/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.utils; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator; import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator; import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.IPartitioner; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.cassandra.io.IVersionedSerializer; import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus; /** * A MerkleTree implemented as a binary tree. * * A MerkleTree is a full binary tree that represents a perfect binary tree of * depth 'hashdepth'. In a perfect binary tree, each leaf contains a * sequentially hashed range, and each inner node contains the binary hash of * its two children. In the MerkleTree, many ranges will not be split to the * full depth of the perfect binary tree: the leaves of this tree are Leaf objects, * which contain the computed values of the nodes that would be below them if * the tree were perfect. * * The hash values of the inner nodes of the MerkleTree are calculated lazily based * on their children when the hash of a range is requested with hash(range). * * Inputs passed to TreeRange.validate should be calculated using a very secure hash, * because all hashing internal to the tree is accomplished using XOR. * * If two MerkleTrees have the same hashdepth, they represent a perfect tree * of the same depth, and can always be compared, regardless of size or splits. */ public class MerkleTree implements Serializable { public static final MerkleTreeSerializer serializer = new MerkleTreeSerializer(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; public static final byte RECOMMENDED_DEPTH = Byte.MAX_VALUE - 1; public static final int CONSISTENT = 0; public static final int FULLY_INCONSISTENT = 1; public static final int PARTIALLY_INCONSISTENT = 2; private static final byte[] EMPTY_HASH = new byte[0]; public final byte hashdepth; /** The top level range that this MerkleTree covers. */ public final Range<Token> fullRange; private final IPartitioner partitioner; private long maxsize; private long size; private Hashable root; public static class MerkleTreeSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<MerkleTree> { public void serialize(MerkleTree mt, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { out.writeByte(mt.hashdepth); out.writeLong(mt.maxsize); out.writeLong(mt.size); out.writeUTF(mt.partitioner.getClass().getCanonicalName()); // full range Token.serializer.serialize(mt.fullRange.left, out); Token.serializer.serialize(mt.fullRange.right, out); Hashable.serializer.serialize(mt.root, out, version); } public MerkleTree deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException { byte hashdepth = in.readByte(); long maxsize = in.readLong(); long size = in.readLong(); IPartitioner partitioner; try { partitioner = FBUtilities.newPartitioner(in.readUTF()); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } // full range Token left = Token.serializer.deserialize(in); Token right = Token.serializer.deserialize(in); Range<Token> fullRange = new Range<>(left, right, partitioner); MerkleTree mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, fullRange, hashdepth, maxsize); mt.size = size; mt.root = Hashable.serializer.deserialize(in, version); return mt; } public long serializedSize(MerkleTree mt, int version) { long size = 1 // mt.hashdepth + TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(mt.maxsize) + TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(mt.size) + TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(mt.partitioner.getClass().getCanonicalName()); // full range size += Token.serializer.serializedSize(mt.fullRange.left, TypeSizes.NATIVE); size += Token.serializer.serializedSize(mt.fullRange.right, TypeSizes.NATIVE); size += Hashable.serializer.serializedSize(mt.root, version); return size; } } /** * @param partitioner The partitioner in use. * @param range the range this tree covers * @param hashdepth The maximum depth of the tree. 100/(2^depth) is the % * of the key space covered by each subrange of a fully populated tree. * @param maxsize The maximum number of subranges in the tree. */ public MerkleTree(IPartitioner partitioner, Range<Token> range, byte hashdepth, long maxsize) { assert hashdepth < Byte.MAX_VALUE; this.fullRange = Preconditions.checkNotNull(range); this.partitioner = Preconditions.checkNotNull(partitioner); this.hashdepth = hashdepth; this.maxsize = maxsize; size = 1; root = new Leaf(null); } static byte inc(byte in) { assert in < Byte.MAX_VALUE; return (byte)(in + 1); } /** * Initializes this tree by splitting it until hashdepth is reached, * or until an additional level of splits would violate maxsize. * * NB: Replaces all nodes in the tree. */ public void init() { // determine the depth to which we can safely split the tree byte sizedepth = (byte)(Math.log10(maxsize) / Math.log10(2)); byte depth = (byte)Math.min(sizedepth, hashdepth); root = initHelper(fullRange.left, fullRange.right, (byte)0, depth); size = (long)Math.pow(2, depth); } private Hashable initHelper(Token left, Token right, byte depth, byte max) { if (depth == max) // we've reached the leaves return new Leaf(); Token midpoint = partitioner.midpoint(left, right); if (midpoint.equals(left) || midpoint.equals(right)) return new Leaf(); Hashable lchild = initHelper(left, midpoint, inc(depth), max); Hashable rchild = initHelper(midpoint, right, inc(depth), max); return new Inner(midpoint, lchild, rchild); } Hashable root() { return root; } public IPartitioner partitioner() { return partitioner; } /** * The number of distinct ranges contained in this tree. This is a reasonable * measure of the memory usage of the tree (assuming 'this.order' is significant). */ public long size() { return size; } public long maxsize() { return maxsize; } public void maxsize(long maxsize) { this.maxsize = maxsize; } /** * @param ltree First tree. * @param rtree Second tree. * @return A list of the largest contiguous ranges where the given trees disagree. */ public static List<TreeRange> difference(MerkleTree ltree, MerkleTree rtree) { if (!ltree.fullRange.equals(rtree.fullRange)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Difference only make sense on tree covering the same range (but " + ltree.fullRange + " != " + rtree.fullRange + ")"); List<TreeRange> diff = new ArrayList<>(); TreeDifference active = new TreeDifference(ltree.fullRange.left, ltree.fullRange.right, (byte)0); Hashable lnode = ltree.find(active); Hashable rnode = rtree.find(active); byte[] lhash = lnode.hash(); byte[] rhash = rnode.hash(); active.setSize(lnode.sizeOfRange(), rnode.sizeOfRange()); if (lhash != null && rhash != null && !Arrays.equals(lhash, rhash)) { if (FULLY_INCONSISTENT == differenceHelper(ltree, rtree, diff, active)) diff.add(active); } else if (lhash == null || rhash == null) diff.add(active); return diff; } /** * TODO: This function could be optimized into a depth first traversal of * the two trees in parallel. * * Takes two trees and a range for which they have hashes, but are inconsistent. * @return FULLY_INCONSISTENT if active is inconsistent, PARTIALLY_INCONSISTENT if only a subrange is inconsistent. */ static int differenceHelper(MerkleTree ltree, MerkleTree rtree, List<TreeRange> diff, TreeRange active) { if (active.depth == Byte.MAX_VALUE) return CONSISTENT; Token midpoint = ltree.partitioner().midpoint(active.left, active.right); TreeDifference left = new TreeDifference(active.left, midpoint, inc(active.depth)); TreeDifference right = new TreeDifference(midpoint, active.right, inc(active.depth)); byte[] lhash, rhash; Hashable lnode, rnode; // see if we should recurse left lnode = ltree.find(left); rnode = rtree.find(left); lhash = lnode.hash(); rhash = rnode.hash(); left.setSize(lnode.sizeOfRange(), rnode.sizeOfRange()); left.setRows(lnode.rowsInRange(), rnode.rowsInRange()); int ldiff = CONSISTENT; boolean lreso = lhash != null && rhash != null; if (lreso && !Arrays.equals(lhash, rhash)) ldiff = differenceHelper(ltree, rtree, diff, left); else if (!lreso) ldiff = FULLY_INCONSISTENT; // see if we should recurse right lnode = ltree.find(right); rnode = rtree.find(right); lhash = lnode.hash(); rhash = rnode.hash(); right.setSize(lnode.sizeOfRange(), rnode.sizeOfRange()); right.setRows(lnode.rowsInRange(), rnode.rowsInRange()); int rdiff = CONSISTENT; boolean rreso = lhash != null && rhash != null; if (rreso && !Arrays.equals(lhash, rhash)) rdiff = differenceHelper(ltree, rtree, diff, right); else if (!rreso) rdiff = FULLY_INCONSISTENT; if (ldiff == FULLY_INCONSISTENT && rdiff == FULLY_INCONSISTENT) { // both children are fully inconsistent return FULLY_INCONSISTENT; } else if (ldiff == FULLY_INCONSISTENT) { diff.add(left); return PARTIALLY_INCONSISTENT; } else if (rdiff == FULLY_INCONSISTENT) { diff.add(right); return PARTIALLY_INCONSISTENT; } return PARTIALLY_INCONSISTENT; } /** * For testing purposes. * Gets the smallest range containing the token. */ public TreeRange get(Token t) { return getHelper(root, fullRange.left, fullRange.right, (byte)0, t); } TreeRange getHelper(Hashable hashable, Token pleft, Token pright, byte depth, Token t) { if (hashable instanceof Leaf) { // we've reached a hash: wrap it up and deliver it return new TreeRange(this, pleft, pright, depth, hashable); } // else: node. Inner node = (Inner)hashable; if (Range.contains(pleft, node.token, t)) // left child contains token return getHelper(node.lchild, pleft, node.token, inc(depth), t); // else: right child contains token return getHelper(node.rchild, node.token, pright, inc(depth), t); } /** * Invalidates the ranges containing the given token. * Useful for testing. */ public void invalidate(Token t) { invalidateHelper(root, fullRange.left, t); } private void invalidateHelper(Hashable hashable, Token pleft, Token t) { hashable.hash(null); if (hashable instanceof Leaf) return; // else: node. Inner node = (Inner)hashable; if (Range.contains(pleft, node.token, t)) // left child contains token invalidateHelper(node.lchild, pleft, t); else // right child contains token invalidateHelper(node.rchild, node.token, t); } /** * Hash the given range in the tree. The range must have been generated * with recursive applications of partitioner.midpoint(). * * NB: Currently does not support wrapping ranges that do not end with * partitioner.getMinimumToken(). * * @return Null if any subrange of the range is invalid, or if the exact * range cannot be calculated using this tree. */ public byte[] hash(Range<Token> range) { return find(range).hash(); } /** * Find the {@link Hashable} node that matches the given {@code range}. * * @param range Range to find * @return {@link Hashable} found. If nothing found, return {@link Leaf} with null hash. */ private Hashable find(Range<Token> range) { try { return findHelper(root, new Range<Token>(fullRange.left, fullRange.right), range); } catch (StopRecursion e) { return new Leaf(); } } /** * @throws StopRecursion If no match could be found for the range. */ private Hashable findHelper(Hashable current, Range<Token> activeRange, Range<Token> find) throws StopRecursion { if (current instanceof Leaf) { if (!find.contains(activeRange)) // we are not fully contained in this range! throw new StopRecursion.BadRange(); return current; } // else: node. Inner node = (Inner)current; Range<Token> leftRange = new Range<Token>(activeRange.left, node.token); Range<Token> rightRange = new Range<Token>(node.token, activeRange.right); if (find.contains(activeRange)) // this node is fully contained in the range return node.calc(); // else: one of our children contains the range if (leftRange.contains(find)) // left child contains/matches the range return findHelper(node.lchild, leftRange, find); else if (rightRange.contains(find)) // right child contains/matches the range return findHelper(node.rchild, rightRange, find); else throw new StopRecursion.BadRange(); } /** * Splits the range containing the given token, if no tree limits would be * violated. If the range would be split to a depth below hashdepth, or if * the tree already contains maxsize subranges, this operation will fail. * * @return True if the range was successfully split. */ public boolean split(Token t) { if (!(size < maxsize)) return false; try { root = splitHelper(root, fullRange.left, fullRange.right, (byte)0, t); } catch (StopRecursion.TooDeep e) { return false; } return true; } private Hashable splitHelper(Hashable hashable, Token pleft, Token pright, byte depth, Token t) throws StopRecursion.TooDeep { if (depth >= hashdepth) throw new StopRecursion.TooDeep(); if (hashable instanceof Leaf) { Token midpoint = partitioner.midpoint(pleft, pright); // We should not create a non-sensical range where start and end are the same token (this is non-sensical because range are // start exclusive). Note that we shouldn't hit that unless the full range is very small or we are fairly deep if (midpoint.equals(pleft) || midpoint.equals(pright)) throw new StopRecursion.TooDeep(); // split size++; return new Inner(midpoint, new Leaf(), new Leaf()); } // else: node. // recurse on the matching child Inner node = (Inner)hashable; if (Range.contains(pleft, node.token, t)) // left child contains token node.lchild(splitHelper(node.lchild, pleft, node.token, inc(depth), t)); else // else: right child contains token node.rchild(splitHelper(node.rchild, node.token, pright, inc(depth), t)); return node; } /** * Returns a lazy iterator of invalid TreeRanges that need to be filled * in order to make the given Range valid. */ public TreeRangeIterator invalids() { return new TreeRangeIterator(this); } public EstimatedHistogram histogramOfRowSizePerLeaf() { HistogramBuilder histbuild = new HistogramBuilder(); for (TreeRange range : new TreeRangeIterator(this)) { histbuild.add(range.hashable.sizeOfRange); } return histbuild.buildWithStdevRangesAroundMean(); } public EstimatedHistogram histogramOfRowCountPerLeaf() { HistogramBuilder histbuild = new HistogramBuilder(); for (TreeRange range : new TreeRangeIterator(this)) { histbuild.add(range.hashable.rowsInRange); } return histbuild.buildWithStdevRangesAroundMean(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.append("#<MerkleTree root="); root.toString(buff, 8); buff.append(">"); return buff.toString(); } public static class TreeDifference extends TreeRange { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6363654174549968183L; private long sizeOnLeft; private long sizeOnRight; private long rowsOnLeft; private long rowsOnRight; void setSize(long sizeOnLeft, long sizeOnRight) { this.sizeOnLeft = sizeOnLeft; this.sizeOnRight = sizeOnRight; } void setRows(long rowsOnLeft, long rowsOnRight) { this.rowsOnLeft = rowsOnLeft; this.rowsOnRight = rowsOnRight; } public long sizeOnLeft() { return sizeOnLeft; } public long sizeOnRight() { return sizeOnRight; } public long rowsOnLeft() { return rowsOnLeft; } public long rowsOnRight() { return rowsOnRight; } public TreeDifference(Token left, Token right, byte depth) { super(null, left, right, depth, null); } public long totalRows() { return rowsOnLeft + rowsOnRight; } } /** * The public interface to a range in the tree. * * NB: A TreeRange should not be returned by a public method unless the * parents of the range it represents are already invalidated, since it * will allow someone to modify the hash. Alternatively, a TreeRange * may be created with a null tree, indicating that it is read only. */ public static class TreeRange extends Range<Token> { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final MerkleTree tree; public final byte depth; private final Hashable hashable; TreeRange(MerkleTree tree, Token left, Token right, byte depth, Hashable hashable) { super(left, right); this.tree = tree; this.depth = depth; this.hashable = hashable; } public void hash(byte[] hash) { assert tree != null : "Not intended for modification!"; hashable.hash(hash); } public byte[] hash() { return hashable.hash(); } /** * @param entry Row to mix into the hash for this range. */ public void addHash(RowHash entry) { assert tree != null : "Not intended for modification!"; assert hashable instanceof Leaf; hashable.addHash(entry.hash, entry.size); } public void ensureHashInitialised() { assert tree != null : "Not intended for modification!"; assert hashable instanceof Leaf; if (hashable.hash == null) hashable.hash = EMPTY_HASH; } public void addAll(Iterator<RowHash> entries) { while (entries.hasNext()) addHash(entries.next()); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("#<TreeRange "); buff.append(super.toString()).append(" depth=").append(depth); return buff.append(">").toString(); } } /** * Returns the leaf (range) of a given tree in increasing order. * If the full range covered by the tree don't wrap, then it will return the * ranges in increasing order. * If the full range wrap, the first *and* last range returned by the * iterator will be the wrapping range. It is the only case where the same * leaf will be returned twice. */ public static class TreeRangeIterator extends AbstractIterator<TreeRange> implements Iterable<TreeRange>, PeekingIterator<TreeRange> { // stack of ranges to visit private final ArrayDeque<TreeRange> tovisit; // interesting range private final MerkleTree tree; TreeRangeIterator(MerkleTree tree) { tovisit = new ArrayDeque<TreeRange>(); tovisit.add(new TreeRange(tree, tree.fullRange.left, tree.fullRange.right, (byte)0, tree.root)); this.tree = tree; } /** * Find the next TreeRange. * * @return The next TreeRange. */ public TreeRange computeNext() { while (!tovisit.isEmpty()) { TreeRange active = tovisit.pop(); if (active.hashable instanceof Leaf) { // found a leaf invalid range if (active.isWrapAround() && !tovisit.isEmpty()) // put to be taken again last tovisit.addLast(active); return active; } Inner node = (Inner)active.hashable; TreeRange left = new TreeRange(tree, active.left, node.token, inc(active.depth), node.lchild); TreeRange right = new TreeRange(tree, node.token, active.right, inc(active.depth), node.rchild); if (right.isWrapAround()) { // whatever is on the left is 'after' everything we have seen so far (it has greater tokens) tovisit.addLast(left); tovisit.addFirst(right); } else { // do left first then right tovisit.addFirst(right); tovisit.addFirst(left); } } return endOfData(); } public Iterator<TreeRange> iterator() { return this; } } /** * An inner node in the MerkleTree. Inners can contain cached hash values, which * are the binary hash of their two children. */ static class Inner extends Hashable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static final byte IDENT = 2; public final Token token; private Hashable lchild; private Hashable rchild; private static final InnerSerializer serializer = new InnerSerializer(); /** * Constructs an Inner with the given token and children, and a null hash. */ public Inner(Token token, Hashable lchild, Hashable rchild) { super(null); this.token = token; this.lchild = lchild; this.rchild = rchild; } public Hashable lchild() { return lchild; } public Hashable rchild() { return rchild; } public void lchild(Hashable child) { lchild = child; } public void rchild(Hashable child) { rchild = child; } Hashable calc() { if (hash == null) { // hash and size haven't been calculated; calc children then compute Hashable lnode = lchild.calc(); Hashable rnode = rchild.calc(); // cache the computed value hash(lnode.hash, rnode.hash); sizeOfRange = lnode.sizeOfRange + rnode.sizeOfRange; rowsInRange = lnode.rowsInRange + rnode.rowsInRange; } return this; } /** * Recursive toString. */ public void toString(StringBuilder buff, int maxdepth) { buff.append("#<").append(getClass().getSimpleName()); buff.append(" ").append(token); buff.append(" hash=").append(Hashable.toString(hash())); buff.append(" children=["); if (maxdepth < 1) { buff.append("#"); } else { if (lchild == null) buff.append("null"); else lchild.toString(buff, maxdepth-1); buff.append(" "); if (rchild == null) buff.append("null"); else rchild.toString(buff, maxdepth-1); } buff.append("]>"); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); toString(buff, 1); return buff.toString(); } private static class InnerSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<Inner> { public void serialize(Inner inner, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { if (inner.hash == null) out.writeInt(-1); else { out.writeInt(inner.hash.length); out.write(inner.hash); } Token.serializer.serialize(inner.token, out); Hashable.serializer.serialize(inner.lchild, out, version); Hashable.serializer.serialize(inner.rchild, out, version); } public Inner deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException { int hashLen = in.readInt(); byte[] hash = hashLen >= 0 ? new byte[hashLen] : null; if (hash != null) in.readFully(hash); Token token = Token.serializer.deserialize(in); Hashable lchild = Hashable.serializer.deserialize(in, version); Hashable rchild = Hashable.serializer.deserialize(in, version); return new Inner(token, lchild, rchild); } public long serializedSize(Inner inner, int version) { int size = inner.hash == null ? TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(-1) : TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(inner.hash().length) + inner.hash().length; size += Token.serializer.serializedSize(inner.token, TypeSizes.NATIVE) + Hashable.serializer.serializedSize(inner.lchild, version) + Hashable.serializer.serializedSize(inner.rchild, version); return size; } } } /** * A leaf node in the MerkleTree. Because the MerkleTree represents a much * larger perfect binary tree of depth hashdepth, a Leaf object contains * the value that would be contained in the perfect tree at its position. * * When rows are added to the MerkleTree using TreeRange.validate(), the * tree extending below the Leaf is generated in memory, but only the root * is stored in the Leaf. */ static class Leaf extends Hashable { public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; static final byte IDENT = 1; private static final LeafSerializer serializer = new LeafSerializer(); /** * Constructs a null hash. */ public Leaf() { super(null); } public Leaf(byte[] hash) { super(hash); } public void toString(StringBuilder buff, int maxdepth) { buff.append(toString()); } @Override public String toString() { return "#<Leaf " + Hashable.toString(hash()) + ">"; } private static class LeafSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<Leaf> { public void serialize(Leaf leaf, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { if (leaf.hash == null) { out.writeInt(-1); } else { out.writeInt(leaf.hash.length); out.write(leaf.hash); } } public Leaf deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException { int hashLen = in.readInt(); byte[] hash = hashLen < 0 ? null : new byte[hashLen]; if (hash != null) in.readFully(hash); return new Leaf(hash); } public long serializedSize(Leaf leaf, int version) { return leaf.hash == null ? TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(-1) : TypeSizes.NATIVE.sizeof(leaf.hash().length) + leaf.hash().length; } } } /** * Hash value representing a row, to be used to pass hashes to the MerkleTree. * The byte[] hash value should contain a digest of the key and value of the row * created using a very strong hash function. */ public static class RowHash { public final Token token; public final byte[] hash; public final long size; public RowHash(Token token, byte[] hash, long size) { this.token = token; this.hash = hash; this.size = size; } @Override public String toString() { return "#<RowHash " + token + " " + Hashable.toString(hash) + " @ " + size + " bytes>"; } } /** * Abstract class containing hashing logic, and containing a single hash field. */ static abstract class Hashable implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final IVersionedSerializer<Hashable> serializer = new HashableSerializer(); protected byte[] hash; protected long sizeOfRange; protected long rowsInRange; protected Hashable(byte[] hash) { this.hash = hash; } public byte[] hash() { return hash; } public long sizeOfRange() { return sizeOfRange; } public long rowsInRange() { return rowsInRange; } void hash(byte[] hash) { this.hash = hash; } Hashable calc() { return this; } /** * Sets the value of this hash to binaryHash of its children. * @param lefthash Hash of left child. * @param righthash Hash of right child. */ void hash(byte[] lefthash, byte[] righthash) { hash = binaryHash(lefthash, righthash); } /** * Mixes the given value into our hash. If our hash is null, * our hash will become the given value. */ void addHash(byte[] righthash, long sizeOfRow) { if (hash == null) hash = righthash; else hash = binaryHash(hash, righthash); this.sizeOfRange += sizeOfRow; this.rowsInRange += 1; } /** * The primitive with which all hashing should be accomplished: hashes * a left and right value together. */ static byte[] binaryHash(final byte[] left, final byte[] right) { return FBUtilities.xor(left, right); } public abstract void toString(StringBuilder buff, int maxdepth); public static String toString(byte[] hash) { if (hash == null) return "null"; return "[" + Hex.bytesToHex(hash) + "]"; } private static class HashableSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<Hashable> { public void serialize(Hashable h, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { if (h instanceof Inner) { out.writeByte(Inner.IDENT); Inner.serializer.serialize((Inner)h, out, version); } else if (h instanceof Leaf) { out.writeByte(Leaf.IDENT); Leaf.serializer.serialize((Leaf) h, out, version); } else throw new IOException("Unexpected Hashable: " + h.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } public Hashable deserialize(DataInput in, int version) throws IOException { byte ident = in.readByte(); if (Inner.IDENT == ident) return Inner.serializer.deserialize(in, version); else if (Leaf.IDENT == ident) return Leaf.serializer.deserialize(in, version); else throw new IOException("Unexpected Hashable: " + ident); } public long serializedSize(Hashable h, int version) { if (h instanceof Inner) return 1 + Inner.serializer.serializedSize((Inner) h, version); else if (h instanceof Leaf) return 1 + Leaf.serializer.serializedSize((Leaf) h, version); throw new AssertionError(h.getClass()); } } } /** * Exceptions that stop recursion early when we are sure that no answer * can be found. */ static abstract class StopRecursion extends Exception { static class BadRange extends StopRecursion { public BadRange(){ super(); } } static class InvalidHash extends StopRecursion { public InvalidHash(){ super(); } } static class TooDeep extends StopRecursion { public TooDeep(){ super(); } } } }