package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * ANSI escape codes supported by JLine. * * @author Andrew Swan * @since 1.2.0 */ public enum AnsiEscapeCode { // These int literals are non-public constants in ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes BLINK(5), BOLD(1), CONCEALED(8), FG_BLACK(30), FG_BLUE(34), FG_CYAN(36), FG_GREEN(32), FG_MAGENTA( 35), FG_RED(31), FG_WHITE(37), FG_YELLOW(33), OFF(0), REVERSE(7), UNDERSCORE(4); // Constant for the escape character private static final boolean ANSI_ENABLED = Boolean.getBoolean("roo.console.ansi"); private static final char ESC = 27; public static boolean isAnsiEnabled() { return ANSI_ENABLED; } /** * Decorates the given text with the given escape codes (turning them off * afterwards) * * @param text the text to decorate; can be <code>null</code> * @param codes * @return <code>null</code> if <code>null</code> is passed */ public static String decorate(final String text, final AnsiEscapeCode... codes) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { return text; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (ANSI_ENABLED) { for (final AnsiEscapeCode code : codes) { sb.append(code.code); } } sb.append(text); if (codes != null && codes.length > 0 && ANSI_ENABLED) { sb.append(OFF.code); } return sb.toString(); } final String code; /** * Constructor * * @param code the numeric ANSI escape code */ private AnsiEscapeCode(final int code) { // Copied from the method ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes#attrib(int) this.code = ESC + "[" + code + "m"; } }