity) { if (!state.isOnGround()) { return; } final float len = Math.abs(entity.velocity.x) + Math.abs(entity.velocity.y); if (len < 1.5f && isControlled) { return; } // get the tile coordinates of the entity float nearX = (entity.position.x); float farX = (entity.position.x); float nearY = (entity.position.y); float farY = (entity.position.y); float z = entity.position.z / Config.tileWidth; switch (direction) { case UP: farY += 14; break; case DOWN: farY -= 14; break; case LEFT: farX -= 14; break; case RIGHT: farX += 14; break; default: break; } nearX /= Config.tileWidth; nearY /= Config.tileWidth; farX /= Config.tileWidth; farY /= Config.tileWidth; // check for jumping from a higher to lower altitude if (map.getAltitudeAt(nearX, nearY) < (int) z && state == MapCollisionState.ON_GROUND) { state = MapCollisionState.JUMPING_UP; entity.velocity.z = 5; } // check if the altitude in front of the player is just one tile up if ((map.getAltitudeAt(farX, farY) - 1 == z) && state == MapCollisionState.ON_GROUND) { entity.velocity.z = 5; } } @Override public void create(Entity entity) { debug = Game.assets().get("fonts/message.fnt", BitmapFont.class); isControlled = entity.getComponent(ControlledInputComponent.class) != null; entity.setRenderOffset(height / 2); Game.log("Set render offset for " + entity.getName() + " to " + entity.getRenderOffset()); } @Override public void dispose(Entity entity) { } /** @return the component's height */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /** @return the component's width */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** @return whether or not the entity is colliding with the ground */ public boolean isOnGround() { return state.isOnGround(); } /** @return whether or not the entity is on stairs */ public boolean isOnStairs() { return state == MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS; } @Override public void render(Entity entity) { // Game.log(state + ""); int tileX1 = (int) (entity.position.x + width) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY = (int) (entity.position.y + height + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; if (Game.isDebug()) { debug.draw(Game.batch(), map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, tileY) + "", width, height); Game.batch().draw(Game.assets().get("debug.png", Texture.class), entity.position.x - width / 2, entity.position.y - height / 2, width, height); } } public void setOnPlatform() { state = MapCollisionState.ON_PLATFORM; } public void setOnStairs() { state = MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS; } @Override public void update(Entity entity) { switch (state) { case FALLING_DOWN: break; case JUMPING_UP: break; case ON_GROUND: break; case ON_PLATFORM: break; case ON_STAIRS: break; default: break; } // stair updates int centerX = (int) (entity.position.x) / Config.tileWidth; int centerY = (int) (entity.position.y) / Config.tileWidth; int tileYNorth = (int) (2 + entity.position.y + height / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileYSouth = (int) ((entity.position.y - height / 2) - 0) / Config.tileWidth; final float tileAltitudeFloat = (entity.position.z / Config.tileWidth); if (map.getTypeAt(centerX, centerY) == map.getDefinition().stairs) { if (tileAltitudeFloat < map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, tileYNorth) && entity.velocity.y > 0) { entity.velocity.z = entity.velocity.y; entity.velocity.y = 0; } else if (tileAltitudeFloat > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, tileYSouth) && entity.velocity.y < 0) { entity.velocity.z = entity.velocity.y; entity.velocity.y = 0; } state = MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS; } else if (state == MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS) { state = MapCollisionState.ON_GROUND; } final int tileAltitude = (int) (entity.position.z / Config.tileWidth); // update position // check for collisions if (entity.velocity.y > 0) { // NORTH int tileX1 = (int) (entity.position.x + width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileX2 = (int) (entity.position.x - width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY = (int) (entity.position.y + height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, tileY) > tileAltitude || map.getAltitudeAt(tileX2, tileY) > tileAltitude) { entity.velocity.y = 0; // nudge out if we're stuck if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, tileY) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.x == 0) { entity.velocity.x += 2f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX2, tileY) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.x == 0) { entity.velocity.x -= 2f; } } checkJump(Direction.UP, entity); } else if (entity.velocity.y < 0 && state != MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS) { // SOUTH int tileX1 = (int) (entity.position.x + width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileX2 = (int) (entity.position.x - width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY = (int) (entity.position.y - height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, tileY) > tileAltitude || map.getAltitudeAt(tileX2, tileY) > tileAltitude) { entity.velocity.y = 0; // nudge out if we're stuck if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, tileY) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.x == 0) { entity.velocity.x += 2f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX2, tileY) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.x == 0) { entity.velocity.x -= 2f; } } checkJump(Direction.DOWN, entity); } if (entity.velocity.x > 0) { // RIGHT int tileX = (int) (entity.position.x + width / 2 + entity.velocity.x) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY1 = (int) (entity.position.y + height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY2 = (int) (entity.position.y - height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY1) > tileAltitude || map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY2) > tileAltitude) { entity.velocity.x = 0; // nudge out if we're stuck if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY1) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.y == 0) { entity.velocity.y += 2f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY2) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.y == 0) { entity.velocity.y -= 2f; } } checkJump(Direction.RIGHT, entity); } else if (entity.velocity.x < 0) { // LEFT int tileX = (int) (entity.position.x - width / 2 + entity.velocity.x) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY2 = (int) (entity.position.y - height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY1 = (int) (entity.position.y + height / 2 + entity.velocity.y) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY1) > tileAltitude || map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY2) > tileAltitude) { entity.velocity.x = 0; // nudge out if we're stuck if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY1) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.y == 0) { entity.velocity.y += 2f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX, tileY2) <= tileAltitude && entity.velocity.y == 0) { entity.velocity.y -= 2f; } } checkJump(Direction.LEFT, entity); } entity.position.add(entity.velocity); // check for stairs, falling, or placement if (state == MapCollisionState.ON_STAIRS) { // reset back to y so the animations work correctly entity.velocity.y = entity.velocity.z; entity.velocity.z = 0; } else if (entity.position.z / Config.tileWidth > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY)) { state = MapCollisionState.FALLING_DOWN; entity.velocity.z -= 0.5f; } else { state = MapCollisionState.ON_GROUND; entity.velocity.z = 0; entity.position.z = map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY) * Config.tileWidth; } // check if we're STILL inside a wall, and if so gently nudge out if (state == MapCollisionState.ON_GROUND && entity.velocity.z <= 0) { // north/south int tileY1 = (int) (entity.position.y + height / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileY2 = (int) (entity.position.y - height / 2) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, tileY1) > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY)) { entity.position.y -= 0.75f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, tileY2) > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY)) { entity.position.y += 0.75f; } // east/west int tileX1 = (int) (entity.position.x + width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; int tileX2 = (int) (entity.position.x - width / 2) / Config.tileWidth; if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX1, centerY) > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY)) { entity.position.x -= 1f; } else if (map.getAltitudeAt(tileX2, centerY) > map.getAltitudeAt(centerX, centerY)) { entity.position.x += 1f; } } } }