/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.stress.settings; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; public class Legacy implements Serializable { // command line options public static final Options availableOptions = new Options(); private static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE = "truststore"; private static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW = "truststore-password"; private static final String SSL_PROTOCOL = "ssl-protocol"; private static final String SSL_ALGORITHM = "ssl-alg"; private static final String SSL_STORE_TYPE = "store-type"; private static final String SSL_CIPHER_SUITES = "ssl-ciphers"; static { availableOptions.addOption("h", "help", false, "Show this help message and exit"); availableOptions.addOption("n", "num-keys", true, "Number of keys, default:1000000"); availableOptions.addOption("F", "num-different-keys", true, "Number of different keys (if < NUM-KEYS, the same key will re-used multiple times), default:NUM-KEYS"); availableOptions.addOption("t", "threadCount", true, "Number of threadCount to use, default:50"); availableOptions.addOption("c", "columns", true, "Number of columns per key, default:5"); availableOptions.addOption("S", "column-size", true, "Size of column values in bytes, default:34"); availableOptions.addOption("C", "unique columns", true, "Max number of unique columns per key, default:50"); availableOptions.addOption("RC", "unique rows", true, "Max number of unique rows, default:50"); availableOptions.addOption("d", "nodes", true, "Host nodes (comma separated), default:locahost"); availableOptions.addOption("D", "nodesfile", true, "File containing host nodes (one per line)"); availableOptions.addOption("s", "stdev", true, "Standard Deviation for gaussian read key generation, default:0.1"); availableOptions.addOption("r", "random", false, "Use random key generator for read key generation (STDEV will have no effect), default:false"); availableOptions.addOption("f", "file", true, "Write output to given file"); availableOptions.addOption("p", "port", true, "Thrift port, default:9160"); availableOptions.addOption("o", "operation", true, "Operation to perform (WRITE, READ, READWRITE, RANGE_SLICE, INDEXED_RANGE_SLICE, MULTI_GET, COUNTERWRITE, COUNTER_GET), default:WRITE"); availableOptions.addOption("u", "supercolumns", true, "Number of super columns per key, default:1"); availableOptions.addOption("y", "family-type", true, "Column Family Type (Super, Standard), default:Standard"); availableOptions.addOption("K", "keep-trying", true, "Retry on-going operation N times (in case of failure). positive integer, default:10"); availableOptions.addOption("k", "keep-going", false, "Ignore errors inserting or reading (when set, --keep-trying has no effect), default:false"); availableOptions.addOption("i", "progress-interval", true, "Progress Report Interval (seconds), default:10"); availableOptions.addOption("g", "keys-per-call", true, "Number of keys to get_range_slices or multiget per call, default:1000"); availableOptions.addOption("l", "replication-factor", true, "Replication Factor to use when creating needed column families, default:1"); availableOptions.addOption("L", "enable-cql", false, "Perform queries using CQL2 (Cassandra Query Language v 2.0.0)"); availableOptions.addOption("L3", "enable-cql3", false, "Perform queries using CQL3 (Cassandra Query Language v 3.0.0)"); availableOptions.addOption("b", "enable-native-protocol", false, "Use the binary native protocol (only work along with -L3)"); availableOptions.addOption("P", "use-prepared-statements", false, "Perform queries using prepared statements (only applicable to CQL)."); availableOptions.addOption("e", "consistency-level", true, "Consistency Level to use (ONE, QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, EACH_QUORUM, ALL, ANY), default:ONE"); availableOptions.addOption("x", "create-index", true, "Type of index to create on needed column families (KEYS)"); availableOptions.addOption("R", "replication-strategy", true, "Replication strategy to use (only on insert if keyspace does not exist), default:org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy"); availableOptions.addOption("O", "strategy-properties", true, "Replication strategy properties in the following format <dc_name>:<num>,<dc_name>:<num>,..."); availableOptions.addOption("V", "average-size-values", false, "Generate column values of average rather than specific size"); availableOptions.addOption("T", "send-to", true, "Send this as a request to the stress daemon at specified address."); availableOptions.addOption("I", "compression", true, "Specify the compression to use for sstable, default:no compression"); availableOptions.addOption("Q", "query-names", true, "Comma-separated list of column names to retrieve from each row."); availableOptions.addOption("Z", "compaction-strategy", true, "CompactionStrategy to use."); availableOptions.addOption("U", "comparator", true, "Column Comparator to use. Currently supported types are: TimeUUIDType, AsciiType, UTF8Type."); availableOptions.addOption("tf", "transport-factory", true, "Fully-qualified TTransportFactory class name for creating a connection. Note: For Thrift over SSL, use org.apache.cassandra.stress.SSLTransportFactory."); availableOptions.addOption("ns", "no-statistics", false, "Turn off the aggegate statistics that is normally output after completion."); availableOptions.addOption("ts", SSL_TRUSTSTORE, true, "SSL: full path to truststore"); availableOptions.addOption("tspw", SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW, true, "SSL: full path to truststore"); availableOptions.addOption("prtcl", SSL_PROTOCOL, true, "SSL: connections protocol to use (default: TLS)"); availableOptions.addOption("alg", SSL_ALGORITHM, true, "SSL: algorithm (default: SunX509)"); availableOptions.addOption("st", SSL_STORE_TYPE, true, "SSL: type of store"); availableOptions.addOption("ciphers", SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, true, "SSL: comma-separated list of encryption suites to use"); availableOptions.addOption("th", "throttle", true, "Throttle the total number of operations per second to a maximum amount."); } public static StressSettings build(String[] arguments) { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); final Converter r = new Converter(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(availableOptions, arguments); if (cmd.getArgs().length > 0) { System.err.println("Application does not allow arbitrary arguments: " + Arrays.asList(cmd.getArgList())); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) printHelpMessage(); if (cmd.hasOption("C")) System.out.println("Ignoring deprecated option -C"); if (cmd.hasOption("o")) r.setCommand(cmd.getOptionValue("o").toLowerCase()); else r.setCommand("insert"); if (cmd.hasOption("K")) r.add("command", "tries=" + cmd.getOptionValue("K")); if (cmd.hasOption("k")) { if (!cmd.hasOption("K")) r.add("command", "retry=1"); r.add("command", "ignore_errors"); } if (cmd.hasOption("g")) r.add("command", "at-once=" + cmd.getOptionValue("g")); if (cmd.hasOption("e")) r.add("command", "cl=" + cmd.getOptionValue("e")); String numKeys; if (cmd.hasOption("n")) numKeys = cmd.getOptionValue("n"); else numKeys = "1000000"; r.add("command", "n=" + numKeys); String uniqueKeys; if (cmd.hasOption("F")) uniqueKeys = cmd.getOptionValue("F"); else uniqueKeys = numKeys; if (r.opts.containsKey("write") || r.opts.containsKey("counterwrite")) { if (!uniqueKeys.equals(numKeys)) r.add("-key", "populate=1.." + uniqueKeys); } else if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { r.add("-key", "dist=uniform(1.." + uniqueKeys + ")"); } else { if (!cmd.hasOption("s")) r.add("-key", "dist=gauss(1.." + uniqueKeys + ",5)"); else r.add("-key", String.format("dist=gauss(1..%s,%.2f)", uniqueKeys, 0.5 / Float.parseFloat(cmd.getOptionValue("s")))); } String colCount; if (cmd.hasOption("c")) colCount = cmd.getOptionValue("c"); else colCount = "5"; String colSize; if (cmd.hasOption("S")) colSize = cmd.getOptionValue("S"); else colSize = "34"; r.add("-col", "n=fixed(" + colCount + ")"); if (cmd.hasOption("V")) { r.add("-col", "size=uniform(1.." + Integer.parseInt(colSize) * 2 + ")"); r.add("-col", "data=rand()"); } else { r.add("-col", "size=fixed(" + colSize + ")"); r.add("-col", "data=repeat(1)"); } if (cmd.hasOption("Q")) r.add("-col", "names=" + cmd.getOptionValue("Q")); if (cmd.hasOption("U")) r.add("-col", "comparator=" + cmd.getOptionValue("U")); if (cmd.hasOption("y") && cmd.getOptionValue("y").equals("Super")) r.add("-col", "super=" + (cmd.hasOption("u") ? cmd.getOptionValue("u") : "1")); if (cmd.hasOption("t")) r.add("-rate", "threads=" + cmd.getOptionValue("t")); else r.add("-rate", "threads=50"); if (cmd.hasOption("th")) r.add("-rate", "limit=" + cmd.getOptionValue("th") + "/s"); if (cmd.hasOption("f")) r.add("-log", "file=" + cmd.getOptionValue("f")); if (cmd.hasOption("p")) r.add("-port", cmd.getOptionValue("p")); if (cmd.hasOption("i")) r.add("-log", "interval=" + cmd.getOptionValue("i")); else r.add("-log", "interval=10"); if (cmd.hasOption("x")) r.add("-schema", "index=" + cmd.getOptionValue("x")); if (cmd.hasOption("R") || cmd.hasOption("l") || cmd.hasOption("O")) { StringBuilder rep = new StringBuilder(); if (cmd.hasOption("R")) rep.append("strategy=" + cmd.getOptionValue("R")); if (cmd.hasOption("l")) { if (rep.length() > 0) rep.append(","); rep.append("factor=" + cmd.getOptionValue("l")); } if (cmd.hasOption("O")) { if (rep.length() > 0) rep.append(","); rep.append(cmd.getOptionValue("O").replace(':','=')); } r.add("-schema", "replication(" + rep + ")"); } if (cmd.hasOption("L")) r.add("-mode", cmd.hasOption("P") ? "prepared cql2" : "cql2"); else if (cmd.hasOption("L3")) r.add("-mode", (cmd.hasOption("P") ? "prepared" : "") + (cmd.hasOption("b") ? "native" : "") + "cql3"); else r.add("-mode", "thrift"); if (cmd.hasOption("I")) r.add("-schema", "compression=" + cmd.getOptionValue("I")); if (cmd.hasOption("d")) r.add("-node", cmd.getOptionValue("d")); if (cmd.hasOption("D")) r.add("-node", "file=" + cmd.getOptionValue("D")); if (cmd.hasOption("send-to")) r.add("-send-to", cmd.getOptionValue("send-to")); if (cmd.hasOption("Z")) r.add("-schema", "compaction=" + cmd.getOptionValue("Z")); if (cmd.hasOption("ns")) r.add("-log", "no-summary"); if (cmd.hasOption("tf")) r.add("-transport", "factory=" + cmd.getOptionValue("tf")); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE)) r.add("-transport", "truststore=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE)); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW)) r.add("-transport", "truststore-password=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW)); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_PROTOCOL)) r.add("-transport", "ssl-protocol=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_PROTOCOL)); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_ALGORITHM)) r.add("-transport", "ssl-alg=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_ALGORITHM)); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_STORE_TYPE)) r.add("-transport", "store-type=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_STORE_TYPE)); if(cmd.hasOption(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES)) r.add("-transport", "ssl-ciphers=" + cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES)); } catch (ParseException e) { printHelpMessage(); System.exit(1); } r.printNewCommand(); return r.get(); } private static final class Converter { private Map<String, List<String>> opts = new LinkedHashMap<>(); List<String> command; public void add(String option, String suboption) { if (option.equals("command")) { command.add(suboption); return; } List<String> params = opts.get(option); if (params == null) opts.put(option, params = new ArrayList()); params.add(suboption); } StressSettings get(){ Map<String, String[]> clArgs = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : opts.entrySet()) clArgs .put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().toArray(new String[0])); return StressSettings.get(clArgs); } void setCommand(String command) { command = Command.get(command).toString().toLowerCase(); opts.put(command, this.command = new ArrayList<>()); } void printNewCommand() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("stress"); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : opts.entrySet()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(e.getKey()); for (String opt : e.getValue()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(opt); } } System.out.println("Running in legacy support mode. Translating command to: "); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } public static void printHelpMessage() { System.out.println("Usage: ./bin/cassandra-stress legacy [options]\n\nOptions:"); System.out.println("THIS IS A LEGACY SUPPORT MODE"); for(Object o : availableOptions.getOptions()) { Option option = (Option) o; String upperCaseName = option.getLongOpt().toUpperCase(); System.out.println(String.format("-%s%s, --%s%s%n\t\t%s%n", option.getOpt(), (option.hasArg()) ? " "+upperCaseName : "", option.getLongOpt(), (option.hasArg()) ? "="+upperCaseName : "", option.getDescription())); } } public static Runnable helpPrinter() { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { printHelpMessage(); } }; } }