package; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Default implementation of {@link Parser}. * * @author Ben Alex * @author Juan Carlos García * @since 1.0 */ public class SimpleParser implements Parser { // ------------ OSGi component attributes ---------------- public BundleContext context; private RooBundleActivator rooBundleActivator; private Long lastTimeUpdateComponents; private static final Comparator<Object> COMPARATOR = new NaturalOrderComparator<Object>(); private static final Logger LOGGER = HandlerUtils.getLogger(SimpleParser.class); static String isMatch(final String buffer, final String command, final boolean strictMatching) { if ("".equals(buffer.trim())) { return ""; } final String[] commandWords = StringUtils.split(command, " "); int lastCommandWordUsed = 0; Validate.notEmpty(commandWords, "Command required"); String bufferToReturn = null; String lastWord = null; next_buffer_loop: for (int bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < buffer.length(); bufferIndex++) { final String bufferSoFarIncludingThis = buffer.substring(0, bufferIndex + 1); final String bufferRemaining = buffer.substring(bufferIndex + 1); final int bufferLastIndexOfWord = bufferSoFarIncludingThis.lastIndexOf(" "); String wordSoFarIncludingThis = bufferSoFarIncludingThis; if (bufferLastIndexOfWord != -1) { wordSoFarIncludingThis = bufferSoFarIncludingThis.substring(bufferLastIndexOfWord); } if (wordSoFarIncludingThis.equals(" ") || bufferIndex == buffer.length() - 1) { if (bufferIndex == buffer.length() - 1 && !"".equals(wordSoFarIncludingThis.trim())) { lastWord = wordSoFarIncludingThis.trim(); } // At end of word or buffer. Let's see if a word matched or not for (int candidate = lastCommandWordUsed; candidate < commandWords.length; candidate++) { if (lastWord != null && lastWord.length() > 0 && commandWords[candidate].startsWith(lastWord)) { if (bufferToReturn == null) { // This is the first match, so ensure the intended // match really represents the start of a command // and not a later word within it if (lastCommandWordUsed == 0 && candidate > 0) { // This is not a valid match break next_buffer_loop; } } if (bufferToReturn != null) { // We already matched something earlier, so ensure // we didn't skip any word if (candidate != lastCommandWordUsed + 1) { // User has skipped a word bufferToReturn = null; break next_buffer_loop; } } bufferToReturn = bufferRemaining; lastCommandWordUsed = candidate; if (candidate + 1 == commandWords.length) { // This was a match for the final word in the // command, so abort break next_buffer_loop; } // There are more words left to potentially match, so // continue continue next_buffer_loop; } } // This word is unrecognised as part of a command, so abort bufferToReturn = null; break next_buffer_loop; } lastWord = wordSoFarIncludingThis.trim(); } // We only consider it a match if ALL words were actually used if (bufferToReturn != null) { if (!strictMatching || lastCommandWordUsed + 1 == commandWords.length) { return bufferToReturn; } } return null; // Not a match } private final Map<String, MethodTarget> availabilityIndicators = new HashMap<String, MethodTarget>(); private final Map<String, MethodTarget> dynamicMandatoryIndicators = new HashMap<String, MethodTarget>(); private final Map<String, MethodTarget> optionVisibilityIndicators = new HashMap<String, MethodTarget>(); private final Map<String, MethodTarget> optionAutocompleteIndicators = new HashMap<String, MethodTarget>(); private final Set<CommandMarker> commands = new HashSet<CommandMarker>(); private final Set<Converter<?>> converters = new HashSet<Converter<?>>(); // ROO-3697: Include global parameters in all Spring Roo commands. private final List<String> globalParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); private final Object mutex = new Object(); public final void add(final CommandMarker command) { synchronized (mutex) { commands.add(command); for (final Method method : command.getClass().getMethods()) { // Getting method availability indicators final CliAvailabilityIndicator availability = method.getAnnotation(CliAvailabilityIndicator.class); if (availability != null) { Validate.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length == 0, "CliAvailabilityIndicator is only legal for 0 parameter methods ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); Validate.isTrue(method.getReturnType().equals(Boolean.TYPE), "CliAvailabilityIndicator is only legal for primitive boolean return types (%s)", method.toGenericString()); for (final String cmd : availability.value()) { Validate.isTrue(!availabilityIndicators.containsKey(cmd), "Cannot specify an availability indicator for '%s' more than once", cmd); availabilityIndicators.put(cmd, new MethodTarget(method, command)); } } // Getting method dynamicMandatory indicators final CliOptionMandatoryIndicator dynamicMandatoryIndicator = method.getAnnotation(CliOptionMandatoryIndicator.class); if (dynamicMandatoryIndicator != null) { Validate.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length < 2, "CliDynamicMandatoryIndicator is only legal for 0 or 1 parameter methods ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { Validate.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ShellContext.class), "CliDynamicMandatoryIndicator could only receive a ShellContext parameter ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); } Validate.isTrue(method.getReturnType().equals(Boolean.TYPE), "CliDynamicMandatoryIndicator is only legal for primitive boolean return types (%s)", method.toGenericString()); for (String param : dynamicMandatoryIndicator.params()) { dynamicMandatoryIndicators.put( dynamicMandatoryIndicator.command().concat("|").concat(param), new MethodTarget( method, command)); } } // Getting method options visibility indicators final CliOptionVisibilityIndicator optionVisibilityIndicator = method.getAnnotation(CliOptionVisibilityIndicator.class); if (optionVisibilityIndicator != null) { Validate.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length == 1, "CliOptionVisibilityIndicator must receive a ShellContext parameter ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); Validate.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ShellContext.class), "CliOptionVisibilityIndicator must receive a ShellContext parameter ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); Validate.isTrue(method.getReturnType().equals(Boolean.TYPE), "CliOptionVisibilityIndicator is only legal for primitive boolean return types (%s)", method.toGenericString()); for (String param : optionVisibilityIndicator.params()) { optionVisibilityIndicators.put( optionVisibilityIndicator.command().concat("|").concat(param), new MethodTarget( method, command)); } } // Getting method option autocomplete indicators final CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator optionAutocompleteIndicator = method.getAnnotation(CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator.class); if (optionAutocompleteIndicator != null) { Validate.isTrue( (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 || method.getParameterTypes().length == 1), "CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator must receive 0 or 1 ShellContext ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { // Validate first parameter is ShellContext if any Validate .isTrue( method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ShellContext.class), "CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator must receive a ShellContext as first parameter ('%s')", method.toGenericString()); } // Checking the return type is a List<String> Validate .isTrue(method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(List.class), "CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator must return a List<String>", method.toGenericString()); // Add method to option autocomplete indicators optionAutocompleteIndicators.put(optionAutocompleteIndicator.command().concat("|") .concat(optionAutocompleteIndicator.param()), new MethodTarget(method, command)); } // ROO-3697: Including global parameters. globalParameters.add("force"); globalParameters.add("profile"); } } } public final void add(final Converter<?> converter) { synchronized (mutex) { converters.add(converter); } } protected void commandNotFound(final Logger logger, final String buffer) { logger.warning("Command '" + buffer + "' not found (for assistance press " + AbstractShell.completionKeys + " or type \"hint\" then hit ENTER)"); } public int complete(final String buffer, final int cursor, final List<String> candidates) { final List<Completion> completions = new ArrayList<Completion>(); final int result = completeAdvanced(buffer, cursor, completions); for (final Completion completion : completions) { candidates.add(completion.getValue()); } return result; } public int completeAdvanced(String buffer, int cursor, final List<Completion> candidates) { synchronized (mutex) { // Create ShellContext ShellContextImpl shellContext = new ShellContextImpl(); // Set command written input until now shellContext.setExecutedCommand(buffer); // ROO-3622: Validate if version change if (isDifferentVersion()) { return 0; } // Loading converters and commands if needed loadConvertersAndCommands(); Validate.notNull(buffer, "Buffer required"); Validate.notNull(candidates, "Candidates list required"); // Remove all spaces from beginning of command while (buffer.startsWith(" ")) { buffer = buffer.replaceFirst("^ ", ""); cursor--; } // Replace all multiple spaces with a single space while (buffer.contains(" ")) { buffer = StringUtils.replace(buffer, " ", " ", 1); cursor--; } // Replace extra "-" by only "--" while (buffer.contains("---")) { buffer = StringUtils.replace(buffer, "---", "--", 1); cursor--; } // Begin by only including the portion of the buffer represented to // the present cursor position final String translated = buffer.substring(0, cursor); // Start by locating a method that matches final Collection<MethodTarget> targets = locateTargets(translated, false, true); final SortedSet<Completion> results = new TreeSet<Completion>(COMPARATOR); if (targets.isEmpty()) { // Nothing matches the buffer they've presented return cursor; } if (targets.size() > 1) { // Assist them locate a particular target for (final MethodTarget target : targets) { // Calculate the correct starting position final int startAt = translated.length(); // Only add the first word of each target int stopAt = target.getKey().indexOf(" ", startAt); if (stopAt == -1) { stopAt = target.getKey().length(); } results.add(new Completion(target.getKey().substring(0, stopAt) + " ")); } candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } // There is a single target of this method, so provide completion // services for it final MethodTarget methodTarget = targets.iterator().next(); // Identify the command we're working with final CliCommand cmd = methodTarget.getMethod().getAnnotation(CliCommand.class); Validate.notNull(cmd, "CliCommand unavailable for '%s'", methodTarget.getMethod() .toGenericString()); // Make a reasonable attempt at parsing the remainingBuffer Map<String, String> options; try { options = ParserUtils.tokenize(methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { // Assume any IllegalArgumentException is due to a quotation // mark mismatch candidates.add(new Completion(translated + "\"")); return 0; } // Set options as ShellContext parameters for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.entrySet()) { shellContext.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // Lookup arguments for this target final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterAnnotations(); // If there aren't any parameters for the method, at least ensure // they have typed the command properly if (parameterAnnotations.length == 0) { for (final String value : cmd.value()) { if (buffer.startsWith(value) || value.startsWith(buffer)) { // No space at the end, as there's no need to continue // the command further results.add(new Completion(value)); } } candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } // If they haven't specified any parameters yet, at least verify the // command name is fully completed if (options.isEmpty()) { for (final String value : cmd.value()) { if (value.startsWith(buffer)) { // They are potentially trying to type this command // We only need provide completion, though, if they // failed to specify it fully if (!buffer.startsWith(value)) { // They failed to specify the command fully results.add(new Completion(value + " ")); } } } // Only quit right now if they have to finish specifying the // command name if (results.size() > 0) { candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } } // To get this far, we know there are arguments required for this // CliCommand, and they specified a valid command name // Record all the CliOptions applicable to this command final List<CliOption> cliOptions = new ArrayList<CliOption>(); for (final Annotation[] annotations : parameterAnnotations) { CliOption cliOption = null; for (final Annotation a : annotations) { if (a instanceof CliOption) { cliOption = (CliOption) a; } } // ROO-3697: Since Spring Roo 2.0, you could define a parameter // in methods without @CliOption annotation. This parameter will // not be // included on cliOptions list if (cliOption != null) { cliOptions.add(cliOption); } } // Make a list of all CliOptions they've already included or are // system-provided final List<CliOption> alreadySpecified = new ArrayList<CliOption>(); for (final CliOption option : cliOptions) { for (final String value : option.key()) { if (options.containsKey(value)) { alreadySpecified.add(option); break; } } if (option.systemProvided()) { alreadySpecified.add(option); } } // Make a list of all CliOptions they have not provided final List<CliOption> unspecified = new ArrayList<CliOption>(cliOptions); unspecified.removeAll(alreadySpecified); // Determine whether they're presently editing an option key or an // option value // (and if possible, the full or partial name of the said option key // being edited) String lastOptionKey = null; String lastOptionValue = null; // The last item in the options map is *always* the option key // they're editing (will never be null) if (options.size() > 0) { lastOptionKey = new ArrayList<String>(options.keySet()).get(options.keySet().size() - 1); lastOptionValue = options.get(lastOptionKey); } // Handle if they are trying to find out the available option keys; // always present option keys in order // of their declaration on the method signature, thus we can stop // when mandatory options are filled in if ((translated.endsWith(" ") || (translated.endsWith(" -") || translated.endsWith(" --"))) && (!"".equals(lastOptionValue) || lastOptionKey == null)) { suggestOptionKey(shellContext, translated, results, methodTarget, options, unspecified, lastOptionValue, alreadySpecified); candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } // Handle suggesting an option key if they haven't got one presently // specified (or they've completed a full option key/value pair) if (lastOptionKey == null || !"".equals(lastOptionKey) && !"".equals(lastOptionValue) && translated.endsWith(" ")) { // We have either NEVER specified an option key/value pair // OR we have specified a full option key/value pair // Let's list some other options the user might want to try // (naturally skip the "" option, as that's the default) for (final CliOption include : unspecified) { // First check visibility if (isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { for (final String value : include.key()) { // Manually determine if this non-mandatory but // unspecifiedDefaultValue=* requiring option is // able to // be bound if (!isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext) && "*".equals(include.unspecifiedDefaultValue()) && !"".equals(value)) { try { for (final Converter<?> candidate : converters) { // Find the target parameter Class<?> paramType = null; int index = -1; for (final Annotation[] a : methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterAnnotations()) { index++; for (final Annotation an : a) { if (an instanceof CliOption) { if (an.equals(include)) { // Found the parameter, // so // store it paramType = methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterTypes()[index]; break; } } } } if (paramType != null && candidate.supports(paramType, include.optionContext())) { // Try to invoke this usable // converter candidate.convertFromText("*", paramType, include.optionContext()); // If we got this far, the converter // is // happy with "*" so we need not // bother // the user with entering the data // in // themselves break; } } } catch (final RuntimeException notYetReady) { if (translated.endsWith(" ")) { results.add(new Completion(translated + "--" + value + " ")); } else { results.add(new Completion(translated + " --" + value + " ")); } continue; } } // Handle normal mandatory options if (!"".equals(value) && isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { if (translated.endsWith(" ")) { results.add(new Completion(translated + "--" + value + " ")); } else { results.add(new Completion(translated + " --" + value + " ")); } } } } } // Only abort at this point if we have some suggestions; // otherwise we might want to try to complete the "" option if (results.size() > 0) { candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } } // Handle completing the option key supposing the last value was // wanted as null ("") if ((methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith("--") || methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer() .endsWith(" -")) && "".equals(lastOptionValue)) { suggestOptionKey(shellContext, translated, results, methodTarget, options, unspecified, lastOptionValue, alreadySpecified); candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } // Handle completing the option key they're presently typing if ((lastOptionValue == null || "".equals(lastOptionValue)) && (!translated.endsWith(" "))) { // Given we haven't got an option value of any form, and there's // no space at the buffer end, we must still be typing an option // key // Check if there are still dynamic mandatory options List<CliOption> remainingMandatories = new ArrayList<CliOption>(); for (final CliOption include : unspecified) { if (isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { remainingMandatories.add(include); } } // Check if user is still writing the last mandatory key // which will already be in the last position of // "alreadySpecified" if (alreadySpecified.size() > 0) { List<String> paramsKeys = Arrays.asList(alreadySpecified.get(alreadySpecified.size() - 1).key()); if (paramsKeys.contains(lastOptionKey)) { // User is still writing mandatory remainingMandatories.add(alreadySpecified.get(alreadySpecified.size() - 1)); } } if (remainingMandatories.size() != 0) { // Complete with remaining mandatory keys for (final CliOption option : remainingMandatories) { // Check option's visibility if (isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), option, shellContext)) { for (final String value : option.key()) { if (value != null && lastOptionKey != null && value.regionMatches(true, 0, lastOptionKey, 0, lastOptionKey.length())) { final String completionValue = translated.substring(0, translated.length() - lastOptionKey.length()) + value + " "; results.add(new Completion(completionValue)); } } } } } else { // Complete with optional keys or global parameters for (final CliOption option : unspecified) { // Check option's visibility if (isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), option, shellContext)) { for (final String value : option.key()) { if (value != null && lastOptionKey != null && value.regionMatches(true, 0, lastOptionKey, 0, lastOptionKey.length())) { final String completionValue = translated.substring(0, translated.length() - lastOptionKey.length()) + value + " "; results.add(new Completion(completionValue)); } } } } // ROO-3697: check if current key completion is a // globalParameter if (hasShellContextParameter(methodTarget.getMethod())) { for (final String parameter : globalParameters) { if (parameter != null && lastOptionKey != null && parameter.regionMatches(true, 0, lastOptionKey, 0, lastOptionKey.length())) { final String completionValue = translated.substring(0, translated.length() - lastOptionKey.length()) + parameter + " "; results.add(new Completion(completionValue)); } } } } candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } // To be here, we are NOT typing an option key (or we might be, and // there are no further option keys left) if (lastOptionKey != null && !"".equals(lastOptionKey)) { // Lookup the relevant CliOption that applies to this // lastOptionKey // We do this via the parameter type final Class<?>[] parameterTypes = methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { final Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[i]; // ROO-3697: Check if parameter type is ShellContext if (parameterType.isAssignableFrom(ShellContext.class)) { break; } final CliOption option = cliOptions.get(i); for (final String key : option.key()) { if (key.equals(lastOptionKey)) { // Check if CliOption is boolean mandatory and has specific value if (!option.specifiedDefaultValue().equals(CliOption.NULL) && parameterType.equals(boolean.class)) { // Complete with next option keys and let current key with default value suggestOptionKey(shellContext, translated, results, methodTarget, options, unspecified, lastOptionValue, alreadySpecified); candidates.addAll(results); return 0; } final List<Completion> allValues = new ArrayList<Completion>(); String suffix = " "; // First, use an autocomplete indicator if any List<String> values = getPossibleValuesByIndicator(methodTarget.getKey(), option, shellContext); if (values != null) { if (!hasToIncludeSpaceOnFinish(methodTarget.getKey(), option)) { suffix = ""; } for (String value : values) { allValues.add(getCompletion(value)); } } else { // Use a Converter if one is available for (final Converter<?> candidate : converters) { if (candidate.supports(parameterType, option.optionContext())) { // Found a usable converter final boolean addSpace = candidate.getAllPossibleValues(allValues, parameterType, lastOptionValue, option.optionContext(), methodTarget); if (!addSpace) { suffix = ""; } break; } } } if (allValues.isEmpty()) { // Doesn't appear to be a custom Converter, so // let's go and provide defaults for simple // types // Provide some simple options for common types if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType) || Boolean.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) { allValues.add(new Completion("true")); allValues.add(new Completion("false")); } if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) { allValues.add(new Completion("0")); allValues.add(new Completion("1")); allValues.add(new Completion("2")); allValues.add(new Completion("3")); allValues.add(new Completion("4")); allValues.add(new Completion("5")); allValues.add(new Completion("6")); allValues.add(new Completion("7")); allValues.add(new Completion("8")); allValues.add(new Completion("9")); } } String prefix = ""; if (!translated.endsWith(" ")) { prefix = " "; } // Only include in the candidates those results // which are compatible with the present buffer for (final Completion currentValue : allValues) { // We only provide a suggestion if the // lastOptionValue == "" if (StringUtils.isBlank(lastOptionValue)) { // We should add the result, as they haven't // typed anything yet results.add(new Completion(prefix + currentValue.getValue() + suffix, currentValue.getFormattedValue(), currentValue.getHeading(), currentValue .getOrder())); } else { // Only add the result **if** what they've // typed is compatible *AND* they haven't // already typed it in full if (currentValue.getValue().toLowerCase() .startsWith(lastOptionValue.toLowerCase()) && !lastOptionValue.equalsIgnoreCase(currentValue.getValue()) && lastOptionValue.length() < currentValue.getValue().length()) { results.add(new Completion(prefix + currentValue.getValue() + suffix, currentValue.getFormattedValue(), currentValue.getHeading(), currentValue .getOrder())); } } } // ROO-389: give inline options given there's // multiple choices available and we want to help // the user final StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder(); help.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); help.append(isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), option, shellContext) ? "required --" : "optional --"); if ("".equals( { help.append(lastOptionKey).append(": ").append("No help available"); } else { help.append(lastOptionKey).append(": ").append(; } if (option.specifiedDefaultValue().equals(option.unspecifiedDefaultValue())) { if (option.specifiedDefaultValue().equals(NULL)) { help.append("; no default value"); } else { help.append("; default: '").append(option.specifiedDefaultValue()).append("'"); } } else { if (!"".equals(option.specifiedDefaultValue()) && !NULL.equals(option.specifiedDefaultValue())) { help.append("; default if option present: '") .append(option.specifiedDefaultValue()).append("'"); } if (!"".equals(option.unspecifiedDefaultValue()) && !NULL.equals(option.unspecifiedDefaultValue())) { help.append("; default if option not present: '") .append(option.unspecifiedDefaultValue()).append("'"); } }; if (results.size() == 1) { final String suggestion = results.iterator().next().getValue().trim(); if (suggestion.equals(lastOptionValue)) { // They have pressed TAB in the default // value, and the default value has already // been provided as an explicit option return 0; } } if (results.size() > 0) { candidates.addAll(results); // Values presented from the last space onwards if (translated.endsWith(" ")) { return translated.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1; } return translated.trim().lastIndexOf(" "); } return 0; } } } } return 0; } } /** * This method obtains the Completion by the provided value. * * If the provided value contains ":" means that is necessary to include * heading with the module. * * @param value possible value to show on auto-completion * * @return Completion with all necessary elements */ private Completion getCompletion(String value) { // Obtaining module that always be before : if (value.split(":").length > 1 && AnsiEscapeCode.isAnsiEnabled()) { String module = value.split(":")[0]; return new Completion(value, value.replace(module.concat(":"), ""), module, 0); } else { return new Completion(value); } } /** * Suggests command option keys when the user try to autocomplete. * * @param shellContext * @param translated * @param results * @param methodTarget * @param options * @param unspecified */ private void suggestOptionKey(ShellContextImpl shellContext, final String translated, final SortedSet<Completion> results, final MethodTarget methodTarget, Map<String, String> options, final List<CliOption> unspecified, String lastOptionValue, List<CliOption> alreadySpecified) { boolean showAllRemaining = true; // Check if there are still dynamic mandatory options for (final CliOption include : unspecified) { if (isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { showAllRemaining = false; break; } } // If there is a CliOption with void key and user only write a "-", last // value will be "-" so is needed to complete with the secondary value of the key if (lastOptionValue != null && lastOptionValue.equals("-") && showAllRemaining == true) { for (CliOption option : alreadySpecified) { if (option.key().length > 1) { for (String key : option.key()) { if (!("").equals(key)) { results.add(new Completion(translated.concat("-").concat(key).concat(" "))); showAllRemaining = false; } } } } } // Exists some mandatory param, so we need to show it first if // it is visible if (!showAllRemaining) { for (final CliOption include : unspecified) { if (isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext) && isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { // Auto complete with that mandatory key for (final String value : include.key()) { if (!"".equals(value)) { // Check if should complete with "--" prefix if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith("--")) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat(value) .concat(" "))); } else if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith(" -") || methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().length() == 1) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat("-") .concat(value).concat(" "))); } else { results.add(new Completion(translated.concat("--").concat(value).concat(" "))); } } } break; } } } else { // No more mandatory options remaining for (final CliOption include : unspecified) { if (isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), include, shellContext)) { // Auto complete with that key for (final String value : include.key()) { if (!"".equals(value)) { // Check if should complete with "--" prefix if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith("--")) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat(value) .concat(" "))); } else if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith(" -") || methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().length() == 1) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat("-") .concat(value).concat(" "))); } else { results.add(new Completion(translated.concat("--").concat(value).concat(" "))); } } } } } // ROO-3697: Including global parameters in all Spring Roo // commands // if all mandatory parameters have been defined and exists // a ShellContext // parameter defined on last position of current method. if (hasShellContextParameter(methodTarget.getMethod())) { for (String parameter : globalParameters) { // Check if this global parameter is already defined if (!options.containsKey(parameter)) { if (!"".equals(parameter)) { // Check if should complete with "--" prefix if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith("--")) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat(parameter) .concat(" "))); } else if (methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().endsWith(" -") || methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer().length() == 1) { results.add(new Completion(StringUtils.stripEnd(translated, null).concat("-") .concat(parameter).concat(" "))); } else { results.add(new Completion(translated.concat("--").concat(parameter).concat(" "))); } } } } } } } private MethodTarget getAvailabilityIndicator(final String command) { return availabilityIndicators.get(command); } private Set<CliOption> getCliOptions(final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations) { final Set<CliOption> cliOptions = new LinkedHashSet<CliOption>(); for (final Annotation[] annotations : parameterAnnotations) { for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof CliOption) { final CliOption cliOption = (CliOption) annotation; cliOptions.add(cliOption); } } } return cliOptions; } /** * This method loads converters and commands if needed */ public void loadConvertersAndCommands() { synchronized (mutex) { boolean someComponentChanges = false; if (commands.isEmpty() || hasToReloadComponents()) { // Cleaning commands and indicators commands.clear(); availabilityIndicators.clear(); // Get all Services implement CommandMarker interface try { ServiceReference<?>[] references = this.context.getAllServiceReferences(CommandMarker.class.getName(), null); for (ServiceReference<?> ref : references) { CommandMarker command = (CommandMarker) this.context.getService(ref); add(command); } } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot load CommandMarker on SimpleParser."); } someComponentChanges = true; } if (converters.isEmpty() || hasToReloadComponents()) { // Cleaning converters converters.clear(); // Get all Services implement Converter interface try { ServiceReference<?>[] references = this.context.getAllServiceReferences(Converter.class.getName(), null); for (ServiceReference<?> ref : references) { Converter<?> converter = (Converter<?>) this.context.getService(ref); add(converter); } } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot load Converter on SimpleParser."); } someComponentChanges = true; } if (someComponentChanges) { setLasTimeUpdateComponents(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } } public Set<String> getEveryCommand() { synchronized (mutex) { loadConvertersAndCommands(); // Return commands list final SortedSet<String> result = new TreeSet<String>(COMPARATOR); for (final Object o : commands) { final Method[] methods = o.getClass().getMethods(); for (final Method m : methods) { final CliCommand cmd = m.getAnnotation(CliCommand.class); if (cmd != null) { result.addAll(Arrays.asList(cmd.value())); } } } return result; } } private Set<String> getSpecifiedUnavailableOptions(final Set<CliOption> cliOptions, final Map<String, String> options) { final Set<String> cliOptionKeySet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (final CliOption cliOption : cliOptions) { for (final String key : cliOption.key()) { cliOptionKeySet.add(key); } } final Set<String> unavailableOptions = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (final String suppliedOption : options.keySet()) { // ROO-3697: Check if current parameter is a global parameter. boolean isGlobalParameter = globalParameters.contains(suppliedOption); if (!cliOptionKeySet.contains(suppliedOption) && !isGlobalParameter) { unavailableOptions.add(suppliedOption); } } return unavailableOptions; } private Collection<MethodTarget> locateTargets(final String buffer, final boolean strictMatching, final boolean checkAvailabilityIndicators) { if (commands.isEmpty() || hasToReloadComponents()) { // Cleaning commands commands.clear(); availabilityIndicators.clear(); // Get all Services implement CommandMarker interface try { ServiceReference<?>[] references = this.context.getAllServiceReferences(CommandMarker.class.getName(), null); for (ServiceReference<?> ref : references) { CommandMarker command = (CommandMarker) this.context.getService(ref); add(command); } } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot load CommandMarker on SimpleParser."); } setLasTimeUpdateComponents(System.currentTimeMillis()); } Validate.notNull(buffer, "Buffer required"); final Collection<MethodTarget> result = new HashSet<MethodTarget>(); // The reflection could certainly be optimised, but it's good enough for // now (and cached reflection // is unlikely to be noticeable to a human being using the CLI) for (final CommandMarker command : commands) { for (final Method method : command.getClass().getMethods()) { final CliCommand cmd = method.getAnnotation(CliCommand.class); if (cmd != null) { // We have a @CliCommand. if (checkAvailabilityIndicators) { // Decide if this @CliCommand is available at this // moment Boolean available = null; for (final String value : cmd.value()) { final MethodTarget mt = getAvailabilityIndicator(value); if (mt != null) { Validate.isTrue( available == null, "More than one availability indicator is defined for '" + method.toGenericString() + "'"); try { available = (Boolean) mt.getMethod().invoke(mt.getTarget()); // We should "break" here, but we loop over // all to ensure no conflicting availability // indicators are defined } catch (final Exception e) { available = false; } } } // Skip this @CliCommand if it's not available if (available != null && !available) { continue; } } for (final String value : cmd.value()) { final String remainingBuffer = isMatch(buffer, value, strictMatching); if (remainingBuffer != null) { result.add(new MethodTarget(method, command, remainingBuffer, value)); } } } } } return result; } /** * Normalises the given raw user input string ready for parsing * * @param rawInput the string to normalise; can't be <code>null</code> * @return a non-<code>null</code> string */ String normalise(final String rawInput) { // Replace all multiple spaces with a single space and then trim return rawInput.replaceAll(" +", " ").trim(); } public ParseResult parse(final String rawInput) { synchronized (mutex) { // Load converters and commands if needed loadConvertersAndCommands(); Validate.notNull(rawInput, "Raw input required"); final String input = normalise(rawInput); // Locate the applicable targets which match this buffer final Collection<MethodTarget> matchingTargets = locateTargets(input, true, true); if (matchingTargets.isEmpty()) { // Before we just give up, let's see if we can offer a more // informative message to the user // by seeing the command is simply unavailable at this point in // time CollectionUtils.populate(matchingTargets, locateTargets(input, true, false)); if (matchingTargets.isEmpty()) { commandNotFound(LOGGER, input); } else { LOGGER .warning("Command '" + input + "' was found but is not currently available (type 'help' then ENTER to learn about this command)"); } return null; } if (matchingTargets.size() > 1) { LOGGER.warning("Ambigious command '" + input + "' (for assistance press " + AbstractShell.completionKeys + " or type \"hint\" then hit ENTER)"); return null; } final MethodTarget methodTarget = matchingTargets.iterator().next(); // Argument conversion time final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterAnnotations(); if (parameterAnnotations.length == 0) { // No args return new ParseResult(methodTarget.getMethod(), methodTarget.getTarget(), null); } // Oh well, we need to convert some arguments final List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>(methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length); // Attempt to parse Map<String, String> options = null; try { options = ParserUtils.tokenize(methodTarget.getRemainingBuffer()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.warning(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e), e.getMessage())); return null; } // Create ShellContext for checking visibility ShellContextImpl shellContext = new ShellContextImpl(); // Save typed parameters for (Entry<String, String> option : options.entrySet()) { String parameter = option.getKey(); String value = option.getValue(); shellContext.setParameter(parameter, value); } final Set<CliOption> cliOptions = getCliOptions(parameterAnnotations); for (final CliOption cliOption : cliOptions) { final Class<?> requiredType = methodTarget.getMethod().getParameterTypes()[arguments.size()]; // Validate visibility and values if (options.keySet().contains(cliOption.key()[0])) { checkVisibilityAndValues(methodTarget, options, shellContext, cliOption); } if (cliOption.systemProvided()) { Object result; if (SimpleParser.class.isAssignableFrom(requiredType)) { result = this; } else { LOGGER.warning("Parameter type '" + requiredType + "' is not system provided"); return null; } arguments.add(result); continue; } // Obtain the value the user specified, taking care to ensure // they only specified it via a single alias String value = null; String sourcedFrom = null; for (final String possibleKey : cliOption.key()) { if (options.containsKey(possibleKey)) { if (sourcedFrom != null) { LOGGER.warning("You cannot specify option '" + possibleKey + "' when you have also specified '" + sourcedFrom + "' in the same command"); return null; } sourcedFrom = possibleKey; value = options.get(possibleKey); } } // Ensure the user specified a value if the value is mandatory if (StringUtils.isBlank(value) && isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), cliOption, shellContext)) { if ("".equals(cliOption.key()[0])) { final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("You must specify a default option "); if (cliOption.key().length > 1) { message.append("(otherwise known as option '").append(cliOption.key()[1]) .append("') "); } message.append("for this command"); LOGGER.warning(message.toString()); return null; } else if (!NULL.equals(cliOption.specifiedDefaultValue()) && value != null) { // Just continue execution } else { LOGGER.warning("You must specify option '" + cliOption.key()[0] + "' for this command"); return null; } } // Accept a default if the user specified the option, but didn't // provide a value if ("".equals(value)) { value = cliOption.specifiedDefaultValue(); } // Accept a default if the user didn't specify the option at all if (value == null) { value = cliOption.unspecifiedDefaultValue(); } // Special token that denotes a null value is sought (useful for // default values) if (NULL.equals(value)) { if (requiredType.isPrimitive()) { LOGGER.warning("Nulls cannot be presented to primitive type " + requiredType.getSimpleName() + " for option '" + StringUtils.join(cliOption.key(), ",") + "'"); return null; } arguments.add(null); continue; } // Change the empty string marker back into an empty string now // that we are passed the default and null value checks. if (EMPTY.equals(value)) { value = ""; } // Now we're ready to perform a conversion try { CliOptionContext.setOptionContext(cliOption.optionContext()); CliSimpleParserContext.setSimpleParserContext(this); Object result; Converter<?> c = null; for (final Converter<?> candidate : converters) { if (candidate.supports(requiredType, cliOption.optionContext())) { // Found a usable converter c = candidate; break; } } if (c == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("TODO: Add basic type conversion"); // TODO Fall back to a normal SimpleTypeConverter and // attempt conversion // SimpleTypeConverter simpleTypeConverter = new // SimpleTypeConverter(); // result = // simpleTypeConverter.convertIfNecessary(value, // requiredType, mp); } // Use the converter result = c.convertFromText(value, requiredType, cliOption.optionContext()); // If the option has been specified to be mandatory then the // result should never be null if (result == null && isMandatoryParam(methodTarget.getKey(), cliOption, shellContext)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } arguments.add(result); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { LOGGER.warning(e.getClass().getName() + ": Failed to convert '" + value + "' to type " + requiredType.getSimpleName() + " for option '" + StringUtils.join(cliOption.key(), ",") + "'"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getMessage())) { LOGGER.warning(e.getMessage()); } return null; } finally { CliOptionContext.resetOptionContext(); CliSimpleParserContext.resetSimpleParserContext(); } } // Check for options specified by the user but are unavailable for // the command final Set<String> unavailableOptions = getSpecifiedUnavailableOptions(cliOptions, options); if (!unavailableOptions.isEmpty()) { final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); if (unavailableOptions.size() == 1) { message.append("Option '").append(unavailableOptions.iterator().next()) .append("' is not available for this command. "); } else { message.append("Options ") .append(collectionToDelimitedString(unavailableOptions, ", ", "'", "'")) .append(" are not available for this command. "); } message.append("Use tab assist or the \"help\" command to see the legal options"); LOGGER.warning(message.toString()); return null; } // ROO-3697: Use shellContext to save current shell parameters if // method contains ShellContext parameter if (hasShellContextParameter(methodTarget.getMethod())) { // Save executed command shellContext.setExecutedCommand(input); // Adding shellContext to command arguments arguments.add(shellContext); } return new ParseResult(methodTarget.getMethod(), methodTarget.getTarget(), arguments.toArray()); } } /** * Check if executed command has compatible options and values based on its * indicators * * @param methodTarget * @param options * @param shellContext * @param cliOption */ private void checkVisibilityAndValues(final MethodTarget methodTarget, Map<String, String> options, ShellContextImpl shellContext, final CliOption cliOption) { // Ensure the user didn't specified a not visible value if (!this.isVisibleParam(methodTarget.getKey(), cliOption, shellContext)) { MethodTarget optionVisibilityIndicator = optionVisibilityIndicators.get(methodTarget.getKey().concat("|") .concat(cliOption.key()[0])); // The user specified incompatible options if (optionVisibilityIndicator != null && optionVisibilityIndicator.getMethod() != null) { CliOptionVisibilityIndicator visibilityIndicator = optionVisibilityIndicator.getMethod().getAnnotation(CliOptionVisibilityIndicator.class); // Get visibility indicator help message if (visibilityIndicator != null) { LOGGER.warning(; throw new RuntimeException(); } } } // Ensure the user didn't specified an incorrect value if necessary if (autocompleteNeedsValidation(methodTarget.getKey(), cliOption)) { String value = options.get(cliOption.key()[0]); List<String> possibleValues = getPossibleValuesByIndicator(methodTarget.getKey(), cliOption, shellContext); if (possibleValues != null && !possibleValues.contains(value)) { // The user specified an incorrect value MethodTarget optionAutocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicators.get(methodTarget.getKey().concat("|") .concat(cliOption.key()[0])); if (optionAutocompleteIndicator != null && optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod() != null) { CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator autocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().getAnnotation( CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator.class); // Get autocomplete indicator help message if (autocompleteIndicator != null) { LOGGER.warning(; throw new RuntimeException(); } } } } } /** * Checks if some method has the ShellContext parameter * * @param method * @return */ private boolean hasShellContextParameter(Method method) { int paramNumbers = method.getParameterTypes().length; int shellContextPosition = 1; for (Class<?> methodParameters : method.getParameterTypes()) { if (methodParameters.isAssignableFrom(ShellContext.class)) { if (shellContextPosition != paramNumbers) { String msg = String .format( "ShellContext parameter is on position '%s' but should be defined after all '@CliOption' parameters.", shellContextPosition); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } return true; } shellContextPosition++; } return false; } /** * Method that checks if given method attribute is mandatory. Takes in count * if this option could be dynamicMandatory. * * @param command * @param cliOption * @param shellContext * @return */ private boolean isMandatoryParam(String command, CliOption cliOption, ShellContext shellContext) { if (cliOption.mandatory()) { String[] option = cliOption.key(); try { MethodTarget dynamicMandatoryIndicator = dynamicMandatoryIndicators.get(command.concat("|").concat(option[0])); if (dynamicMandatoryIndicator == null) { return cliOption.mandatory(); } else { if (dynamicMandatoryIndicator.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length == 1) { return (Boolean) dynamicMandatoryIndicator.getMethod().invoke( dynamicMandatoryIndicator.getTarget(), shellContext); } return (Boolean) dynamicMandatoryIndicator.getMethod().invoke( dynamicMandatoryIndicator.getTarget()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( String .format( "ERROR: Error trying to get mandatory value for '%s' option on '%s' command. Please, fix errors on indicator method.", option[0], command)); } } else { return cliOption.mandatory(); } } /** * Method that checks if given method attribute is visible in the shell. * Takes in count the dependencies with other parameters in same command. * * @param command * @param cliOption * @param shellContext * @return */ private boolean isVisibleParam(String command, CliOption cliOption, ShellContextImpl shellContext) { String[] option = cliOption.key(); try { MethodTarget optionVisibilityIndicator = optionVisibilityIndicators.get(command.concat("|").concat(option[0])); if (optionVisibilityIndicator == null) { return true; } else { return (Boolean) optionVisibilityIndicator.getMethod().invoke( optionVisibilityIndicator.getTarget(), shellContext); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( String .format( "ERROR: Error trying to get option visibility value for '%s' option on '%s' command. Please, fix errors on indicator method.", option[0], command)); } } /** * Method that returns the autocompletion list of values for a command's * param, if any * * @param command * @param cliOption * @param shellContext * @return List<String> with the possible values, or null if that parameter * hasn't an autocompletion indicator */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<String> getPossibleValuesByIndicator(String command, CliOption cliOption, ShellContextImpl shellContext) { String[] option = cliOption.key(); try { MethodTarget optionAutocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicators.get(command.concat("|").concat(option[0])); if (optionAutocompleteIndicator == null) { return null; } else { if (optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length == 0) { return (List<String>) optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().invoke( optionAutocompleteIndicator.getTarget()); } else { return (List<String>) optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().invoke( optionAutocompleteIndicator.getTarget(), shellContext); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( String .format( "ERROR: Error trying to get autocomplete values for '%s' option on '%s' command. Please, fix errors on indicator method and also be sure return type is a List<String>", option[0], command)); } } private boolean hasToIncludeSpaceOnFinish(String command, CliOption cliOption) { String[] option = cliOption.key(); try { MethodTarget optionAutocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicators.get(command.concat("|").concat(option[0])); if (optionAutocompleteIndicator != null) { CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator autocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().getAnnotation( CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator.class); return autocompleteIndicator.includeSpaceOnFinish(); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( String .format( "ERROR: Error trying to get autocomplete values for '%s' option on '%s' command. Please, fix errors on indicator method and also be sure return type is a List<String>", option[0], command)); } } /** * Checks if exists {@link CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator} for a {@link CliOption} and * returns if value specified for the option must be validated with autocomplete results * * @param command * @param cliOption * @return <code>true</code> if value specified shoud be validated with indicator return values */ private boolean autocompleteNeedsValidation(String command, CliOption cliOption) { String[] option = cliOption.key(); try { MethodTarget optionAutocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicators.get(command.concat("|").concat(option[0])); if (optionAutocompleteIndicator != null) { CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator autocompleteIndicator = optionAutocompleteIndicator.getMethod().getAnnotation( CliOptionAutocompleteIndicator.class); return autocompleteIndicator.validate(); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( String .format( "ERROR: Error trying to get autocomplete values for '%s' option on '%s' command. Please, fix errors on indicator method and also be sure return type is a List<String>", option[0], command)); } } private String collectionToDelimitedString(final Collection<?> coll, final String delim, final String prefix, final String suffix) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(coll)) { return ""; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final Iterator<?> it = coll.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { sb.append(prefix).append(; if (it.hasNext() && delim != null) { sb.append(delim); } } return sb.toString(); } public final void remove(final CommandMarker command) { synchronized (mutex) { commands.remove(command); for (final Method m : command.getClass().getMethods()) { final CliAvailabilityIndicator availability = m.getAnnotation(CliAvailabilityIndicator.class); if (availability != null) { for (final String cmd : availability.value()) { availabilityIndicators.remove(cmd); } } } } } public final void remove(final Converter<?> converter) { synchronized (mutex) { converters.remove(converter); } } /** * This method compares RooBundleActivator lastTimeBundleChange with * SimpleParser lasTimeUpdateCommands * * @return */ private boolean hasToReloadComponents() { if (getRooBundleActivator() != null) { return getRooBundleActivator().getLastTimeBundleChange() > getLasTimeUpdateComponents(); } return true; } /** * @return the lasTimeUpdateCommands */ public Long getLasTimeUpdateComponents() { return lastTimeUpdateComponents == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : lastTimeUpdateComponents; } /** * @param lasTimeUpdateCommands the lasTimeUpdateCommands to set */ public void setLasTimeUpdateComponents(Long lastTimeUpdateComponents) { this.lastTimeUpdateComponents = lastTimeUpdateComponents; } /** * Obtains all Services that implements RooBundleActivator * * @return */ public RooBundleActivator getRooBundleActivator() { if (rooBundleActivator == null) { // Get all Services implement RooBundleActivator interface try { ServiceReference<?>[] references = context.getAllServiceReferences(RooBundleActivator.class.getName(), null); for (ServiceReference<?> ref : references) { rooBundleActivator = (RooBundleActivator) context.getService(ref); return rooBundleActivator; } return null; } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot load RooBundleActivator on SimpleParser."); return null; } } else { return rooBundleActivator; } } private boolean isDifferentVersion() { String rooVersion = getRooProjectVersion(); if ("UNKNOWN".equals(rooVersion)) { return false; } return !rooVersion.equals(versionInfoWithoutGit()); } private String getRooProjectVersion() { String homePath = new File(".").getPath(); String pomPath = homePath + "/pom.xml"; File pom = new File(pomPath); try { if (pom.exists()) { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(pom); Document docXml = XmlUtils.readXml(is); Element document = docXml.getDocumentElement(); Element rooVersionElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("properties/roo.version", document); String rooVersion = rooVersionElement.getTextContent(); return rooVersion; } return "UNKNOWN"; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } public static String versionInfoWithoutGit() { // Try to determine the bundle version String bundleVersion = null; JarFile jarFile = null; try { final URL classContainer = AbstractShell.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); if (classContainer.toString().endsWith(".jar")) { // Attempt to obtain the "Bundle-Version" version from the // manifest jarFile = new JarFile(new File(classContainer.toURI()), false); final ZipEntry manifestEntry = jarFile.getEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); final Manifest manifest = new Manifest(jarFile.getInputStream(manifestEntry)); bundleVersion = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Bundle-Version"); } } catch (final IOException ignoreAndMoveOn) { } catch (final URISyntaxException ignoreAndMoveOn) { } finally { if (jarFile != null) { try { jarFile.close(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { } } } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (bundleVersion != null) { sb.append(bundleVersion); } if (sb.length() == 0) { sb.append("UNKNOWN VERSION"); } return sb.toString(); } }