/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.transport; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import com.google.common.base.Objects; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; public abstract class Event { public enum Type { TOPOLOGY_CHANGE, STATUS_CHANGE, SCHEMA_CHANGE } public final Type type; private Event(Type type) { this.type = type; } public static Event deserialize(ByteBuf cb, int version) { switch (CBUtil.readEnumValue(Type.class, cb)) { case TOPOLOGY_CHANGE: return TopologyChange.deserializeEvent(cb, version); case STATUS_CHANGE: return StatusChange.deserializeEvent(cb, version); case SCHEMA_CHANGE: return SchemaChange.deserializeEvent(cb, version); } throw new AssertionError(); } public void serialize(ByteBuf dest, int version) { CBUtil.writeEnumValue(type, dest); serializeEvent(dest, version); } public int serializedSize(int version) { return CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(type) + eventSerializedSize(version); } protected abstract void serializeEvent(ByteBuf dest, int version); protected abstract int eventSerializedSize(int version); public static class TopologyChange extends Event { public enum Change { NEW_NODE, REMOVED_NODE, MOVED_NODE } public final Change change; public final InetSocketAddress node; private TopologyChange(Change change, InetSocketAddress node) { super(Type.TOPOLOGY_CHANGE); this.change = change; this.node = node; } public static TopologyChange newNode(InetAddress host, int port) { return new TopologyChange(Change.NEW_NODE, new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } public static TopologyChange removedNode(InetAddress host, int port) { return new TopologyChange(Change.REMOVED_NODE, new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } public static TopologyChange movedNode(InetAddress host, int port) { return new TopologyChange(Change.MOVED_NODE, new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } // Assumes the type has already been deserialized private static TopologyChange deserializeEvent(ByteBuf cb, int version) { Change change = CBUtil.readEnumValue(Change.class, cb); InetSocketAddress node = CBUtil.readInet(cb); return new TopologyChange(change, node); } protected void serializeEvent(ByteBuf dest, int version) { CBUtil.writeEnumValue(change, dest); CBUtil.writeInet(node, dest); } protected int eventSerializedSize(int version) { return CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(change) + CBUtil.sizeOfInet(node); } @Override public String toString() { return change + " " + node; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(change, node); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof TopologyChange)) return false; TopologyChange tpc = (TopologyChange)other; return Objects.equal(change, tpc.change) && Objects.equal(node, tpc.node); } } public static class StatusChange extends Event { public enum Status { UP, DOWN } public final Status status; public final InetSocketAddress node; private StatusChange(Status status, InetSocketAddress node) { super(Type.STATUS_CHANGE); this.status = status; this.node = node; } public static StatusChange nodeUp(InetAddress host, int port) { return new StatusChange(Status.UP, new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } public static StatusChange nodeDown(InetAddress host, int port) { return new StatusChange(Status.DOWN, new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } // Assumes the type has already been deserialized private static StatusChange deserializeEvent(ByteBuf cb, int version) { Status status = CBUtil.readEnumValue(Status.class, cb); InetSocketAddress node = CBUtil.readInet(cb); return new StatusChange(status, node); } protected void serializeEvent(ByteBuf dest, int version) { CBUtil.writeEnumValue(status, dest); CBUtil.writeInet(node, dest); } protected int eventSerializedSize(int version) { return CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(status) + CBUtil.sizeOfInet(node); } @Override public String toString() { return status + " " + node; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(status, node); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof StatusChange)) return false; StatusChange stc = (StatusChange)other; return Objects.equal(status, stc.status) && Objects.equal(node, stc.node); } } public static class SchemaChange extends Event { public enum Change { CREATED, UPDATED, DROPPED } public enum Target { KEYSPACE, TABLE, TYPE } public final Change change; public final Target target; public final String keyspace; public final String tableOrType; public SchemaChange(Change change, Target target, String keyspace, String tableOrType) { super(Type.SCHEMA_CHANGE); this.change = change; this.target = target; this.keyspace = keyspace; this.tableOrType = tableOrType; if (target != Target.KEYSPACE) assert this.tableOrType != null : "Table or type should be set for non-keyspace schema change events"; } public SchemaChange(Change change, String keyspace) { this(change, Target.KEYSPACE, keyspace, null); } // Assumes the type has already been deserialized public static SchemaChange deserializeEvent(ByteBuf cb, int version) { Change change = CBUtil.readEnumValue(Change.class, cb); if (version >= 3) { Target target = CBUtil.readEnumValue(Target.class, cb); String keyspace = CBUtil.readString(cb); String tableOrType = target == Target.KEYSPACE ? null : CBUtil.readString(cb); return new SchemaChange(change, target, keyspace, tableOrType); } else { String keyspace = CBUtil.readString(cb); String table = CBUtil.readString(cb); return new SchemaChange(change, table.isEmpty() ? Target.KEYSPACE : Target.TABLE, keyspace, table.isEmpty() ? null : table); } } public void serializeEvent(ByteBuf dest, int version) { if (version >= 3) { CBUtil.writeEnumValue(change, dest); CBUtil.writeEnumValue(target, dest); CBUtil.writeString(keyspace, dest); if (target != Target.KEYSPACE) CBUtil.writeString(tableOrType, dest); } else { if (target == Target.TYPE) { // For the v1/v2 protocol, we have no way to represent type changes, so we simply say the keyspace // was updated. See CASSANDRA-7617. CBUtil.writeEnumValue(Change.UPDATED, dest); CBUtil.writeString(keyspace, dest); CBUtil.writeString("", dest); } else { CBUtil.writeEnumValue(change, dest); CBUtil.writeString(keyspace, dest); CBUtil.writeString(target == Target.KEYSPACE ? "" : tableOrType, dest); } } } public int eventSerializedSize(int version) { if (version >= 3) { int size = CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(change) + CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(target) + CBUtil.sizeOfString(keyspace); if (target != Target.KEYSPACE) size += CBUtil.sizeOfString(tableOrType); return size; } else { if (target == Target.TYPE) { return CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(Change.UPDATED) + CBUtil.sizeOfString(keyspace) + CBUtil.sizeOfString(""); } return CBUtil.sizeOfEnumValue(change) + CBUtil.sizeOfString(keyspace) + CBUtil.sizeOfString(target == Target.KEYSPACE ? "" : tableOrType); } } @Override public String toString() { return change + " " + target + " " + keyspace + (tableOrType == null ? "" : "." + tableOrType); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(change, target, keyspace, tableOrType); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof SchemaChange)) return false; SchemaChange scc = (SchemaChange)other; return Objects.equal(change, scc.change) && Objects.equal(target, scc.target) && Objects.equal(keyspace, scc.keyspace) && Objects.equal(tableOrType, scc.tableOrType); } } }