package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode; import org.apache.lucene.index.RandomIndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.CategoryDocumentBuilder; import org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params.DefaultFacetIndexingParams; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.CategoryPath; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyWriter; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.facet.util.PartitionsUtils; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class TestTopKInEachNodeResultHandler extends LuceneTestCase { //TODO (Facet): Move to extend BaseTestTopK and separate to several smaller test cases (methods) - see TestTopKResultsHandler @Test public void testSimple() throws Exception { int[] partitionSizes = new int[] { 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 1000, Integer.MAX_VALUE }; for (int partitionSize : partitionSizes) { Directory iDir = newDirectory(); Directory tDir = newDirectory(); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Partition Size: " + partitionSize); } final int pSize = partitionSize; DefaultFacetIndexingParams iParams = new DefaultFacetIndexingParams() { @Override protected int fixedPartitionSize() { return pSize; } }; RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), iDir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random())).setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE)); TaxonomyWriter tw = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(tDir); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "1"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "1"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "2"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "2"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "2"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "3"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "b", "4"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "c", "1"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "d"); prvt_add(iParams, iw, tw, "a", "e"); IndexReader ir = iw.getReader(); iw.close(); tw.commit(); tw.close(); IndexSearcher is = newSearcher(ir); DirectoryTaxonomyReader tr = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(tDir); // Get all of the documents and run the query, then do different // facet counts and compare to control Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("content", "alpha")); ScoredDocIdCollector scoredDoc = ScoredDocIdCollector.create(ir.maxDoc(), true); // Collector collector = new MultiCollector(scoredDoc);, scoredDoc); CountFacetRequest cfra23 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a"), 2); cfra23.setDepth(3); cfra23.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfra22 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a"), 2); cfra22.setDepth(2); cfra22.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfra21 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a"), 2); cfra21.setDepth(1); cfra21.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfrb22 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a", "b"), 2); cfrb22.setDepth(2); cfrb22.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfrb23 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a", "b"), 2); cfrb23.setDepth(3); cfrb23.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfrb21 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a", "b"), 2); cfrb21.setDepth(1); cfrb21.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest doctor = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("Doctor"), 2); doctor.setDepth(1); doctor.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); CountFacetRequest cfrb20 = new CountFacetRequest( new CategoryPath("a", "b"), 2); cfrb20.setDepth(0); cfrb20.setResultMode(ResultMode.PER_NODE_IN_TREE); FacetSearchParams facetSearchParams = new FacetSearchParams(iParams); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfra23); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfra22); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfra21); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfrb23); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfrb22); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfrb21); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(doctor); facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(cfrb20); IntArrayAllocator iaa = new IntArrayAllocator(PartitionsUtils.partitionSize(facetSearchParams,tr), 1); FloatArrayAllocator faa = new FloatArrayAllocator(PartitionsUtils.partitionSize(facetSearchParams,tr), 1); FacetsAccumulator fctExtrctr = new StandardFacetsAccumulator(facetSearchParams, is.getIndexReader(), tr, iaa, faa); fctExtrctr.setComplementThreshold(FacetsAccumulator.DISABLE_COMPLEMENT); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<FacetResult> facetResults = fctExtrctr.accumulate(scoredDoc.getScoredDocIDs()); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Time: " + (end - start)); } FacetResult fr = facetResults.get(0); // a, depth=3, K=2 boolean hasDoctor = "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(9, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); FacetResultNode parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(16.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); // two nodes sorted by descending values: a/b with 8 and a/c with 6 // a/b has residue 2 and two children a/b/2 with value 3, and a/b/1 with value 2. // a/c has residue 0, and one child a/c/1 with value 1. double [] expectedValues0 = { 8.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; int i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); for (FacetResultNode node2 : node.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node2.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node2.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); } } // now just change the value of the first child of the root to 5, and then rearrange // expected are: first a/c of value 6 and residue 0, and one child a/c/1 with value 1 // then a/b with value 5 and residue 2, and both children: a/b/2 with value 3, and a/b/1 with value 2. for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { node.setValue(5.0); break; } // now rearrange double [] expectedValues00 = { 6.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0 }; fr = cfra23.createFacetResultsHandler(tr).rearrangeFacetResult(fr); i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues00[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues00[i++], node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); for (FacetResultNode node2 : node.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues00[i++], node2.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues00[i++], node2.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); } } fr = facetResults.get(1); // a, depth=2, K=2. same result as before hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(9, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(16.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); // two nodes sorted by descending values: a/b with 8 and a/c with 6 // a/b has residue 2 and two children a/b/2 with value 3, and a/b/1 with value 2. // a/c has residue 0, and one child a/c/1 with value 1. i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); for (FacetResultNode node2 : node.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node2.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues0[i++], node2.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); } } fr = facetResults.get(2); // a, depth=1, K=2 hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(4, fr.getNumValidDescendants(), 4); parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(16.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); // two nodes sorted by descending values: // a/b with value 8 and residue 0 (because no children considered), // and a/c with value 6 and residue 0 (because no children considered) double [] expectedValues2 = { 8.0, 0.0, 6.0, 0.0 }; i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues2[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(expectedValues2[i++], node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(node.getNumSubResults(), 0); } fr = facetResults.get(3); // a/b, depth=3, K=2 hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(4, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(8.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); double [] expectedValues3 = { 3.0, 2.0 }; i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues3[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0.0, node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0, node.getNumSubResults()); } fr = facetResults.get(4); // a/b, depth=2, K=2 hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(4, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(8.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues3[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0.0, node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0, node.getNumSubResults()); } fr = facetResults.get(5); // a/b, depth=1, K=2 hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(4, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(8.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(2, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); i = 0; for (FacetResultNode node : parentRes.getSubResults()) { assertEquals(expectedValues3[i++], node.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0.0, node.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0, node.getNumSubResults()); } fr = facetResults.get(6); // a/b, depth=0, K=2 hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); assertEquals(0, fr.getNumValidDescendants()); // 0 descendants but rootnode parentRes = fr.getFacetResultNode(); assertEquals(8.0, parentRes.getValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0.0, parentRes.getResidue(), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(0, parentRes.getNumSubResults()); hasDoctor |= "Doctor".equals(fr.getFacetRequest().getCategoryPath().getComponent(0)); // doctor, depth=1, K=2 assertFalse("Shouldn't have found anything for a FacetRequest " + "of a facet that doesn't exist in the index.", hasDoctor); assertEquals("Shouldn't have found more than seven request.", 7, facetResults.size()); ir.close(); tr.close(); iDir.close(); tDir.close(); } } private void prvt_add(DefaultFacetIndexingParams iParams, RandomIndexWriter iw, TaxonomyWriter tw, String... strings) throws IOException { ArrayList<CategoryPath> cps = new ArrayList<CategoryPath>(); CategoryPath cp = new CategoryPath(strings); cps.add(cp); Document d = new Document(); new CategoryDocumentBuilder(tw, iParams).setCategoryPaths(cps).build(d); d.add(new TextField("content", "alpha", Field.Store.YES)); iw.addDocument(d); } }