package; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.Game; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.hero.HeroDefinition; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.items.ItemDefinition; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.items.ItemDefinition.EquipType; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.items.ItemDefinition.SecondaryStat; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.definitions.skill.SkillDefinition; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.entities.Entity; import net.alcuria.umbracraft.engine.inventory.Inventory.ItemDescriptor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** A member of the {@link Party}. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public class PartyMember { /** Enumerates an equipment slot in the equip screen. * @author Andrew Keturi */ public static enum EquipSlot { ACCESSORY_1, ACCESSORY_2, SHOES, GLOVES, HELM, SHIELD, TOP, WEAPON; public EquipType getType() { switch (this) { case ACCESSORY_1: case ACCESSORY_2: return EquipType.ACCESSORY; case SHOES: return EquipType.SHOES; case GLOVES: return EquipType.GLOVES; case HELM: return EquipType.HELM; case SHIELD: return EquipType.SHIELD; case TOP: return EquipType.TOP; case WEAPON: return EquipType.WEAPON; default: throw new NullPointerException("No case for EquipType" + this); } } } private transient Entity battler; private final ObjectMap<String, ItemDescriptor> equipment = new ObjectMap<String, ItemDescriptor>(); private String heroId; private final Array<SkillDefinition> skills = new Array<SkillDefinition>(); private MemberStats stats; /** For deserialization */ public PartyMember() { } /** @param heroId the id of hero from the {@link HeroDefinition} */ public PartyMember(final String heroId) { stats = new MemberStats(heroId); this.heroId = heroId; } /** Gets the battler set from battle * @return the {@link Entity} battler */ public Entity getBattler() { if (battler == null) { throw new NullPointerException("PartyMember's battler is null"); } return battler; } /** @return the {@link HeroDefinition} used to define this party member */ public HeroDefinition getDefinition() { return Game.db().hero(heroId); } /** @param stat the stat to use for comparison * @param comparisonItem the item we are using for comparison * @return the difference between the passed in {@link ItemDefinition} and * the current character's equipment */ public float getDeltaStat(SecondaryStat stat, ItemDefinition comparisonItem) { // no item passed in, delta is zero if (comparisonItem == null) { return 0; } // get the current sum of the stat in all slots float current = getSecondaryStat(stat); // get the value of the stat from the equipped variant float equippedValue = 0; for (ItemDescriptor equip : equipment.values()) { final ItemDefinition equippedItem = Game.db().item(equip.getId()); if (equippedItem.equipType == comparisonItem.equipType) { equippedValue += stat.from(equippedItem); } } // get the value of the stat from the param float newValue = stat.from(comparisonItem); float updated = current - equippedValue + newValue; return updated - current; } /** @return the equipment {@link ObjectMap} */ public ObjectMap<String, ItemDescriptor> getEquipment() { return equipment; } /** Gets the value of a secondary stat from equips * @param stat * @return the value of the {@link SecondaryStat} */ public float getSecondaryStat(SecondaryStat stat) { float total = 0; //add it up from gear for (ItemDescriptor equip : equipment.values()) { final ItemDefinition item = Game.db().item(equip.getId()); total += stat.from(item); } return total; } /** @return the {@link MemberStats} of this party member */ public MemberStats getStats() { return stats; } /** Removes the first instance of an equip. TODO: Accessories!! * @param descriptor the {@link ItemDescriptor} */ public void removeEquipment(ItemDescriptor descriptor) { for (String key : equipment.keys()) { if (equipment.get(key).equals(descriptor)) { equipment.remove(key); return; } } } /** Sets a reference to the entity used for battling. (Used elsewhere to * reset stats after battle.) * @param battler */ public void setBattleEntity(Entity battler) { this.battler = battler; } }