package org.apache.lucene.codecs.simpletext; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ import; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesArraySource; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesConsumer; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues.Type; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefHash; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; /** * Writes plain-text DocValues. * <p> * <b><font color="red">FOR RECREATIONAL USE ONLY</font></B> * * @lucene.experimental */ public class SimpleTextDocValuesConsumer extends DocValuesConsumer { static final BytesRef ZERO_DOUBLE = new BytesRef(Double.toString(0d)); static final BytesRef ZERO_INT = new BytesRef(Integer.toString(0)); static final BytesRef HEADER = new BytesRef("SimpleTextDocValues"); static final BytesRef END = new BytesRef("END"); static final BytesRef VALUE_SIZE = new BytesRef("valuesize "); static final BytesRef DOC = new BytesRef(" doc "); static final BytesRef VALUE = new BytesRef(" value "); protected BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(); protected int maxDocId = -1; protected final String segment; protected final Directory dir; protected final IOContext ctx; protected final Type type; protected final BytesRefHash hash; private int[] ords; private int valueSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private BytesRef zeroBytes; private final String segmentSuffix; public SimpleTextDocValuesConsumer(String segment, Directory dir, IOContext ctx, Type type, String segmentSuffix) { this.ctx = ctx; this.dir = dir; this.segment = segment; this.type = type; hash = new BytesRefHash(); ords = new int[0]; this.segmentSuffix = segmentSuffix; } @Override public void add(int docID, IndexableField value) throws IOException { assert docID >= 0; final int ord, vSize; switch (type) { case BYTES_FIXED_DEREF: case BYTES_FIXED_SORTED: case BYTES_FIXED_STRAIGHT: vSize = value.binaryValue().length; ord = hash.add(value.binaryValue()); break; case BYTES_VAR_DEREF: case BYTES_VAR_SORTED: case BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT: vSize = -1; ord = hash.add(value.binaryValue()); break; case FIXED_INTS_16: vSize = 2; scratch.grow(2); DocValuesArraySource.copyShort(scratch, value.numericValue().shortValue()); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_32: vSize = 4; scratch.grow(4); DocValuesArraySource.copyInt(scratch, value.numericValue().intValue()); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_8: vSize = 1; scratch.grow(1); scratch.bytes[scratch.offset] = value.numericValue().byteValue(); scratch.length = 1; ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_64: vSize = 8; scratch.grow(8); DocValuesArraySource.copyLong(scratch, value.numericValue().longValue()); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case VAR_INTS: vSize = -1; scratch.grow(8); DocValuesArraySource.copyLong(scratch, value.numericValue().longValue()); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case FLOAT_32: vSize = 4; scratch.grow(4); DocValuesArraySource.copyInt(scratch, Float.floatToRawIntBits(value.numericValue().floatValue())); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; case FLOAT_64: vSize = 8; scratch.grow(8); DocValuesArraySource.copyLong(scratch, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value.numericValue().doubleValue())); ord = hash.add(scratch); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("should not reach this line"); } if (valueSize == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { assert maxDocId == -1; valueSize = vSize; } else { if (valueSize != vSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value size must be " + valueSize + " but was: " + vSize); } } maxDocId = Math.max(docID, maxDocId); ords = grow(ords, docID); ords[docID] = (ord < 0 ? (-ord)-1 : ord) + 1; } protected BytesRef getHeader() { return HEADER; } private int[] grow(int[] array, int upto) { if (array.length <= upto) { return ArrayUtil.grow(array, 1 + upto); } return array; } private void prepareFlush(int docCount) { assert ords != null; ords = grow(ords, docCount); } @Override public void finish(int docCount) throws IOException { final String fileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, "", segmentSuffix); IndexOutput output = dir.createOutput(fileName, ctx); boolean success = false; BytesRef spare = new BytesRef(); try { SimpleTextUtil.write(output, getHeader()); SimpleTextUtil.writeNewline(output); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, VALUE_SIZE); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Integer.toString(this.valueSize), scratch); SimpleTextUtil.writeNewline(output); prepareFlush(docCount); for (int i = 0; i < docCount; i++) { SimpleTextUtil.write(output, DOC); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Integer.toString(i), scratch); SimpleTextUtil.writeNewline(output); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, VALUE); writeDoc(output, i, spare); SimpleTextUtil.writeNewline(output); } SimpleTextUtil.write(output, END); SimpleTextUtil.writeNewline(output); success = true; } finally { hash.close(); if (success) { IOUtils.close(output); } else { IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(output); dir.deleteFile(fileName); } } } protected void writeDoc(IndexOutput output, int docId, BytesRef spare) throws IOException { int ord = ords[docId] - 1; if (ord != -1) { assert ord >= 0; hash.get(ord, spare); switch (type) { case BYTES_FIXED_DEREF: case BYTES_FIXED_SORTED: case BYTES_FIXED_STRAIGHT: case BYTES_VAR_DEREF: case BYTES_VAR_SORTED: case BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, spare); break; case FIXED_INTS_16: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Short.toString(DocValuesArraySource.asShort(spare)), scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_32: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Integer.toString(DocValuesArraySource.asInt(spare)), scratch); break; case VAR_INTS: case FIXED_INTS_64: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Long.toString(DocValuesArraySource.asLong(spare)), scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_8: assert spare.length == 1 : spare.length; SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Integer.toString(spare.bytes[spare.offset]), scratch); break; case FLOAT_32: float valueFloat = Float.intBitsToFloat(DocValuesArraySource.asInt(spare)); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Float.toString(valueFloat), scratch); break; case FLOAT_64: double valueDouble = Double.longBitsToDouble(DocValuesArraySource .asLong(spare)); SimpleTextUtil.write(output, Double.toString(valueDouble), scratch); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported type: " + type); } } else { switch (type) { case BYTES_FIXED_DEREF: case BYTES_FIXED_SORTED: case BYTES_FIXED_STRAIGHT: if(zeroBytes == null) { assert valueSize > 0; zeroBytes = new BytesRef(new byte[valueSize]); } SimpleTextUtil.write(output, zeroBytes); break; case BYTES_VAR_DEREF: case BYTES_VAR_SORTED: case BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT: scratch.length = 0; SimpleTextUtil.write(output, scratch); break; case FIXED_INTS_16: case FIXED_INTS_32: case FIXED_INTS_64: case FIXED_INTS_8: case VAR_INTS: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, ZERO_INT); break; case FLOAT_32: case FLOAT_64: SimpleTextUtil.write(output, ZERO_DOUBLE); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported type: " + type); } } } @Override protected Type getType() { return type; } @Override public int getValueSize() { return valueSize; } }