package org.springframework.roo.project; import static org.springframework.roo.project.DependencyScope.COMPILE; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferencePolicy; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceStrategy; import org.springframework.roo.metadata.MetadataService; import org.springframework.roo.model.JavaPackage; import org.springframework.roo.process.manager.FileManager; import org.springframework.roo.project.maven.Pom; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * Provides common project operations. Should be subclassed by a * project-specific operations subclass. * * @author Ben Alex * @author Adrian Colyer * @author Stefan Schmidt * @author Alan Stewart * @author Juan Carlos García * @author Paula Navarro * @since 1.0 */ //@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Component(componentAbstract = true) @Reference(name = "feature", strategy = ReferenceStrategy.EVENT, policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC, referenceInterface = Feature.class, cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL_MULTIPLE) public abstract class AbstractProjectOperations implements ProjectOperations { private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT = "VALUE_TEXT"; static final String ADDED = "added"; static final String CHANGED = "changed"; static final String REMOVED = "removed"; static final String SKIPPED = "skipped"; static final String UPDATED = "updated"; private final Map<String, Feature> features = new HashMap<String, Feature>(); @Reference(policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC) protected FileManager fileManager; @Reference(policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC) protected MetadataService metadataService; @Reference(policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC) protected PathResolver pathResolver; @Reference(policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC) protected PomManagementService pomManagementService; @Reference(policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC) protected Shell shell; /** * Generates a message about the addition of the given items to the POM * * @param action the past tense of the action that was performed * @param items the items that were acted upon (required, can be empty) * @param singular the singular of this type of item (required) * @param plural the plural of this type of item (required) * @return a non-<code>null</code> message * @since 1.2.0 */ static String getDescriptionOfChange(final String action, final Collection<String> items, final String singular, final String plural) { if (items.isEmpty()) { return ""; } return highlight(action + " " + (items.size() == 1 ? singular : plural)) + " " + StringUtils.join(items, ", "); } /** * Highlights the given text * * @param text the text to highlight (can be blank) * @return the highlighted text */ static String highlight(final String text) { return decorate(text, FG_CYAN); } @Override public void addBuildPlugin(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin) { addBuildPlugin(moduleName, plugin, true); } @Override public void addBuildPlugin(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, boolean addToPluginManagement) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(plugin, "Plugin required"); addBuildPlugins(moduleName, Collections.singletonList(plugin), addToPluginManagement); } @Override public void addBuildPlugins(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Plugin> newPlugins) { addBuildPlugins(moduleName, newPlugins, true); } @Override public void addBuildPlugins(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Plugin> newPlugins, boolean addToPluginManagement) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(newPlugins, "Plugins required"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(newPlugins)) { return; } final Pom parentPom = getPomFromModuleName(""); boolean isSamePom = false; Pom pom = null; if ("".equals(moduleName)) { isSamePom = true; pom = parentPom; } else { pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); } Validate.notNull(parentPom, "The parentPom is not available, so plugin addition cannot be performed"); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so plugin addition cannot be performed"); final Document parentDocument = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(parentPom.getPath())); Document document = null; if (isSamePom) { document = parentDocument; } else { document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); } writePluginInPom(newPlugins, parentPom, pom, parentDocument, document, parentDocument.getDocumentElement(), document.getDocumentElement(), addToPluginManagement, isSamePom); } @Override public List<Dependency> addDependencies(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Dependency> newDependencies) { return addDependencies(moduleName, newDependencies, true, false); } @Override public List<Dependency> addDependencies(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Dependency> newDependencies, boolean addToDependencyManagement, boolean checkFullDependency) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited; no such module '%s'", moduleName); final Pom parentPom = getPomFromModuleName(""); boolean isSamePom = false; Pom pom = null; if ("".equals(moduleName)) { isSamePom = true; pom = parentPom; } else { pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); } Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so dependencies cannot be added"); final Document parentDocument = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(parentPom.getPath())); Document document = null; if (isSamePom) { document = parentDocument; } else { document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); } return writeDependencyInPom(newDependencies, parentPom, pom, parentDocument, document, parentDocument.getDocumentElement(), document.getDocumentElement(), addToDependencyManagement, isSamePom, checkFullDependency); } @Override public Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency) { return addDependency(moduleName, dependency, true, false); } @Override public Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency, boolean addToDependencyManagement) { return addDependency(moduleName, dependency, addToDependencyManagement, false); } @Override public Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency, boolean addToDependencyManagement, boolean checkFullDependency) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(dependency, "Dependency required"); List<Dependency> result = addDependencies(moduleName, Collections.singletonList(dependency), addToDependencyManagement, checkFullDependency); if (result.isEmpty()) { return null; } return result.get(0); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version) { return addDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, true); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, boolean addToDependencyManagement) { return addDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, COMPILE, addToDependencyManagement); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, final DependencyScope scope) { return addDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, scope, true); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, final DependencyScope scope, boolean addToDependencyManagement) { return addDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, scope, "", addToDependencyManagement); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, DependencyScope scope, final String classifier) { return addDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, scope, classifier, true); } @Override public final Dependency addDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, DependencyScope scope, final String classifier, boolean addToDependencyManagement) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(groupId, "Group ID required"); Validate.notNull(artifactId, "Artifact ID required"); Validate.notBlank(version, "Version required"); if (scope == null) { scope = COMPILE; } final Dependency dependency = new Dependency(groupId, artifactId, version, DependencyType.JAR, scope, classifier); return addDependency(moduleName, dependency, addToDependencyManagement, false); } public void addFilter(final String moduleName, final Filter filter) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Filter modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(filter, "Filter required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so filter addition cannot be performed"); if (filter == null || pom.isFilterRegistered(filter)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final String descriptionOfChange; final Element buildElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build", root); final Element existingFilter = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("filters/filter['" + filter.getValue() + "']", buildElement); if (existingFilter == null) { // No such filter; add it final Element filtersElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("filters", buildElement, document); filtersElement.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(document, "filter", filter.getValue())); descriptionOfChange = highlight(ADDED + " filter") + " '" + filter.getValue() + "'"; } else { existingFilter.setTextContent(filter.getValue()); descriptionOfChange = highlight(UPDATED + " filter") + " '" + filter.getValue() + "'"; } fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } @Override public void addPackageToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, final String packageName) { addPackageToPluginExecution(moduleName, plugin, executionId, packageName, true); } @Override public void addPackageToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, final String packageName, boolean addToPluginManagement) { // Delegates in generic addElementToPluginExecution addElementToPluginExecution(moduleName, plugin, executionId, "packages", "package", packageName, addToPluginManagement); } @Override public void addElementToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, String parentElementName, String elementName, final String elementValue) { addElementToPluginExecution(moduleName, plugin, executionId, parentElementName, elementName, elementValue, true); } @Override public void addElementToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, String parentElementName, String elementName, String elementValue, boolean addToPluginManagement) { Map<String, String> elementValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); elementValues.put(DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT, elementValue); addElementToPluginExecution(moduleName, plugin, executionId, parentElementName, elementName, elementValues, addToPluginManagement); } @Override public void addElementToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, String parentElementName, String elementName, Map<String, String> elementValues) { addElementToPluginExecution(moduleName, plugin, executionId, parentElementName, elementName, elementValues, true); } @Override public void addElementToPluginExecution(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin, String executionId, String parentElementName, String elementName, Map<String, String> elementValues, boolean addToPluginManagement) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Package modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(executionId, "Execution id required"); Validate.notNull(plugin, "Plugin required"); Validate.notNull(parentElementName, "parentElementName required"); Validate.notNull(elementName, "elementName required"); Validate.notNull(elementValues, "elementValues required"); String descriptionOfChange; final Pom parentPom = getPomFromModuleName(""); boolean isSamePom = false; Pom pom = null; if ("".equals(moduleName)) { isSamePom = true; pom = parentPom; } else { pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); } Validate.notNull(parentPom, "The parentPom is not available, so plugin addition cannot be performed"); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so plugin addition cannot be performed"); final Document parentDocument = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(parentPom.getPath())); Document document = null; if (isSamePom) { document = parentDocument; } else { document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); } final Element parentRoot = parentDocument.getDocumentElement(); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); // Find plugin Element pluginsElement = null; if (addToPluginManagement) { pluginsElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("build/pluginManagement/plugins", parentRoot, parentDocument); } else { pluginsElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("/project/build/plugins", root, document); } final List<Element> existingPluginElements = XmlUtils.findElements("plugin", pluginsElement); for (final Element existingPluginElement : existingPluginElements) { final Plugin existingPlugin = new Plugin(existingPluginElement); if (existingPlugin.hasSameCoordinates(plugin)) { for (final Execution execution : existingPlugin.getExecutions()) { if (executionId.equals(execution.getId()) && execution.getConfiguration() != null) { // Check if element is already added final Element elementsElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists(parentElementName, execution.getConfiguration() .getConfiguration(), document); final List<Element> existingElements = XmlUtils.findElements(elementName, elementsElement); for (Element existingElement : existingElements) { for (Entry<String, String> element : elementValues.entrySet()) { if (elementValues.size() == 1 && element.getKey().equals(DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT)) { final String elem = DomUtils.getTextContent(existingElement, ""); if (elem.equals(element.getValue())) { return; } } else { Element childElement = DomUtils.getChildElementByTagName(existingElement, element.getKey()); if (childElement != null && DomUtils.getTextContent(childElement, "").equals(element.getValue())) { return; } } } } // No such package; add it Element newParentElement = null; for (Entry<String, String> element : elementValues.entrySet()) { descriptionOfChange = highlight(ADDED + " " + elementName + "/" + element.getKey()) + " '" + element.getValue() + "'"; if (elementValues.size() == 1 && element.getKey().equals(DEFAULT_VALUE_TEXT)) { if (!isSamePom && addToPluginManagement) { elementsElement.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(parentDocument, elementName, element.getValue())); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(parentPom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(parentDocument), descriptionOfChange, false); } else { elementsElement.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(document, elementName, element.getValue())); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } } else { if (!isSamePom && addToPluginManagement) { if (newParentElement == null) { newParentElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists(elementName, execution.getConfiguration() .getConfiguration(), parentDocument); elementsElement.appendChild(newParentElement); } newParentElement.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(parentDocument, element.getKey(), element.getValue())); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(parentPom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(parentDocument), descriptionOfChange, false); } else { if (newParentElement == null) { newParentElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists(elementName, execution.getConfiguration() .getConfiguration(), document); elementsElement.appendChild(newParentElement); } newParentElement.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(document, element.getKey(), element.getValue())); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } } } } } } } } public void addModuleDependency(final String moduleToDependUpon) { addModuleDependency(getFocusedModuleName(), moduleToDependUpon, false); } public void addModuleDependency(final String moduleName, final String moduleToDependUpon) { addModuleDependency(moduleName, moduleToDependUpon, false); } public void addModuleDependency(final String moduleName, final String moduleToDependUpon, boolean testDependency) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(moduleToDependUpon, "Dependency required"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(moduleToDependUpon)) { return; // No need to ever add a dependency upon the root POM } final Pom module = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); if (module != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(module.getModuleName()) && !moduleToDependUpon.equals(module.getModuleName())) { final ProjectMetadata dependencyProject = getProjectMetadata(moduleToDependUpon); if (dependencyProject != null) { final Pom dependencyPom = dependencyProject.getPom(); if (!dependencyPom.getPath().equals(module.getPath())) { if (testDependency) { // Add as test-type dependency final Dependency dependency = dependencyPom.asDependency(DependencyScope.TEST, DependencyType.valueOfTypeCode("test-jar")); detectCircularDependency(module, dependencyPom); addDependency(module.getModuleName(), dependency); } else { // Add as "normal" dependency final Dependency dependency = dependencyPom.asDependency(COMPILE); if (!module.hasDependencyExcludingVersion(dependency)) { detectCircularDependency(module, dependencyPom); addDependency(module.getModuleName(), dependency); } } } } } } public void addPluginRepositories(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Repository> repositories) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repositories, "Plugin repositories required"); addRepositories(moduleName, repositories, "pluginRepositories", "pluginRepository"); } public void addPluginRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repository, "Repository required"); addRepository(moduleName, repository, "pluginRepositories", "pluginRepository"); } public void addProperty(final String moduleName, final Property property) { Validate .isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Property modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(property, "Property to add required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so property addition cannot be performed"); if (pom.isPropertyRegistered(property)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final String descriptionOfChange; final Element existing = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/properties/" + property.getName(), root); if (existing == null) { // No existing property of this name; add it final Element properties = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("properties", document.getDocumentElement(), document); properties.appendChild(XmlUtils.createTextElement(document, property.getName(), property.getValue())); descriptionOfChange = highlight(ADDED + " property") + " '" + property.getName() + "' = '" + property.getValue() + "'"; } else { // A property of this name exists; update it existing.setTextContent(property.getValue()); descriptionOfChange = highlight(UPDATED + " property") + " '" + property.getName() + "' to '" + property.getValue() + "'"; } fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public void addRepositories(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Repository> repositories) { addRepositories(moduleName, repositories, "repositories", "repository"); } private void addRepositories(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Repository> repositories, final String containingPath, final String path) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repositories, "Repositories required"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(repositories)) { return; } final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so repository addition cannot be performed"); final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element repositoriesElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists(containingPath, document.getDocumentElement(), document); if ("pluginRepository".equals(path)) { if (pom.isAllPluginRepositoriesRegistered(repositories)) { return; } } else if (pom.isAllRepositoriesRegistered(repositories)) { return; } final List<Repository> existingRepositories = new ArrayList<Repository>(); for (Element exisitingRepElement : XmlUtils.findElements(path, repositoriesElement)) { existingRepositories.add(new Repository(exisitingRepElement)); } final List<String> addedRepositories = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Repository repository : repositories) { if ("pluginRepository".equals(path)) { if (pom.isPluginRepositoryRegistered(repository)) { continue; } else if (existingRepositories.contains(repository)) { continue; } } else { if (pom.isRepositoryRegistered(repository)) { continue; } else if (existingRepositories.contains(repository)) { continue; } } if (repository != null) { repositoriesElement.appendChild(repository.getElement(document, path)); addedRepositories.add(repository.getUrl()); } } final String message = getDescriptionOfChange(ADDED, addedRepositories, path, containingPath); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), message, false); } public void addRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository) { addRepository(moduleName, repository, "repositories", "repository"); } private void addRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository, final String containingPath, final String path) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repository, "Repository required"); addRepositories(moduleName, Collections.singletonList(repository), containingPath, path); } public void addResource(final String moduleName, final Resource resource) { Validate .isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Resource modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(resource, "Resource to add required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so resource addition cannot be performed"); if (pom.isResourceRegistered(resource)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element buildElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build", document.getDocumentElement()); final Element resourcesElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("resources", buildElement, document); resourcesElement.appendChild(resource.getElement(document)); final String descriptionOfChange = highlight(ADDED + " resource") + " " + resource.getSimpleDescription(); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } protected void bindFeature(final Feature feature) { if (feature != null) { features.put(feature.getName(), feature); } } private void detectCircularDependency(final Pom module, final Pom dependencyModule) { if (hasModuleDependency(dependencyModule, module)) { throw new IllegalStateException("ERROR: Circular dependency detected, '" + dependencyModule.getModuleName() + "' already depends on '" + module.getModuleName() + "'."); } } private boolean hasModuleDependency(Pom module, Pom dependencyModule) { if (module.isDependencyRegistered(dependencyModule.asDependency(COMPILE), false)) { return true; } for (String moduleName : getModuleNames()) { Pom relatedModule = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); if (module.isDependencyRegistered(relatedModule.asDependency(COMPILE), false) && hasModuleDependency(relatedModule, dependencyModule)) { return true; } } return false; } public Pom getFocusedModule() { final ProjectMetadata focusedProjectMetadata = getFocusedProjectMetadata(); if (focusedProjectMetadata == null) { return null; } return focusedProjectMetadata.getPom(); } public String getFocusedModuleName() { return pomManagementService.getFocusedModuleName(); } public ProjectMetadata getFocusedProjectMetadata() { return getProjectMetadata(getFocusedModuleName()); } public String getFocusedProjectName() { return getProjectName(getFocusedModuleName()); } public JavaPackage getFocusedTopLevelPackage() { return getTopLevelPackage(getFocusedModuleName()); } public Pom getModuleForFileIdentifier(final String fileIdentifier) { return pomManagementService.getModuleForFileIdentifier(fileIdentifier); } public Collection<String> getModuleNames() { return pomManagementService.getModuleNames(); } public PathResolver getPathResolver() { return pathResolver; } public final Pom getPomFromModuleName(final String moduleName) { final ProjectMetadata projectMetadata = getProjectMetadata(moduleName); return projectMetadata == null ? null : projectMetadata.getPom(); } public Collection<Pom> getPoms() { return pomManagementService.getPoms(); } private String getPomDependenciesUpdateMessage(final Collection<String> addedDependencies, final Collection<String> removedDependencies, final Collection<String> skippedDependencies) { final List<String> changes = new ArrayList<String>(); changes.add(getDescriptionOfChange(ADDED, addedDependencies, "dependency", "dependencies")); changes.add(getDescriptionOfChange(REMOVED, removedDependencies, "dependency", "dependencies")); changes.add(getDescriptionOfChange(SKIPPED, skippedDependencies, "dependency", "dependencies")); for (final Iterator<String> iter = changes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { if (StringUtils.isBlank( { iter.remove(); } } return StringUtils.join(changes, "; "); } private String getPomPluginsUpdateMessage(final Collection<String> addedPlugins, final Collection<String> removedPlugins) { final List<String> changes = new ArrayList<String>(); changes.add(getDescriptionOfChange(ADDED, addedPlugins, "plugin", "plugins")); changes.add(getDescriptionOfChange(REMOVED, removedPlugins, "plugin", "plugins")); for (final Iterator<String> iter = changes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { if (StringUtils.isBlank( { iter.remove(); } } return StringUtils.join(changes, "; "); } public final ProjectMetadata getProjectMetadata(final String moduleName) { return (ProjectMetadata) metadataService.get(ProjectMetadata.getProjectIdentifier(moduleName)); } public String getProjectName(final String moduleName) { final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "A pom with module name '%s' could not be found", moduleName); return pom.getDisplayName(); } public JavaPackage getTopLevelPackage(final String moduleName) { final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); if (pom != null) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(moduleName)) { return new JavaPackage(pom.getGroupId(), moduleName); } else { // Module package return new JavaPackage(pom.getGroupId().concat(".") .concat(pom.getArtifactId().replace("-", ".")), moduleName); } } return null; } public boolean isFeatureInstalled(final String featureName) { final Feature feature = features.get(featureName); if (feature == null) { return false; } for (final String moduleName : getModuleNames()) { if (feature.isInstalledInModule(moduleName)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isFeatureInstalled(final String... featureNames) { for (final String featureName : featureNames) { if (isFeatureInstalled(featureName)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isFeatureInstalled(final Pom module, final String featureName) { final Feature feature = features.get(featureName); if (feature == null) { return false; } if (feature.isInstalledInModule(module.getModuleName())) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isFocusedProjectAvailable() { return isProjectAvailable(getFocusedModuleName()); } public boolean isModuleCreationAllowed() { return isProjectAvailable("") && isModuleFocusAllowed(); } public boolean isModuleFocusAllowed() { return getModuleNames().size() > 1; } public boolean isMultimoduleProject() { return isModuleFocusAllowed(); } public final boolean isProjectAvailable(final String moduleName) { return getProjectMetadata(moduleName) != null; } public void removeBuildPlugin(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(plugin, "Plugin required"); removeBuildPlugins(moduleName, Collections.singletonList(plugin)); } public void removeBuildPluginImmediately(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(plugin, "Plugin required"); removeBuildPlugins(moduleName, Collections.singletonList(plugin), true); } public void removeBuildPlugins(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Plugin> plugins) { removeBuildPlugins(moduleName, plugins, false); } private void removeBuildPlugins(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Plugin> plugins, final boolean writeImmediately) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(plugins, "Plugins required"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(plugins)) { return; } final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so plugin removal cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isAnyPluginsRegistered(plugins)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element pluginsElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build/plugins", root); if (pluginsElement == null) { return; } final List<String> removedPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Plugin plugin : plugins) { // Can't filter the XPath on groupId, as it's optional in the POM // for Apache-owned plugins for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements( "plugin[artifactId = '" + plugin.getArtifactId() + "' and version = '" + plugin.getVersion() + "']", pluginsElement)) { final Plugin candidatePlugin = new Plugin(candidate); if (candidatePlugin.getGroupId().equals(plugin.getGroupId())) { // This element has the same groupId, artifactId, and // version as the plugin to be removed; remove it pluginsElement.removeChild(candidate); removedPlugins.add(candidatePlugin.getSimpleDescription()); // Keep looping in case this plugin is in the POM more than // once (unlikely) } } } if (removedPlugins.isEmpty()) { return; } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(pluginsElement); final String message = getDescriptionOfChange(REMOVED, removedPlugins, "plugin", "plugins"); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), message, writeImmediately); } public void removeDependencies(final String moduleName, final Collection<? extends Dependency> dependenciesToRemove) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(dependenciesToRemove, "Dependencies required"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(dependenciesToRemove)) { return; } final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so dependency removal cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isAnyDependenciesRegistered(dependenciesToRemove)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element dependenciesElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/dependencies", root); if (dependenciesElement == null) { return; } final List<Element> existingDependencyElements = XmlUtils.findElements("dependency", dependenciesElement); final List<String> removedDependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Dependency dependencyToRemove : dependenciesToRemove) { if (pom.isDependencyRegistered(dependencyToRemove, false)) { for (final Iterator<Element> iter = existingDependencyElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final Element candidate =; final Dependency candidateDependency = new Dependency(candidate); if (candidateDependency.equals(dependencyToRemove)) { // It's the same dependency; remove it dependenciesElement.removeChild(candidate); // Ensure we don't try to remove it again for another // Dependency iter.remove(); removedDependencies.add(candidateDependency.getSimpleDescription()); } // Keep looping in case it's in the POM more than once } } } if (removedDependencies.isEmpty()) { return; } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(dependenciesElement); final String message = getDescriptionOfChange(REMOVED, removedDependencies, "dependency", "dependencies"); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), message, false); } public void removeDependency(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency) { removeDependency(moduleName, dependency, "/project/dependencies", "/project/dependencies/dependency"); } /** * Removes an element identified by the given dependency, whenever it occurs * at the given path * * @param moduleName the name of the module to remove the dependency from * @param dependency the dependency to remove * @param containingPath the path to the dependencies element * @param path the path to the individual dependency elements */ private void removeDependency(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency, final String containingPath, final String path) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(dependency, "Dependency to remove required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so dependency removal cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isDependencyRegistered(dependency, false)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); String descriptionOfChange = ""; final Element dependenciesElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement(containingPath, root); for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements(path, root)) { if (dependency.equals(new Dependency(candidate))) { dependenciesElement.removeChild(candidate); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " dependency") + " " + dependency.getSimpleDescription(); // Stay in the loop, just in case it was in the POM more than // once } } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(dependenciesElement); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public final void removeDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version) { removeDependency(moduleName, groupId, artifactId, version, ""); } public final void removeDependency(final String moduleName, final String groupId, final String artifactId, final String version, final String classifier) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(groupId, "Group ID required"); Validate.notNull(artifactId, "Artifact ID required"); Validate.notBlank(version, "Version required"); final Dependency dependency = new Dependency(groupId, artifactId, version, DependencyType.JAR, COMPILE, classifier); removeDependency(moduleName, dependency); } /** * Method that removes version from element if blank or "-" * * @param element * @return Element without version if blank */ private Element removeVersionIfBlank(Element element) { NodeList elementAttributes = element.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elementAttributes.getLength(); i++) { Element elementAttribute = (Element) elementAttributes.item(i); if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("version") && (elementAttribute.getTextContent() == null || "-".equals(elementAttribute.getTextContent()) || "".equals(elementAttribute .getTextContent()))) { element.removeChild(elementAttributes.item(i)); break; } } return element; } /** * Method that removes version from element if blank or "-" * * @param element * @return Element without version if blank */ private Element removeAllItems(Element element) { element = removeManagementConfiguration(element); NodeList elementAttributes = element.getChildNodes(); List<Node> elementsToRemove = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < elementAttributes.getLength(); i++) { Element elementAttribute = (Element) elementAttributes.item(i); if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("executions")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("configuration")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("dependencies")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } } for (Node child : elementsToRemove) { element.removeChild(child); } return element; } /** * Method that removes version, scope and exclusions from provided element. * * @param element * @return Element without version, scope nor exclusions */ private Element removeManagementConfiguration(Element element) { NodeList elementAttributes = element.getChildNodes(); List<Node> elementsToRemove = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < elementAttributes.getLength(); i++) { Element elementAttribute = (Element) elementAttributes.item(i); if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("version")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("scope")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } if (elementAttribute != null && elementAttribute.getTagName().equals("exclusions")) { elementsToRemove.add(elementAttributes.item(i)); } } for (Node child : elementsToRemove) { element.removeChild(child); } return element; } public void removeFilter(final String moduleName, final Filter filter) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Filter modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(filter, "Filter required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so filter removal cannot be performed"); if (filter == null || !pom.isFilterRegistered(filter)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element filtersElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build/filters", root); if (filtersElement == null) { return; } String descriptionOfChange = ""; for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements("filter", filtersElement)) { if (filter.equals(new Filter(candidate))) { filtersElement.removeChild(candidate); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " filter") + " '" + filter.getValue() + "'"; // We will not break the loop (even though we could // theoretically), just in case it was in the POM more than once } } final List<Element> filterElements = XmlUtils.findElements("filter", filtersElement); if (filterElements.isEmpty()) { filtersElement.getParentNode().removeChild(filtersElement); } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(root); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public void removePluginRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Plugin repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repository, "Repository required"); removeRepository(moduleName, repository, "/project/pluginRepositories/pluginRepository"); } public void removeProperty(final String moduleName, final Property property) { Validate .isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Property modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(property, "Property to remove required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so property removal cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isPropertyRegistered(property)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element propertiesElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/properties", root); String descriptionOfChange = ""; for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements("/project/properties/*", document.getDocumentElement())) { if (property.equals(new Property(candidate))) { propertiesElement.removeChild(candidate); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " property") + " " + property.getName(); // Stay in the loop just in case it was in the POM more than // once } } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(propertiesElement); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public void removeRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository) { removeRepository(moduleName, repository, "/project/repositories/repository"); } private void removeRepository(final String moduleName, final Repository repository, final String path) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Repository modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(repository, "Repository required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so repository removal cannot be performed"); if ("pluginRepository".equals(path)) { if (!pom.isPluginRepositoryRegistered(repository)) { return; } } else { if (!pom.isRepositoryRegistered(repository)) { return; } } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); String descriptionOfChange = ""; for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements(path, root)) { if (repository.equals(new Repository(candidate))) { candidate.getParentNode().removeChild(candidate); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " repository") + " " + repository.getUrl(); // We stay in the loop just in case it was in the POM more than // once } } fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public void removeResource(final String moduleName, final Resource resource) { Validate .isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Resource modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(resource, "Resource required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so resource removal cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isResourceRegistered(resource)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element resourcesElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("/project/build/resources", root); if (resourcesElement == null) { return; } String descriptionOfChange = ""; for (final Element candidate : XmlUtils.findElements( "resource[directory = '" + resource.getDirectory() + "']", resourcesElement)) { if (resource.equals(new Resource(candidate))) { resourcesElement.removeChild(candidate); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " resource") + " " + resource.getSimpleDescription(); // Stay in the loop just in case it was in the POM more than // once } } final List<Element> resourceElements = XmlUtils.findElements("resource", resourcesElement); if (resourceElements.isEmpty()) { resourcesElement.getParentNode().removeChild(resourcesElement); } DomUtils.removeTextNodes(root); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } public void setModule(final Pom module) { // Update window title with project name shell.flash(Level.FINE, "Spring Roo: " + getTopLevelPackage(module.getModuleName()), Shell.WINDOW_TITLE_SLOT); pomManagementService.setFocusedModule(module); } protected void unbindFeature(final Feature feature) { if (feature != null) { features.remove(feature.getName()); } } public void updateBuildPlugin(final String moduleName, final Plugin plugin) { final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so plugins cannot be modified at this time"); Validate.notNull(plugin, "Plugin required"); for (final Plugin existingPlugin : pom.getBuildPlugins()) { if (existingPlugin.equals(plugin)) { // Already exists, so just quit return; } } // Delete any existing plugin with a different version removeBuildPlugin(moduleName, plugin); // Add the plugin addBuildPlugin(moduleName, plugin); } public void updateDependencyScope(final String moduleName, final Dependency dependency, final DependencyScope dependencyScope) { Validate.isTrue(isProjectAvailable(moduleName), "Dependency modification prohibited at this time"); Validate.notNull(dependency, "Dependency to update required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so updating a dependency cannot be performed"); if (!pom.isDependencyRegistered(dependency, false)) { return; } final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element dependencyElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement( "/project/dependencies/dependency[groupId = '" + dependency.getGroupId() + "' and artifactId = '" + dependency.getArtifactId() + "' and version = '" + dependency.getVersion() + "']", root); if (dependencyElement == null) { return; } final Element scopeElement = XmlUtils.findFirstElement("scope", dependencyElement); final String descriptionOfChange; if (scopeElement == null) { if (dependencyScope != null) { dependencyElement.appendChild(new XmlElementBuilder("scope", document).setText(; descriptionOfChange = highlight(ADDED + " scope") + " " + + " to dependency " + dependency.getSimpleDescription(); } else { descriptionOfChange = null; } } else { if (dependencyScope != null) { scopeElement.setTextContent(; descriptionOfChange = highlight(CHANGED + " scope") + " to " + + " in dependency " + dependency.getSimpleDescription(); } else { dependencyElement.removeChild(scopeElement); descriptionOfChange = highlight(REMOVED + " scope") + " from dependency " + dependency.getSimpleDescription(); } } if (descriptionOfChange != null) { fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } } public void updateProjectType(final String moduleName, final ProjectType projectType) { Validate.notNull(projectType, "Project type required"); final Pom pom = getPomFromModuleName(moduleName); Validate.notNull(pom, "The pom is not available, so the project type cannot be changed"); final Document document = XmlUtils.readXml(fileManager.getInputStream(pom.getPath())); final Element packaging = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("packaging", document.getDocumentElement(), document); if (packaging.getTextContent().equals(projectType.getType())) { return; } packaging.setTextContent(projectType.getType()); final String descriptionOfChange = highlight(UPDATED + " project type") + " to " + projectType.getType(); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), descriptionOfChange, false); } /** * Write the dependencies provided in specified pom, as children of the provided * Element (usually 'dependencies' or 'dependencyManagement'). * * @param newDependencies the collection of Dependency to be added. * @param parentPom the parent module which the dependencies should be added. * @param pom the module which the dependencies should be added. * @param parentDocument the parent Document to act upon. * @param document the Document to act upon. * @param parentElement the element where append the collection of dependencies as * children. * @param element the element where append the collection of dependencies as * children. * @param addToDependencyManagement boolean that indicates if is necessary to include * the dependency in dependencyManagement section * @param isSamePom boolean that indicates if parentPom and pom is the same * @param checkFullDependency whether should check the existence with full * dependency element or only compare 'artifactId' and 'groupId'. * @return the list of added dependencies. */ private List<Dependency> writeDependencyInPom( final Collection<? extends Dependency> newDependencies, final Pom parentPom, final Pom pom, final Document parentDocument, final Document document, final Element parentElement, final Element element, final boolean addToDependencyManagement, final boolean isSamePom, final boolean checkFullDependency) { final List<Dependency> finalDependencies = new ArrayList<Dependency>(); final List<String> addedDependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> removedDependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> skippedDependencies = new ArrayList<String>(); if (addToDependencyManagement) { // Include dependency in dependencyManagement element if needed final Element dependencyManagementElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("dependencyManagement/dependencies", parentElement, parentDocument); final List<Element> existingDependencyManagementElements = XmlUtils.findElements("dependency", dependencyManagementElement); for (final Dependency newDependency : newDependencies) { // First, check if this dependency has version. If not, is not possible // to include it on dependencyManagement element if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newDependency.getVersion())) { continue; } // ROO-3465: Prevent version changes adding checkVersion to false // when check if is possible to add the new dependency if (!parentPom.canAddDependencyToDependencyManagement(newDependency, checkFullDependency)) { continue; } boolean inserted = false; // Look for any existing instances of this dependency for (final Element existingDependencyElement : existingDependencyManagementElements) { final Dependency existingDependency = new Dependency(existingDependencyElement); if (existingDependency.hasSameCoordinates(newDependency)) { inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { // We didn't encounter any existing dependencies with the // same coordinates; add it now Element newDependencyElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newDependency.getElement(parentDocument)); dependencyManagementElement.appendChild(newDependencyElement); finalDependencies.add(newDependency); addedDependencies.add(newDependency.getSimpleDescription()); } } } // Include dependency to pom file final Element dependenciesElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("dependencies", element, document); final List<Element> existingDependencyElements = XmlUtils.findElements("dependency", dependenciesElement); for (final Dependency newDependency : newDependencies) { // ROO-3465: Prevent version changes adding checkVersion to false // when check if is possible to add the new dependency if (pom.canAddDependency(newDependency, checkFullDependency)) { // Look for any existing instances of this dependency boolean inserted = false; for (final Element existingDependencyElement : existingDependencyElements) { final Dependency existingDependency = new Dependency(existingDependencyElement); if (existingDependency.hasSameCoordinates(newDependency)) { // It's the same artifact, but might have a different // version, exclusions, etc. if (!inserted) { // We haven't added the new one yet; do so now // ROO-3685: Check if current dependency has version when is added again Element newDependencyElement = null; if (addToDependencyManagement && !StringUtils.isEmpty(newDependency.getVersion())) { // If this dependency has been added to dependencyManagement, is not necessary // to include version, scope or exclusions newDependencyElement = removeManagementConfiguration(newDependency.getElement(document)); } else { // If this dependency has not been added to dependencyManagement, is necessary // to include version, only if it's not blank or null. newDependencyElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newDependency.getElement(document)); } dependenciesElement.insertBefore(newDependencyElement, existingDependencyElement); inserted = true; Dependency newDependencyWithoutVersion = new Dependency(newDependencyElement); if (!newDependencyWithoutVersion.getVersion().equals(existingDependency.getVersion())) { // It's a genuine version change => mention the // old and new versions in the message finalDependencies.add(newDependency); addedDependencies.add(newDependency.getSimpleDescription()); removedDependencies.add(existingDependency.getSimpleDescription()); } } // Either way, we remove the previous one in case it was // different in any way dependenciesElement.removeChild(existingDependencyElement); } // Keep looping in case it's present more than once } if (!inserted) { // We didn't encounter any existing dependencies with the // same coordinates; add it now // ROO-3660: Check if current dependency has version. If // not, remove version attribute Element newDependencyElement = null; if (addToDependencyManagement && !StringUtils.isEmpty(newDependency.getVersion())) { // If this dependency has been added to dependencyManagement, is not necessary // to include version, scope or exclusions newDependencyElement = removeManagementConfiguration(newDependency.getElement(document)); } else { // If this dependency has not been added to dependencyManagement, is necessary // to include version, only if it's not blank or null. newDependencyElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newDependency.getElement(document)); } dependenciesElement.appendChild(newDependencyElement); finalDependencies.add(newDependency); addedDependencies.add(newDependency.getSimpleDescription()); } } else { skippedDependencies.add(newDependency.getSimpleDescription()); finalDependencies.add(newDependency); } } if (!newDependencies.isEmpty() || !skippedDependencies.isEmpty()) { final String message = getPomDependenciesUpdateMessage(addedDependencies, removedDependencies, skippedDependencies); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), message, false); // If parent pom is different, is necessary to add dependencies to dependencyManagement if (!isSamePom && addToDependencyManagement) { fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(parentPom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(parentDocument), message, false); } } return finalDependencies; } /** * Write the provided plugins in specified pom, as children of the provided * Element (usually 'dependencies' or 'dependencyManagement'). * * @param newPlugins the collection of Plugin to be added. * @param parentPom the parent pom which the plugins should be added to pluginManagement. * @param pom the pom which the plugins should be added. * @param parentDocument the parent Document to act upon. * @param document the Document to act upon. * @param parentElement the element where append the collection of plugins on parentPom. * @param element the element where append the collection of plugins as children. * @param addToPluginManagement boolean that indicates if plugin should be added to pluginManagement * section. * @param isSamePom boolean that indicates if parentPom and pom is the same */ private void writePluginInPom(final Collection<? extends Plugin> newPlugins, final Pom parentPom, final Pom pom, final Document parentDocument, final Document document, final Element parentElement, final Element element, boolean addToPluginManagement, boolean isSamePom) { final List<String> addedPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> removedPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(); if (addToPluginManagement) { // Include dependency in pluginManagement element if needed final Element pluginManagementElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("build/pluginManagement/plugins", parentElement, parentDocument); final List<Element> existingPluginManagementElements = XmlUtils.findElements("plugin", pluginManagementElement); for (final Plugin newPlugin : newPlugins) { // First, check if this plugin has version. If not, is not possible // to include it on pluginManagement element if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newPlugin.getVersion())) { continue; } // ROO-3465: Prevent version changes adding checkVersion to false // when check if is possible to add the new plugin if (!parentPom.canAddPluginToPluginManagement(newPlugin, false)) { continue; } boolean inserted = false; // Look for any existing instances of this plugin for (final Element existingPluginElement : existingPluginManagementElements) { final Plugin existingPlugin = new Plugin(existingPluginElement); if (existingPlugin.hasSameCoordinates(newPlugin)) { inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { // We didn't encounter any existing plugins with the // same coordinates; add it now Element newPluginElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newPlugin.getElement(parentDocument)); pluginManagementElement.appendChild(newPluginElement); addedPlugins.add(newPlugin.getSimpleDescription()); } } } // Include plugin to pom file final Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); final Element pluginsElement = DomUtils.createChildIfNotExists("build/plugins", root, document); final List<Element> existingPluginElements = XmlUtils.findElements("plugin", pluginsElement); for (final Plugin newPlugin : newPlugins) { if (newPlugin != null) { // Look for any existing instances of this plugin boolean inserted = false; for (final Element existingPluginElement : existingPluginElements) { final Plugin existingPlugin = new Plugin(existingPluginElement); if (existingPlugin.hasSameCoordinates(newPlugin)) { // It's the same artifact, but might have a different // version, exclusions, etc. if (!inserted) { Element newPluginElement = null; if (addToPluginManagement && !StringUtils.isEmpty(newPlugin.getVersion())) { // If this dependency has been added to pluginManagement, is not necessary // to include version newPluginElement = removeAllItems(newPlugin.getElement(document)); } else { // If this dependency has not been added to pluginManagement, is necessary // to include version, only if it's not blank or null. newPluginElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newPlugin.getElement(document)); } // We haven't added the new one yet; do so now pluginsElement.insertBefore(newPluginElement, existingPluginElement); inserted = true; if (!newPlugin.getVersion().equals(existingPlugin.getVersion())) { // It's a genuine version change => mention the // old and new versions in the message addedPlugins.add(newPlugin.getSimpleDescription()); removedPlugins.add(existingPlugin.getSimpleDescription()); } } // Either way, we remove the previous one in case it was // different in any way pluginsElement.removeChild(existingPluginElement); } // Keep looping in case it's present more than once } if (!inserted) { // We didn't encounter any existing plugins with the // same coordinates; add it now Element newPluginElement = null; if (addToPluginManagement && !StringUtils.isEmpty(newPlugin.getVersion())) { // If this dependency has been added to pluginManagement, is not necessary // to include version newPluginElement = removeAllItems(newPlugin.getElement(document)); } else { // If this dependency has not been added to pluginManagement, is necessary // to include version, only if it's not blank or null. newPluginElement = removeVersionIfBlank(newPlugin.getElement(document)); } pluginsElement.appendChild(newPluginElement); addedPlugins.add(newPlugin.getSimpleDescription()); } } } if (!newPlugins.isEmpty()) { final String message = getPomPluginsUpdateMessage(addedPlugins, removedPlugins); fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(pom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(document), message, false); // If parent pom is different, is necessary to add plugins to pluginManagement if (!isSamePom && addToPluginManagement) { fileManager.createOrUpdateTextFileIfRequired(parentPom.getPath(), XmlUtils.nodeToString(parentDocument), message, false); } } } }