/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.metrics; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore; import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableReader; import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.MetadataCollector; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.EstimatedHistogram; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.TopKSampler; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.*; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Timer; import com.yammer.metrics.util.RatioGauge; /** * Metrics for {@link ColumnFamilyStore}. */ public class ColumnFamilyMetrics { /** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and overwritten rows. */ public final Gauge<Long> memtableOnHeapSize; /** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and overwritten rows. */ public final Gauge<Long> memtableOffHeapSize; /** Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead */ public final Gauge<Long> memtableLiveDataSize; /** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides on-heap. */ public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesOnHeapSize; /** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap. */ public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesOffHeapSize; /** Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead */ public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesLiveDataSize; /** Total number of columns present in the memtable. */ public final Gauge<Long> memtableColumnsCount; /** Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out. */ public final Counter memtableSwitchCount; /** Current compression ratio for all SSTables */ public final Gauge<Double> compressionRatio; /** Histogram of estimated row size (in bytes). */ public final Gauge<long[]> estimatedRowSizeHistogram; /** Histogram of estimated number of columns. */ public final Gauge<long[]> estimatedColumnCountHistogram; /** Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per read */ public final ColumnFamilyHistogram sstablesPerReadHistogram; /** (Local) read metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics readLatency; /** (Local) range slice metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics rangeLatency; /** (Local) write metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics writeLatency; /** Estimated number of tasks pending for this column family */ public final Counter pendingFlushes; /** Estimate of number of pending compactios for this CF */ public final Gauge<Integer> pendingCompactions; /** Number of SSTables on disk for this CF */ public final Gauge<Integer> liveSSTableCount; /** Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this CF */ public final Counter liveDiskSpaceUsed; /** Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this CF, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd */ public final Counter totalDiskSpaceUsed; /** Size of the smallest compacted row */ public final Gauge<Long> minRowSize; /** Size of the largest compacted row */ public final Gauge<Long> maxRowSize; /** Size of the smallest compacted row */ public final Gauge<Long> meanRowSize; /** Number of false positives in bloom filter */ public final Gauge<Long> bloomFilterFalsePositives; /** Number of false positives in bloom filter from last read */ public final Gauge<Long> recentBloomFilterFalsePositives; /** False positive ratio of bloom filter */ public final Gauge<Double> bloomFilterFalseRatio; /** False positive ratio of bloom filter from last read */ public final Gauge<Double> recentBloomFilterFalseRatio; /** Disk space used by bloom filter */ public final Gauge<Long> bloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed; /** Off heap memory used by bloom filter */ public final Gauge<Long> bloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed; /** Off heap memory used by index summary */ public final Gauge<Long> indexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed; /** Off heap memory used by compression meta data*/ public final Gauge<Long> compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed; /** Key cache hit rate for this CF */ public final Gauge<Double> keyCacheHitRate; /** Tombstones scanned in queries on this CF */ public final ColumnFamilyHistogram tombstoneScannedHistogram; /** Live cells scanned in queries on this CF */ public final ColumnFamilyHistogram liveScannedHistogram; /** Column update time delta on this CF */ public final ColumnFamilyHistogram colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram; /** Disk space used by snapshot files which */ public final Gauge<Long> trueSnapshotsSize; /** Row cache hits, but result out of range */ public final Counter rowCacheHitOutOfRange; /** Number of row cache hits */ public final Counter rowCacheHit; /** Number of row cache misses */ public final Counter rowCacheMiss; /** CAS Prepare metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics casPrepare; /** CAS Propose metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics casPropose; /** CAS Commit metrics */ public final LatencyMetrics casCommit; public final Timer coordinatorReadLatency; public final Timer coordinatorScanLatency; /** Time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap */ public final Timer waitingOnFreeMemtableSpace; private final MetricNameFactory factory; private static final MetricNameFactory globalNameFactory = new AllColumnFamilyMetricNameFactory();; public final Counter speculativeRetries; // for backward compatibility @Deprecated public final EstimatedHistogram sstablesPerRead = new EstimatedHistogram(35); @Deprecated public final EstimatedHistogram recentSSTablesPerRead = new EstimatedHistogram(35); public final static LatencyMetrics globalReadLatency = new LatencyMetrics(globalNameFactory, "Read"); public final static LatencyMetrics globalWriteLatency = new LatencyMetrics(globalNameFactory, "Write"); public final static LatencyMetrics globalRangeLatency = new LatencyMetrics(globalNameFactory, "Range"); public final Map<Sampler, TopKSampler<ByteBuffer>> samplers; /** * stores metrics that will be rolled into a single global metric */ public final static ConcurrentMap<String, Set<Metric>> allColumnFamilyMetrics = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); /** * Stores all metric names created that can be used when unregistering */ public final static Set<String> all = Sets.newHashSet(); private interface GetHistogram { public EstimatedHistogram getHistogram(SSTableReader reader); } private static long[] combineHistograms(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables, GetHistogram getHistogram) { Iterator<SSTableReader> iterator = sstables.iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return new long[0]; } long[] firstBucket = getHistogram.getHistogram(iterator.next()).getBuckets(false); long[] values = new long[firstBucket.length]; System.arraycopy(firstBucket, 0, values, 0, values.length); while (iterator.hasNext()) { long[] nextBucket = getHistogram.getHistogram(iterator.next()).getBuckets(false); if (nextBucket.length > values.length) { long[] newValues = new long[nextBucket.length]; System.arraycopy(firstBucket, 0, newValues, 0, firstBucket.length); for (int i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) { newValues[i] += nextBucket[i]; } values = newValues; } else { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] += nextBucket[i]; } } } return values; } /** * Creates metrics for given {@link ColumnFamilyStore}. * * @param cfs ColumnFamilyStore to measure metrics */ public ColumnFamilyMetrics(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { factory = new ColumnFamilyMetricNameFactory(cfs); samplers = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Sampler sampler : Sampler.values()) { samplers.put(sampler, new TopKSampler<ByteBuffer>()); } memtableColumnsCount = createColumnFamilyGauge("MemtableColumnsCount", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { return cfs.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getOperations(); } }); memtableOnHeapSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MemtableOnHeapSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { return cfs.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getAllocator().onHeap().owns(); } }); memtableOffHeapSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MemtableOffHeapSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { return cfs.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getAllocator().offHeap().owns(); } }); memtableLiveDataSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MemtableLiveDataSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { return cfs.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getLiveDataSize(); } }); allMemtablesOnHeapSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("AllMemtablesHeapSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long size = 0; for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs2 : cfs.concatWithIndexes()) size += cfs2.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getAllocator().onHeap().owns(); return size; } }); allMemtablesOffHeapSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("AllMemtablesOffHeapSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long size = 0; for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs2 : cfs.concatWithIndexes()) size += cfs2.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getAllocator().offHeap().owns(); return size; } }); allMemtablesLiveDataSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("AllMemtablesLiveDataSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long size = 0; for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs2 : cfs.concatWithIndexes()) size += cfs2.getDataTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getLiveDataSize(); return size; } }); memtableSwitchCount = createColumnFamilyCounter("MemtableSwitchCount"); estimatedRowSizeHistogram = Metrics.newGauge(factory.createMetricName("EstimatedRowSizeHistogram"), new Gauge<long[]>() { public long[] value() { return combineHistograms(cfs.getSSTables(), new GetHistogram() { public EstimatedHistogram getHistogram(SSTableReader reader) { return reader.getEstimatedRowSize(); } }); } }); estimatedColumnCountHistogram = Metrics.newGauge(factory.createMetricName("EstimatedColumnCountHistogram"), new Gauge<long[]>() { public long[] value() { return combineHistograms(cfs.getSSTables(), new GetHistogram() { public EstimatedHistogram getHistogram(SSTableReader reader) { return reader.getEstimatedColumnCount(); } }); } }); sstablesPerReadHistogram = createColumnFamilyHistogram("SSTablesPerReadHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.sstablesPerReadHistogram); compressionRatio = createColumnFamilyGauge("CompressionRatio", new Gauge<Double>() { public Double value() { double sum = 0; int total = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) { if (sstable.getCompressionRatio() != MetadataCollector.NO_COMPRESSION_RATIO) { sum += sstable.getCompressionRatio(); total++; } } return total != 0 ? sum / total : 0; } }, new Gauge<Double>() // global gauge { public Double value() { double sum = 0; int total = 0; for (Keyspace keyspace : Keyspace.all()) { for (SSTableReader sstable : keyspace.getAllSSTables()) { if (sstable.getCompressionRatio() != MetadataCollector.NO_COMPRESSION_RATIO) { sum += sstable.getCompressionRatio(); total++; } } } return total != 0 ? sum / total : 0; } }); readLatency = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "Read", cfs.keyspace.metric.readLatency, globalReadLatency); writeLatency = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "Write", cfs.keyspace.metric.writeLatency, globalWriteLatency); rangeLatency = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "Range", cfs.keyspace.metric.rangeLatency, globalRangeLatency); pendingFlushes = createColumnFamilyCounter("PendingFlushes"); pendingCompactions = createColumnFamilyGauge("PendingCompactions", new Gauge<Integer>() { public Integer value() { return cfs.getCompactionStrategy().getEstimatedRemainingTasks(); } }); liveSSTableCount = createColumnFamilyGauge("LiveSSTableCount", new Gauge<Integer>() { public Integer value() { return cfs.getDataTracker().getSSTables().size(); } }); liveDiskSpaceUsed = createColumnFamilyCounter("LiveDiskSpaceUsed"); totalDiskSpaceUsed = createColumnFamilyCounter("TotalDiskSpaceUsed"); minRowSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MinRowSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long min = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) { if (min == 0 || sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().min() < min) min = sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().min(); } return min; } }, new Gauge<Long>() // global gauge { public Long value() { long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (Metric cfGauge : allColumnFamilyMetrics.get("MinRowSize")) { min = Math.min(min, ((Gauge<? extends Number>) cfGauge).value().longValue()); } return min; } }); maxRowSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MaxRowSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long max = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) { if (sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().max() > max) max = sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().max(); } return max; } }, new Gauge<Long>() // global gauge { public Long value() { long max = 0; for (Metric cfGauge : allColumnFamilyMetrics.get("MaxRowSize")) { max = Math.max(max, ((Gauge<? extends Number>) cfGauge).value().longValue()); } return max; } }); meanRowSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("MeanRowSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long sum = 0; long count = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) { long n = sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().count(); sum += sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().mean() * n; count += n; } return count > 0 ? sum / count : 0; } }, new Gauge<Long>() // global gauge { public Long value() { long sum = 0; long count = 0; for (Keyspace keyspace : Keyspace.all()) { for (SSTableReader sstable : keyspace.getAllSSTables()) { long n = sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().count(); sum += sstable.getEstimatedRowSize().mean() * n; count += n; } } return count > 0 ? sum / count : 0; } }); bloomFilterFalsePositives = createColumnFamilyGauge("BloomFilterFalsePositives", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long count = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable: cfs.getSSTables()) count += sstable.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); return count; } }); recentBloomFilterFalsePositives = createColumnFamilyGauge("RecentBloomFilterFalsePositives", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long count = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) count += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); return count; } }); bloomFilterFalseRatio = createColumnFamilyGauge("BloomFilterFalseRatio", new Gauge<Double>() { public Double value() { long falseCount = 0L; long trueCount = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) { falseCount += sstable.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); trueCount += sstable.getBloomFilterTruePositiveCount(); } if (falseCount == 0L && trueCount == 0L) return 0d; return (double) falseCount / (trueCount + falseCount); } }, new Gauge<Double>() // global gauge { public Double value() { long falseCount = 0L; long trueCount = 0L; for (Keyspace keyspace : Keyspace.all()) { for (SSTableReader sstable : keyspace.getAllSSTables()) { falseCount += sstable.getBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); trueCount += sstable.getBloomFilterTruePositiveCount(); } } if (falseCount == 0L && trueCount == 0L) return 0d; return (double) falseCount / (trueCount + falseCount); } }); recentBloomFilterFalseRatio = createColumnFamilyGauge("RecentBloomFilterFalseRatio", new Gauge<Double>() { public Double value() { long falseCount = 0L; long trueCount = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable: cfs.getSSTables()) { falseCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); trueCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterTruePositiveCount(); } if (falseCount == 0L && trueCount == 0L) return 0d; return (double) falseCount / (trueCount + falseCount); } }, new Gauge<Double>() // global gauge { public Double value() { long falseCount = 0L; long trueCount = 0L; for (Keyspace keyspace : Keyspace.all()) { for (SSTableReader sstable : keyspace.getAllSSTables()) { falseCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterFalsePositiveCount(); trueCount += sstable.getRecentBloomFilterTruePositiveCount(); } } if (falseCount == 0L && trueCount == 0L) return 0d; return (double) falseCount / (trueCount + falseCount); } }); bloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed = createColumnFamilyGauge("BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (SSTableReader sst : cfs.getSSTables()) total += sst.getBloomFilterSerializedSize(); return total; } }); bloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed = createColumnFamilyGauge("BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (SSTableReader sst : cfs.getSSTables()) total += sst.getBloomFilterOffHeapSize(); return total; } }); indexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed = createColumnFamilyGauge("IndexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (SSTableReader sst : cfs.getSSTables()) total += sst.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize(); return total; } }); compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed = createColumnFamilyGauge("CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (SSTableReader sst : cfs.getSSTables()) total += sst.getCompressionMetadataOffHeapSize(); return total; } }); speculativeRetries = createColumnFamilyCounter("SpeculativeRetries"); keyCacheHitRate = Metrics.newGauge(factory.createMetricName("KeyCacheHitRate"), new RatioGauge() { protected double getNumerator() { long hits = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) hits += sstable.getKeyCacheHit(); return hits; } protected double getDenominator() { long requests = 0L; for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables()) requests += sstable.getKeyCacheRequest(); return Math.max(requests, 1); // to avoid NaN. } }); tombstoneScannedHistogram = createColumnFamilyHistogram("TombstoneScannedHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.tombstoneScannedHistogram); liveScannedHistogram = createColumnFamilyHistogram("LiveScannedHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.liveScannedHistogram); colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram = createColumnFamilyHistogram("ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram); coordinatorReadLatency = Metrics.newTimer(factory.createMetricName("CoordinatorReadLatency"), TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); coordinatorScanLatency = Metrics.newTimer(factory.createMetricName("CoordinatorScanLatency"), TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); waitingOnFreeMemtableSpace = Metrics.newTimer(factory.createMetricName("WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace"), TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); trueSnapshotsSize = createColumnFamilyGauge("SnapshotsSize", new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { return cfs.trueSnapshotsSize(); } }); rowCacheHitOutOfRange = createColumnFamilyCounter("RowCacheHitOutOfRange"); rowCacheHit = createColumnFamilyCounter("RowCacheHit"); rowCacheMiss = createColumnFamilyCounter("RowCacheMiss"); casPrepare = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "CasPrepare", cfs.keyspace.metric.casPrepare); casPropose = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "CasPropose", cfs.keyspace.metric.casPropose); casCommit = new LatencyMetrics(factory, "CasCommit", cfs.keyspace.metric.casCommit); } public void updateSSTableIterated(int count) { sstablesPerReadHistogram.update(count); recentSSTablesPerRead.add(count); sstablesPerRead.add(count); } /** * Release all associated metrics. */ public void release() { for(String name : all) { allColumnFamilyMetrics.get(name).remove(Metrics.defaultRegistry().allMetrics().get(factory.createMetricName(name))); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName(name)); } readLatency.release(); writeLatency.release(); rangeLatency.release(); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("EstimatedRowSizeHistogram")); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("EstimatedColumnCountHistogram")); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("KeyCacheHitRate")); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("CoordinatorReadLatency")); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("CoordinatorScanLatency")); Metrics.defaultRegistry().removeMetric(factory.createMetricName("WaitingOnFreeMemtableSpace")); } /** * Create a gauge that will be part of a merged version of all column families. The global gauge * will merge each CF gauge by adding their values */ protected <T extends Number> Gauge<T> createColumnFamilyGauge(final String name, Gauge<T> gauge) { return createColumnFamilyGauge(name, gauge, new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (Metric cfGauge : allColumnFamilyMetrics.get(name)) { total = total + ((Gauge<? extends Number>) cfGauge).value().longValue(); } return total; } }); } /** * Create a gauge that will be part of a merged version of all column families. The global gauge * is defined as the globalGauge parameter */ protected <G,T> Gauge<T> createColumnFamilyGauge(String name, Gauge<T> gauge, Gauge<G> globalGauge) { Gauge<T> cfGauge = Metrics.newGauge(factory.createMetricName(name), gauge); if (register(name, cfGauge)) { Metrics.newGauge(globalNameFactory.createMetricName(name), globalGauge); } return cfGauge; } /** * Creates a counter that will also have a global counter thats the sum of all counters across * different column families */ protected Counter createColumnFamilyCounter(final String name) { Counter cfCounter = Metrics.newCounter(factory.createMetricName(name)); if (register(name, cfCounter)) { Metrics.newGauge(globalNameFactory.createMetricName(name), new Gauge<Long>() { public Long value() { long total = 0; for (Metric cfGauge : allColumnFamilyMetrics.get(name)) { total += ((Counter) cfGauge).count(); } return total; } }); } return cfCounter; } /** * Create a histogram-like interface that will register both a CF, keyspace and global level * histogram and forward any updates to both */ protected ColumnFamilyHistogram createColumnFamilyHistogram(String name, Histogram keyspaceHistogram) { Histogram cfHistogram = Metrics.newHistogram(factory.createMetricName(name), true); register(name, cfHistogram); return new ColumnFamilyHistogram(cfHistogram, keyspaceHistogram, Metrics.newHistogram(globalNameFactory.createMetricName(name), true)); } /** * Registers a metric to be removed when unloading CF. * @return true if first time metric with that name has been registered */ private boolean register(String name, Metric metric) { boolean ret = allColumnFamilyMetrics.putIfAbsent(name, new HashSet<Metric>()) == null; allColumnFamilyMetrics.get(name).add(metric); all.add(name); return ret; } public class ColumnFamilyHistogram { public final Histogram[] all; public final Histogram cf; private ColumnFamilyHistogram(Histogram cf, Histogram keyspace, Histogram global) { this.cf = cf; this.all = new Histogram[]{cf, keyspace, global}; } public void update(long i) { for(Histogram histo : all) { histo.update(i); } } } class ColumnFamilyMetricNameFactory implements MetricNameFactory { private final String keyspaceName; private final String columnFamilyName; private final boolean isIndex; ColumnFamilyMetricNameFactory(ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { this.keyspaceName = cfs.keyspace.getName(); this.columnFamilyName = cfs.name; isIndex = cfs.isIndex(); } public MetricName createMetricName(String metricName) { String groupName = ColumnFamilyMetrics.class.getPackage().getName(); String type = isIndex ? "IndexColumnFamily" : "ColumnFamily"; StringBuilder mbeanName = new StringBuilder(); mbeanName.append(groupName).append(":"); mbeanName.append("type=").append(type); mbeanName.append(",keyspace=").append(keyspaceName); mbeanName.append(",scope=").append(columnFamilyName); mbeanName.append(",name=").append(metricName); return new MetricName(groupName, type, metricName, keyspaceName + "." + columnFamilyName, mbeanName.toString()); } } static class AllColumnFamilyMetricNameFactory implements MetricNameFactory { public MetricName createMetricName(String metricName) { String groupName = ColumnFamilyMetrics.class.getPackage().getName(); StringBuilder mbeanName = new StringBuilder(); mbeanName.append(groupName).append(":"); mbeanName.append("type=ColumnFamily"); mbeanName.append(",name=").append(metricName); return new MetricName(groupName, "ColumnFamily", metricName, "all", mbeanName.toString()); } } public static enum Sampler { READS, WRITES } }