package org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.addon; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext; import org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.addon.finder.SearchAnnotationValues; import org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.addon.responses.ControllerMVCResponseService; import org.springframework.roo.addon.web.mvc.controller.annotations.ControllerType; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.ModuleFeatureName; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.TypeLocationService; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.FieldMetadata; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.details.annotations.AnnotationMetadata; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.operations.ClasspathOperations; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.scanner.MemberDetails; import org.springframework.roo.classpath.scanner.MemberDetailsScanner; import org.springframework.roo.converters.JavaTypeConverter; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaType; import org.springframework.roo.model.JpaJavaType; import org.springframework.roo.model.RooJavaType; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.PathResolver; import org.springframework.roo.project.ProjectOperations; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides necessary commands to be able to include Spring MVC on * generated project and generate new controllers. * * @author Stefan Schmidt * @author Juan Carlos GarcĂ­a * @author Paula Navarro * @since 1.0 */ @Component @Service public class ControllerCommands implements CommandMarker { private static Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils.getLogger(ControllerCommands.class); // ------------ OSGi component attributes ---------------- private BundleContext context; private Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseTypes = new HashMap<String, ControllerMVCResponseService>(); private ServiceInstaceManager serviceInstaceManager = new ServiceInstaceManager(); protected void activate(final ComponentContext context) { this.context = context.getBundleContext(); serviceInstaceManager.activate(this.context); } /** * This indicator checks if --module parameter should be visible or not. * * If exists more than one module that match with the properties of * ModuleFeature APPLICATION, --module parameter should be mandatory. * * @param shellContext * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(command = "web mvc setup", params = {"module"}, help = "Module parameter is not available if there is only one application module") public boolean isModuleVisible(ShellContext shellContext) { if (getTypeLocationService().getModuleNames(ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION).size() > 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * This indicator checks if --module parameter should be mandatory or not. * * If focused module doesn't match with the properties of ModuleFeature * APPLICATION, --module parameter should be mandatory. * * @param shellContext * @return */ @CliOptionMandatoryIndicator(command = "web mvc setup", params = {"module"}) public boolean isModuleRequired(ShellContext shellContext) { Pom module = getProjectOperations().getFocusedModule(); if (!isModuleVisible(shellContext) || getTypeLocationService().hasModuleFeature(module, ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION)) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(command = "web mvc setup", param = "module", help = "--module parameter" + " should be autocomplete with an application module.") public List<String> getAllApplicationModules(ShellContext shellContext) { return new ArrayList(getTypeLocationService().getModuleNames(ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION)); } /** * This indicator checks if Spring MVC setup is available * * If a valid project has been generated and Spring MVC has not been * installed yet, this command will be available. * * @return */ @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "web mvc setup") public boolean isSetupAvailable() { return getControllerOperations().isSetupAvailable(); } /** * This method provides the Command definition to be able to include Spring * MVC on generated project. * * @param module * @param appServer */ @CliCommand(value = "web mvc setup", help = "Includes Spring MVC configuration on generated project. " + "Needed for several MVC related commands.") public void setup( @CliOption( key = "module", mandatory = true, help = "The application module where to install the Spring MVC support. " + "This option is mandatory if the focus is not set in an application module, that is, a " + "module containing an `@SpringBootApplication` class. " + "This option is available only if there are more than one application module and none of" + " them is focused. " + "Default if option not present: the unique 'application' module, or focused 'application'" + " module.") Pom module) { // If module is null and only exists one APPLICATION module, use that by default boolean usesDefaultModule = false; if (module == null) { Collection<Pom> applicationModules = getTypeLocationService().getModules(ModuleFeatureName.APPLICATION); if (applicationModules.size() == 1) { module = applicationModules.iterator().next(); usesDefaultModule = true; } } getControllerOperations().setup(module, usesDefaultModule); } /** * This indicator says if --all parameter should be visible or not * * If --entity parameter has been specified, --all parameter will not be * visible to prevent conflicts. * * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = "all", command = "web mvc controller", help = "--all parameter is not be visible if --entity parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isAllParameterVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("entity")) { return false; } return true; } /** * This indicator says if --entity parameter should be visible or not * * If --all parameter has been specified, --entity parameter will not be * visible to prevent conflicts. * * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = "entity", command = "web mvc controller", help = "--entity parameter is not visible if --all parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isEntityParameterVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("all")) { return false; } return true; } /** * This indicator says if --package, --pathPrefix and --responseType * parameters should be visible or not * * If --all or --entity parameters have not been specified, --package, * --pathPrefix and --responseType parameters will not be visible. * * @return */ @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator( params = {"package", "pathPrefix", "responseType"}, command = "web mvc controller", help = "--package, --pathPrefix and --responseType parameters are not visible if --all parameter or --entity parameter has not been specified before.") public boolean areParametersVisibles(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("all") || context.getParameters().containsKey("entity")) { return true; } return false; } /** * Find entities in project and returns a list with their fully qualified * names. * * @param shellContext * @return List<String> with available entity full qualified names. */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "web mvc controller", param = "entity", help = "--entity parameter must be an existing class annotated with @RooEntity. Please, assign a valid one.") public List<String> getAllEntities(ShellContext shellContext) { // Get current value of class String currentText = shellContext.getParameters().get("entity"); // Create results to return List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get entity full qualified names Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> entities = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity : entities) { if (!entity.isAbstract()) { String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(entity, currentText); if (!results.contains(name)) { results.add(name); } } } return results; } /** * This indicator returns all possible values for --responseType parameter. * * Depends of the specified --controller, responseTypes will be filtered to * provide only that responseTypes that doesn't exists on current * controller. Also, only installed response types will be provided. * * @param context * @return */ @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(param = "responseType", command = "web mvc controller", help = "--responseType parameter should be completed with the provided response types.") public List<String> getAllResponseTypeValues(ShellContext context) { // Getting all installed services that implements // ControllerMVCResponseService Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> installedResponseTypes = getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes(); // Generating all possible values List<String> responseTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseType : installedResponseTypes .entrySet()) { // If specified controller doesn't have this response type // installed. Add to responseTypes // possible values responseTypes.add(responseType.getKey()); } return responseTypes; } /** * This indicator checks if is possible to add new controllers. * * If a valid project has been generated and Spring MVC has been installed, * this command will be available. * * @return */ @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "web mvc controller") public boolean isAddControllerAvailable() { return getControllerOperations().isAddControllerAvailable(); } /** * This method provides the Command definition to be able to generate new * Controllers on current project. * * @param all * @param entity * @param responseType * @param package * @param pathPrefix */ @CliCommand( value = "web mvc controller", help = "Generates new `@RooController's` in the directory _src/main/java_ of the selected project " + "module (if any). The generated controllers should manage specific entities in the project.") public void addController( @CliOption( key = "all", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Indicates if developer wants to generate controllers for every entity of current " + "project. " + "This option is mandatory if `--entity` is not specified. Otherwise, using `--entity` " + "will cause the parameter `--all` won't be available. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") boolean all, @CliOption( key = "entity", mandatory = false, help = "The domain entity this controller should manage. When working on a single module " + "project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you can " + "also specify the package. Ex.: `--class ~.domain.MyEntity` (where `~` is the base package). " + "When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity and the " + "module where it is. Ex.: `--class model:~.domain.MyEntity`. If the module is not " + "specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus. " + "Possible values are: any of the entities in the project. " + "This option is mandatory if `--all` is not specified. Otherwise, using `--all` " + "will cause the parameter `--entity` won't be available.") JavaType entity, @CliOption( key = "responseType", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "JSON", specifiedDefaultValue = "JSON", help = "Indicates the responseType to be used by generated controller. Depending on the selected " + "responseType, generated methods and views will vary. " + "Possible values are: `JSON` plus any response type installed with `web mvc view setup` " + "command. " + "This option is available once `--all` or `--entity` parameters have been specified. " + "Default: `JSON`.") String responseType, @CliOption( key = "package", mandatory = false, optionContext = APPLICATION_FEATURE, help = "Indicates which package should be used to include generated controllers. In " + "multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. " + "Ex.: `--package application:org.springframework.roo.web` but, if module name is not " + "present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used. " + "This option is available only if `--all` or `--entity` option has been specified. " + "Default value if not present: `~.web` package, or 'application:~.web' if multi-module " + "project.") JavaPackage controllersPackage, @CliOption( key = "pathPrefix", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "Indicates `@RequestMapping` prefix to be used on this controller. It is not necessary " + "to specify '/' as Spring Roo shell will include it automatically. " + "This option is available only if `--all` or `--entity` option has been specified.") String pathPrefix) { // Getting --responseType service Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseTypeServices = getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes(); // Validate that provided responseType is a valid provided if (!responseTypeServices.containsKey(responseType)) { LOGGER .log( Level.SEVERE, "ERROR: Provided responseType is not valid. Use autocomplete feature to obtain valid responseTypes."); return; } pathPrefix = StringUtils.lowerCase(pathPrefix); // Check --all parameter if (all) { getControllerOperations().createOrUpdateControllerForAllEntities( responseTypeServices.get(responseType), controllersPackage, pathPrefix); } else { getControllerOperations().createOrUpdateControllerForEntity(entity, responseTypeServices.get(responseType), controllersPackage, pathPrefix); } } /** * This method gets all implementations of ControllerMVCResponseService * interface to be able to locate all installed ControllerMVCResponseService * * @return Map with responseTypes identifier and the * ControllerMVCResponseService implementation */ public Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes() { try { ServiceReference<?>[] references = this.context.getAllServiceReferences(ControllerMVCResponseService.class.getName(), null); for (ServiceReference<?> ref : references) { ControllerMVCResponseService responseTypeService = (ControllerMVCResponseService) this.context.getService(ref); boolean isInstalled = false; for (Pom module : getProjectOperations().getPoms()) { if (responseTypeService.isInstalledInModule(module.getModuleName())) { isInstalled = true; break; } } if (isInstalled) { responseTypes.put(responseTypeService.getResponseType(), responseTypeService); } } return responseTypes; } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot load ControllerMVCResponseService on ControllerCommands."); return null; } } // Detail commands /** * This indicator checks if is possible to add new detail controllers. * * If a valid project has been generated and Spring MVC has been installed, * this command will be available. * * @return */ @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "web mvc detail") public boolean isAddDetailControllerAvailable() { return getControllerOperations().isAddDetailControllerAvailable(); } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = "all", command = "web mvc detail", help = "--all parameter is not be visible if --entity parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isAllParameterOfDetailCommandVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("entity")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = "entity", command = "web mvc detail", help = "--entity parameter is not be visible if --all parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isEntityParameterOfDetailCommandVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("all")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "web mvc detail", param = "entity", help = "--entity parameter must be an existing class annotated with @RooJpaEntity. Please, assign a valid one.") public List<String> getAllEntitiesForDetailCommands(ShellContext shellContext) { // Get current value of class String currentText = shellContext.getParameters().get("entity"); // Create results to return List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get entity full qualified names Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> entities = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity : entities) { String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(entity, currentText); if (!results.contains(name)) { results.add(name); } } return results; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = {"field"}, command = "web mvc detail", help = "--field parameter is visible if --entity parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isFieldParameterVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("entity")) { return true; } return false; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "web mvc detail", param = "field", help = "--field parameter must be an existing @OneToMany or @ManyToMany field of the specified entity in parameter --entity.", includeSpaceOnFinish = false) public List<String> getDetailFieldsRelatedToEntity(ShellContext shellContext) { // Get current value of class String currentEntity = shellContext.getParameters().get("entity"); // Get current fields in --field value String currentFieldValue = shellContext.getParameters().get("field"); // Check the field value (ex: 'entity.detailentity.') String[] splittedCurrentField = null; boolean includeChildren = false; boolean removedData = false; if (currentFieldValue.contains(".")) { if (!currentFieldValue.endsWith(".")) { currentFieldValue = currentFieldValue.substring(0, currentFieldValue.lastIndexOf(".")); removedData = true; } includeChildren = true; splittedCurrentField = currentFieldValue.split("[.]"); } else { currentFieldValue = ""; } // Create results to return List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get entity full qualified names Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> entities = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_JPA_ENTITY); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity : entities) { if (getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(entity, entity.getType().getModule()).equals(currentEntity)) { if (includeChildren) { // Get the entity where search the fields entity = getEntityByDetailField(entity, splittedCurrentField, 0); } if (removedData) { currentFieldValue = currentFieldValue.concat("."); } results.addAll(getDetailFieldsRelatedToEntity(entity, currentFieldValue)); } } return results; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(param = "responseType", command = "web mvc detail", help = "--responseType parameter should be completed with an installed response type.") public List<String> getAllResponseTypeForDetailCommandValues(ShellContext context) { // Getting all installed services that implements // ControllerMVCResponseService Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> installedResponseTypes = getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes(); // Generating all possible values List<String> responseTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseType : installedResponseTypes .entrySet()) { // If specified controller doesn't have this response type // installed. Add to responseTypes // possible values responseTypes.add(responseType.getKey()); } return responseTypes; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator( params = {"package", "responseType"}, command = "web mvc detail", help = "--package, --pathPrefix and --responseType parameters are not visible until --all parameter or --entity parameter has been specified.") public boolean areDetailParametersVisibles(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("all") || context.getParameters().containsKey("entity")) { return true; } return false; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = {"views"}, command = "web mvc detail", help = "--views parameter is not visible until a valid --responseType has specified.") public boolean isViewParameterAvailable(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("responseType")) { // Get the specified one String currentResponseType = context.getParameters().get("responseType"); // Check the responseType Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseTypeServices = getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes(); for (Entry<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseTypeService : responseTypeServices .entrySet()) { if (responseTypeService.getKey().equals(currentResponseType) && responseTypeService.getValue().providesViews()) { return true; } } } return false; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( command = "web mvc detail", param = "views", includeSpaceOnFinish = false, help = "--views parameter could be autocomplete with a separated comma list including 'list' and 'show'. If --entity parameter " + "has been specified, is possible to autocomplete with existing finder views too.") public List<String> getAllAvailableViews(ShellContext shellContext) { List<String> viewsValuesToReturn = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get current views in --views value String currentViewsValue = shellContext.getParameters().get("views"); String[] views = StringUtils.split(currentViewsValue, ","); // Check for bad written separators and return no options if (currentViewsValue.contains(",.") || currentViewsValue.contains(".,")) { return viewsValuesToReturn; } // Check if --entity parameter has been specified JavaType currentEntity = getTypeFromEntityParam(shellContext); List<String> finderViews = new ArrayList<String>(); if (currentEntity != null) { // Obtain search controllers for the current entity Collection<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> searchControllers = getControllerLocator().getControllers(currentEntity, ControllerType.SEARCH, RooJavaType.ROO_THYMELEAF); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails searchController : searchControllers) { SearchAnnotationValues searchAnnotationValues = new SearchAnnotationValues(searchController); if (searchAnnotationValues.getFinders() != null && searchAnnotationValues.getFinders().length > 0) { finderViews.addAll(Arrays.asList(searchAnnotationValues.getFinders())); } } } // Check if it is first view if (currentViewsValue.equals("")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add("list"); viewsValuesToReturn.add("show"); viewsValuesToReturn.addAll(finderViews); } else if (currentViewsValue.endsWith(",")) { String finishedViews = ""; for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) { finishedViews += views[i] + ","; } if (!finishedViews.contains("list,")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + "list"); } if (!finishedViews.contains("show,")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + "show"); } for (String finderView : finderViews) { if (!finishedViews.contains(finderView + ",")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + finderView); } } } else if (views.length == 1) { viewsValuesToReturn.add("list"); viewsValuesToReturn.add("show"); viewsValuesToReturn.addAll(finderViews); } else { String finishedViews = ""; for (int i = 0; i < views.length - 1; i++) { finishedViews += views[i] + ","; } if (!finishedViews.contains("list,")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + "list"); } if (!finishedViews.contains("show,")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + "show"); } for (String finderView : finderViews) { if (!finishedViews.contains(finderView + ",")) { viewsValuesToReturn.add(finishedViews + finderView); } } } return viewsValuesToReturn; } /** * This method provides the Command definition to be able to generate new * Controllers on current project. * * @param all * @param entity * @param responseType * @param package * @param pathPrefix */ @CliCommand( value = "web mvc detail", help = "Generates new `@RooController` for relation fields which detail wants to be managed. " + "It must be a `@OneToMany` field. Generated controllers will have `@RooDetail` with info " + "about the parent entity and the parent views where the detail will be displayed.") public void addDetailController( @CliOption( key = "all", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "Indicates if developer wants to generate detail controllers for each `@OneToMany` " + "relation of field in each entity in the project. " + "This option is mandatory if `--entity` is not specified. Otherwise, using `--entity` " + "will cause the parameter `--all` won't be available. " + "Default if option present: `true`; default if option not present: `false`.") boolean all, @CliOption( key = "entity", mandatory = false, help = "Indicates the entity which this detail controller manages. When working on a single " + "module project, simply specify the name of the entity. If you consider it necessary, you " + "can also specify the package. Ex.: `--class ~.domain.MyEntity` (where `~` is the base " + "package). When working with multiple modules, you should specify the name of the entity " + "and the module where it is. Ex.: `--class model:~.domain.MyEntity`. If the module is " + "not specified, it is assumed that the entity is in the module which has the focus. " + "Possible values are: any of the entities in the project. " + "This option is mandatory if `--all` is not specified. Otherwise, using `--all` " + "will cause the parameter `--entity` won't be available.") JavaType entity, @CliOption( key = "field", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "", help = "Indicates the entity's field on which the detail controller is generated. It must be " + "a `@OneToMany` field. " + "Possible values are: fields representing a `@OneToMany` relation of the entity specified" + " in `--entity` parameter. " + "This param is only available if `--entity` parameter has been specified before.") String field, @CliOption( key = "package", mandatory = false, optionContext = APPLICATION_FEATURE, help = "Indicates the Java package where the detail controllers should be generated. In" + " multi-module project you should specify the module name before the package name. " + "Ex.: `--package application:org.springframework.roo.web` but, if module name is not " + "present, the Roo Shell focused module will be used. " + "This option is available only if `--all` or `--entity` option has been specified. " + "Default if option not present: `~.web` package, or 'application:~.web' if multi-module " + "project.") JavaPackage controllersPackage, @CliOption( key = "responseType", mandatory = false, unspecifiedDefaultValue = "JSON", specifiedDefaultValue = "JSON", help = "Indicates the responseType to be used by generated detail controllers. Depending on " + "the selected responseType, generated methods and views will vary. " + "Possible values are: `JSON` plus any response type installed with `web mvc view setup` " + "command. " + "This option is available once `--all` or `--entity` parameters have been specified. " + "Default: `JSON`.") String responseType, @CliOption( key = "views", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "list", help = "Separated comma list where developer could specify the different parent views where " + "this new detail will be displayed. " + "This parameter is not available if the provided `--responseType` doesn't use views to display " + "the data. " + "Possible values are: 'list', 'show' or the different parent finder views (if exists). " + "Default if option not present: The parent 'list' view if it exists.") String viewsList) { // Getting --responseType service Map<String, ControllerMVCResponseService> responseTypeServices = getInstalledControllerMVCResponseTypes(); // Validate that provided responseType is a valid provided if (!responseTypeServices.containsKey(responseType)) { LOGGER .log( Level.SEVERE, "ERROR: Provided responseType is not valid. Use autocomplete feature to obtain valid responseTypes."); return; } // Check --all parameter if (all) { getControllerOperations().createOrUpdateDetailControllersForAllEntities( responseTypeServices.get(responseType), controllersPackage, viewsList); } else { getControllerOperations().createOrUpdateDetailControllerForEntity(entity, field, responseTypeServices.get(responseType), controllersPackage, viewsList); } } /** * Get a entity by field recursively * * @param paternEntity * Root entity * @param field * Field to search the entity * @param level * Current recursion level * @return */ private ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails getEntityByDetailField( ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails paternEntity, String field[], int level) { ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity = paternEntity; MemberDetails entityDetails = getMemberDetailsScanner().getMemberDetails(paternEntity.getType().getSimpleTypeName(), paternEntity); List<FieldMetadata> fields = entityDetails.getFields(); for (FieldMetadata entityField : fields) { if (entityField.getFieldName().getSymbolName().equals(field[level])) { entity = getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails( entityField.getFieldType().getParameters().get(0)); } } level++; if (level < field.length) { entity = getEntityByDetailField(entity, field, level); } return entity; } /** * Get a field list that can be selected to do a detail controller. * * @param entity * Entity on which create the detail controller * @param parentFieldName * The parent's field name used to construct the field name * related with the original entity * @return the related field list */ private List<String> getDetailFieldsRelatedToEntity(ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails entity, String parentFieldName) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); MemberDetails entityDetails = getMemberDetailsScanner().getMemberDetails(entity.getType().getSimpleTypeName(), entity); List<FieldMetadata> fields = entityDetails.getFields(); for (FieldMetadata field : fields) { AnnotationMetadata oneToManyAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(JpaJavaType.ONE_TO_MANY); AnnotationMetadata manyToManyAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(JpaJavaType.MANY_TO_MANY); if ((oneToManyAnnotation != null || manyToManyAnnotation != null) && (field.getFieldType().getFullyQualifiedTypeName() .equals(JavaType.LIST.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()) || field.getFieldType() .getFullyQualifiedTypeName().equals(JavaType.SET.getFullyQualifiedTypeName()))) { results.add(parentFieldName.concat(field.getFieldName().getSymbolName())); } } return results; } // operation command @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator( param = "controller", command = "web mvc operation", help = "--controller parameter should be completed with an controller generated previously or with a name that will be used to create a new controller.") public List<String> getAllControllerForOperationCommandValues(ShellContext context) { // Get the actual controller selected String currentText = context.getParameters().get("controller"); // Create results to return List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get controllers full qualified names Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> controllers = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_CONTROLLER); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails controller : controllers) { String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(controller, currentText); if (!results.contains(name)) { results.add(name); } } return results; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(param = "service", command = "web mvc operation", help = "--service parameter should be completed with an service generated previously.") public List<String> getAllServiceForOperationCommandValues(ShellContext context) { // Get the actual service selected String currentText = context.getParameters().get("service"); // Create results to return List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get controllers full qualified names Set<ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails> services = getTypeLocationService().findClassesOrInterfaceDetailsWithAnnotation( RooJavaType.ROO_SERVICE); for (ClassOrInterfaceTypeDetails service : services) { String name = getClasspathOperations().replaceTopLevelPackageString(service, currentText); if (!results.contains(name)) { results.add(name); } } return results; } @CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator(param = "operation", command = "web mvc operation", help = "--operation parameter should be completed with the operations availables to publish.") public List<String> getAllOperationsForOperationCommandValues(ShellContext context) { // Getting the service String currentService = context.getParameters().get("service"); // Get the controller and try to get the related service String currentController = context.getParameters().get("controller"); return getControllerOperations().getAllMethodsToPublish(currentService, currentController); } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = {"all"}, command = "web mvc operation", help = "--all parameter isn't visible if --operation parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isAllParameterOperationVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("operation")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = {"operation"}, command = "web mvc operation", help = "--operation parameter isn't visible if --all parameter has been specified before.") public boolean isOperationParameterOperationVisible(ShellContext context) { if (context.getParameters().containsKey("all")) { return false; } return true; } @CliOptionVisibilityIndicator(params = {"service"}, command = "web mvc operation", help = "--service parameter isn't visible if --operation parameter has been specified.") public boolean isServiceParameterOperationVisible(ShellContext context) { // Check if parameter --service has been specified if (context.getParameters().containsKey("service")) { return true; } // Check if controller exists and if parameter --operation has been specified if (context.getParameters().containsKey("operation")) { return false; } return true; } /** * This indicator checks if is possible to publish own operations in * controllers. * * If a valid project has been generated and Spring MVC has been installed, * this command will be available. * * @return */ @CliAvailabilityIndicator(value = "web mvc operation") public boolean isPublishOperationsAvailable() { return getControllerOperations().isPublishOperationsAvailable(); } /** * This method provides the Command definition to be able to publish service * operations in controllers. * * @param controller * @param service * @param operation * @param all */ /* TODO: TO BE IMPLEMENTED @CliCommand(value = "web mvc operation", help = "Update or generates @RooController with service operations") public void addOperationInController( @CliOption(key = "controller", mandatory = true, help = "Indicates the controller where should be published the service methods") JavaType controller, @CliOption( key = "service", mandatory = false, help = "This param will be visible if --controller parameter doesn't exists in the application. Indicates the service on which methods should be published in the controller") JavaType service, @CliOption( key = "operation", mandatory = false, help = "This param will be visible if --all parameter hasn't been specified. Indicates the operation of the service that should be published in the controller") String operation, @CliOption( key = "all", mandatory = false, specifiedDefaultValue = "true", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "false", help = "This param will be visible if --operation parameter hasn't been specified. Indicates if every method of the service should be published in the controller") boolean all) { List<String> operations = new ArrayList<String>(); // Check --all parameter if (all) { // Getting the service String currentService = null; String serviceName = ""; if (service != null) { currentService = service.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); // Get service name to concatenate it on each method name serviceName = getControllerOperations().replaceTopLevelPackage( getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(service)); } // Getting the controller String currentController = null; if (controller != null) { currentController = controller.getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); } List<String> allMethodsToPublish = getControllerOperations().getAllMethodsToPublish(currentService, currentController); for (String methodToPublish : allMethodsToPublish) { if (service != null) { methodToPublish = serviceName.concat(".").concat(methodToPublish); } operations.add(methodToPublish); } // Get all the methods related with controller or service } else { if (service != null) { // Add service name to operation String serviceName = getControllerOperations().replaceTopLevelPackage( getTypeLocationService().getTypeDetails(service)); operation = serviceName.concat(".").concat(operation); } operations.add(operation); } getControllerOperations().exportOperation(controller, operations); }*/ /** * Tries to obtain JavaType indicated in command or which has the focus in the * Shell * * @param shellContext the Roo Shell context * @return JavaType or null if no class has the focus or no class is specified * in the command */ private JavaType getTypeFromEntityParam(ShellContext shellContext) { // Try to get 'class' from ShellContext String typeString = shellContext.getParameters().get("entity"); JavaType type = null; if (typeString != null) { JavaTypeConverter converter = (JavaTypeConverter) getJavaTypeConverter().get(0); type = converter.convertFromText(typeString, JavaType.class, PROJECT); } return type; } // Gets OSGi Services public ControllerOperations getControllerOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ControllerOperations.class); } public ProjectOperations getProjectOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ProjectOperations.class); } public PathResolver getPathResolver() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, PathResolver.class); } public FileManager getFileManager() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, FileManager.class); } public TypeLocationService getTypeLocationService() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, TypeLocationService.class); } public ClasspathOperations getClasspathOperations() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ClasspathOperations.class); } public MemberDetailsScanner getMemberDetailsScanner() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, MemberDetailsScanner.class); } public ControllerLocator getControllerLocator() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, ControllerLocator.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Converter> getJavaTypeConverter() { return serviceInstaceManager.getServiceInstance(this, Converter.class, new ServiceInstaceManager.Matcher<Converter>() { @Override public boolean match(Converter service) { if (service instanceof JavaTypeConverter) { return true; } return false; } }); } }