package org.springframework.roo.addon.layers.repository.jpa.addon.finder.parser; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.FieldMetadata; import org.springframework.roo.model.DataType; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaSymbolName; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * This class is based on class from Spring Data commons project. * * It has some little changes to be able to work properly on Spring Roo project * and make easy Spring Data query parser. * * Get more information about original class on: * * * * Represents a single search expression (which are joined using And/Or operators). * This expression needs a property to define the condition. * Optionally, an operator can be set after the property to perform an operation over it. * Furthermore, {@literal IgnoreCase} option is available to be added to any property. * * @author Paula Navarro * @author Juan Carlos GarcĂ­a * @since 2.0 */ public class Part { private static final Pattern IGNORE_CASE = Pattern.compile("Ignor(ing|e)Case"); // Contains property metadata and name private final Pair<Stack<FieldMetadata>, String> property; // Operator type private Type type = null; private String operatorGroup = ""; private String operator = null; private IgnoreCaseType ignoreCase = IgnoreCaseType.NEVER; // Stores which ignore case option (IgnoreCase or IgnoringCase) has been used private String ignoreCaseString = ""; private final PartTree currentPartTreeInstance; /** * Creates a new {@link Part} from a condition stored into source . * * @param partTree PartTree instance where current Part will be defined * @param source the search criteria * @param fields entity properties */ public Part(PartTree partTree, String source, List<FieldMetadata> fields) { Validate.notNull(partTree, "ERROR: PartTree instance is necessary to generate Part."); Validate.notNull(source, "ERROR: Source can not be null"); Validate.notNull(fields, "ERROR: Entity properties can not be null"); this.currentPartTreeInstance = partTree; // Extract and remove IgnoreCase option from source String partToUse = detectAndSetIgnoreCase(source); // Extract property = currentPartTreeInstance.extractValidProperty(partToUse, fields); // Remove property from source to process the operator if (property != null) { partToUse = partToUse.substring(property.getRight().length()); // Extract operator information Pair<Type, String> type = Type.extractOperator(partToUse, property.getLeft().peek().getFieldType()); this.type = type.getLeft(); this.operator = type.getRight(); this.operatorGroup = Type.extractOperatorGroup(operator); //Validates that ignore case option is only available for string property type if (ignoreCase == IgnoreCaseType.ALWAYS && !property.getKey().peek().getFieldType().equals(JavaType.STRING)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ERROR: IgnoseCase option is only available for String properties"); } } } /** * Detects if expression contains IgnoreCase option and removes it. * * @param expression * @return expression without IgnoreCase option. */ private String detectAndSetIgnoreCase(String expression) { Matcher matcher = IGNORE_CASE.matcher(expression); String result = expression; if (matcher.find()) { ignoreCase = IgnoreCaseType.ALWAYS; ignoreCaseString =; result = expression.substring(0, matcher.start()) + expression.substring(matcher.end(), expression.length()); } return result; } /** * Returns how many method parameters are bound by this part. * * @return */ public int getNumberOfArguments() { if (type == null) { return 0; } return type.getNumberOfArguments(); } /** * Returns the property metadata and name of this expression. * If any property is defined, returns {@literal null}. * * @return Pair of property metadata and property name */ public Pair<Stack<FieldMetadata>, String> getProperty() { return property; } /** * @return the operator {@link Type} */ public Type getType() { return type; } /** * Returns whether the search criteria referenced should be matched * ignoring case. * * @return */ public IgnoreCaseType shouldIgnoreCase() { return ignoreCase; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return (property != null ? property.getRight() : "").concat(operator != null ? operator : "") .concat(ignoreCaseString); } /** * Returns operators supported by the search expression property * @return */ public List<String> getSupportedOperators() { if (property == null) { return null; } List<String> typeKeywords = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Type> types = Type.getOperators(property.getLeft().peek().getFieldType()); // Check if operator group is an operator boolean removePrefix = Type.ALL_KEYWORDS.contains(operatorGroup); // Get operators for (Type type : types) { for (String keyword : type.getKeywords()) { // Add operator if it does not belong to any group and operator group is not defined if (StringUtils.isBlank(operatorGroup) && !StringUtils.startsWithAny(keyword, Type.PREFIX_GROUP)) { typeKeywords.add(keyword); } // Add operator if it belongs to the operator group specified if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(operatorGroup) && keyword.startsWith(operatorGroup)) { //If operator group is an operator as well, we need to remove the operator group prefix from operators (to avoid it appears two times ) if (removePrefix) { typeKeywords.add(StringUtils.substringAfter(keyword, operatorGroup)); } else { typeKeywords.add(keyword); } } } } // If there is not an operator group, all operator groups are available if (StringUtils.isBlank(operatorGroup)) { typeKeywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(Type.PREFIX_GROUP)); } return typeKeywords; } /** * Returns operators which name starts with a given prefix and are supported by the search expression property * * @param prefix * @return */ public List<String> getSupportedOperatorsByPrefix(String prefix) { if (property == null) { return null; } List<String> typeKeywords = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Type> types = Type.getOperators(property.getLeft().peek().getFieldType()); // Check if operator group is an operator boolean removePrefix = Type.ALL_KEYWORDS.contains(prefix); // Get operators for (Type type : types) { for (String keyword : type.getKeywords()) { // Add operator if it does not belong to any group and operator group is not defined if (StringUtils.isBlank(prefix) && !StringUtils.startsWithAny(keyword, Type.PREFIX_GROUP)) { typeKeywords.add(keyword); } // Add operator if it belongs to the operator group specified if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prefix) && keyword.startsWith(prefix)) { //If operator group is an operator as well, we need to remove the operator group prefix from operators (to avoid it appears two times ) if (removePrefix) { typeKeywords.add(StringUtils.substringAfter(keyword, prefix)); } else { typeKeywords.add(keyword); } } } } // If there is not an operator group, all operator groups are available if (StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) { typeKeywords.addAll(Arrays.asList(Type.PREFIX_GROUP)); } return typeKeywords; } /** * Returns true if the Part or search criteria has a property defined * @return */ public boolean hasProperty() { return property != null; } /** * Returns true if the Part or search criteria has an operator * @return */ public boolean hasOperator() { return type != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(operator); } /** * Returns the operator group. If it does not have a group returns an empty string. * @return */ public String getOperatorGroup() { return operatorGroup; } /** * Returns operator keyword. If operator is not defined, returns an empty string. * @return */ public String getOperator() { return operator; } /** * Builds a list of parameters based on the number of arguments that operator type needs and the property java type * @return */ public List<FinderParameter> getParameters() { List<FinderParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<FinderParameter>(); String suffix = ""; int arguments; if (!hasProperty()) { return parameters; } // Extract the number of operator parameters if (!hasOperator()) { // By default, if there is not an explicit operator, Is operation is performed arguments = Type.SIMPLE_PROPERTY.getNumberOfArguments(); } else { arguments = type.getNumberOfArguments(); } JavaType javaType = property.getLeft().peek().getFieldType(); String name = property.getLeft().peek().getFieldName().toString(); // In operator is a special case, since its parameter is a list of property java type objects if (type != null && (type == Type.IN || type == Type.NOT_IN)) { name = name.concat("List"); JavaType listType = new JavaType("java.util.List", 0, DataType.TYPE, null, Arrays.asList(new JavaType( javaType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(), javaType.getArray(), DataType.TYPE, javaType .getArgName(), javaType.getParameters(), javaType.getModule()))); parameters.add(new FinderParameter(listType, new JavaSymbolName(name))); } else { // Create a parameter for every argument that operator type needs for (int i = 0; i < arguments; i++) { // If operator type needs several parameters, we have to distinguish them by adding a counter if (type.getNumberOfArguments() > 1) { suffix = String.valueOf(i + 1); } parameters.add(new FinderParameter(javaType, new JavaSymbolName(name.concat(suffix)), property.getLeft())); } } return parameters; } }