package org.springframework.roo.addon.jpa.addon; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_EQUALS; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_JAVA_BEAN; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_PLURAL; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_SERIALIZABLE; import static org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType.ROO_TO_STRING; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.addon.jpa.addon.entity.IdentifierStrategy; import org.springframework.roo.addon.propfiles.PropFileOperations; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.ModuleFeatureName; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.TypeLocationService; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.BeanInfoUtils; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.annotations.AnnotationMetadataBuilder; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.InheritanceType; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.model.JpaJavaType; import org.springframework.roo.model.ReservedWords; import org.springframework.roo.model.SpringJavaType; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.LogicalPath; import org.springframework.roo.project.Path; import org.springframework.roo.project.PathResolver; import org.springframework.roo.project.ProjectOperations; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import org.springframework.roo.settings.project.ProjectSettingsService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Commands for the JPA add-on to be used by the ROO shell. * * @author Stefan Schmidt * @author Ben Alex * @author Alan Stewart * @author Juan Carlos García * @author Sergio Clares * @since 1.0 */ @Component @Service public class JpaCommands implements CommandMarker { private static Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils.getLogger(JpaCommands.class); // Project Settings private static final String SPRING_ROO_JPA_REQUIRE_SCHEMA_OBJECT_NAME = "spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name"; // Annotations private static final AnnotationMetadataBuilder ROO_EQUALS_BUILDER = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_EQUALS); private static final AnnotationMetadataBuilder ROO_SERIALIZABLE_BUILDER = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_SERIALIZABLE); private static final AnnotationMetadataBuilder ROO_TO_STRING_BUILDER = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_TO_STRING); private static final String IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_TYPE = "java.lang.Long"; private static final String VERSION_DEFAULT_TYPE = "java.lang.Integer"; @Reference private JpaOperations jpaOperations; @Reference private ProjectOperations projectOperations; @Reference private PropFileOperations propFileOperations; @Reference private StaticFieldConverter staticFieldConverter; @Reference private TypeLocationService typeLocationService; @Reference private ProjectSettingsService projectSettings; @Reference private PathResolver pathResolver; @Reference private FileManager fileManager; protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { staticFieldConverter.add(JdbcDatabase.class); staticFieldConverter.add(OrmProvider.class); } protected void deactivate(final ComponentContext context) { staticFieldConverter.remove(JdbcDatabase.class); staticFieldConverter.remove(OrmProvider.class); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({"jpa setup"}) public boolean isJpaSetupAvailable() { return jpaOperations.isJpaInstallationPossible(); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({"entity jpa", "embeddable"}) public boolean isClassGenerationAvailable() { return jpaOperations.isJpaInstalled(); } @CliCommand( value = "embeddable", help = "Creates a new Java class source file with the JPA `@Embeddable` annotation in the directory _src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if any).") public void createEmbeddableClass( @CliOption(key = "class", optionContext = UPDATE_PROJECT, mandatory = true, help = "The name of the embeddable class to create. If you consider it " + "necessary, you can also specify the package (base package can be " + "specified with `~`). Ex.: `--class ~.domain.MyEmbeddableClass`. " + "You can specify module as well, if necessary. " + "Ex.: `--class model:~.domain.MyEmbeddableClass`. When working " + "with a multi-module project, if module is not specified the class " + "will be created in the module which has the focus.") final JavaType name, @CliOption(key = "serializable", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Whether the generated class should implement ``. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean serializable, @CliOption(key = "permitReservedWords", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean permitReservedWords) { if (!permitReservedWords) { ReservedWords.verifyReservedWordsNotPresent(name); } jpaOperations.newEmbeddableClass(name, serializable); } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "jpa setup", params = {"jndiDataSource"}, help = "`--jndiDataSource` parameter is not available if any of `--database`, " + "`--databaseName`, `--hostName`, `--password` or `--userName` are " + "present or if you are using an HYPERSONIC database.") public boolean isJndiVisible(ShellContext shellContext) { Map<String, String> params = shellContext.getParameters(); // If user define databaseName, hostName, password or username parameters, // jndiDataSource // should not be visible. if (params.containsKey("database") || params.containsKey("databaseName") || params.containsKey("hostName") || params.containsKey("password") || params.containsKey("userName")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "jpa setup", params = {"databaseName", "hostName", "password", "userName"}, help = "Connection parameters are not available if jndiDatasource is " + "specified or if you are using an HYPERSONIC database.") public boolean areConnectionParamsVisible(ShellContext shellContext) { Map<String, String> params = shellContext.getParameters(); // If parameter database is not defined, all parameters are not visible String database = params.get("database"); if (database == null) { return false; } // If uses some memory databases or file databases, jndiDataSource parameter // should not be visible. if (database.startsWith("HYPERSONIC") || database.equals("H2_IN_MEMORY")) { return false; } // If user define jndiDatasource parameter, connection parameters should not // be visible if (params.containsKey("jndiDataSource")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "jpa setup", params = "database", help = "'--database' option is not available if '--jndiDatasource' " + "is specified.") public boolean areProviderAndDatabaseVisible(ShellContext shellContext) { Map<String, String> params = shellContext.getParameters(); // If user define jndiDatasource parameter, database should not be visible if (params.containsKey("jndiDataSource")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "jpa setup", params = {"module"}, help = "Module parameter is not available if there is only one application module") public boolean isModuleVisible(ShellContext shellContext) { if (typeLocationService.getModuleNames(ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION).size() > 1) { return true; } return false; } @CliOptionMandatoryIndicator(params = "module", command = "jpa setup") public boolean isModuleRequired(ShellContext shellContext) { Pom module = projectOperations.getFocusedModule(); if (!isModuleVisible(shellContext) || typeLocationService.hasModuleFeature(module, ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION)) { return false; } return true; } @CliCommand( value = "jpa setup", help = "Installs or updates a JPA persistence provider in your project. User can execute this " + "command for diferent profiles with different persistence configurations.") public void installJpa( @CliOption(key = "provider", mandatory = true, help = "The persistence ORM provider to support. " + "Possible values are: `ECLIPSELINK` and `HIBERNATE`. " + "This option is available only if `--jndiDataSource` has not been specified. " + "This option is mandatory if `--jndiDataSource` has not been specified.") final OrmProvider ormProvider, @CliOption( key = "database", mandatory = false, help = "The database type to support." + "Possible values are: `DB2_400`, `DB2_EXPRESS_C`, `DERBY_CLIENT`, `DERBY_EMBEDDED`, " + "`FIREBIRD`, `H2_IN_MEMORY`, `HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY`, `HYPERSONIC_PERSISTENT`, `MSSQL`, " + "`MYSQL`, `ORACLE`, `POSTGRES` and `SYBASE`. " + "This option is mandatory if `--jndiDataSource` has not been specified. " + "This option is available only if `--jndiDataSource` has not been specified.") final JdbcDatabase jdbcDatabase, @CliOption( key = "module", mandatory = true, help = "The application module where to install the persistence. " + "This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a " + "module containing an `@SpringBootApplication` class. " + "This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none " + "of them is focused. " + "Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application'" + " module.", unspecifiedDefaultValue = ".", optionContext = APPLICATION_FEATURE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_MODULE) Pom module, @CliOption(key = "jndiDataSource", mandatory = false, help = "The JNDI datasource to use. " + "This option is not available if any of `--provider`, `--database`, `--databaseName`, " + "`--hostName`, `--password` or `--userName` options are specified.") final String jndi, @CliOption(key = "hostName", mandatory = false, help = "The host name to use. " + "This option is available if `--database` has already been specified and its value is" + " not `HYPERSONIC` or `H2_IN_MEMORY` and `--jndiDatasource` has not been specified.") final String hostName, @CliOption(key = "databaseName", mandatory = false, help = "The database name to use. " + "This option is available if `--database` has already been specified and its value is" + " not `HYPERSONIC` or `H2_IN_MEMORY` and `--jndiDatasource` has not been specified.") final String databaseName, @CliOption(key = "userName", mandatory = false, help = "The username to use. " + "This option is available if `--database` has already been specified and its value is" + " not `HYPERSONIC` or `H2_IN_MEMORY` and `--jndiDatasource` has not been specified.") final String userName, @CliOption(key = "password", mandatory = false, help = "The password to use. " + "This option is available if `--database` has already been specified and its value is" + " not `HYPERSONIC` or `H2_IN_MEMORY` and `--jndiDatasource` has not been specified.") final String password, ShellContext shellContext) { if (jdbcDatabase != null && jdbcDatabase == JdbcDatabase.FIREBIRD && !isJdk6OrHigher()) { LOGGER.warning("JDK must be 1.6 or higher to use Firebird"); return; } jpaOperations.configureJpa(ormProvider, jdbcDatabase, module, jndi, hostName, databaseName, userName, password, shellContext.getProfile(), shellContext.isForce()); } /** * Indicator that checks if versionField param has been specified and makes * its associate params visible * * @param shellContext * @return true if versionField param has been specified. */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator( command = "entity jpa", params = {"versionType", "versionColumn"}, help = "Options --versionType and --versionColumn must be used with the --versionField option.") public boolean areVersionParamsVisibleForEntityJpa(ShellContext shellContext) { String versionFieldParam = shellContext.getParameters().get("versionField"); if (versionFieldParam != null) { return true; } return false; } /** * ROO-3709: Indicator that checks if exists some project setting that makes * each of the following parameters mandatory: sequenceName, identifierColumn, * identifierStrategy, versionField, versionColumn, versionType and table. * * @param shellContext * @return true if exists property * {@link #SPRING_ROO_JPA_REQUIRE_SCHEMA_OBJECT_NAME} on project * settings and its value is "true". If not, return false. */ @CliOptionMandatoryIndicator(params = {"sequenceName", "identifierStrategy", "identifierColumn", "table", "versionField", "versionColumn", "versionType"}, command = "entity jpa") public boolean areSchemaObjectNamesRequired(ShellContext shellContext) { // Check if property 'spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name' is defined // on // project settings String requiredSchemaObjectName = projectSettings.getProperty(SPRING_ROO_JPA_REQUIRE_SCHEMA_OBJECT_NAME); if (requiredSchemaObjectName != null && requiredSchemaObjectName.equals("true")) { return true; } return false; } /** * Indicator that provides all possible values for --class parameter The * provided results will not be validate. It will not include space on finish. * * @param shellContext * @return List with all possible values for --class parameter */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "entity jpa", param = "class", help = "Provided --class option should be a class annotated with @RooJpaEntity.", validate = false, includeSpaceOnFinish = false) public List<String> getClassPossibleValues(ShellContext shellContext) { List<String> allPossibleValues = new ArrayList<String>(); // Add all modules to completions list if (projectOperations.isMultimoduleProject()) { Collection<String> modules = projectOperations.getModuleNames(); for (String module : modules) { // Ignore root module if (StringUtils.isBlank(module)) { continue; } // Ignore module name if it is the focused module if (module.equals(projectOperations.getFocusedModule().getModuleName())) { List<JavaPackage> modulePackages = typeLocationService.getPackagesForModule(module); // Always add module top level package and project top level package modulePackages.add(projectOperations.getTopLevelPackage(module)); for (JavaPackage javaPackage : modulePackages) { // Check if package name contains top level package to shorten it String currentPackageName = getPackageStringValue(module, javaPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName()); // Add package to possible values if (!allPossibleValues.contains(currentPackageName.concat("."))) { allPossibleValues.add(currentPackageName.concat(".")); } } } else { // It is not the focused module List<JavaPackage> modulePackages = typeLocationService.getPackagesForModule(module); // Always add module top level package and project top level package modulePackages.add(projectOperations.getTopLevelPackage(module)); for (JavaPackage javaPackage : modulePackages) { // Check if package name contains top level package to shorten it String currentPackageName = getPackageStringValue(module, javaPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName()); // Add package to possible values String valueToAdd = String.format("%s%s%s.", module, LogicalPath.MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR, currentPackageName); if (!allPossibleValues.contains(valueToAdd)) { allPossibleValues.add(valueToAdd); } } } } } else { // Check all JavaPackages in single module project for (JavaPackage javaPackage : typeLocationService.getPackagesForModule("")) { // Check if package name contains top level package to shorten it String currentPackageName = getPackageStringValue("", javaPackage.getFullyQualifiedPackageName()); // Add package to possible values if (!allPossibleValues.contains(currentPackageName.concat("."))) { allPossibleValues.add(currentPackageName.concat(".")); } } } return allPossibleValues; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "entity jpa", param = "identifierType", help = "--identifierType option should be a wrapper of a primitive type or an embeddable class.") public List<String> getIdentifierTypePossibleValues(ShellContext shellContext) { String currentText = shellContext.getParameters().get("identifierType"); List<String> allPossibleValues = new ArrayList<String>(); // Add java-lang and java-number classes allPossibleValues.add(Number.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Short.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Byte.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Integer.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Long.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Float.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Double.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(BigDecimal.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(BigInteger.class.getName()); // Getting all existing embeddable classes Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> embeddableClassesInProject = typeLocationService.findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation(JpaJavaType.EMBEDDABLE); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails embeddableClass : embeddableClassesInProject) { String name = replaceTopLevelPackageString(embeddableClass, currentText); if (!allPossibleValues.contains(name)) { allPossibleValues.add(name); } } return allPossibleValues; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "entity jpa", param = "versionType", help = "--versionType option should be a wrapper of a primitive type.") public List<String> getVersionTypePossibleValues(ShellContext shellContext) { List<String> allPossibleValues = new ArrayList<String>(); // Add java-lang and java-number classes allPossibleValues.add(Number.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Short.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Byte.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Integer.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Long.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Float.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(Double.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(BigDecimal.class.getName()); allPossibleValues.add(BigInteger.class.getName()); return allPossibleValues; } @CliCommand( value = "entity jpa", help = "Creates a new JPA persistent entity in the directory _src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if any) with `@RooEntity` annotation.") public void newPersistenceClassJpa( @CliOption( key = "class", optionContext = UPDATELAST_PROJECT, mandatory = true, help = "The name of the entity to create. If you consider it necessary, you can also " + "specify the package (base package can be specified with `~`). " + "Ex.: `--class ~.domain.MyEntity`. You can specify module as well, if necessary. " + "Ex.: `--class model:~.domain.MyEntity`. When working with a multi-module project, " + "if module is not specified the entity will be created in the module which has the focus.") final JavaType name, @CliOption( key = "table", mandatory = true, help = "The JPA table name to use for this entity. " + "This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final String table, @CliOption( key = "identifierColumn", mandatory = true, help = "The JPA identifier field column to use for this entity. " + "This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final String identifierColumn, @CliOption( key = "versionField", mandatory = true, help = "The JPA version field name to use for this entity. " + "This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final String versionField, @CliOption( key = "versionColumn", mandatory = true, help = "The JPA version field column to use for this entity. " + "This option is available if 'versionField' option is set." + " This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final String versionColumn, @CliOption( key = "versionType", mandatory = true, optionContext = "java-lang,project", unspecifiedDefaultValue = VERSION_DEFAULT_TYPE, help = "The data type that will be used for the JPA version field. " + "This option is available if 'versionField' option is set." + " This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final JavaType versionType, @CliOption( key = "sequenceName", mandatory = true, help = "The name of the sequence for incrementing sequence-driven primary keys." + " This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`.") final String sequenceName, @CliOption( key = "identifierStrategy", mandatory = true, specifiedDefaultValue = "AUTO", help = "The generation value strategy to be used." + " This option is mandatory if `spring.roo.jpa.require.schema-object-name` configuration setting it’s `true`. " + "Default if option present: `AUTO`.") final IdentifierStrategy identifierStrategy, @CliOption(key = "extends", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "java.lang.Object", optionContext = SUPERCLASS, help = "The fully qualified name of the superclass. " + "Default if option not present: `java.lang.Object`.") final JavaType superclass, @CliOption(key = "implements", mandatory = false, optionContext = INTERFACE, help = "The fully qualified name of the interface to implement.") final JavaType implementsType, @CliOption(key = "abstract", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Whether the generated class should be marked as abstract. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean createAbstract, @CliOption(key = "schema", mandatory = false, help = "The JPA table schema name to use for this entity.") final String schema, @CliOption(key = "catalog", mandatory = false, help = "The JPA table catalog name to use for this entity.") final String catalog, @CliOption(key = "identifierField", mandatory = false, help = "The JPA identifier field name to use for this entity.") final String identifierField, @CliOption(key = "identifierType", mandatory = false, optionContext = "java-lang,project", unspecifiedDefaultValue = IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_TYPE, specifiedDefaultValue = "java.lang.Long", help = "The data type that will be used for the JPA identifier field. " + "Default: `java.lang.Long`.") final JavaType identifierType, @CliOption(key = "inheritanceType", mandatory = false, help = "The JPA @Inheritance value (apply to base class)") final InheritanceType inheritanceType, @CliOption(key = "mappedSuperclass", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Apply @MappedSuperclass for this entity. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean mappedSuperclass, @CliOption(key = "serializable", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Whether the generated class should implement ``." + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean serializable, @CliOption(key = "permitReservedWords", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Indicates whether reserved words are ignored by Roo. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") final boolean permitReservedWords, @CliOption(key = "entityName", mandatory = false, help = "The name used to refer to the entity in queries.") final String entityName, @CliOption(key = "readOnly", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", specifiedDefaultValue = "true", help = "Whether the generated entity should be used for read operations only. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present `false`.") final boolean readOnly, @CliOption( key = "plural", mandatory = false, help = "Specify the plural of this new entity. If not provided, a calculated plural will be used by default.") String plural, @CliOption( key = "entityFormatExpression", mandatory = false, help = "The SpEL expression used to format the entity when showing it in presentation layer e.g. " + "`{#fieldA} {#fieldB}`. It adds the `value` attribute to `io.springlets.format.EntityFormat` " + "annotation.") String formatExpression, @CliOption( key = "entityFormatMessage", mandatory = false, help = "The message key used to obtain a localized SpEL expression to format the entity when " + "showing it in presentation layer. It adds the `message` attribute to " + "`io.springlets.format.EntityFormat` annotation and creates a message in all message bundles " + "with the provided key. Message value should be modified by developer. This kind of format " + "has more priority that 'expression' format added with `--entityFormatExpression`.") String formatMessage, ShellContext shellContext) { Validate.isTrue(!identifierType.isPrimitive(), "Identifier type cannot be a primitive"); // Check if exists other entity with the same name final String entityFilePathIdentifier = pathResolver.getCanonicalPath(name.getModule(), Path.SRC_MAIN_JAVA, name); if (fileManager.exists(entityFilePathIdentifier) && shellContext.isForce()) { fileManager.delete(entityFilePathIdentifier); } else if (fileManager.exists(entityFilePathIdentifier) && !shellContext.isForce()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String .format( "Entity '%s' already exists and cannot be created. Try to use a " + "different entity name on --class parameter or use --force parameter to overwrite it.", name)); } // Check valid value for --extends if (superclass == null && shellContext.getParameters().get("extends").equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Option --extends must have a value when specified. Please, assign it a value."); } // ROO-3723: Add warning when using --extends with incompatible parameters if (superclass != null && !("java.lang.Object").equals(superclass.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()) && !shellContext.isForce()) { this.checkExtendsOverride(identifierColumn, identifierField, identifierStrategy, identifierType, sequenceName, versionColumn, versionField, versionType); } // ROO-3764: Check reserved words only if doesn't permit reserved words // and table name has not been specified if (!permitReservedWords && StringUtils.isBlank(table)) { // Use try to catch exception and show custom message for this situation try { ReservedWords.verifyReservedWordsNotPresent(name); } catch (IllegalStateException exception) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: You are trying to use a reserved word as entity name. You have the following options:\n" + "1. Change provided entity name.\n" + "2. Specify a valid table name using --table parameter.\n" + "3. Use parameter --permitReservedWords to force use of reserved words.\n"); return; } } else if (!permitReservedWords && StringUtils.isNotBlank(table)) { // If table name has been specified but doesn't permit reserved words, // check SQL reserved words on table name and JAVA reserved words on // entity name // Use try to catch exception and show custom message for this situation try { ReservedWords.verifyReservedSqlKeywordsNotPresent(table); } catch (IllegalStateException exception) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "ERROR: You are trying to use a SQL reserved word as table name. You have the following options:\n" + "1. Specify a valid table name using --table parameter.\n" + "2. Use parameter --permitReservedWords to force use of reserved words.\n"); return; } // Use try to catch exception and show custom message for this situation try { ReservedWords.verifyReservedJavaKeywordsNotPresent(name); } catch (IllegalStateException exception) { LOGGER .log( Level.INFO, "ERROR: You are trying to use a Java reserved word as entity name. You have the following options:\n" + "1. Change provided entity name.\n" + "2. Use parameter --permitReservedWords to force use of reserved words.\n"); return; } } // Reject attempts to name the entity "Test", due to possible clashes // with data on demand (see ROO-50) // We will allow this to happen, though if the user insists on it via // --permitReservedWords (see ROO-666) if (!BeanInfoUtils.isEntityReasonablyNamed(name)) { if (!permitReservedWords) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Entity name rejected as conflicts with test execution defaults; please remove " + "'Test' and/or 'TestCase'"); } } // Create entity's annotations final List<AnnotationMetadataBuilder> annotationBuilder = new ArrayList<AnnotationMetadataBuilder>(); final AnnotationMetadataBuilder javaBeanAnnotationBuilder = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_JAVA_BEAN); if (readOnly) { // ROO-3838: "ReadOnly" entities should not have setter methods. javaBeanAnnotationBuilder.addBooleanAttribute("settersByDefault", false); } annotationBuilder.add(javaBeanAnnotationBuilder); annotationBuilder.add(ROO_TO_STRING_BUILDER); annotationBuilder.add(getEntityAnnotationBuilder(table, schema, catalog, inheritanceType, mappedSuperclass, entityName, readOnly, formatExpression, formatMessage)); // Add @RooEquals only if it's superclass is not an entity ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails superclassCid = typeLocationService.getTypeDetails(superclass); if (superclassCid == null || superclassCid.getAnnotation(ROO_JPA_ENTITY) == null) { final AnnotationMetadataBuilder equalsAnnotationBuilder = ROO_EQUALS_BUILDER; equalsAnnotationBuilder.addBooleanAttribute("isJpaEntity", true); annotationBuilder.add(equalsAnnotationBuilder); } // Add @RooSerializable if (serializable) { annotationBuilder.add(ROO_SERIALIZABLE_BUILDER); } // ROO-3817: Including @RooPlural annotation if needed if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(plural)) { AnnotationMetadataBuilder pluralAnnotation = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_PLURAL); pluralAnnotation.addStringAttribute("value", plural); annotationBuilder.add(pluralAnnotation); } // Produce the entity itself jpaOperations.newEntity(name, createAbstract, superclass, implementsType, identifierField, identifierType, identifierColumn, sequenceName, identifierStrategy, versionField, versionType, versionColumn, inheritanceType, annotationBuilder); // Update entity identifier class if required (identifierClass should be // only an embeddable class) if (!(identifierType.getPackage().getFullyQualifiedPackageName().startsWith("java."))) { jpaOperations.updateEmbeddableToIdentifier(identifierType, identifierField, identifierColumn); } } /** * Returns a builder for the entity-related annotation to be added to a newly * created JPA entity * * @param table * @param schema * @param catalog * @param inheritanceType * @param mappedSuperclass * @param entityName * @param readOnly * @return a non-<code>null</code> builder */ private AnnotationMetadataBuilder getEntityAnnotationBuilder(final String table, final String schema, final String catalog, final InheritanceType inheritanceType, final boolean mappedSuperclass, final String entityName, final boolean readOnly, final String formatExpression, final String formatMessage) { final AnnotationMetadataBuilder entityAnnotationBuilder = new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(ROO_JPA_ENTITY); // Attributes that apply to all JPA entities (active record or not) if (catalog != null) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("catalog", catalog); } if (entityName != null) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("entityName", entityName); } if (inheritanceType != null) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("inheritanceType",; } if (mappedSuperclass) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addBooleanAttribute("mappedSuperclass", mappedSuperclass); } if (schema != null) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("schema", schema); } if (table != null) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("table", table); } // ROO-3868: New entity visualization support using a new format annotation if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formatExpression)) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("entityFormatExpression", formatExpression); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formatMessage)) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addStringAttribute("entityFormatMessage", formatMessage); } // ROO-3708: Generate readOnly entities if (readOnly) { entityAnnotationBuilder.addBooleanAttribute("readOnly", true); } return entityAnnotationBuilder; } private boolean isJdk6OrHigher() { final String ver = System.getProperty("java.version"); return ver.indexOf("1.6.") > -1 || ver.indexOf("1.7.") > -1; } /** * Returns a String with the JavaPackage name to show. It will return a full * name if provided package doesn't contain the module top level JavaPackage. * Otherwise, the package name will be shortened using `~`. * * @param module the String with the module name. * @param javaPackage the JavaPackage to extract the String to return. * @return a String with the value to show for the java package. */ private String getPackageStringValue(String module, String javaPackageName) { // Get project top level package from application class Set<JavaType> applicationTypes = typeLocationService.findTypesWithAnnotation(SpringJavaType.SPRING_BOOT_APPLICATION); Validate.isTrue(!applicationTypes.isEmpty(), "Couldn't find a main class " + "annotated with `@SpringBootApplication` in the project."); String topLevelPackage = projectOperations.getTopLevelPackage(module).getFullyQualifiedPackageName(); // If package name contains top level package name, shorten it if (javaPackageName.contains(topLevelPackage)) { javaPackageName = javaPackageName.replace(topLevelPackage, "~"); } return javaPackageName; } /** * Check if superclass of the extended entity which it's going to be created * will override any specified param and shows a message if so. If user uses * the --force global param it will be possible to execute the command for * creating the entity. * * @param identifierColumn * @param identifierField * @param identifierStrategy * @param identifierType * @param sequenceName * @param versionColumn * @param versionField * @param versionType */ private void checkExtendsOverride(String identifierColumn, String identifierField, IdentifierStrategy identifierStrategy, JavaType identifierType, String sequenceName, String versionColumn, String versionField, JavaType versionType) { if (identifierColumn != null || identifierField != null || identifierStrategy != null || !IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(identifierType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()) || sequenceName != null || versionColumn != null || versionField != null || !VERSION_DEFAULT_TYPE.equals(versionType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Identifier and version fields will be overwritten by superclass fields. Please, " + "use --force to execute the command anyway."); } } /** * Replaces a JavaType fullyQualifiedName for a shorter name using '~' for * TopLevelPackage * * @param cid ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails of a JavaType * @param currentText String current text for option value * @return the String representing a JavaType with its name shortened */ private String replaceTopLevelPackageString(ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails cid, String currentText) { String javaTypeFullyQualilfiedName = cid.getType().getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); String javaTypeString = ""; String topLevelPackageString = ""; // Add module value to topLevelPackage when necessary if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cid.getType().getModule()) && !cid.getType().getModule().equals(projectOperations.getFocusedModuleName())) { // Target module is not focused javaTypeString = cid.getType().getModule().concat(LogicalPath.MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR); topLevelPackageString = projectOperations.getTopLevelPackage(cid.getType().getModule()) .getFullyQualifiedPackageName(); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cid.getType().getModule()) && cid.getType().getModule().equals(projectOperations.getFocusedModuleName()) && (currentText.startsWith(cid.getType().getModule()) || cid.getType().getModule() .startsWith(currentText)) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(currentText)) { // Target module is focused but user wrote it javaTypeString = cid.getType().getModule().concat(LogicalPath.MODULE_PATH_SEPARATOR); topLevelPackageString = projectOperations.getTopLevelPackage(cid.getType().getModule()) .getFullyQualifiedPackageName(); } else { // Not multimodule project topLevelPackageString = projectOperations.getFocusedTopLevelPackage().getFullyQualifiedPackageName(); } // Autocomplete with abbreviate or full qualified mode String auxString = javaTypeString.concat(StringUtils.replace(javaTypeFullyQualilfiedName, topLevelPackageString, "~")); if ((StringUtils.isBlank(currentText) || auxString.startsWith(currentText)) && StringUtils.contains(javaTypeFullyQualilfiedName, topLevelPackageString)) { // Value is for autocomplete only or user wrote abbreviate value javaTypeString = auxString; } else { // Value could be for autocomplete or for validation javaTypeString = String.format("%s%s", javaTypeString, javaTypeFullyQualilfiedName); } return javaTypeString; } }