package org.springframework.roo.addon.suite; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import; import; import; /** * Commands to manage Roo Addon Suites * * @author Juan Carlos GarcĂ­a * @since 2.0.0 */ @Component @Service public class AddonSuiteCommands implements CommandMarker { @Reference private AddonSuiteOperations operations; @CliCommand(value = "addon suite install name", help = "Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from installed OBR Repository.") public void installAddonSuiteByName( @CliOption(key = "symbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.") final ObrAddonSuiteSymbolicName suiteSymbolicName) throws Exception { operations.installRooAddonSuiteByName(suiteSymbolicName); } @CliCommand(value = "addon suite install url", help = "Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from URL.") public void installAddonSuiteByURL(@CliOption(key = "url", mandatory = true, help = "URL of Roo Addon Suite .esa file.") final String url) throws Exception { operations.installRooAddonSuiteByUrl(url); } @CliCommand(value = "addon suite uninstall", help = "Uninstalls some installed 'Roo Addon Suite'.") public void uninstallAddonSuite( @CliOption(key = "symbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.") final AddonSuiteSymbolicName symbolicName) throws Exception { operations.uninstallRooAddonSuite(symbolicName); } @CliCommand(value = "addon suite start", help = "Starts some installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. By default, an installed 'Roo Addon " + "Suite' is started automatically.") public void startAddonSuite( @CliOption(key = "symbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.") final AddonSuiteSymbolicName symbolicName) throws Exception { operations.startRooAddonSuite(symbolicName); } @CliCommand(value = "addon suite stop", help = "Stops some started 'Roo Addon Suite'.") public void stopAddonSuite( @CliOption(key = "symbolicName", mandatory = true, help = "Name that identifies the 'Roo Addon Suite'.") final AddonSuiteSymbolicName symbolicName) throws Exception { operations.stopRooAddonSuite(symbolicName); } @CliCommand(value = "addon suite list", help = "Lists all installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. If you want to list all available 'Roo Addon " + "Suites' on Repository, use --repository parameter.") public void stopAddonSuite( @CliOption(key = "repository", mandatory = false, help = "OBR Repository where the 'Roo Addon Suite' are located.") final ObrRepositorySymbolicName obrRepository) throws Exception { if (obrRepository == null) { operations.listAllInstalledSubsystems(); } else { operations.listAllSubsystemsOnRepository(obrRepository); } } }