package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.TypeLocationService; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.ClasspathOperations; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.PathResolver; import org.springframework.roo.project.ProjectOperations; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Provides commands to generate Web Service endpoints and Web Service clients. * * @author Juan Carlos GarcĂ­a * @since 2.0 */ @Component @Service public class WsCommands implements CommandMarker { // ------------ OSGi component attributes ---------------- private BundleContext context; private ServiceInstaceManager serviceInstaceManager = new ServiceInstaceManager(); protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { this.context = context.getBundleContext(); serviceInstaceManager.activate(this.context); } /** * This method is an availability indicator of the Web Service commands. It indicates * if the command is available or not. * * Delegates in WSOperations to know if the command is available or not. * * @return true if it is available and false if not. */ @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = {"ws client", "ws endpoint"}) public boolean areWsCommandsAvailable() { return getWsOperations().areWsCommandsAvailable(); } /** * This method is an autocomplete indicator of 'ws client' command. * * It provides all existing .wsdl files inside /src/main/resources of * each existing module. * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "ws client", param = "wsdl", help = "By default, Spring Roo searches .wsdl files " + "in the 'src/main/resources/' folder of the existing modules. " + "Include your .wsdl file in 'src/main/resources' to be able to generate" + " a client.") public List<String> getAllWsdlFiles(ShellContext context) { List<String> existingWsdlFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<String> existingModules = getProjectOperations().getModuleNames(); String rootPath = getPathResolver().getRoot(); for (String moduleName : existingModules) { String moduleResourcesFolder = rootPath.concat("/").concat(moduleName).concat("/src/main/resources"); // To prevent errors, check if src main resources folder exists in current module if (getFileManager().exists(moduleResourcesFolder)) { File folder = new File(moduleResourcesFolder); for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { if (fileEntry.isFile() && fileEntry.getName().endsWith(".wsdl")) { String fileName = fileEntry.getName(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(moduleName)) { fileName = moduleName.concat(":").concat(fileName); } existingWsdlFiles.add(fileName); } } } } return existingWsdlFiles; } /** * This method is a visibility indicator of 'ws client' command. * * It indicates if --endpoint parameter is visible or not, depending * of the command state. * * @param context * @return true if endpoint parameter is visible */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "ws client", params = "endpoint", help = "--endpoint parameter is not available if --wsdl parameter has not been specified") public boolean isEndPointParameterVisibleForClient(ShellContext context) { // Getting value of wsdlParameter String wsdlParameter = context.getParameters().get("wsdl"); // Is wsdl value is empty, --endpoint parameter is not available if (StringUtils.isEmpty(wsdlParameter)) { return false; } return true; } /** * This method is an autocomplete indicator of 'ws client' command. * * It provides all existing endpoints inside the provided .wsdl file. * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "ws client", param = "endpoint", help = "--endpoint parameter should be completed with the attribute 'name' " + "of the 'port' element inside the 'service' element of the provided .wsdl file." + " If the provided .wsdl file doesn't exists in 'src/main/resources', this parameter will not be autocompleted." + " If the provided .wsdl exists and any --endpoint is autocompleted, check if your wsdl file has a valid format.") public List<String> getEndPointForProvidedWsdl(ShellContext context) { List<String> availableEndPoints = new ArrayList<String>(); // First of all, get the provided .wsdl file String wsdlParam = context.getParameters().get("wsdl"); // Check if the provided .wsdl file exists String wsdlLocation = getWsOperations().getWsdlAbsolutePathFromWsdlName(wsdlParam); // If exists, obtain the available enpoints if (getFileManager().exists(wsdlLocation)) { availableEndPoints.addAll(getWsOperations().getEndPointsFromWsdlFile(wsdlLocation)); } return availableEndPoints; } /** * This method is a visibility indicator of 'ws client' command. * * It indicates if --class parameter is visible or not, depending of the * command state. * * @param context * @return true if class parameter is visible */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "ws client", params = "class", help = "--class parameter is not available if --endpoint parameter has not been specified") public boolean isClassParameterVisibleForClient(ShellContext context) { // Getting value of endpoint String endPointParameter = context.getParameters().get("endpoint"); // Is endpoint value is empty, --class parameter is not available if (StringUtils.isEmpty(endPointParameter)) { return false; } return true; } /** * This method is a visibility indicator of 'ws client' command. * * It indicates if --binding parameter and --serviceUrl parameter * are visible or not, depending of the command state. * * @param context * @return true if --binding and --serviceUrl parameter should be visible */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator( command = "ws client", params = {"binding", "serviceUrl"}, help = "`--binding` and `--serviceUrl` parameters are not available if `--class` parameter has not been specified") public boolean areBindingAndServiceUrlParameterVisibleForClient(ShellContext context) { // Getting value of class String classParameter = context.getParameters().get("class"); // Is clas value is empty, --class parameter is not available if (StringUtils.isEmpty(classParameter)) { return false; } return true; } /** * This method defines the "ws client" command. * * Delegates on WsOperations to create the new client and to install the necessary dependencies * and configuration properties. * * @param wsdlLocation location of the .wsdl file * @param endpoint endpoint provided by the .wsdl file * @param class the configuration class that should include the method to define * the Web Service client * @param binding the binding type to be used. * @param serviceUrl the service URL to be used. * @param context provides the default global parameters --force and --profile */ @CliCommand(value = "ws client", help = "Generates a new Web Service client by the provided WSDL file.") public void addWsClient( @CliOption( key = "wsdl", mandatory = true, help = "WSDL file located in some specific module. By default, Spring Roo searches .wsdl files " + "in the 'src/main/resources/' folder of the existing modules.") String wsdlLocation, @CliOption( key = "endpoint", mandatory = true, help = "Select some endpoint defined in the .wsdl file provided before. " + "This parameter will be autocompleted with the attribute 'name' of the 'port' element inside " + "the 'service' element.") String endPoint, @CliOption(key = "class", mandatory = true, help = "Configuration class that will include the method to define " + "the Web Service client. You could provide a new class.") JavaType configClass, @CliOption(key = "binding", mandatory = false, help = "The binding type to be used. You could choose between SOAP11 and SOAP12. " + "If not specified, it will be calculated using the .wsdl file namespace.") SoapBindingType bindingType, @CliOption( key = "serviceUrl", mandatory = false, help = "The service URL to be used. If This option is not specified, " + "default location provided by the .wsdl file will be used. This default location will be obtained from the 'location' " + "attribute of the 'address' element located inside the 'port' element provided in the '--endpoint' parameter.") String serviceUrl, ShellContext context) { // Delegates on WsOperations to create new client getWsOperations().addWsClient(wsdlLocation, endPoint, configClass, bindingType, serviceUrl, context.getProfile()); } /** * This method is an autocomplete indicator of the 'ws endpoint' command. * * This method provides all existing classes annotated with @RooService * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "ws endpoint", param = "service", help = "--service parameter should be autocomplete with some existing class annotated with @RooService.") public List<String> existingServicesInterfaces(ShellContext context) { // Getting currentText String currentText = context.getParameters().get("service"); List<String> existingServicesInterfaces = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> allServices = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_SERVICE); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails service : allServices) { String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(service, currentText); if (!existingServicesInterfaces.contains(name)) { existingServicesInterfaces.add(name); } } return existingServicesInterfaces; } /** * This method is a visibility indicator of 'sei' parameter from * the 'ws endpoint' command. * * --sei parameter is not visible if --service parameter has not been specified * or if --service parameter has been specified with empty value * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "ws endpoint", params = "sei", help = "--sei parameter is not visible if --service parameter has not been specified " + "or if --service parameter has been specified with empty value.") public boolean isSEIParameterVisible(ShellContext context) { // Getting current value of --service parameter String serviceValue = context.getParameters().get("service"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceValue)) { return false; } return true; } /** * This method is an autocomplete indicator for 'sei' parameter * of the 'ws endpoint' command. * * It only provides the existing modules in the generated project * to make easy the SEI specification * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "ws endpoint", param = "sei", help = "--sei parameter should be a new class. You must not provide an existing class.", validate = false) public List<String> getAllModulesForSei(ShellContext context) { List<String> availableModules = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<String> modules = getProjectOperations().getModuleNames(); for (String moduleName : modules) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName)) { availableModules.add(moduleName.concat(":")); } } return availableModules; } /** * This method is a visibility indicator for --class and --config parameter * of the 'ws endpoint' command. * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator( command = "ws endpoint", params = {"class", "config"}, help = "--class parameter and --config parameter are not available if --sei parameter has not been specified") public boolean areClassAndConfigVisible(ShellContext context) { // Getting current value of --sei parameter String seiValue = context.getParameters().get("sei"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(seiValue)) { return false; } return true; } /** * This method is an autocomplete indicator for 'class' parameter * of the 'ws endpoint' command. * * It only provides the existing modules in the generated project * to make easy the class specification * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "ws endpoint", param = "class", help = "--class parameter should be a new class. You must not provide an existing class.", validate = false) public List<String> getAllModulesForClass(ShellContext context) { List<String> availableModules = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<String> modules = getProjectOperations().getModuleNames(); for (String moduleName : modules) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName)) { availableModules.add(moduleName.concat(":")); } } return availableModules; } /** * This method defines the "ws endpoint" command. * * Delegates on WsOperations to create the new SEIs and its implementarions. Also * install the necessary dependencies and configuration classes. * * @param service JavaType annotated with @RooService * @param sei JavaType of the new interface to be generated * @param endpointClass JavaType of the new endpoint class to be generated * @param configClass JavaType with the existing or new configuration class to register the new * generated enpoint * @param context provides the profile to be used */ @CliCommand(value = "ws endpoint", help = "Generates a new Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) and its implementation.") public void addSEI( @CliOption(key = "service", mandatory = true, help = "Existing service annotated with `@RooService` that will be used to generate " + "the new SEI. The new generated SEI will include all defined operations in " + "the provided service interface. " + "Possible values are: any of the project service classes, annotated " + "with `@RooService`") JavaType service, @CliOption(key = "sei", mandatory = true, help = "New Service Endpoint Interface to generate. It's not possible to indicate " + "an existing class.") JavaType sei, @CliOption(key = "class", mandatory = false, help = "New class that will implement the new generated SEI. If not specified, " + "a new implementation class will be generated in the same module using the " + "SEI name and the 'Endpoint' suffix.") JavaType endpointClass, @CliOption( key = "config", mandatory = false, help = "Configuration class that will register the new endpoint. You could specify an " + "existing `@Configuration` class or indicates a new one to be generated. If not specified, " + "a new `@Configuration` class will be generated in the same module using the " + "SEI name and the 'Configuration' suffix.") JavaType configClass, ShellContext context) { // Delegates on WsOperations to create new SEI getWsOperations().addSEI(service, sei, endpointClass, configClass, context.getProfile(), context.isForce()); } // Obtaining OSGi services using ServiceInstaceManager utility public WsOperations getWsOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, WsOperations.class); } public ProjectOperations getProjectOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ProjectOperations.class); } public PathResolver getPathResolver() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, PathResolver.class); } public FileManager getFileManager() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, FileManager.class); } public TypeLocationService getTypeLocationService() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, TypeLocationService.class); } public ClasspathOperations getClasspathOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ClasspathOperations.class); } }