package org.apache.lucene.util; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import*; import java.lang.annotation.*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType; import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField; import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener; import*; import; import; import*; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.rules.RuleChain; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.*; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.*; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.ThreadLeakAction.Action; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.ThreadLeakGroup.Group; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.ThreadLeakScope.Scope; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.ThreadLeakZombies.Consequence; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.generators.RandomPicks; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.rules.NoClassHooksShadowingRule; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.rules.NoInstanceHooksOverridesRule; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.rules.StaticFieldsInvariantRule; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.rules.SystemPropertiesInvariantRule; import static com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedTest.systemPropertyAsBoolean; import static com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedTest.systemPropertyAsInt; /** * Base class for all Lucene unit tests, Junit3 or Junit4 variant. * * <h3>Class and instance setup.</h3> * * <p> * The preferred way to specify class (suite-level) setup/cleanup is to use * static methods annotated with {@link BeforeClass} and {@link AfterClass}. Any * code in these methods is executed within the test framework's control and * ensure proper setup has been made. <b>Try not to use static initializers * (including complex final field initializers).</b> Static initializers are * executed before any setup rules are fired and may cause you (or somebody * else) headaches. * * <p> * For instance-level setup, use {@link Before} and {@link After} annotated * methods. If you override either {@link #setUp()} or {@link #tearDown()} in * your subclass, make sure you call <code>super.setUp()</code> and * <code>super.tearDown()</code>. This is detected and enforced. * * <h3>Specifying test cases</h3> * * <p> * Any test method with a <code>testXXX</code> prefix is considered a test case. * Any test method annotated with {@link Test} is considered a test case. * * <h3>Randomized execution and test facilities</h3> * * <p> * {@link LuceneTestCase} uses {@link RandomizedRunner} to execute test cases. * {@link RandomizedRunner} has built-in support for tests randomization * including access to a repeatable {@link Random} instance. See * {@link #random()} method. Any test using {@link Random} acquired from * {@link #random()} should be fully reproducible (assuming no race conditions * between threads etc.). The initial seed for a test case is reported in many * ways: * <ul> * <li>as part of any exception thrown from its body (inserted as a dummy stack * trace entry),</li> * <li>as part of the main thread executing the test case (if your test hangs, * just dump the stack trace of all threads and you'll see the seed),</li> * <li>the master seed can also be accessed manually by getting the current * context ({@link RandomizedContext#current()}) and then calling * {@link RandomizedContext#getRunnerSeedAsString()}.</li> * </ul> * * <p>There is a number of other facilities tests can use, like: * <ul> * <li>{@link #closeAfterTest(Closeable)} and {@link #closeAfterSuite(Closeable)} to * register resources to be closed after each scope (if close fails, the scope * will fail too).</li> * </ul> */ @RunWith(RandomizedRunner.class) @TestMethodProviders({ LuceneJUnit3MethodProvider.class, JUnit4MethodProvider.class }) @Listeners({ RunListenerPrintReproduceInfo.class }) @SeedDecorators({MixWithSuiteName.class}) // See LUCENE-3995 for rationale. @ThreadLeakScope(Scope.SUITE) @ThreadLeakGroup(Group.MAIN) @ThreadLeakAction({Action.WARN, Action.INTERRUPT}) @ThreadLeakLingering(linger = 20000) // Wait long for leaked threads to complete before failure. zk needs this. @ThreadLeakZombies(Consequence.IGNORE_REMAINING_TESTS) @TimeoutSuite(millis = 2 * TimeUnits.HOUR) @ThreadLeakFilters(defaultFilters = true, filters = { QuickPatchThreadsFilter.class }) public abstract class LuceneTestCase extends Assert { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test groups, system properties and other annotations modifying tests // -------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final String SYSPROP_NIGHTLY = "tests.nightly"; public static final String SYSPROP_WEEKLY = "tests.weekly"; public static final String SYSPROP_AWAITSFIX = "tests.awaitsfix"; public static final String SYSPROP_SLOW = "tests.slow"; public static final String SYSPROP_BADAPPLES = "tests.badapples"; /** @see #ignoreAfterMaxFailures*/ private static final String SYSPROP_MAXFAILURES = "tests.maxfailures"; /** @see #ignoreAfterMaxFailures*/ private static final String SYSPROP_FAILFAST = "tests.failfast"; /** * Annotation for tests that should only be run during nightly builds. */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @TestGroup(enabled = false, sysProperty = SYSPROP_NIGHTLY) public @interface Nightly {} /** * Annotation for tests that should only be run during weekly builds */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @TestGroup(enabled = false, sysProperty = SYSPROP_WEEKLY) public @interface Weekly {} /** * Annotation for tests which exhibit a known issue and are temporarily disabled. */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @TestGroup(enabled = false, sysProperty = SYSPROP_AWAITSFIX) public @interface AwaitsFix { /** Point to JIRA entry. */ public String bugUrl(); } /** * Annotation for tests that are slow. Slow tests do run by default but can be * disabled if a quick run is needed. */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @TestGroup(enabled = true, sysProperty = SYSPROP_SLOW) public @interface Slow {} /** * Annotation for tests that fail frequently and should * be moved to a <a href="">"vault" plan in Jenkins</a>. * * Tests annotated with this will be turned off by default. If you want to enable * them, set: * <pre> * -Dtests.badapples=true * </pre> */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @TestGroup(enabled = false, sysProperty = SYSPROP_BADAPPLES) public @interface BadApple {} /** * Annotation for test classes that should avoid certain codec types * (because they are expensive, for example). */ @Documented @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface SuppressCodecs { String[] value(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Truly immutable fields and constants, initialized once and valid // for all suites ever since. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Use this constant when creating Analyzers and any other version-dependent stuff. * <p><b>NOTE:</b> Change this when development starts for new Lucene version: */ public static final Version TEST_VERSION_CURRENT = Version.LUCENE_40; /** * True if and only if tests are run in verbose mode. If this flag is false * tests are not expected to print any messages. */ public static final boolean VERBOSE = systemPropertyAsBoolean("tests.verbose", false); /** TODO: javadoc? */ public static final boolean INFOSTREAM = systemPropertyAsBoolean("tests.infostream", VERBOSE); /** * A random multiplier which you should use when writing random tests: * multiply it by the number of iterations to scale your tests (for nightly builds). */ public static final int RANDOM_MULTIPLIER = systemPropertyAsInt("tests.multiplier", 1); /** TODO: javadoc? */ public static final String DEFAULT_LINE_DOCS_FILE = "europarl.lines.txt.gz"; /** TODO: javadoc? */ public static final String JENKINS_LARGE_LINE_DOCS_FILE = "enwiki.random.lines.txt"; /** Gets the codec to run tests with. */ public static final String TEST_CODEC = System.getProperty("tests.codec", "random"); /** Gets the postingsFormat to run tests with. */ public static final String TEST_POSTINGSFORMAT = System.getProperty("tests.postingsformat", "random"); /** Gets the directory to run tests with */ public static final String TEST_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("", "random"); /** the line file used by LineFileDocs */ public static final String TEST_LINE_DOCS_FILE = System.getProperty("tests.linedocsfile", DEFAULT_LINE_DOCS_FILE); /** Whether or not {@link Nightly} tests should run. */ public static final boolean TEST_NIGHTLY = systemPropertyAsBoolean(SYSPROP_NIGHTLY, false); /** Whether or not {@link Weekly} tests should run. */ public static final boolean TEST_WEEKLY = systemPropertyAsBoolean(SYSPROP_WEEKLY, false); /** Whether or not {@link AwaitsFix} tests should run. */ public static final boolean TEST_AWAITSFIX = systemPropertyAsBoolean(SYSPROP_AWAITSFIX, false); /** Whether or not {@link Slow} tests should run. */ public static final boolean TEST_SLOW = systemPropertyAsBoolean(SYSPROP_SLOW, false); /** Throttling, see {@link MockDirectoryWrapper#setThrottling(Throttling)}. */ public static final Throttling TEST_THROTTLING = TEST_NIGHTLY ? Throttling.SOMETIMES : Throttling.NEVER; /** Create indexes in this directory, optimally use a subdir, named after the test */ public static final File TEMP_DIR; static { String s = System.getProperty("tempDir", System.getProperty("")); if (s == null) throw new RuntimeException("To run tests, you need to define system property 'tempDir' or ''."); TEMP_DIR = new File(s); TEMP_DIR.mkdirs(); } /** * These property keys will be ignored in verification of altered properties. * @see SystemPropertiesInvariantRule * @see #ruleChain * @see #classRules */ private static final String [] IGNORED_INVARIANT_PROPERTIES = { "user.timezone", "java.rmi.server.randomIDs" }; /** Filesystem-based {@link Directory} implementations. */ private static final List<String> FS_DIRECTORIES = Arrays.asList( "SimpleFSDirectory", "NIOFSDirectory", "MMapDirectory" ); /** All {@link Directory} implementations. */ private static final List<String> CORE_DIRECTORIES; static { CORE_DIRECTORIES = new ArrayList<String>(FS_DIRECTORIES); CORE_DIRECTORIES.add("RAMDirectory"); }; protected static final Set<String> doesntSupportOffsets = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList( "Lucene3x", "MockFixedIntBlock", "MockVariableIntBlock", "MockSep", "MockRandom" )); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Fields initialized in class or instance rules. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @lucene.internal */ public static boolean PREFLEX_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Class level (suite) rules. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Stores the currently class under test. */ private static final TestRuleStoreClassName classNameRule; /** * Class environment setup rule. */ static final TestRuleSetupAndRestoreClassEnv classEnvRule; /** * Suite failure marker (any error in the test or suite scope). */ public final static TestRuleMarkFailure suiteFailureMarker = new TestRuleMarkFailure(); /** * Ignore tests after hitting a designated number of initial failures. */ final static TestRuleIgnoreAfterMaxFailures ignoreAfterMaxFailures; static { int maxFailures = systemPropertyAsInt(SYSPROP_MAXFAILURES, Integer.MAX_VALUE); boolean failFast = systemPropertyAsBoolean(SYSPROP_FAILFAST, false); if (failFast) { if (maxFailures == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { maxFailures = 1; } else { Logger.getLogger(LuceneTestCase.class.getSimpleName()).warning( "Property '" + SYSPROP_MAXFAILURES + "'=" + maxFailures + ", 'failfast' is" + " ignored."); } } ignoreAfterMaxFailures = new TestRuleIgnoreAfterMaxFailures(maxFailures); } /** * Max 10mb of static data stored in a test suite class after the suite is complete. * Prevents static data structures leaking and causing OOMs in subsequent tests. */ private final static long STATIC_LEAK_THRESHOLD = 10 * 1024 * 1024; /** By-name list of ignored types like loggers etc. */ private final static Set<String> STATIC_LEAK_IGNORED_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList( "org.slf4j.Logger", "org.apache.solr.SolrLogFormatter", EnumSet.class.getName()))); /** * This controls how suite-level rules are nested. It is important that _all_ rules declared * in {@link LuceneTestCase} are executed in proper order if they depend on each * other. */ @ClassRule public static TestRule classRules = RuleChain .outerRule(new TestRuleIgnoreTestSuites()) .around(ignoreAfterMaxFailures) .around(suiteFailureMarker) .around(new TestRuleAssertionsRequired()) .around(new StaticFieldsInvariantRule(STATIC_LEAK_THRESHOLD, true) { protected boolean accept(java.lang.reflect.Field field) { // Don't count known classes that consume memory once. if (STATIC_LEAK_IGNORED_TYPES.contains(field.getType().getName())) { return false; } // Don't count references from ourselves, we're top-level. if (field.getDeclaringClass() == LuceneTestCase.class) { return false; } return super.accept(field); } }) .around(new NoClassHooksShadowingRule()) .around(new NoInstanceHooksOverridesRule() { @Override protected boolean verify(Method key) { String name = key.getName(); return !(name.equals("setUp") || name.equals("tearDown")); } }) .around(new SystemPropertiesInvariantRule(IGNORED_INVARIANT_PROPERTIES)) .around(classNameRule = new TestRuleStoreClassName()) .around(classEnvRule = new TestRuleSetupAndRestoreClassEnv()); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Test level rules. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** Enforces {@link #setUp()} and {@link #tearDown()} calls are chained. */ private TestRuleSetupTeardownChained parentChainCallRule = new TestRuleSetupTeardownChained(); /** Save test thread and name. */ private TestRuleThreadAndTestName threadAndTestNameRule = new TestRuleThreadAndTestName(); /** Taint suite result with individual test failures. */ private TestRuleMarkFailure testFailureMarker = new TestRuleMarkFailure(suiteFailureMarker); /** * This controls how individual test rules are nested. It is important that * _all_ rules declared in {@link LuceneTestCase} are executed in proper order * if they depend on each other. */ @Rule public final TestRule ruleChain = RuleChain .outerRule(testFailureMarker) .around(ignoreAfterMaxFailures) .around(threadAndTestNameRule) .around(new SystemPropertiesInvariantRule(IGNORED_INVARIANT_PROPERTIES)) .around(new TestRuleSetupAndRestoreInstanceEnv()) .around(new TestRuleFieldCacheSanity()) .around(parentChainCallRule); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Suite and test case setup/ cleanup. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * For subclasses to override. Overrides must call {@code super.setUp()}. */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { parentChainCallRule.setupCalled = true; } /** * For subclasses to override. Overrides must call {@code super.tearDown()}. */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { parentChainCallRule.teardownCalled = true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Test facilities and facades for subclasses. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Access to the current {@link RandomizedContext}'s Random instance. It is safe to use * this method from multiple threads, etc., but it should be called while within a runner's * scope (so no static initializers). The returned {@link Random} instance will be * <b>different</b> when this method is called inside a {@link BeforeClass} hook (static * suite scope) and within {@link Before}/ {@link After} hooks or test methods. * * <p>The returned instance must not be shared with other threads or cross a single scope's * boundary. For example, a {@link Random} acquired within a test method shouldn't be reused * for another test case. * * <p>There is an overhead connected with getting the {@link Random} for a particular context * and thread. It is better to cache the {@link Random} locally if tight loops with multiple * invocations are present or create a derivative local {@link Random} for millions of calls * like this: * <pre> * Random random = new Random(random().nextLong()); * // tight loop with many invocations. * </pre> */ public static Random random() { return RandomizedContext.current().getRandom(); } /** * Registers a {@link Closeable} resource that should be closed after the test * completes. * * @return <code>resource</code> (for call chaining). */ public <T extends Closeable> T closeAfterTest(T resource) { return RandomizedContext.current().closeAtEnd(resource, LifecycleScope.TEST); } /** * Registers a {@link Closeable} resource that should be closed after the suite * completes. * * @return <code>resource</code> (for call chaining). */ public static <T extends Closeable> T closeAfterSuite(T resource) { return RandomizedContext.current().closeAtEnd(resource, LifecycleScope.SUITE); } /** * Return the current class being tested. */ public static Class<?> getTestClass() { return classNameRule.getTestClass(); } /** * Return the name of the currently executing test case. */ public String getTestName() { return threadAndTestNameRule.testMethodName; } /** * Some tests expect the directory to contain a single segment, and want to * do tests on that segment's reader. This is an utility method to help them. */ public static SegmentReader getOnlySegmentReader(DirectoryReader reader) { List<AtomicReaderContext> subReaders = reader.leaves(); if (subReaders.size() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(reader + " has " + subReaders.size() + " segments instead of exactly one"); final AtomicReader r = subReaders.get(0).reader(); assertTrue(r instanceof SegmentReader); return (SegmentReader) r; } /** * Returns true if and only if the calling thread is the primary thread * executing the test case. */ protected boolean isTestThread() { assertNotNull("Test case thread not set?", threadAndTestNameRule.testCaseThread); return Thread.currentThread() == threadAndTestNameRule.testCaseThread; } /** * Asserts that FieldCacheSanityChecker does not detect any * problems with FieldCache.DEFAULT. * <p> * If any problems are found, they are logged to System.err * (allong with the msg) when the Assertion is thrown. * </p> * <p> * This method is called by tearDown after every test method, * however IndexReaders scoped inside test methods may be garbage * collected prior to this method being called, causing errors to * be overlooked. Tests are encouraged to keep their IndexReaders * scoped at the class level, or to explicitly call this method * directly in the same scope as the IndexReader. * </p> * * @see org.apache.lucene.util.FieldCacheSanityChecker */ protected static void assertSaneFieldCaches(final String msg) { final CacheEntry[] entries = FieldCache.DEFAULT.getCacheEntries(); Insanity[] insanity = null; try { try { insanity = FieldCacheSanityChecker.checkSanity(entries); } catch (RuntimeException e) { dumpArray(msg + ": FieldCache", entries, System.err); throw e; } assertEquals(msg + ": Insane FieldCache usage(s) found", 0, insanity.length); insanity = null; } finally { // report this in the event of any exception/failure // if no failure, then insanity will be null anyway if (null != insanity) { dumpArray(msg + ": Insane FieldCache usage(s)", insanity, System.err); } } } /** * Returns a number of at least <code>i</code> * <p> * The actual number returned will be influenced by whether {@link #TEST_NIGHTLY} * is active and {@link #RANDOM_MULTIPLIER}, but also with some random fudge. */ public static int atLeast(Random random, int i) { int min = (TEST_NIGHTLY ? 2*i : i) * RANDOM_MULTIPLIER; int max = min+(min/2); return _TestUtil.nextInt(random, min, max); } public static int atLeast(int i) { return atLeast(random(), i); } /** * Returns true if something should happen rarely, * <p> * The actual number returned will be influenced by whether {@link #TEST_NIGHTLY} * is active and {@link #RANDOM_MULTIPLIER}. */ public static boolean rarely(Random random) { int p = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 10 : 5; p += (p * Math.log(RANDOM_MULTIPLIER)); int min = 100 - Math.min(p, 50); // never more than 50 return random.nextInt(100) >= min; } public static boolean rarely() { return rarely(random()); } public static boolean usually(Random random) { return !rarely(random); } public static boolean usually() { return usually(random()); } public static void assumeTrue(String msg, boolean condition) { RandomizedTest.assumeTrue(msg, condition); } public static void assumeFalse(String msg, boolean condition) { RandomizedTest.assumeFalse(msg, condition); } public static void assumeNoException(String msg, Exception e) { RandomizedTest.assumeNoException(msg, e); } /** * Return <code>args</code> as a {@link Set} instance. The order of elements is not * preserved in iterators. */ public static <T> Set<T> asSet(T... args) { return new HashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(args)); } /** * Convenience method for logging an iterator. * * @param label String logged before/after the items in the iterator * @param iter Each next() is toString()ed and logged on it's own line. If iter is null this is logged differnetly then an empty iterator. * @param stream Stream to log messages to. */ public static void dumpIterator(String label, Iterator<?> iter, PrintStream stream) { stream.println("*** BEGIN " + label + " ***"); if (null == iter) { stream.println(" ... NULL ..."); } else { while (iter.hasNext()) { stream.println(; } } stream.println("*** END " + label + " ***"); } /** * Convenience method for logging an array. Wraps the array in an iterator and delegates * * @see #dumpIterator(String,Iterator,PrintStream) */ public static void dumpArray(String label, Object[] objs, PrintStream stream) { Iterator<?> iter = (null == objs) ? null : Arrays.asList(objs).iterator(); dumpIterator(label, iter, stream); } /** create a new index writer config with random defaults */ public static IndexWriterConfig newIndexWriterConfig(Version v, Analyzer a) { return newIndexWriterConfig(random(), v, a); } /** create a new index writer config with random defaults using the specified random */ public static IndexWriterConfig newIndexWriterConfig(Random r, Version v, Analyzer a) { IndexWriterConfig c = new IndexWriterConfig(v, a); c.setSimilarity(classEnvRule.similarity); if (r.nextBoolean()) { c.setMergeScheduler(new SerialMergeScheduler()); } if (r.nextBoolean()) { if (rarely(r)) { // crazy value c.setMaxBufferedDocs(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 15)); } else { // reasonable value c.setMaxBufferedDocs(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 16, 1000)); } } if (r.nextBoolean()) { if (rarely(r)) { // crazy value c.setTermIndexInterval(r.nextBoolean() ? _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 1, 31) : _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 129, 1000)); } else { // reasonable value c.setTermIndexInterval(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 32, 128)); } } if (r.nextBoolean()) { int maxNumThreadStates = rarely(r) ? _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 5, 20) // crazy value : _TestUtil.nextInt(r, 1, 4); // reasonable value Method setIndexerThreadPoolMethod = null; try { // Retrieve the package-private setIndexerThreadPool // method: for(Method m : IndexWriterConfig.class.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals("setIndexerThreadPool")) { m.setAccessible(true); setIndexerThreadPoolMethod = m; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { // Should not happen? throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (setIndexerThreadPoolMethod == null) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to lookup IndexWriterConfig.setIndexerThreadPool method"); } try { if (rarely(r)) { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.apache.lucene.index.RandomDocumentsWriterPerThreadPool"); Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor(int.class, Random.class); ctor.setAccessible(true); // random thread pool setIndexerThreadPoolMethod.invoke(c, ctor.newInstance(maxNumThreadStates, r)); } else { // random thread pool c.setMaxThreadStates(maxNumThreadStates); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (rarely(r)) { c.setMergePolicy(new MockRandomMergePolicy(r)); } else if (r.nextBoolean()) { c.setMergePolicy(newTieredMergePolicy()); } else if (r.nextInt(5) == 0) { c.setMergePolicy(newAlcoholicMergePolicy()); } else { c.setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy()); } c.setReaderPooling(r.nextBoolean()); c.setReaderTermsIndexDivisor(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 1, 4)); return c; } public static LogMergePolicy newLogMergePolicy() { return newLogMergePolicy(random()); } public static TieredMergePolicy newTieredMergePolicy() { return newTieredMergePolicy(random()); } public static AlcoholicMergePolicy newAlcoholicMergePolicy() { return newAlcoholicMergePolicy(random(), classEnvRule.timeZone); } public static AlcoholicMergePolicy newAlcoholicMergePolicy(Random r, TimeZone tz) { return new AlcoholicMergePolicy(tz, new Random(r.nextLong())); } public static LogMergePolicy newLogMergePolicy(Random r) { LogMergePolicy logmp = r.nextBoolean() ? new LogDocMergePolicy() : new LogByteSizeMergePolicy(); logmp.setUseCompoundFile(r.nextBoolean()); logmp.setCalibrateSizeByDeletes(r.nextBoolean()); if (rarely(r)) { logmp.setMergeFactor(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 9)); } else { logmp.setMergeFactor(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 10, 50)); } logmp.setUseCompoundFile(r.nextBoolean()); logmp.setNoCFSRatio(0.1 + r.nextDouble()*0.8); if (rarely()) { logmp.setMaxCFSSegmentSizeMB(0.2 + r.nextDouble() * 2.0); } return logmp; } public static TieredMergePolicy newTieredMergePolicy(Random r) { TieredMergePolicy tmp = new TieredMergePolicy(); if (rarely(r)) { tmp.setMaxMergeAtOnce(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 9)); tmp.setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 9)); } else { tmp.setMaxMergeAtOnce(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 10, 50)); tmp.setMaxMergeAtOnceExplicit(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 10, 50)); } if (rarely(r)) { tmp.setMaxMergedSegmentMB(0.2 + r.nextDouble() * 2.0); } else { tmp.setMaxMergedSegmentMB(r.nextDouble() * 100); } tmp.setFloorSegmentMB(0.2 + r.nextDouble() * 2.0); tmp.setForceMergeDeletesPctAllowed(0.0 + r.nextDouble() * 30.0); if (rarely(r)) { tmp.setSegmentsPerTier(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 2, 20)); } else { tmp.setSegmentsPerTier(_TestUtil.nextInt(r, 10, 50)); } tmp.setUseCompoundFile(r.nextBoolean()); tmp.setNoCFSRatio(0.1 + r.nextDouble()*0.8); if (rarely()) { tmp.setMaxCFSSegmentSizeMB(0.2 + r.nextDouble() * 2.0); } tmp.setReclaimDeletesWeight(r.nextDouble()*4); return tmp; } public static LogMergePolicy newLogMergePolicy(boolean useCFS) { LogMergePolicy logmp = newLogMergePolicy(); logmp.setUseCompoundFile(useCFS); return logmp; } public static LogMergePolicy newLogMergePolicy(boolean useCFS, int mergeFactor) { LogMergePolicy logmp = newLogMergePolicy(); logmp.setUseCompoundFile(useCFS); logmp.setMergeFactor(mergeFactor); return logmp; } public static LogMergePolicy newLogMergePolicy(int mergeFactor) { LogMergePolicy logmp = newLogMergePolicy(); logmp.setMergeFactor(mergeFactor); return logmp; } /** * Returns a new Directory instance. Use this when the test does not * care about the specific Directory implementation (most tests). * <p> * The Directory is wrapped with {@link BaseDirectoryWrapper}. * this means usually it will be picky, such as ensuring that you * properly close it and all open files in your test. It will emulate * some features of Windows, such as not allowing open files to be * overwritten. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newDirectory() { return newDirectory(random()); } /** * Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random. * See {@link #newDirectory()} for more information. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newDirectory(Random r) { return wrapDirectory(r, newDirectoryImpl(r, TEST_DIRECTORY), rarely(r)); } public static MockDirectoryWrapper newMockDirectory() { return newMockDirectory(random()); } public static MockDirectoryWrapper newMockDirectory(Random r) { return (MockDirectoryWrapper) wrapDirectory(r, newDirectoryImpl(r, TEST_DIRECTORY), false); } public static MockDirectoryWrapper newMockFSDirectory(File f) { return (MockDirectoryWrapper) newFSDirectory(f, null, false); } /** * Returns a new Directory instance, with contents copied from the * provided directory. See {@link #newDirectory()} for more * information. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newDirectory(Directory d) throws IOException { return newDirectory(random(), d); } /** Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newFSDirectory(File f) { return newFSDirectory(f, null); } /** Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newFSDirectory(File f, LockFactory lf) { return newFSDirectory(f, lf, rarely()); } private static BaseDirectoryWrapper newFSDirectory(File f, LockFactory lf, boolean bare) { String fsdirClass = TEST_DIRECTORY; if (fsdirClass.equals("random")) { fsdirClass = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), FS_DIRECTORIES); } Class<? extends FSDirectory> clazz; try { try { clazz = CommandLineUtil.loadFSDirectoryClass(fsdirClass); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // TEST_DIRECTORY is not a sub-class of FSDirectory, so draw one at random fsdirClass = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), FS_DIRECTORIES); clazz = CommandLineUtil.loadFSDirectoryClass(fsdirClass); } Directory fsdir = newFSDirectoryImpl(clazz, f); BaseDirectoryWrapper wrapped = wrapDirectory(random(), fsdir, bare); if (lf != null) { wrapped.setLockFactory(lf); } return wrapped; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random * with contents copied from the provided directory. See * {@link #newDirectory()} for more information. */ public static BaseDirectoryWrapper newDirectory(Random r, Directory d) throws IOException { Directory impl = newDirectoryImpl(r, TEST_DIRECTORY); for (String file : d.listAll()) { d.copy(impl, file, file, newIOContext(r)); } return wrapDirectory(r, impl, rarely(r)); } private static BaseDirectoryWrapper wrapDirectory(Random random, Directory directory, boolean bare) { if (rarely(random)) { directory = new NRTCachingDirectory(directory, random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()); } if (bare) { BaseDirectoryWrapper base = new BaseDirectoryWrapper(directory); closeAfterSuite(new CloseableDirectory(base, suiteFailureMarker)); return base; } else { MockDirectoryWrapper mock = new MockDirectoryWrapper(random, directory); mock.setThrottling(TEST_THROTTLING); closeAfterSuite(new CloseableDirectory(mock, suiteFailureMarker)); return mock; } } public static Field newStringField(String name, String value, Store stored) { return newField(random(), name, value, stored == Store.YES ? StringField.TYPE_STORED : StringField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); } public static Field newTextField(String name, String value, Store stored) { return newField(random(), name, value, stored == Store.YES ? TextField.TYPE_STORED : TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); } public static Field newStringField(Random random, String name, String value, Store stored) { return newField(random, name, value, stored == Store.YES ? StringField.TYPE_STORED : StringField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); } public static Field newTextField(Random random, String name, String value, Store stored) { return newField(random, name, value, stored == Store.YES ? TextField.TYPE_STORED : TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); } public static Field newField(String name, String value, FieldType type) { return newField(random(), name, value, type); } public static Field newField(Random random, String name, String value, FieldType type) { name = new String(name); if (usually(random) || !type.indexed()) { // most of the time, don't modify the params return new Field(name, value, type); } // TODO: once all core & test codecs can index // offsets, sometimes randomly turn on offsets if we are // already indexing positions... FieldType newType = new FieldType(type); if (!newType.stored() && random.nextBoolean()) { newType.setStored(true); // randomly store it } if (!newType.storeTermVectors() && random.nextBoolean()) { newType.setStoreTermVectors(true); if (!newType.storeTermVectorOffsets()) { newType.setStoreTermVectorOffsets(random.nextBoolean()); } if (!newType.storeTermVectorPositions()) { newType.setStoreTermVectorPositions(random.nextBoolean()); if (newType.storeTermVectorPositions() && !newType.storeTermVectorPayloads() && !PREFLEX_IMPERSONATION_IS_ACTIVE) { newType.setStoreTermVectorPayloads(random.nextBoolean()); } } } // TODO: we need to do this, but smarter, ie, most of // the time we set the same value for a given field but // sometimes (rarely) we change it up: /* if (newType.omitNorms()) { newType.setOmitNorms(random.nextBoolean()); } */ return new Field(name, value, newType); } /** * Return a random Locale from the available locales on the system. * @see "" */ public static Locale randomLocale(Random random) { Locale locales[] = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); return locales[random.nextInt(locales.length)]; } /** * Return a random TimeZone from the available timezones on the system * @see "" */ public static TimeZone randomTimeZone(Random random) { String tzIds[] = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); return TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzIds[random.nextInt(tzIds.length)]); } /** return a Locale object equivalent to its programmatic name */ public static Locale localeForName(String localeName) { String elements[] = localeName.split("\\_"); switch(elements.length) { case 4: /* fallthrough for special cases */ case 3: return new Locale(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]); case 2: return new Locale(elements[0], elements[1]); case 1: return new Locale(elements[0]); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Locale: " + localeName); } } public static boolean defaultCodecSupportsDocValues() { return !Codec.getDefault().getName().equals("Lucene3x"); } private static Directory newFSDirectoryImpl( Class<? extends FSDirectory> clazz, File file) throws IOException { FSDirectory d = null; try { d = CommandLineUtil.newFSDirectory(clazz, file); } catch (Exception e) { d =; } return d; } static Directory newDirectoryImpl(Random random, String clazzName) { if (clazzName.equals("random")) { if (rarely(random)) { clazzName = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random, CORE_DIRECTORIES); } else { clazzName = "RAMDirectory"; } } try { final Class<? extends Directory> clazz = CommandLineUtil.loadDirectoryClass(clazzName); // If it is a FSDirectory type, try its ctor(File) if (FSDirectory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { final File dir = _TestUtil.getTempDir("index"); dir.mkdirs(); // ensure it's created so we 'have' it. return newFSDirectoryImpl(clazz.asSubclass(FSDirectory.class), dir); } // try empty ctor return clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Sometimes wrap the IndexReader as slow, parallel or filter reader (or * combinations of that) */ public static IndexReader maybeWrapReader(IndexReader r) throws IOException { Random random = random(); if (rarely()) { // TODO: remove this, and fix those tests to wrap before putting slow around: final boolean wasOriginallyAtomic = r instanceof AtomicReader; for (int i = 0, c = random.nextInt(6)+1; i < c; i++) { switch(random.nextInt(5)) { case 0: r = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(r); break; case 1: // will create no FC insanity in atomic case, as ParallelAtomicReader has own cache key: r = (r instanceof AtomicReader) ? new ParallelAtomicReader((AtomicReader) r) : new ParallelCompositeReader((CompositeReader) r); break; case 2: // Häckidy-Hick-Hack: a standard MultiReader will cause FC insanity, so we use // QueryUtils' reader with a fake cache key, so insanity checker cannot walk // along our reader: r = new FCInvisibleMultiReader(r); break; case 3: final AtomicReader ar = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(r); final List<String> allFields = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FieldInfo fi : ar.getFieldInfos()) { allFields.add(; } Collections.shuffle(allFields, random); final int end = allFields.isEmpty() ? 0 : random.nextInt(allFields.size()); final Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>(allFields.subList(0, end)); // will create no FC insanity as ParallelAtomicReader has own cache key: r = new ParallelAtomicReader( new FieldFilterAtomicReader(ar, fields, false), new FieldFilterAtomicReader(ar, fields, true) ); break; case 4: // Häckidy-Hick-Hack: a standard Reader will cause FC insanity, so we use // QueryUtils' reader with a fake cache key, so insanity checker cannot walk // along our reader: if (r instanceof AtomicReader) { r = new AssertingAtomicReader((AtomicReader)r); } else if (r instanceof DirectoryReader) { r = new AssertingDirectoryReader((DirectoryReader)r); } break; default: fail("should not get here"); } } if (wasOriginallyAtomic) { r = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(r); } else if ((r instanceof CompositeReader) && !(r instanceof FCInvisibleMultiReader)) { // prevent cache insanity caused by e.g. ParallelCompositeReader, to fix we wrap one more time: r = new FCInvisibleMultiReader(r); } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("maybeWrapReader wrapped: " +r); } } return r; } /** TODO: javadoc */ public static IOContext newIOContext(Random random) { return newIOContext(random, IOContext.DEFAULT); } /** TODO: javadoc */ public static IOContext newIOContext(Random random, IOContext oldContext) { final int randomNumDocs = random.nextInt(4192); final int size = random.nextInt(512) * randomNumDocs; if (oldContext.flushInfo != null) { // Always return at least the estimatedSegmentSize of // the incoming IOContext: return new IOContext(new FlushInfo(randomNumDocs, Math.max(oldContext.flushInfo.estimatedSegmentSize, size))); } else if (oldContext.mergeInfo != null) { // Always return at least the estimatedMergeBytes of // the incoming IOContext: return new IOContext(new MergeInfo(randomNumDocs, Math.max(oldContext.mergeInfo.estimatedMergeBytes, size), random.nextBoolean(), _TestUtil.nextInt(random, 1, 100))); } else { // Make a totally random IOContext: final IOContext context; switch (random.nextInt(5)) { case 0: context = IOContext.DEFAULT; break; case 1: context = IOContext.READ; break; case 2: context = IOContext.READONCE; break; case 3: context = new IOContext(new MergeInfo(randomNumDocs, size, true, -1)); break; case 4: context = new IOContext(new FlushInfo(randomNumDocs, size)); break; default: context = IOContext.DEFAULT; } return context; } } /** * Create a new searcher over the reader. This searcher might randomly use * threads. */ public static IndexSearcher newSearcher(IndexReader r) throws IOException { return newSearcher(r, true); } /** * Create a new searcher over the reader. This searcher might randomly use * threads. if <code>maybeWrap</code> is true, this searcher might wrap the * reader with one that returns null for getSequentialSubReaders. */ public static IndexSearcher newSearcher(IndexReader r, boolean maybeWrap) throws IOException { Random random = random(); if (usually()) { if (maybeWrap) { r = maybeWrapReader(r); } IndexSearcher ret = random.nextBoolean() ? new AssertingIndexSearcher(random, r) : new AssertingIndexSearcher(random, r.getContext()); ret.setSimilarity(classEnvRule.similarity); return ret; } else { int threads = 0; final ThreadPoolExecutor ex; if (random.nextBoolean()) { ex = null; } else { threads = _TestUtil.nextInt(random, 1, 8); ex = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threads, threads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new NamedThreadFactory("LuceneTestCase")); // uncomment to intensify LUCENE-3840 // ex.prestartAllCoreThreads(); } if (ex != null) { if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("NOTE: newSearcher using ExecutorService with " + threads + " threads"); } r.addReaderClosedListener(new ReaderClosedListener() { @Override public void onClose(IndexReader reader) { _TestUtil.shutdownExecutorService(ex); } }); } IndexSearcher ret = random.nextBoolean() ? new AssertingIndexSearcher(random, r, ex) : new AssertingIndexSearcher(random, r.getContext(), ex); ret.setSimilarity(classEnvRule.similarity); return ret; } } /** * Gets a resource from the classpath as {@link File}. This method should only * be used, if a real file is needed. To get a stream, code should prefer * {@link Class#getResourceAsStream} using {@code this.getClass()}. */ protected File getDataFile(String name) throws IOException { try { return new File(this.getClass().getResource(name).toURI()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Cannot find resource: " + name); } } }