package org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArrayMap; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import java.util.*; /** Mapping rules for use with {@link SlowSynonymFilter} * @deprecated (3.4) use {@link SynonymFilterFactory} instead. only for precise index backwards compatibility. this factory will be removed in Lucene 5.0 */ @Deprecated class SlowSynonymMap { /** @lucene.internal */ public CharArrayMap<SlowSynonymMap> submap; // recursive: Map<String, SynonymMap> /** @lucene.internal */ public Token[] synonyms; int flags; static final int INCLUDE_ORIG=0x01; static final int IGNORE_CASE=0x02; public SlowSynonymMap() {} public SlowSynonymMap(boolean ignoreCase) { if (ignoreCase) flags |= IGNORE_CASE; } public boolean includeOrig() { return (flags & INCLUDE_ORIG) != 0; } public boolean ignoreCase() { return (flags & IGNORE_CASE) != 0; } /** * @param singleMatch List<String>, the sequence of strings to match * @param replacement List<Token> the list of tokens to use on a match * @param includeOrig sets a flag on this mapping signaling the generation of matched tokens in addition to the replacement tokens * @param mergeExisting merge the replacement tokens with any other mappings that exist */ public void add(List<String> singleMatch, List<Token> replacement, boolean includeOrig, boolean mergeExisting) { SlowSynonymMap currMap = this; for (String str : singleMatch) { if (currMap.submap==null) { // for now hardcode at 4.0, as its what the old code did. // would be nice to fix, but shouldn't store a version in each submap!!! currMap.submap = new CharArrayMap<SlowSynonymMap>(Version.LUCENE_40, 1, ignoreCase()); } SlowSynonymMap map = currMap.submap.get(str); if (map==null) { map = new SlowSynonymMap(); map.flags |= flags & IGNORE_CASE; currMap.submap.put(str, map); } currMap = map; } if (currMap.synonyms != null && !mergeExisting) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SynonymFilter: there is already a mapping for " + singleMatch); } List<Token> superset = currMap.synonyms==null ? replacement : mergeTokens(Arrays.asList(currMap.synonyms), replacement); currMap.synonyms = superset.toArray(new Token[superset.size()]); if (includeOrig) currMap.flags |= INCLUDE_ORIG; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<"); if (synonyms!=null) { sb.append("["); for (int i=0; i<synonyms.length; i++) { if (i!=0) sb.append(','); sb.append(synonyms[i]); } if ((flags & INCLUDE_ORIG)!=0) { sb.append(",ORIG"); } sb.append("],"); } sb.append(submap); sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); } /** Produces a List<Token> from a List<String> */ public static List<Token> makeTokens(List<String> strings) { List<Token> ret = new ArrayList<Token>(strings.size()); for (String str : strings) { //Token newTok = new Token(str,0,0,"SYNONYM"); Token newTok = new Token(str, 0,0,"SYNONYM"); ret.add(newTok); } return ret; } /** * Merge two lists of tokens, producing a single list with manipulated positionIncrements so that * the tokens end up at the same position. * * Example: [a b] merged with [c d] produces [a/b c/d] ('/' denotes tokens in the same position) * Example: [a,5 b,2] merged with [c d,4 e,4] produces [c a,5/d b,2 e,2] (a,n means a has posInc=n) * */ public static List<Token> mergeTokens(List<Token> lst1, List<Token> lst2) { ArrayList<Token> result = new ArrayList<Token>(); if (lst1 ==null || lst2 ==null) { if (lst2 != null) result.addAll(lst2); if (lst1 != null) result.addAll(lst1); return result; } int pos=0; Iterator<Token> iter1=lst1.iterator(); Iterator<Token> iter2=lst2.iterator(); Token tok1 = iter1.hasNext() ? : null; Token tok2 = iter2.hasNext() ? : null; int pos1 = tok1!=null ? tok1.getPositionIncrement() : 0; int pos2 = tok2!=null ? tok2.getPositionIncrement() : 0; while(tok1!=null || tok2!=null) { while (tok1 != null && (pos1 <= pos2 || tok2==null)) { Token tok = new Token(tok1.startOffset(), tok1.endOffset(), tok1.type()); tok.copyBuffer(tok1.buffer(), 0, tok1.length()); tok.setPositionIncrement(pos1-pos); result.add(tok); pos=pos1; tok1 = iter1.hasNext() ? : null; pos1 += tok1!=null ? tok1.getPositionIncrement() : 0; } while (tok2 != null && (pos2 <= pos1 || tok1==null)) { Token tok = new Token(tok2.startOffset(), tok2.endOffset(), tok2.type()); tok.copyBuffer(tok2.buffer(), 0, tok2.length()); tok.setPositionIncrement(pos2-pos); result.add(tok); pos=pos2; tok2 = iter2.hasNext() ? : null; pos2 += tok2!=null ? tok2.getPositionIncrement() : 0; } } return result; } }