/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.Memory; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.SafeMemoryWriter; import static org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Downsampling.BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL; public class IndexSummaryBuilder implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexSummaryBuilder.class); // the offset in the keys memory region to look for a given summary boundary private final SafeMemoryWriter offsets; private final SafeMemoryWriter entries; private final int minIndexInterval; private final int samplingLevel; private final int[] startPoints; private long keysWritten = 0; private long indexIntervalMatches = 0; private long nextSamplePosition; // for each ReadableBoundary, we map its dataLength property to itself, permitting us to lookup the // last readable boundary from the perspective of the data file // [data file position limit] => [ReadableBoundary] private TreeMap<Long, ReadableBoundary> lastReadableByData = new TreeMap<>(); // for each ReadableBoundary, we map its indexLength property to itself, permitting us to lookup the // last readable boundary from the perspective of the index file // [index file position limit] => [ReadableBoundary] private TreeMap<Long, ReadableBoundary> lastReadableByIndex = new TreeMap<>(); // the last synced data file position private long dataSyncPosition; // the last synced index file position private long indexSyncPosition; // the last summary interval boundary that is fully readable in both data and index files private ReadableBoundary lastReadableBoundary; /** * Represents a boundary that is guaranteed fully readable in the summary, index file and data file. * The key contained is the last key readable if the index and data files have been flushed to the * stored lengths. */ public static class ReadableBoundary { final DecoratedKey lastKey; final long indexLength; final long dataLength; final int summaryCount; final long entriesLength; public ReadableBoundary(DecoratedKey lastKey, long indexLength, long dataLength, int summaryCount, long entriesLength) { this.lastKey = lastKey; this.indexLength = indexLength; this.dataLength = dataLength; this.summaryCount = summaryCount; this.entriesLength = entriesLength; } } public IndexSummaryBuilder(long expectedKeys, int minIndexInterval, int samplingLevel) { this.samplingLevel = samplingLevel; this.startPoints = Downsampling.getStartPoints(BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL, samplingLevel); long maxExpectedEntries = expectedKeys / minIndexInterval; if (maxExpectedEntries > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // that's a _lot_ of keys, and a very low min index interval int effectiveMinInterval = (int) Math.ceil((double) Integer.MAX_VALUE / expectedKeys); maxExpectedEntries = expectedKeys / effectiveMinInterval; assert maxExpectedEntries <= Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxExpectedEntries; logger.warn("min_index_interval of {} is too low for {} expected keys; using interval of {} instead", minIndexInterval, expectedKeys, effectiveMinInterval); this.minIndexInterval = effectiveMinInterval; } else { this.minIndexInterval = minIndexInterval; } // for initializing data structures, adjust our estimates based on the sampling level maxExpectedEntries = Math.max(1, (maxExpectedEntries * samplingLevel) / BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL); offsets = new SafeMemoryWriter(4 * maxExpectedEntries).withByteOrder(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); entries = new SafeMemoryWriter(40 * maxExpectedEntries).withByteOrder(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); // the summary will always contain the first index entry (downsampling will never remove it) nextSamplePosition = 0; indexIntervalMatches++; } // the index file has been flushed to the provided position; stash it and use that to recalculate our max readable boundary public void markIndexSynced(long upToPosition) { indexSyncPosition = upToPosition; refreshReadableBoundary(); } // the data file has been flushed to the provided position; stash it and use that to recalculate our max readable boundary public void markDataSynced(long upToPosition) { dataSyncPosition = upToPosition; refreshReadableBoundary(); } private void refreshReadableBoundary() { // grab the readable boundary prior to the given position in either the data or index file Map.Entry<?, ReadableBoundary> byData = lastReadableByData.floorEntry(dataSyncPosition); Map.Entry<?, ReadableBoundary> byIndex = lastReadableByIndex.floorEntry(indexSyncPosition); if (byData == null || byIndex == null) return; // take the lowest of the two, and stash it lastReadableBoundary = byIndex.getValue().indexLength < byData.getValue().indexLength ? byIndex.getValue() : byData.getValue(); // clear our data prior to this, since we no longer need it lastReadableByData.headMap(lastReadableBoundary.dataLength, false).clear(); lastReadableByIndex.headMap(lastReadableBoundary.indexLength, false).clear(); } public ReadableBoundary getLastReadableBoundary() { return lastReadableBoundary; } public IndexSummaryBuilder maybeAddEntry(DecoratedKey decoratedKey, long indexStart) { return maybeAddEntry(decoratedKey, indexStart, 0, 0); } /** * * @param decoratedKey the key for this record * @param indexStart the position in the index file this record begins * @param indexEnd the position in the index file we need to be able to read to (exclusive) to read this record * @param dataEnd the position in the data file we need to be able to read to (exclusive) to read this record * a value of 0 indicates we are not tracking readable boundaries */ public IndexSummaryBuilder maybeAddEntry(DecoratedKey decoratedKey, long indexStart, long indexEnd, long dataEnd) { if (keysWritten == nextSamplePosition) { assert entries.length() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; offsets.writeInt((int) entries.length()); entries.write(decoratedKey.getKey()); entries.writeLong(indexStart); setNextSamplePosition(keysWritten); } else if (dataEnd != 0 && keysWritten + 1 == nextSamplePosition) { // this is the last key in this summary interval, so stash it ReadableBoundary boundary = new ReadableBoundary(decoratedKey, indexEnd, dataEnd, (int)(offsets.length() / 4), entries.length()); lastReadableByData.put(dataEnd, boundary); lastReadableByIndex.put(indexEnd, boundary); } keysWritten++; return this; } // calculate the next key we will store to our summary private void setNextSamplePosition(long position) { tryAgain: while (true) { position += minIndexInterval; long test = indexIntervalMatches++; for (int start : startPoints) if ((test - start) % BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL == 0) continue tryAgain; nextSamplePosition = position; return; } } public IndexSummary build(IPartitioner partitioner) { // this method should only be called when we've finished appending records, so we truncate the // memory we're using to the exact amount required to represent it before building our summary entries.setCapacity(entries.length()); offsets.setCapacity(offsets.length()); return build(partitioner, null); } // build the summary up to the provided boundary; this is backed by shared memory between // multiple invocations of this build method public IndexSummary build(IPartitioner partitioner, ReadableBoundary boundary) { assert entries.length() > 0; int count = (int) (offsets.length() / 4); long entriesLength = entries.length(); if (boundary != null) { count = boundary.summaryCount; entriesLength = boundary.entriesLength; } int sizeAtFullSampling = (int) Math.ceil(keysWritten / (double) minIndexInterval); assert count > 0; return new IndexSummary(partitioner, offsets.currentBuffer().sharedCopy(), count, entries.currentBuffer().sharedCopy(), entriesLength, sizeAtFullSampling, minIndexInterval, samplingLevel); } // close the builder and release any associated memory public void close() { entries.close(); offsets.close(); } public static int entriesAtSamplingLevel(int samplingLevel, int maxSummarySize) { return (int) Math.ceil((samplingLevel * maxSummarySize) / (double) BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL); } public static int calculateSamplingLevel(int currentSamplingLevel, int currentNumEntries, long targetNumEntries, int minIndexInterval, int maxIndexInterval) { // effective index interval == (BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL / samplingLevel) * minIndexInterval // so we can just solve for minSamplingLevel here: // maxIndexInterval == (BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL / minSamplingLevel) * minIndexInterval int effectiveMinSamplingLevel = Math.max(1, (int) Math.ceil((BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL * minIndexInterval) / (double) maxIndexInterval)); // Algebraic explanation for calculating the new sampling level (solve for newSamplingLevel): // originalNumEntries = (baseSamplingLevel / currentSamplingLevel) * currentNumEntries // newSpaceUsed = (newSamplingLevel / baseSamplingLevel) * originalNumEntries // newSpaceUsed = (newSamplingLevel / baseSamplingLevel) * (baseSamplingLevel / currentSamplingLevel) * currentNumEntries // newSpaceUsed = (newSamplingLevel / currentSamplingLevel) * currentNumEntries // (newSpaceUsed * currentSamplingLevel) / currentNumEntries = newSamplingLevel int newSamplingLevel = (int) (targetNumEntries * currentSamplingLevel) / currentNumEntries; return Math.min(BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL, Math.max(effectiveMinSamplingLevel, newSamplingLevel)); } /** * Downsamples an existing index summary to a new sampling level. * @param existing an existing IndexSummary * @param newSamplingLevel the target level for the new IndexSummary. This must be less than the current sampling * level for `existing`. * @param partitioner the partitioner used for the index summary * @return a new IndexSummary */ public static IndexSummary downsample(IndexSummary existing, int newSamplingLevel, int minIndexInterval, IPartitioner partitioner) { // To downsample the old index summary, we'll go through (potentially) several rounds of downsampling. // Conceptually, each round starts at position X and then removes every Nth item. The value of X follows // a particular pattern to evenly space out the items that we remove. The value of N decreases by one each // round. int currentSamplingLevel = existing.getSamplingLevel(); assert currentSamplingLevel > newSamplingLevel; assert minIndexInterval == existing.getMinIndexInterval(); // calculate starting indexes for downsampling rounds int[] startPoints = Downsampling.getStartPoints(currentSamplingLevel, newSamplingLevel); // calculate new off-heap size int newKeyCount = existing.size(); long newEntriesLength = existing.getEntriesLength(); for (int start : startPoints) { for (int j = start; j < existing.size(); j += currentSamplingLevel) { newKeyCount--; long length = existing.getEndInSummary(j) - existing.getPositionInSummary(j); newEntriesLength -= length; } } Memory oldEntries = existing.getEntries(); Memory newOffsets = Memory.allocate(newKeyCount * 4); Memory newEntries = Memory.allocate(newEntriesLength); // Copy old entries to our new Memory. int i = 0; int newEntriesOffset = 0; outer: for (int oldSummaryIndex = 0; oldSummaryIndex < existing.size(); oldSummaryIndex++) { // to determine if we can skip this entry, go through the starting points for our downsampling rounds // and see if the entry's index is covered by that round for (int start : startPoints) { if ((oldSummaryIndex - start) % currentSamplingLevel == 0) continue outer; } // write the position of the actual entry in the index summary (4 bytes) newOffsets.setInt(i * 4, newEntriesOffset); i++; long start = existing.getPositionInSummary(oldSummaryIndex); long length = existing.getEndInSummary(oldSummaryIndex) - start; newEntries.put(newEntriesOffset, oldEntries, start, length); newEntriesOffset += length; } assert newEntriesOffset == newEntriesLength; return new IndexSummary(partitioner, newOffsets, newKeyCount, newEntries, newEntriesLength, existing.getMaxNumberOfEntries(), minIndexInterval, newSamplingLevel); } }